Happy Fourth of July!

Happy Birthday, America

While we all celebrate the 4th of July this weekend, go to our Bar-B-Que’s,

and to our kid’s Little League Game and honor the red, white and blue. We still must wonder whats in store for us after the parades are over. Obama is in the White House for over two years now and Democrats are still in control of the Senate. Say what you want to say but Obama must be held accountable not only for the past two years and for his failure in running this country, but for the damage he and his appointees have done to America. America is on the decline and it gas been since day one of the Obama regime. As we know by now Obama is a Marxist, and Marxist s hate capitalism. Thus Obama hates America. At least the American that we all have grown to love. But America is strong, the American people make it strong and whatever Obama has in store for her is not working. It’s not working for one reason, and that is because US Republicans/Conservatives won’t let it work. We have been fighting Obama and his Socialist agenda ever since he showed his evil spots. And we will continue to fight him until we are rid of him (in 2012). I am convinced Obama is bound to lose the 2012 for many reasons. The main reason is because I really deep down don’t think that the American people are as dumb as they appeared to be when they voted for that Community Organizer, that leftist friend of Domestic Terrorists. I really deep down don’t think that the millions of suckers that voted for him have seen and opened their eyes that Obama’s "Hope and Change" is not the phenomenon or the miracle that they expected. The only “Change” that occurred was Barack Obama is now living like a KING, and Moochie Obama is living like a QUEEN. And us Racist Teabagging right wingers are stuck holding the bag, and paying for it.
But of course there are many other reasons why Obama will be House Hunting in 2012, There is also the matter of an sky high unemployment rate , the steady decline of the dollar, the housing market in the toilet, the price of Gas situation, the new war in Libya, the National debt that is now more than $14 trillion and counting, put all these together with the fact that Obama has been Bowing to just about everybody. Kissing the ass’s of the Palestinian’s, while stabbing Israel in the back.. Appointing Communists/Socialists/Progressives to his Czar positions and advisers. Proposing amnesty for illegal aliens in order to gain voters. And the beauty, giving the American people the worst health-care reform bill that anyone could imagine. A bill that will not only raise taxes in the worst possible time to raise taxes, but will cause a increase in unemployment, as employers are going to be laying off people because they won’t be able to pay for their healthcare. He has failed with abiding by the War Powers Act, he has not kept his promise about closing Gitmo, he has allowed and embraced the tactics of ACORN, and how much did Obama and his family vacation cost us Taxpayers? How much did the Moocher spend on her staff and her vacations? Most likely more than the budget of a small Country! Do you miss President Bush yet? Yet the Lefties/Progressive’s continue to blast Sarah Palin and have now added Michele Bachmann to their list to destroy. Make you think of the word PRIORITIES. Why, are they so hung up one destroying these two? Why not any of the other Republicans? What is this an overwhelming feeling of admiration, for Barack Obama and the Moocher? They have done nothing but sponge off the system. They have milked the Golden Goose dry. While the rest of us are trying to live within our reduced budgets, yes, the rest of us have to drive our cars less, buy smaller cars get rid of our SUV’S, eat less and eat out less, and travel less, and vacation less, anf go to the movies less and take our kids to sporting events less, and the list goes on and on . Yet, our President has spent more time and money vacationing and playing Golf at the tax payers expense than any other president in US history! And Michele Antoinette, couldn’t care less. As if she says. “let them eat cake”! And as I type, The Moocher and family, and friends, and her entourage of servants are on a “ official” what is it called today a “Fact Finding” visit or a “ Goodwill” or a trip to “ Inspire Africa’s Youth “ or whatever visit to Africa with Mom, Cousins, and Daughters, and a Niece and a Nephew, that also included a safari in Botswana. While she has made a few ‘ Official visits, meeting with leaders and talking education, and this and that. And it was reported today that she is meeting her friend and TV icon Oprah Winfrey! Wow. Isn’t that a shocker. How much has Michelle Obama’s vacation trip to Africa cost? For security reasons, the exact figure is unknown and not going to be reported. . The estimates range anywhere from $2 MILLION DOLLARS A DAY to $10 MILLION PER DAY, depending on how many vehicles, airplanes, security people, servants, and equipment from America was brought along for her use. My guess is that she and her entourage, including staff, Children, Her Mother as Well as Cousins and Friends is probably costing $100 Million dollars. It costs $200,000 dollars an hour just to fly Air Force One Uh, did i neglect to say that it is costing “US” $100 Million dollars. Not her!

What have Michelle Bachmann and/Sarah Palin in have in common? They both love America. And the left have the fear of losing. And the fear of getting their asses handed to them?.. The contempt with the way they are treated by liberals can be explained in one word “FEAR” Why else would anyone mock and try so hard to destroy the credibility of a person who at this time is only a candidate?
The whole point of the Liberal Political way of thinking these days is to demonize the Conservative candidate or even before they become the Conservative candidate.
The contempt with the way they are treated by liberals can be explained in one word “FEAR”

The fear of their President who thinks there are 57 States in the USA losing to a Female Conservative! . Why else? Why else would these Progressive bloggers write about nothing else? Why write about nothing but mocking and marginalizing Conservative Woman, when there are a load of other Conservative candidates out there? Why continue to post their trash and pictures of two Conservative Woman if they weren’t so friggen afraid of them.
What I found particularly interesting is the way that these TV arseholes like Katie Couric, Jon Stewart, Matt Lauer, and George Stephanopoulos, try their very best to get a candidate to slip up when they are asked a question that has NOTHING at all to do with the interview. Who cares what John Quincy Adams said or did when he was a young boy? Or what Paul Revere actually said verbatim?
Where were they (ALL OF THEM) when Barack Hussain Obama spoke about the 57 States in the USA? Or when he “Miss-Spoke” and forgot the names of the Two American War Hero’s? Why couldn’t he remember ONLY TWO names without a Teleprompter?
Have you ever hear of anyone who was only a possible candidate like Sarah Palin being attacked morning, noon, and night? Tearing up her entire family, insulting he young daughters on national TV by a old putz like David Letterman saying those nasty sexual thing about her. ? And these bloggers destroying her daughter because she had the GUTS and the spirit to go on a TV show like Dancing with the Stars? They didn’t stop even 6 months after the show was over! Sarah Palin may appear vulnerable because she is always up there saying what she wants to say because it needs to be said and most people are too chicken to say it. She is not afraid to be out there leading the charge no matter what they throw at her. Like her or not, she has millions of people out there defending her only because they want to hear someone say what she has to say. The left want to shut her up so badly that they stoop to make up stories about her Husband cheating on her and her Daughter being the Mother of her sick child. How friggen low can they get? When Hillary LIED her ass off about being shot at the airport in Bosnia, along with her Daughter who also LIED about it, it was explained by her merely saying that she “Miss-Spoke” Man that PIAPS “Miss-Spoke” more than the didn’t.
The Liberal media talks about how great this Flake we have occupying the White House right now. Now isn't that the cat's pajamas? Does anyone really buy that? They talk about how Barack Obama has turned the economy around! Now give me a freaken break.. He turned the economy around! There’s a statement that even liberal’s don’t believe.
When John Lewis and Emanuel Cleaver the black Liberal congressman claimed he was spat up on but NO ONE was able to back up that lying claim! And when Ben Jealous of the NAACP told the country on TV that he was harassed and spat on . His clam went on to be un-proven as well. And how about the claim that he had seen signs which read, "Lynch Barack Obama"? Why was he the only one to see that? They never proved a damn thing! Not even when the Tea Party offered a $15,000 reward to anyone who can prove Cleaver was spat on.
I go to many of these Tea Party meeting myself and I have never seen any evidences of racism claimed by the NAACP
Why don’t these Liberal scum called TV Commentator report on that? Why don’t the Vermin who write those Liberal /Progressive blogs ever say anything about that? But the Socialists/Marxists vermin that call themselves “PROGRESSIVES” have no problem with calling Conservatives racists, do they!
All these Liberals commentators, have the same agenda, makes no difference if it’s the creep that has a constant tingle going up and down his leg or – NPR's Juan Williams . They never seem to want to get any REAL interviews from Republican candidates, they only want to embarrass them. And frankly I blame the Republican candidates for being so foolish for even going on these shows.

