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Just a word or two about that Certified Nut Case Hag Shaw Kenawe
I think that somewhere in the Liberal/Progressive’s blogs a psychological condition in which many delusional fantasies exists. And that may also include a handful of Conservative blogs as well.
Just a word or two about that Certified Hag Shaw Kenawe, The Mother Hen of Leftist Bloggers,
who has all of the charm and charisma of a pig in pile of mud slop. Who is trying her Damndest in her Dumbest way to discredit me and my blog because of the fact that I wont let up on her hatred and, discrediting and flaming the politicians that I respect and my continuing to call her on her out on her reliance to the Ass-Wipes that we now have in Washington. She has recently written a blog stickily to make me look like a total fraud. to all the others in the blogisphere especially the usual suspects on the left who was always chomping at the bit to discredit me. Is it because I tell the truth that threatens them so much? Is it because I won’t let up on voicing my opinion when I see a bunch of idiotic leftist lunatics trying their very best to tear down whatever this country stands for? Or is it because of all of the above. The later would be my choice. It’s not enough that she and her groupies are Cheerleaders for this Leftist Socialist, lying fraud that we have currently sitting in the Oval Office and his crooked administration, , but she have to tear down EVERY one that is a threat to them, such as Rush Limbaugh and Sarah Palin, and Glenn Beck, and her continuance to blame George Bush for every failure the Obama administration has made and continues to make. I have long ago resigned myself to the fact that this government is full of stupid people. Say what you want about George Bush, but at least the Bush administration was had a obligation to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States and American principles. Something that we do not see today. Barack Hussein Obama is taking the US down the road to third worldism his plans and policies are all just one more step into our total destruction. It's my opinion and the opinion of many others that Obama wants the United States to go down the tubes both militarily and financially. Throw his Healthcare reform bill into the mix and we are in a lot of trouble. It is no doubt that Islam thrives when countries are in financial trouble and we are in both of those situations right now. To get back to that slanderous blog of hers that starts this way! “A brand new blog "Just Sue" was set up at the end of July, early August. The owner of the blog calls him/herself "Just Sue." When I read Just Sue's comments on other rightwing blogs and when I read the blog posts on "Just Sue," the writing sounded very familiar--in fact the "voice" of the writer matches exactly that of another blogger, "the malcontent." One really salient give-away was the misspelling of the word "mosque" in "Just Sue's" posts: it was misspelled exactly the same way in "the malcontent's" blog posting as "masque." After a little searching on the internet, I discovered that the photo used on "Just Sue" belongs to a woman named Sue Xxxxxxx who is on facebook. (I've been in contact with this woman and told her I would protect her privacy by not using her last name, even though I found it on the "Just Sue" blog.)” So because of this, because a few people took photo’s off the internet, something that I always suspected and didn’t think one bit about it and because that SHE SAYS I spell the word "mosque" as "masque." SOMETHING THAT I COULDN’T FIND IN MY BLOG, but Detective and Private Eye, Lt. Shaw Kenawe Columbo was able to find. This make me the imposter of the on going list of maybe 20 or so other bloggers that she and her conies have concluded. A list from Lisa, to Right is Right to the Professor of Life and Debbies Choice and my good blogisphere friend Nickie Goomba ..And her lap dog shadow Sue said... I hope you hear from the con man soon! It's a dirty job Shaw and you are doing a masterful job! A “Masterful Job” What a Crock of Horse Shit! My God! How Freaken Childish can this Idiot get? And now she is saying that I have disappeared from blogging, Interesting development:? No not at all. 1. My wife is Jewish and we do not us the computer on Jewish Holidays as it was on Thursday. 2. On Saturday I found it more important to attend the September 11th ceremonies at Ground Zero. 3. On Sunday I also found it more important to attend the “Stop the Mosque” rally in Manhattan. As for my old nemesis Bluepitbull who has unsuccessfully tried to seek vengeance but who has failed achieve it, I hope you are happy with your new found friends. “Cheers” My advice to all these conspiracy jerk-offs is THERAPY!
One thing that fascinates me when it comes right down to think about it. The Mind Is A terrible Thing To Waste!
Oh, and by the way, Obama said, "We are not at war with Islam" this regime is clueless! We Are At War With Islam, only Obama won’t admit it! Obviously he is not at war with Islam he believes in Islam!
Mr Obama perhaps you've missed it, but apparently there are a lot of folks from the Islam religion that ARE at war against us!
So in ending this, I’d like to tell Ms. Kewee that her attempt to discredit me will not stop me from my effort to continue to fight these vermin scum leftist’s. I really hate to be sounding repetitive day after day, but I'm getting sick and tired of talking about these dumb ass liberals and democrats. Seriously, I think they all suck, bar none! Maybe one-day one of them will try to write something sounding sensible. But until then, I’ll be right here telling them where to stick their ugly heads. .
She can sober up, but she will always be stupid.