Michelle Obama thinks being America’s First Lady is ‘Hell’

The co-author of a new book about French first lady Carla Bruni-Sarkozy is defending his sources amid a media buzz over a passage that cites Michelle Obama as calling life in the White House "Hell."

Now that's a real surprise, considering all the taxpayer vacation's she's been taking the past year and a half.
Well if thats the case, she should free to leave at any time. Sooner the better! She finally gets into a position where she’s PROUD and she likes the USA . And now she thinks it’s Hell?
I guess it's because Bozo's approvals are on now a downward slide, the tide has turned. Well I have news for you Michelle ma belle, living in America under the leadership hasn't exactly been the greatest feeling that I have ever had either.
But I can say one thing about this past 18 months, I have noticed a lot of low income families moving into expensive neighborhoods that middle class can't even afford. And I have noticed a lot more of Affirmative Action unqualified folks getting lots more of these governmental jobs. But then again, I also have noticed your Hubby's approve rating falling like a rock since BozoCare was approved.

It's really a shame that HE had to be our first black president. There are many blacks with class, and real pride for America and who would understand the PRIVILEGED, and who would have represented our country with the dignity it deserves would have been great to be in his/her position. But unfortunately because of your Hubby they won’t get the chance. Your Hubby’s association with the likes of Reverend Wright, and Al Sharpton, and Charlie Rangel, and Ram Emanuel, and Van Jones kind of ruined it for them and I think it has set the Blacks back quite a bit instead of advancing them.
And you MeShell hasn’t helped one bit either. And hopefully for the United States you won't be the first lady much longer either.
And while the idea of teaching our children to eat healthy may have been a good plan, your anti-obesity campaign was not the way to go. It should not be about keeping our children from being fat but about keeping our children healthy and happy. After all she didn’t get that ass eating tofu.
They need to stop sitting by their computers, TV’s and electronic games, phones, and text messaging. Get out and do something physical. Get chores around the house, and parents need to quit fast foods and start learning how to cook. not taking the easy way out. It's not at our schools. don't put the blame on them. Parents need a little more brains and pay attention to the kids, not get rid of them. And by setting some good role models for them to follow, instead of these Gangster Rap singers and Rapist Basketball players.
And it should not have been a do as I say not as I do campaign!

Poor Michelle Obama, it must really suck eating lobster and caviar, drinking champagne, and traveling all over the world on the American taxpayers dime, having a staff of 24, the largest of any first lady in history,Five star hotel vacations in Spain with 60 of her friends funded by the tax-payer top shelf food and drink at her disposal, Paul McCartney personally serenading her, and the most expensive clothing that money can buy. Poor baby! a chauffeur, security guards, vacations at the finest places in the world and never having to do anything for yourself. The poor thing, no wonder she feels like she’s living in hell. Maybe she needs another vacation.
But maybe the stress of being First Lady has been getting to her!