Time To Stop Blaming George W. Bush

How pathetic is this? This is about Obamination screwing up America, and these idiot's parading under the signs of Progressives are STILL bashing BUSH. GIVE IT THE HELL UP ALREADY FOLKS AND MOVE ON. Bush is not in office now ... This DISGRACEFUL, UN-qualified President thinks he's still some kind of Rock Star. This country is in DEEP $hit with his poor decisions and lack of intelligence, and you are blaming and bashing George Bush!

In the 2008 election, Barack Obama was supposed to run against John McCain. But he decided that he’d much rather run against George W. Bush. Now here we are 2 years later and nothing has changed, he still finds it easier to blame Bush then to accept responsibility.

In less than two years Obama has managed to piss off, scare off and enrage 98% of America and almost the rest of the world, including the Maniacal Islamic Muslims that are of part of his own blood. In short, he has run out of friends and he still has 2 years to go.... if he's lucky and he doesn't get thrown out before then. Us Americans are not going let their country be completely destroyed by any more of his insane crap.. We are fed up and we are not going to take it anymore.
Ain't it funny that I never hear the left blaming ANYTHING on Chris Dodd, Barney Fwank, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, or Charles Rangel, they seem to essentially ignore every wrong that they do. . Do they really think that this bunch of losers are angels?

But blaming George Bush and the previous administration is just an excuse for Obama to rationalize his own and his administration’s incompetence.

You Be The Judge!