I guess that she didn't hear that the recession has ended !

She said, “I’m exhausted of defending you!" " I believed in hope and change". " I'm exhausted of defending your administration!"

And Obama never answered her question! In fact Obama did not answer any questions! He just danced around them as he always does, with that shit eating grin on his face!
I guess that she didn't hear that the recession has ended!
"I understand your frustration," Mr. Obama responded. My goal is not to convince you that everything is George Bush's fault.
Translation, "I'm full of Crap!

Velma, I have news for you, 90 percent of Obama's
supporters are exhausted and disappointed with him.
Velma's words would make a great Republican campaign commercial in 2012!
And now we are being told that the recession (the Great recession) had ended in June 2009 more than a year ago. Are you feeling better now? Boy that was really great news to hear.. Now go ahead and tell those who are part of the almost 10% unemployment since how GREAT that News is!... I guess that was Obama's, "Mission Accomplished!" moment. And of course, Obama is NOT Responsible for the Recession Ending in Last Year, but the Left can go ahead and say he is... Because Lying is like Breathing for them! And if it ended in June of 2009, what took them so long to tell us?
Or maybe Obama INHERITED A RECOVERY? I guess that Obama took what the recovery and made it WORSE, he turned it into another recession. ...Ask all those who are STILL outta work, mortaging their homes...and being kicked OUT of thier homes! Tell it to those that are using their life savings trying to get by Because of Obama's policies!