Is the fact that Sarah Palin “Quit” her position as Governor so much more important that they must write about it 3 years after the fact? Sarah Palin has more patriotism and character in her pinky than most liberal politicians that we know of, certainly much more that his Holiness Barack Hussain Obama. Whey don’t these TV “commentators ever talk about the buddies that Obana paled around with, and the FACT that they hated the USA, or the fact that his pastor of 20 years hates the USA and his Wife never found anything about America to be proud of.
The problem is that this new generation of Americans are educated by a bunch of Leftist Socialist Anti-American College Professors like that SOB friend of Obama’s in Harvard., who told the police that he was being targeted because "I'm a Black man in America.'' And Obama backed him up!
These lefties will try their best to vilify, and degrade, and divide the Republican party and the Tea Party, and Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, Rush, and now Michele Bachmann. Mitt Romney or anyone else that may be the front-runner, but it’s not working. The country can see right through them and their self serving LIES.
Bottom line is that Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachmann both love America. And Barack Obama loves Barack Obama.

Moochie Obama's African Trip UpDate!


While her husband continues to battle the joblessness, the economy, and the War in Libya (that HE got us into) Moochie Obama, the Fashion Queen is on her “GOODWILL TOUR” of Africa along with the First Mama, First Daughters Malia and Sasha, First Niece and Nephew, and the entire entourage of Security people, Drivers, Pilots, and God only knows who else. Well the bill as emerged. Let the record show that SO FAR, this “GOODWILL TOUR” of Africa. That includes a sit down chat with the former Jail-bird Nelson Mandela, ( one
Marxist to another) as well taking trips which included going on a Family African Safari. And being billed to YOU taxpayers as a “GOODWILL TOUR” and “FACT FINDING” to the tune of an estimated $800,000.

And this cost is highly speculative because According to Defense Department figures the Dept Of Defense charges other federal agencies $12,723 per hour for the use of a C-32 plane, the same model as the one Mrs Obama that was used during her trip

And If the Moocher had been accompanied by a military plane it could easily add on another $200,000 to the cost.
Is there any place else that Moochie wants to go to on MY dime?

And in the
meantime , while the Moocher is away!

CAPE TOWN – First lady Michelle Obama met media mogul and friend Oprah Winfrey on Tuesday evening in South Africa, a White House official said, as the two women were visiting the country at the same time.

I don’t feel that we need his Hope or Change.

Ed Lasky

Between golf outings (13 weekends in a row), musical soirees in the East Room, fantasy basketball pickup games, and trips to fundraisers for high rollers, Obama has made numerous trips to promote so-called clean-tech energy ventures. He has touted these companies as the wave of the future and as the hope for job growth in America. However, as is true of most actions Barack Obama takes there is an ulterior motive -- and it all has to do with himself. The Washington Post reports that the focus of these clean-energy trips have been to ventures backed by huge donors to Barack Obama: The benefit from these travels are immense. A company cannot buy this type of public relations. Where is Congress protecting the public's money on all of this?

