It's Revolution Time!

All of us Americans are hurting, Democrats, Republicans, Independents, & even people that haven't decided where they fit in along the political spectrum, are all hurting in all the same ways.
But the economy is just a part of it. The attacks on liberty, and free speech, and an attempt to put down any of our traditions of American identity are other parts, along with a laundry list of others theat I won’t bore you by listing them all right now, .
Last year the press ignored the Tea Parties, today they fear the Tea Parties. Last year the politicians laughed at the Tea Parties, today they fear the Tea Parties.
Have to say one thing for Obama he has to be the best community organizer that this country has ever seen. Because of his actions Tea Parties are now a full blown political force. The fact is and remains that we are really NOT just expressing our anger towards our first Black president because he is black as the lefties would tell you, but they keep telling you that and hope that it makes you feel like a racist and that maybe, just maybe they will succeed. But deep down they all know the truth, they know all about his socialist policies, they can’t really be that stupid! Or can they? But the time has come! The sleeping Giant has awaken and I think he woke up just in time. Look at how the elections went this past Tuesday. The time to level the playing field has arrived, November is just around the corner. The Rats are Scurrying, I can hear the sound of scurrying feet with every day that goes by. I can read about them in every newspaper. Forget the fact that ass-holes like Charlie Rangel won in his district. Those morons that keep him in office term after term are brain-dead and they will get what they deserve. But if this bunch in the congress get thrown out as they should and as I think they will, people like Charlie Rangel and Maxine Waters and their ilk will get whats coming to them one way or another.
Barack Obama wants to turn American into a leftist Nation, and he is doing whatever he can to do so, but his hard turn to the left has been slowed down.
He has made so many wrong turns, and always to the left that his Maiden Voyage at the helm of this country is in jeopardy. He promised us hope and change and all we got was hoax and change for the worse.
The handwriting is on the wall, there are signs of the Obama administration looking for jobs elsewhere, not even waiting until the mid-term elections are over. This is going to be a weekly event, just you wait and see the Rats like Joe Biden, Eric Holder, Rahm Emanuel, and Geithner jumping ship. The whole crooked, corrupt, Marxist Obama administration's days are numbered. And the inept ones starting with Janet Napolitano.
The Obama Regime is running scared. And they can take Gibbs with them, and neither one should let the door hit them on the way out.
There's many, many more of these venomous sleazeballs to list but this was a good start.
They owe their jobs to progressive voters, and their hey days are over. None of them Get it! Us angry Tea Party Nuts, the decent hard working Americans that don't like what's happening to our country, have shown our displeasure in these crooked politicians and they know that we are Mad as Hell and we are going to show them how we feel in November.
The Tea Party is OUR Community Organization!
We deserve a whole lot better than what we have been getting from our government. We deserve better returns on our shrinking tax dollars. And when a majority of Americans us raise our voice loud and clear against what our public servants are doing in our name, not only do we deserve to have our voice heard, we damn it, demand it be heard, and we want the will of the people to be heeded. If you understand that, you understand the Tea Party.
And to the rest of you,
we're coming for you also!.
It's revolution time