Why is Obama administration suing Arizona sheriff?

Because the American people are finally really pushing to get something done about illegal aliens that are destroying America. And Sheriff Joe Arpaio is very effective!
It's very much in line with what you see out of hard leftists like Chavez. And he makes it look as if doing something!
Suing the sheriff, and suing Arizona is his way of undermining everything the country wants!And his refusal to deport anyone here illegally including felons only shows us the method of his madness. They all act completely like Marxists and once again proves that Obama is the most un-American Anti American President in our histor

So what is in it for Obama? Why would he want to do this? What does he have to gain? What we have to understand is the Marxist ideology behind the Obama agenda. It will make it so that this socialist administration will be able to register as many illegal’s as possible in the voting booths. With 12 million illegal’s in his debt, it is easy to see another 12 million Democratic votes in his pocket for the next election. Obama & his Crew won’t bother investigating any of the major crimes, thefts, treasonous, and downright criminal actions taking place right now like the Black Panther voting poll case .
Leave it to another creep like Eric Holder to throw out the Black Panther case and go after a Law abiding man like Sheriff Joe Arpaio. There is something very wrong when the government goes after one of our own States! Sad, isn’t it, when a President and his whole administration goes to war with Americans.
Thank you Joe Arpaio, you are the only one with honor and ethics in this fight.

We Stand With You Sheriff Joe!