And lets not forget the Moocher’s trips to Spain and Africa along with with her tribe spending our money wherever she and her entourage see fit. The American people have lost their jobs, their homes and in some cases even their livelihoods and the Obama's act like we sent them to Washington to party and wine and dine and vacation with friends and family on our dimes. Well, Sir, we have just about had it! We are fed up with you and your shenanigans, we don't have any more money to feed into your endless waste . We are broke, and we are not going to take it any longer. . Either you do the job you were sent there to do or quit and go back to Chicago. Just don't expect us to pay for anymore of your Vacations and your wife’s running all over the world with he entourage and family spending, buying and partying We have thousands of young men and women who are fighting over in Afghanistan and Iraq and now in Libya, and this piece of trash is partying are touring the world with 100's if not 1000's of her cronies. ? Our soldiers aren't sacrificing everything for you and even their lives for what? For you to shove expensive food down your mouth? For your wife and kids to travel to Africa so that they could meet with that Commie, Jail Bird , Hero of yours, Nelson Mandela? So that you can continue to violate the Constitution of America. You all ought to be ashamed, deeply deeply ashamed. But to be ashamed you would have to have souls, and the whole bunch of you have proved you don't. And that you know even know the meaning of the word. Bottom line: My America is very different from Obama's, and from the gang that he calls his administration. I have a obligation to my Country, the Country that has given me and my family the lives that we have led and loved. The Country that myself and so many others like me have been so happy to serve. And I feel that I still have the American right to speak out and even criticize who ever and whenever I see fit to. I have the right to tell the left exactly how I feel when I don’t agree with them. And they know who they are! I don’t try to hide my feelings one bit. They read this blog. So I'm not going to pull any punches when I say that I despise these vile people that talk out of both sides of their mouths. That when they say these disgusting and anti American things about the people that represent my political beliefs, and whey they set out to destroy people who dare to want to run for office, then damn it, that’s exactly what I’m going to do. Yes there are a few of us on the right who claim that they want to be understanding and listen to both sides of the spectrum, but no not me. I think that it is impossible for ANY true freedom loving American to understand these brainless zombies. Now that we are in control of the House, they want us to “COMPROMISE” . They didn’t want to even hear that word when the shoe was on the other foot. These whining liberal imbeciles are not the understanding people some of us feel that they are and are willing to get along with. . Well, I will not be one of their token Conservative’s who wants to "get along" They don't want to "get along" they want to convince you that you are wrong. I am thoroughly sick and tired of these whining spineless, little liberal jerks like those on the Liberal blogs hiding behind their crappy website to poke at people that are well beyond their ability to understand much less converse with intelligent people. It’s a very sad commentary that the state of our country is in when people like Al Sharpton or Jessie Jackson, and the rest of these moronic imbeciles can control what a businessman can or can not do only because he is a Conservative. And when the President of these United States MUST to GO TO NEW YORK CITY, with 25 cars escorting him along with God only knows how many Security people because Al Sharpton want to meet with him. Liberals get offended if and when conservatives say anything negative about Obama or his Mooher, but they had no problem talking crappy about Bush for the last 8 years! Or constantly depicting him as a “Chimp” and a “Dummy” and calling Laura names. The Vile David Letterman, and the creeps over at Saturday Night Live along with so many others had a field day and made a career by making fun of the way President Bush pronounce Nuclear. But when the Messiah can't pronounce "CORPS", and he also says he's been to all 57 STATES . Or when he can’t even remember the names of two Heroic Servicemen that he was to present the Congressional Medal of Honor. Now he says that he only “Miss-spoke” Well, you could say what you want to, and I’m sure that they will call me a racist as they always do, but I’ll continue to say it. The whole thing boils down to this. Obama is black, and liberals think that if we conservatives don’t like him because he is black. Well that’s too friggen bad, they can say or think whatever they want to but I’ll say it anyway. To them it was just peachy cream to bash Bush, and to make stupid jokes about him. No problem when that Ass-Hat Cindy Sheehan stood out side of Bush’s house every day with nasty signs and what-not. They are total hypocrites. If you agree with them, then they believe in the freedom of Speech, if you don’t then you’re a Racist! For example, they constantly call for the firing of Rush Limbaugh or Glenn Beck, the liberals want them both fired only because of the things that they say. Where is the freedom of speech then? Another example, look, I never cared for Don Imus one bit but I was among the first to defend him when Al Sharpton lead his boycott and a campaign to have him fired.. Ehy, because he made a joke about the hair of a Black Girl. Well I have news for you, that’s what Don Imus does, that’s what he always did. . These brain-dead hypocrites wrote letters of protest and sent in petitions to Glenn Beck’s sponsors threaten to boycott their products unless he was fired. And fired from his radio program he was. And today he announced that this will be his last 4 days on his TV show also. Yes, if you disagree with the left you are either an ignorant Redneck OR it is hate speech OR you are an angry mob who's ONLY motivation to protest is racism or someone leading you around by the nose. Or the biggest reason of all You Are A Racist! Or as the House Speaker Nancy Pelosi call us “Domestic Terrorists” Because there is NO WAY that the right has ANY right to a genuine protest like the left does! It has gotten to be so bad that you can’t watch cable news any longer unless it’s Fox, you can’t to the movies anymore because the films of today are so political motivated and slanted to the left that it’s disgusting. The same is true with TV shows, it seems to be common these days to have a liberal slant to every TV show even if it has nothing what so ever to do with politics. For example look at what the David Letterman did to with Sarah Palin’s children. Did they deserve to be insulted by this idiot? Since when do you insult the Children of a person because they wanted to run for political office? Did Bristol Palin deserve to be ridiculed, because she DARED to go on Dancing with the Stars? How dare Letterman even joke about Saral Palin’s young Daughter shacking up with Alex Rodriguez? How far do you think that a TV show host would go if they dared to say that about Chelsea Clinton? Lookup the word hypocrite in the dictionary. It will say, Anyone who supports Barack Obama and whines and bitches about Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin. Look up the word hypocrite in the dictionary. It will say, Anyone who loves Barack Obama because he is Black but calls Herman Cain, or Clarence Thomas “UNCLE TOM’S” Call me mean, or call me arrogant, or call me a racist, or anything else you have in your arsenal of hateful names if it suits you, but my complete and utter contempt and disdain for these Hypocritical liberals is as sincere as anyone you will find anywhere. I am just sick and tired of their spinning, their excuses and their bull-shit. And I'm not going to take it from any of them. (Not that I ever did)! I have made it my undertaking to do whatever I can do to make sure that Obama is a one-term President ! Why do I feel this way? It is because: I do not share Obama's vision for America to become a Socialist state. I do not share his radical Marxist's concept of re-distributing the wealth I do not share his stated views on raising taxes on those families who make $250,000. A year I do not share his view on reducing the military. I do not share his view of giving amnesty illegal’s. I do not share his views that Radical Islam is our friend and that we must understand them. I do not share his views that Israel is our enemy who should give up any land and move back their boarders. I do not share his radical healthcare system Bottom line: My kind of America is vastly different from Obama's, I don’t feel that we need his Hope or Change.

For eight (8) years, the Liberals led by numerous Hollywood and TV entertainers who would had no problem using their celebrity status, to attack President Bush, his family, and his spiritual beliefs, and have continued to do so to any possible candidate that may oppose Obama. They have not moved toward the center in their beliefs and their socialist philosophies, and they never came together nor have they compromised, or reached across the aisle in any way, as they now want us to do. They have attacked the right of free speech whenever it is used by anyone other then their side. So will I unite behind Obama? Will I support Obama, No, Never. In fact i hope that his policies FAIL I am sure many of you who read this think that I am ranting and raving as usual and perhaps going overboard, but I refuse to retreat one more inch in favor of those whom I believe are against everything that I believe in and have believed in all of my life. Yes I admit that PRESIDENT BUSH made many mistakes during his Presidency, and I am not sure how history will judge him. However, I believe that his decisions were base on his love for this Country and I can not say that for Barack Hussain Obama. Or Moochelle I am going to continue to be a thorn in the side of those who are in favor destroying our Country And I will not compromise in any way shape or form. I pray that the results of this on-coming election will wake up many who have sat on the sidelines, or who were fooled by those who allowed the Socialist-Marxist crowd to “Change” what is and what has been good in America .
Did anyone really expect anything different? I doubt it, not if you’ve been here before.
I know that I’m just “Preaching to the Choir.” But that what I do. I’m not the kind of guy who needs 50 people to comment and agree with me, or 25 people coming here and calling me calling a “Rightwing nut warmonger” or a “ a'hole” those wise ass comments are not needed here, and by the way, that’s the reason why I now use the Moderating system. I even have a Jerk off that comes here almost every day and calls me a n anti-Semitic name even though his comments never see the light of day.
If I write a post, I write it exactly how I feel, those of you who have been reading my blog know that I don’t believe in pulling punches.
So when a Blogger (who happens to be Black) comes here and comments about an Old Post that I wrote about the incident in a Airport involving an old has-been Celebrity named Patti Labelle and happens to be Black who sicced her Bodyguards/Thugs on a West Point Cadet who happened to be White only because he was “STANDING” a bit to close to her luggage. And beat him to a pulp. This blogger came here and called me a Liar and said that I was Pathetic.
And one of his commenters called me a “wing-nut blogger who hates black people” and a “a hate-filled, angry little man”
Believe me, I’m not here to be a blogger that just wants to get along. And I don’t comment on Lefty blogs to be their Token Conservative or some one that they could insult and ridicule and keeps going back for more. They can and do say the most vile comments I have ever read to these people and they still come back for more.
I'd rather have a handful of readers and commenters like you folks than a bunch of Obama ass-kissing libs.
I don’t give a Hoot what they call me or what they think. I have my own thoughts about them, and I’m not afraid to say it.
I Think It! Say It! And Write It! Thanks for coming. I welcome your comments.

Welcome To Amerika

Please read this sickening event and tell me why you don’t read about it on Liberal blogs. . We need a Republican candidates to make this an election issue because in my opinion this is absolutely un-American, and has to stop!
NEWS HERALD – Jean Weber of Destin filed a complaint with the Department of Homeland Security after her 95-year-old mother was detained and extensively searched last Saturday while trying to board a plane to fly to Michigan to be with family members during the final stages of her battle with leukemia. Her mother, who was in a wheelchair, was asked to remove an adult diaper in order to complete a pat-down search. “It’s something I couldn’t imagine happening on American soil,” Weber said Friday. “Here is my mother, 95 years old, 105 pounds, barely able to stand, and then this.” … Weber’s mother entered the airport’s security checkpoint in a wheelchair because she was not stable enough to walk through, Weber said. Wheelchairs trigger certain protocols, including pat-downs and possible swabbing for explosives, She said her mother was first pulled aside into a glass-partitioned area and patted down. Then she was taken to another room to protect her privacy during a more extensive search, Weber said. Weber said she sat outside the room during the search. She said security personnel then came out and told her they would need for her mother to remove her Depends diaper because it was soiled and was impeding their search. Weber wheeled her mother into a bathroom, removed her diaper and returned. Her mother did not have another clean diaper with her, Weber said. “I don’t understand why they have to put them through that kind of procedure,” Weber said she wished there were less invasive search methods for an elderly person who is unable to walk through security gates...

Welcome To Amerika

Is The Term "DUMMY" Reserved For George Bush? Well It's Not Any Longer!

Who but Moochie Obama wears a cocktail dress to a formal Medal of Honor ceremony?

Forget about the dumbest things George W. Bush ever said. We NOW have a President that can't even remember the names of TWO Congressional Medal of Honor Winners.

A bit of American history took place in the White House recently, President Barack Hussein Obama, has the distinct honor of becoming the first Commander-in-Chief not to even remember the names of the recipient
of the Medal of Honor.

Was it a mistake? No it was simply UNBELIEVABLE, MORTIFYING, EMBARRASSING, DISRESPECTFUL, and SHAMEFUL, of a President ..

Obama screwing up the names of these two heroes and the Media covering it for him These are two Heroic Servicemen whom this President sent into harm's way, and who received the highest honor the nation can bestow. The nation's highest award! One died the other lived. Just how hard would it have been to know which one was which? And the Associated Press went along with covering uo this “Miss-Spoke” . Yes, you got that one right, Obama ( their Commander in Chief) screwed up the names of these two American war heroes and the Associated Press, the Liberal Media covered it up for that sack of CRAP! This guy is an embarrassment to every Service man and women that ever served this nation. This matter is worse than just mixing up a couple of names. He awarded the medal in person to the parents of Sargent First Class Conti in a ceremony. He & Moochie comforted' them personally. And he STILL mixed up the names. I think that Moochie should be teach him a bit of Presidential etiquette, instead of African ritual dances. If you asked him who he expected to win the Final Four championship, he would get that one right. Why couldn’t he remember TWO names of Medal of Honor recipients? ...Is that to much to ask? And let me tell you something else. When you "Earn" the Medal of Honor, it is usually because of an OUTSTANDING, HEROIC deed that was done like giving your life for your fellow soldiers. You don't "Win" it like you do on the Basketball court or on the Golf course. And the President is expected to salute you not hug you and address you by name and rank or call you “Sir” not call you a “ Great GUY” You know I think that was even worse then miss-spelling “POTATO” correctly!

To Liberal Morons, who are keeping score of Sarah Palin’s gaffes, this should be put on the top of the list.

More B.O. Than Anyone Can Stand

I recently came across this article that I wanted to share with you, my readers. I’m sure that you will enjoy it. (Most of you)

By Ralph Alter
America has gotten a steady whiff of B.O. emanating from the White House and its environs for two and a half years now, and even those notoriously asnomiac leftists closest to our foundering President are holding their noses. Obama's devoted followers, mainly the leftist simpletons in the press claque, continue to find imaginative new ways to structure polling questions designed to maintain the illusion that B.O. is not only still popular, but well-nigh unbeatable. While Gallup reports that a generic Republican now beats B.O. by 5 points, take into consideration that the polling sample includes twice as many Democrats as constitute the actual voting population and includes only those with primitive land-line telephones who are so bored and out-of-touch with the real world that they are willing to answer their land-line and reveal their politically correct inability to tell the truth about America's Biggest Loser for fear of being labeled a racist. The fact of the matter is that if the election were to be held today, B.O. would lose by 5 points to your mother-in-law, by 7 points to Muammar Ghaddafy, and possibly by double digits to Gary Busey. David Axelrod might think it's still cool to like B.O. but who's taking advice on coolness from a guy with an Hitler comb-over and mustache? Check the photos -- they appear to have separated at birth. Maybe the people watching Jersey Shore still think it's cool to be stupid, but they aren't very likely to be able to carry the election for Obie Done. With all the talk about the weakness of the current crop of Republican presidential candidates, did you ever stop to think how the Flower of Affirmative Action got nominated in the first place? The Democrat slate was so weak in 2008 that über-sleazoid John Edwards was a serious contender and actually bamboozled 4.5 delegates to vote for him at the convention, despite the fact that he was battling with National Enquirer reporters in hotel bathrooms to keep his baby-mama under wraps. Other serious contenders included the morally bankrupt Chris Dodd, the charismatically bankrupt New Mexico governor, Bill Richardson, the intellectually bankrupt Joe Biden and the spiritually, philosophically, and morphologically bankrupt queen of spite and smoocher of the Arafats, Hillary Clinton. Did I leave out Dennis Kucinich? Doesn't every serious person leave out Dennis Kucinich? Never mind that pre-Tea Party Republicans allowed the media and the cross-over primary voting processes in several states to choose Senator Doofus of Arizona as our candidate, a man who deservedly served as the caboose in his graduating class from the Naval Academy. McCain is such a pitiful excuse for a Republican that he makes the other RINOs look Reaganesque in comparison. The B.O. Media has already found its 2012 version of McCain and is scavenging to gin up support for Jon Huntsman. He's pals with B.O. and the Chinese and believes in global warming. I guess you could say that Romney and Huntsman are members of the Latter Day Republicans. Huntsman, like his aisle-crossing predecessor McCain, may just be the only nominally Republican candidate incapable of thrashing the golfing, basketball playing, ice-cream cone eating, Israel-bashing, United Kingdom-dissing, czar-appointing, bowing and scraping imposter currently spending America's money like an aircraft carrier full of drunken sailors. Huntsman's speeches all have that John McCain coda: "I respect the President." Trouble is, fewer and fewer do. Conservatives believe he is a socialist and redistributionist. Liberals think he's taken on too many of George Bush's policies. Moderates don't really believe much of anything anyway, but you can bet they concur with the libs and conservatives that B.O. is a liar. It's gotten so bad that when Barack Obama . tried to suggest to his own Democratic National Committee that his administration had created over 2.1 million jobs in the past 15 months, the closed caption script suggested laughter. Of course he has since gotten the Huffington Post and his WH staff to switch the description from "Laughter" to "Applause," but the Caesar from Indonesia is no longer fooling anybody. If it weren't for the torrential rains across the Midwest and the unusual tornado activity there, people in Idaho would be able to smell this administration, whose policies decidedly stink on ice. His foreign policies are Carteresque, his economic policies are Hooveresque, and his administration's ethics are Clintonesque. Barack Obama's approach to the Presidency is so abhorrent, that he may actually be able to accomplish something that even Jimmy Carter couldn't do: he might actually lose the votes of liberal Jewish Americans. It must have been hard for the crossover voters like Christopher Buckley and Peggy Noonan in 2008 to pull the lever in the voting booth while holding their noses. It should be even harder in 2012 with the other hand held over their eyes. You can bet Barack Obama will find some new ACORN style assistants to help out in the voting booth, but even that won't be enough. B.O. is Hawaiian toast. The latest polls show that merely 30% of voters intend to vote for Obama in 2012. Support for B.O. is falling like the Roadrunner with an anvil racing off a cliff. He will be lucky to carry Hawaii and Bernie Sanders. B.O. unbeatable? That’s B.S.

War! What Is It Good For?

War! What Is It Good For? In This Case... Absolutely Nothing!
War? Who likes war? And who likes Obama' s decision to bring home 10,000 troops this year and the rest by 2014? First of all, why are we announcing it? Does it make any sense? It just don’t make any sense to me. To me this was done strictly for political reasons as are most of Obama’s decision are. Do I want to end the war? Of course I do. Who wants to go to war? Who wants to continue any war? Who wants to have our troops sent to these hell holes? You’d have to be a complete idiot to want a war to continue. However, we all know the whole purpose of Obama’s recent decision to sending the troops home at this time . As we also know the purpose of Obama’s other recent decisions, such as the release of the oil reserve at a time when the price of oil has been going down continually. So why now? So why pull our Troops out of Afghanistan now? Why walk away from a war that we have sacrificed so much for? Do you think for one minute that the families of the boys that were lost there are happy about this? Should they be happy that their loved ones died in vain? Happy that we walked away now that their loved ones were killed for a cause that our president don’t believe in? So why don’t the left see it that way? What is going to happen the day after we walk away? I’ll tell you what. The Taliban is going to walk all over that country and everything we did there, everything that we accomplished there is going to go down the toilet. Like we did everything we did in vain. Can you just close to door and walk away? Well I guess that you can, but should we? I guess it all depends on who you ask. Does that ideal make any sense to you? What will the Taliban do now that we already announced that we are going to be pulling out? And who in their right mind tells the enemy when the day is that we are decreasing our troops from the front? Do you think that the Taliban regime is going to walk away also? The hell they will! They are just going to wait until we walk out and then raise hell. And everything we did would have been done for nothing. Have we heard any American General say that this is a good idea? Or don’t we care about what our Generals say or advice any longer. It took Our Dear Leader months to increase our troops in Afghanistan after the General McChrystal requested it and then what happened, he was fired because of some idiotic things his aides said to an anti-war reporter. We have to listen and believe in the Generals that have their boots on the ground. If we can’t do at least that, then lets get the hell out now!
Look, I’m not in favor of War, I’m not in favor of this war or any other war Certainly not the war in Libya for example. For what? To kill Libyan leader Muammar al-Qaddafi? I am not a Qaddafi-lover, but this is absolutely ridiculous, We all know that Pakistan had been harboring Bin-Laden all this time and yet we do nothing about it! Congress is enraged ? Big deal, we still send them billions of dollars in aid, for what? To build Mosques, Roads, and new schools? The hell with that, we need that money to fix our own country.
And quit sending our hard earned money, from those of us who work and pay taxes, to all these shit-holes and countries that hate us and want to kill Americans! That’s just plain STUPID!
Just today, Admiral Samuel Locklear, commander of the NATO Joint Operations Command involved in the Libya war admitted to a U.S. congressman that NATO forces are trying to kill Libyan leader Muammar al-Qaddafi.
I am as against this war in Libya as anyone is. But with that said, let me say this:
If we are going to commit to a war then we must do so by committing fully, war is hell and war is about “Breaking things and Killing people” You just can not fight a war any other way. I find it to be not only ridiculous but funny that some Democrats whine about the fact that we may have killed a few civilians, and yet are in agreement with Obama going to war in Libya.

Sooner or later the NATO forces, (led by the USA) will kill Muammar Qaddafi or he will flee to another country, that is something you can bet on And then the Liberal bias media will call the Libyan operation another glorious triumph for Barack Hussain Obama , Our Dear leader. And Conquer. I always thought that this in was violation of US policy regarding assassination of foreign leaders.., But who am I to argue with Our Dear Leader! But I am not in favor of walking away and leaving that territory to the enemy either,.. So this is not a easy decision. But do be doing what Obama is doing NOW, is not right either, not when it’s done for his own political agenda. Yes, it’s a tough situation, but it’s a decision that has to be made at the right time and for the right reasons. And neither are right at this time or for the right reasons. No, I'm not happy with the President’s decision and No, I do not support this President in this move. Yes, It's true, Obama is damned if he does and damned if he doesn't, but face it most of the time he is just Dammed! I’ll be the first one to admit that I don’t agree with this policy or ANY OTHER policy that this man has put on his plate. No, I'm not happy and I do not and will not support this President. I think that ALL of his policies have been anti American and against just about everything that I believe in. I won't say I know the answers, but I do know that this is a bad decision. We should never announce any time table to the enemy. That I do know. No wonder his democratic base is crumbling like a house of cards. This decision is shamefully misguided, and everyone can see that it is being done strictly for his own dishonorable political agenda. With that said, let me say this. If we are not going to fight wars to win anymore, but just to upset our enemies then we may as well call it quits and get the hell out of every place that we are in. If we are going to commit to fighting a WAR, then we MUST do so on OUR terms. We can not be so damn politely correct and expect to win. We can not fight a war and not even call the enemy what they are, in this care “Terrorists” What and who are we afraid of?
Part of the problem is that we are fighting this war with our hands tied.

This country is supposed to have the most sophisticated , the most advanced and the most destructive arsenal of weapons in the world. And far more advanced technologies. When are we going to use them? We had a handful of idiots fly a few highjacked Airplanes into several of the biggest buildings in the world and killed about 3,000 innocent people and at the same time they made monkeys out of us. This not only lead to the death of 1000's of our men and women on the battle field but to the destruction of our economy, Their gang-leader escaped us for 10 years and we still are fighting with our hands tied. What in the world are we afraid of? We should have learned that in Vietnam, but we didn’t. And we are doing the something all over again. The war against the Islamist terrorist is essential and necessary but it must be fought to win . And we can do it if we are allowed to. Or your going to have these creeps called the TSA groping your kids, and Grandparents and innocent travelers all over the world on a daily basis and that’s going to be only the beginning. The only way we are going to win this war as in any other war is to kill people and break things. Unfortunately, that’s the only way wars are won. We must be motivated to win. And by the way...
Syria is Next

Hillary Clinton Then and Now

Clinton on Libya: "Whose side are you on"?

Hillary Clinton aka The Pig In A Pant Suit in 2003 under the George Bush administration.

I am sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and you disagree with this administration somehow you’re not patriotic. We should stand up and say we are Americans and we have a right to debate and disagree with any administration.

Hillary Clinton aka The Pig In A Pant Suit in 2011 under the Obama administration.

But the bottom line is, whose side are you on? Are you on Qadhafi’s side or are you on the side of the aspirations of the Libyan people and the international coalition that has been created to support them? For the Obama Administration, the answer to that question is very easy.

Hillary, I already picked my side a long time ago . But I'd like to know who's side are YOU on?

And to Update this post.

I just heard that The House voted down giving Obama the authority to continue military action in Libya.

Hillary Clinton, who famously stood in the Senate and screamed that Americans had a right to disagree with the President, took issue with those who disagree with Obama's Libyan adventure.

Worse yet for the Administration, Gallup reports Friday that 46 percent disapprove of military action, while only 39 percent approve.

Does Clinton now believe 46 percent of the American people stand with Khaddafi?

Good for the house, now let’s hope that they do actually do something meaningful, instead of a slap on his wrist. We have no damn business being in Lybia, no matter what that witch on a broomstick “Hillary "HerThighness” Clinton says.

Obama on Gay Marriage.

President Obama spoke with gay supporters last night about his support for gay rights -- but stopped short of endorsing gay marriage.
"I understand there's a little debate going on here in New York about whether to join five other states and D.C. in allowing civil marriage for gay couples," Obama said to some laughter.

"Ever since I have a memory about what my mother taught me, and my grandparents taught me, I believed that discriminating against people was wrong," Obama said. "I believed that discrimination because of somebody's sexual orientation or gender identity ran counter to who we are as a people, and it's a violation of the basic tenets on which this nation was founded. "I believe that gay couples deserve the same legal rights as every other couple in this country."

Hum, Remember Obama's typical white Grandmother? Was that the same Grandmother who "Was A "Typical White Person" and Crossed the street when she saw a Black person coming her way?

And was this the same Parents and Grandparents that taught this Hypocrite to sit in a RACIST church and hear his Preacher call Jews and Whites, and Americans all those disgusting things?

Is this guy kidding?
If anyone really believes this guy, then Americans ARE the dumbest creatures on the planet..

Can anyone here tell me why are we pulling troops out of Afghanistan and at the same time are we expanding our war operations in Libya? No matter what Obama says about this idiotic adventure of his, I have my doubts about it ‘s being in our interest. I am really skeptical of the credibility involved with this entire mission.
But Obama says “We won’t put boots on the ground, I wouldn’t be so sure about that either.

Let’s not forget for one minute that the election is coming up and he has done nothing but crap for almost three years except CAMPAIGN, play golf, stuff his face with fast food, and vacation. But I guess he figures he can reel in a few votes with this sort of Bull-Shit, as he did with releasing Oil form our reserves even if it was a few months late and *AFTER* the price of oil has come down considerably, like he did with the Afghan troop withdrawal decision... AFTER he expanded it and after 1500 dead and 440 billion spent in ten years. Why do you think he did it now? Because it’s CAMPAIGN time.

The First Moocher In Africa

First Moocher is STILL Being Snubbed in Africa on her a week long tour of Africa with her Mother, Her Daughters, a Niece and a Nephew and the Entourage of others who are being paid for on YOUR Dime while She , bills it as part of her ongoing youth outreach efforts. Which is a New term for doing “Nothing” but touring.

I always get sooo teary eyed when I see The First Lady.



First Lady Michelle Obama and her family will arrive at Waterkloof Air Force Base in Pretoria, South Africa.


Mrs. Obama will start her day by traveling to Pretoria, the capital of South Africa, where she will meet with President Zuma’s wife, Nompumelelo Ntuli-Zuma, at the official residence of the President.

Mrs. Obama will then remain in Pretoria where she will attend a reception with South African leaders organized by the U.S. Embassy

Mrs. Obama and her family will visit the Nelson Mandela Foundation in Johannesburg, meeting with Graca Machel, Former First Lady of Mozambique, and wife of former South African President Nelson Mandela, who will give them a tour of the Foundation and provide a private viewing of former President Mandela’s archives.

Finally, Mrs. Obama and her family will tour the Apartheid Museum in Johannesburg


In the morning, Mrs. Obama will travel to the Regina Mundi Church in Soweto, where she will deliver the keynote address to a U.S.-sponsored Young African Women Leaders Forum.

Mrs. Obama will then visit the Hector Pieterson Memorial, honoring the twelve year-old boy who protested apartheid and was shot and killed by apartheid government police

In the afternoon, the Young African Women Leaders will be divided into three breakout sessions where they will discuss ideas and build connections with each other. Mrs. Obama will visit two of these sessions.

Mrs. Obama will complete her visit to Johannesburg by leading the final group of forum participants in a community service project at a community center.

In the evening, Mrs. Obama and her family will depart Johannesburg for Cape Town at Waterkloof Air Force Base in Pretoria.

Mrs. Obama and her family will arrive in Cape Town at Cape Town International Airport that evening.


Mrs. Obama will begin her day in Cape Town by thanking United States Consulate employees and their families.

Then Mrs. Obama and her family will visit Robben Island – where former President Nelson Mandela was held for 18 of the 27 years he was imprisoned.

Mrs. Obama will invite students from area schools in historically disadvantaged communities for a day-long university “immersion experience” at the University of Cape Town. The University of Cape Town will provide the students with campus tours, discussions with University students and exposure to studying on campus. The students will attend a full day of activities at the University of Cape Town, concluding the day with a visit by Mrs. Obama, who will deliver brief remarks and answer their questions.

Mrs. Obama will complete her day with a visit to the Cape Town Soccer Stadium, site of the 2010 FIFA World Cup matches. There she will meet with Archbishop Desmond Tutu for a visit that will be covered by a pre-established press pool. Mrs. Obama will then meet with organizations dedicated to combating HIV/AIDS in South Africa, including using soccer as a means to convene and educate South African children about HIV/AIDS.

Finally, at the Cape Town Soccer Stadium, Mrs. Obama will join girls and boys from the Cape Town area, including its townships, on the soccer field for activities and drills.


In the morning, Mrs. Obama and her family will depart Cape Town, South Africa for Gaborone, Botswana at Cape Town International Airport.

Mrs. Obama and her family will arrive in Gaborone, Botswana at Sir Seretse Khama International Airport.

Mrs. Obama will visit the Botswana Baylor Children’s Clinic Center of Excellence’s Teen Club that was assembled to teach leadership among teens and encourage young people to teach others about HIV/AIDS. Mrs. Obama will join Teen Club members in a service project at the site for the planned Botswana Baylor Adolescent Center.

Mrs. Obama will travel to the Presidency where she will meet with President Ian Khama.


Mrs. Obama will begin her day by thanking U.S. Embassy employees and their families. Following this event, Mrs. Obama and her family will depart for private family safari events.


Mrs. Obama and her family will depart Gaborone, Botswana at Sir Seretse Khama International Airport.

So, where is the “ on Going Youth Outreach Efforts?” DID I MISS SOMETHING..

As they say, “Class is something that money can't buy... it's developed - much like character” Ask Jackie Kennedy, or Nancy Reagan, or Laura B

A Lefty Blogger DARED to compare the First Moocher to Jackie Kennedy! Can anyone Imagine Jacqueline Kennedy doing this?

I personally I don't see much resemblance at all. .

Has O.J. Simpson confessed murder to Oprah?

Huge TV interview planned in which convict "will admit he killed Nicole in self-defense as she pulled a knife on him"

By Paul Bentley
O.J Simpson has confessed to Oprah Winfrey that he murdered his former wife, it has been reported.

The talk show host made headlines recently saying that one of her regrets was never having got the shamed former sportsman to confess to the killing.

And it appears her wish may well have come true with reports Simpson has already told one of her producers in an interview from jail that he knifed ex-wife Nicole in self-defense - a confession he will now repeat to the talk show queen during a spectacular televised sit down interview.

A Revisit To The O. J. Simpson Trial.... Lets Review It.

Due to a posters comment on this blog who seem to be doubtful of OJ. Simpson’s Guilt in the Murder trial. I have written a blog to try to change her mind. This is written with all respect to her, and not in anyway to disrespect her She wrote: I was in LA. at the time and i have spoken with people who worked on the case. it didn't match 100% that's why there were so many dna "experts" put on the stand to explain the people of the jury how it was ok that it didn't match 100%. also, the glove and shoe were not the exact same size. a measuring tape showed slight differences in the length/width of the shoe and the gloves. put it on with his hand bent? watch the tapes, he clearly clenches and flexes his fingers - couldn't have done that while keeping his fingers bent. look, i think it was horrible what happened to Nicole and Ron. and i don't think it was o.j. and neither did the jury. as is so often the case, once the police decided it was o.j. no other leads were followed up on with anything resembling zealousness (is that a word?).

My Rebuttal:
Since this was one of my favorite topics in the past and it still is, and when it continues to make the news, I am thrilled to re-hash it over and over again. .
So, I’ll be very happy to discus/rehash the "Farce" OJ
mockery of a trial with you. Best described as a "Sham" BUT, please don’t tell me that the jury didn’t think he was guilty. That alone makes my blood boil. That jury was a disgrace to the American Jury system, not only were they a bunch of racist idiots but they were a bunch of clueless nitwits who didn’t care what was going to happen or what they were going to hear and see, they had their minds made up from the minute they entered that room. Mind you they had their bags packed ready to leave even before they started to deliberate. OK, now lets talk about the case.. A large quantity blood was found at the Bundy estate and at the Rockingham estate. A trail of blood was found at the actual crime scene as well as in Simpson's white Bronco and at his house. The walk and the rear gate at the Bundy estate had blood from Simpson. This was determined by using genetic fingerprinting. The blood of Nicole Brown Simpson matched the bloodstains that were collected at the crime scene and at O.J.'s house. Blood with DNA that matched Simpson's was found at Brown's house. Blood spots in Simpson's car contained DNA matching Brown's, Goldman's and Simpson's. At Nicole's house, the rear gate and the walkway contained Simpson's blood. The shoe print of Goldman's shoe and Nicole's fingernails had her blood on it. At O.J.'s place, the foyer and driveway contained the exact same blood. The socks found in Simpson's bedroom had his and Nicole's blood on it. Are you starting to believe? No? Ok, lets continue....Now lets get to the famous glove, the glove that you said didn’t fit...It was found on his property and by golly it contained the blood of all three of them. Think about that Herdiann, ALL THREE of them.. In Simpson's Bronco, the panel and the inerside of the door contained O.J.'s blood. Another coincidences? I think not.. But lets keep going, I’m going to convince you yet! Do you remember when they found the blood on steering wheel? Well that also was the blood of BOTH O.J. and Nicole’s on it. (Mind you Both of them) The carpet on the driver's side was covered with Nicole's blood, and the console had the blood of O.J. Nicole and Ron Goldman. Hmm, gettin warm yet? Can you explaine how the blood of all three got there? Not convinced yet? Boy you are tough ! Ok, lets continue, there were blood drops at Nicole’s home containing DNA that matched Simpson's, four were located on the walkway and the fifth blood drop was found in the driveway. The blood drops on the walkway began near the murder victims, to the left of the bloody footprints leading away from Brown's home and continued past the rear gate and into the driveway. The location of the blood drops indicated that they were shed by the killer, who was bleeding drops to the ground as he left the scene of the crime, heading from the walkway to the rear gate and then the driveway. The expert that did the DNA work-up on the blood drops was in my mind a real pro. But the jury didn’t understand one single word that she said. In fact they were sleeping during her report. . The labs that did the DNA analysis matched Simpson's DNA perfectly, they called it one in 170 million of a match...... A. The same with the DNA done on the blood in the driveway. The other four blood drops were tested by the testing Lab stated that there was a 1 in 5,200 match Yes, a 1 in 5,200 match. Those drops were among the most powerful evidence against Simpson as far as I’n concerned because they represented the DNA evidence least persuasively contested by the defense. The DNA that you thought didn’t match, but ah, it did match ! Criminalists collected the blood, prior to the time, when the police first obtained a sample of Simpson's blood. This meant that any police tampering would have involved not simply planting the evidence but substituting the evidence and it would have had to have taken police while the drops were in the custody of police criminality. This substitution would most likely had to have taken place between the collection of the blood drops on June 13th Nicole was killed on June 12th and the DNA analysis of the blood drops at the LAPD lab. I don’t care how sloppy they were, DNA is DNA, Evidence could have been more than deliberately removed and replaced; it was also argued that lab procedures had so thoroughly contaminated the blood evidence that any DNA analysis of the blood would be unreliable. Yeah right! Extremely serious patterns of contamination in the LAPD's analysis were found in other tests. In fact in tests after test after more test, they all proved the same. The result matching Simpson from the driveway might have been contaminated, although that test was much less vulnerable to contamination . Also, the DNA analyst for the LAPD contaminated the blood drops found at the crime scene while preparing them for DNA analysis after getting blood from Simpson's voluntarily given sample on his lab gloves. One major question that arose was if the blood drops from the walkway and driveway had been infected with Simpson's own DNA by lab error. If they had, then they would have shown not only a DNA profile but also the profile of the real killer. and I say that with enormous doubt.... However, only Simpson's DNA profile showed. No one else’s No ones! But those half brained jurors couldn’t understand any of that. They had their racist minds made up and the fact didn’t mean a thing. Ok, enough of those FACTS! Lets move on (pardon that pun) Lets talk about the Limo driver Mr. Allan Park, who seemed to be a very reliable wittiness. He was scheduled to take Simpson to airport, he comes to the residence and pray tell! He does not see OJ’s Bronco . Well oh well! Where he heck do you think it could have been? So like anyone else would do, he rings the intercom, but gets no response. Strange isn’t it, that someone that wants to make a flight on time is not at home? Oh I forget, he was in the shower and didn’t hear the bell. If that was the case, where was his Branco? So, the BS goes on, Mr. Park sees a man wearing dark clothes, about 6-feet tall and 200 pounds, walk across the driveway of the Simpson residence. Now who could that have been? The newspaper delivery boy, I don’t think so. Now entering the picture, the famous Kato Kaelin who hears the famous three thumps on the wall outside his room. Remember that? Thump, thump, thump! Ok, lets try to move along a bit faster, my fingers are getting tired. We had the Hair evidence: hairs that were consistent with Simpson’s found on cap at Nicole’s residence, and yes, hairs consistent with Simpson found on Ron Goldman's shirt. Fiber evidence: cotton fibers consistent with the carpet in the Bronco Blood evidence the mysterious killer dropped blood near the shoe prints..the same blood same type as Simpson's (about 0.5% of population would match), Simpson had fresh cuts on left hand on day after murder, remember that BS story about cutting his hand on a broken glass, ( what a coincidence) blood found in Bronco, blood found in foyer and master bedroom of Simpson home, blood found on Simpson's driveway, blood found all over the freaken place. But the Dream Team had an excuse for everything didn’t they? Moving on, lets get to the glove evidence: the glove that you said didn’t fit. Another great Johnnie Cochran move and a stupid move by Chris Darden who was made a fool of by doing so. The left glove found at Bundy and right glove found at Simpson residence are Aris Light gloves, I know that brand very well myself, I use them. They are not exactly to popular a company, and they are available only at "High End" department stores. size XL, and by another coincidence Nicole Brown bought pair of Aris Light XL gloves in 1990 at Bloomingdale's that Christmas. Simpson wore Aris Light gloves all the time. And now the Shoe evidence: the shoe prints that you said didn’t match. No my dear, they really DID match. The shoe prints found at Bundy were from a size 12 Bruno Magli shoe, another not to popular brand and may i add a "High End" brand once again. the bloody shoe impression on OJ.’s Bronco’s carpet is consistent with a Magli shoe, and oh yes! Simpson wore a size 12 shoe. Need more? Do you remember or maybe you didn’t know it but the jury was not allowed to hear testimony concerning Simpson's jailhouse confession to Rosie Grier. Because Rosie Grier an ex NY Giant Football player fried of OJ’s has since turned into a Preacher. and anything told to a Preacher is private and can not be told in court. Another coincidence? Or just another lucky break for the Dream team. And yes, just after the trial a photograph of OJ wearing the Bruno Magli shoes was found. To late to use as evidence at his trial, BUT! It WAS shown at the civil trial and it surely convinced the civil jury. And by the way, If OJ was SO innocent, why tha whole Branco chase thing. http://www.law.umkc.edu/faculty/projects/ftrials/Simpson/BRONCOCH.jpg Note* If Mark Fuhrman hadn’t made that "N" word remark 5- 10 years prior, along with a Judge that thought he wa a TV night show comedy host the entire trial may have gone another way. Now lets make a short trip back to our "Hair brained" Jury, Please note that after deliberating for less than four hours, and I repeat. LESS THAN 4 HOURS! to find a verdict in a case that lasted for 37 weeks! the jury announced that they had reached a verdict. To say that this was a quick verdict is the understatement of the century. All of the legal analysts on Court TV etc had predicted that it would take anywhere from four days to two months to reach a verdict. But this Jury had their minds made up in advance, no facts were going to change their minds, no facts were going to convince them! They were SO smart it only took them FOUR HOURS. They weren’t even smart enough to make it look like they cared. "If the glove don’t fit! You must acquit!" Johnny Cochran was a genius, he knew all the tricks, all the cute sayings, and most of all he knew how to pick a Jury. Also note* Some facts about that Jury: Fact: None regularly read a newspaper, but eight regularly watch tabloid TV shows, Fact:Five thought it was sometimes appropriate to use force on a family member, Fact: All were Democrats, Fact: Five reported that they or another family member had had a negative experience with the police, Fact: Nine thought that Simpson was less likely to be a murderer because he was a professional athlete. Fact: The DNA match that you said didn’t not match: Here is the actual finding. The genetic-match statistics in the O.J. Simpson trial soared to unbelievable levels based on the combined test results from two laboratories that conducted DNA tests on bloodstains from the crime scenes.http://www.courttv.com/casefiles/simpson/criminal/summary/week17.html I don’t know if you were convinced or not, but in these bloodshot eyes, Mr. O.J. Simpson was/is as guilty as sin and he is a vicious and arrogant murderer running around free in our society where he will or already did hurt someone else. In testimony a criminologist said that O.J. Simpson incapacitated his ex-wife with blows to the head and at least four stab wounds. As she lay face down, he grabbed her by the hair with his left hand, put his foot on her back, pulled her head up and cut her throat left to right, severing the carotid artery. Think about that! Think about how this creature from the Black Lagoon killed his own wife. Anyone that would do a horrific thing like that would easily breakinto a room at a hotel to steal some crummy baseball memorabilia. You know, this Dumb Ass has to be one of the biggest idiots in the world. Regardless of whether you think he is or he isn't guilty... I think that you would agree that OJ has got to be amongst the dumbest people on the planet. No matter what, this jerk should have moved out of the country and faded into space. But no, he wants his stupid trophies back so he does this thing. And he writes that stupid book. Why he chooses to open his mouth about that topic again is beyond me. He only puts the whole story back into the limelight again. If he wants to write a book, then write about something else. Like football, or looking for killers on the golf course. A topic like that has never been written about yet.. But to write a book about how he'd kill a the wife that he was already alleged to have killed/ Humm, does that show how nuts he is or what? For this thing alone they say that Simpson could face up to 30 years in prison on each count alone, so maybe, just maybe we have heard the last of his crap. And that he killed his last victim. Lets just hope that his so called "Dream Team" ( who hopefully won’t be there anymore, because he don’t have the big bucks to pay them) So this time he won’t be able to weasel out of this one. Burr bye OJ. Now there's One Less Murderer on the Streets.

And as that Fat Ass Oprah Winfrey is still whining about Sarah Palin because she didn’t want to go on her show until the election was over. But, who can blame Governor Palin for snubbing Oprah after the nasty things Oprah reportedly said about her before the election? And how Fatso Oprah was stumping for our Dear Leader at the time. I’m sure you remember, the hoopla when Oprah refused to allow Sarah Palin, the first female GOP VP nominee, on her show for an interview in spite of “Fatso” Oprah’s open campaigning for then candidate Obama. That’s apparently all water under the bridge now, but it will be interesting to see what questions Oprah has for the Murder of Bentwood. But have no fears, I’m sure she’ll do just fine. If I remember correctly, she was one of the few that thought OJ was innocent. After all, Nicole Brown was a Tramp. And who cared about Ronald Goldman, he was just a bystander.
After one of the shortest deliberation that I can remember in a murder case the jury of 10 blacks, 1 Hispanic, and 1 white made their announcement. The entire nations stopped what they are doing and watched as the jury announces, ‘We the jury, in the above titled action, find the defendant Orenthal James Simpson, NOT GUILTY of the crime of murder’. The court erupted and all hell broke loose. Even though incontrovertible DNA evidence indicated that Simpson was present at the crime scene and that blood from Nicole and Goldman were left on Simpson’s clothes, the jury dismisses this all of this incriminating evidence. How could this injustice have happened? Oh yes, I forgot to mention that there was a “RACIST COP” involved!

In a related story equally filled with nonsense and bull-crap, , Bill Clinton has asked Oprah to re-open the Monica Lewinsky case. He is claiming that Rush Limbaugh set him up.

If anyone cares to comment either pro or against this blog, please be my guest...............