A Therapy Session For Disappointed, Disillusioned Former Supporters

Disappointed, D
isillusioned Former Supporters Question Obama.
In a Town Hall-style Question and Answer meeting hosted by CNBC, Obama faced the sort of questioning that Democrats can expect in November from their base. After all the nitwit leftoids stopped screaming, ''We love you Obama, we love you" Shortly after the session began, a real intelligent sounding women named Velma rose and asked a question that was more like a statement for the president. Her statement was quite a shock. A shock to me and a bigger one to Obama!
The woman, who was black, and identified herself as a veteran and an executive who is raising two children and who had voted for Obama and who has been a supporter of his all this time. Stated “I am one of your middle class Americans and, quite frankly, I’m exhausted,” she said. “I’m exhausted of defending you. I’m exhausted of defending your administration, defending the mantle of change that I voted for. And I’m deeply disappointed with where we are right now.”
“I have been told that I voted for a man who said he was going to change things in a meaningful way for the middle class. I am one of those people and I’m waiting sir. I’m waiting. I don’t feel it yet.”
The president’s answer to the woman was clearly a dance and he showed that he clearly wasn’t going to answer anything that she asked, instead he went thru his usual campaigning BS all over again. The he gave a laundry list of his “So Called” accomplishments! None of which addressed Velma’s original question. Obama looked as if he would have rather been on the Golf course that moment rather than standing behind a blank Teleprompter.
He started to give her the usual thing that “I Did” speech. None of what she wanted to hear, so he grinned and tried to turn it into a joke, but that didn’t work at all. The woman, who had a rather angry and disappointed expression on her face clearly showed that Obama’s answer and his grin didn't impress her. She was smart and articulate, and yet angry and did not get flustered. As we all know it's hard to maintain composure when talking to big-wigs, let alone the President of the United States. . She was awesome, and she didn’t let him off the hook, no she didn’t feel his pain. And, his answers lacked any sense of reality, in fact they were silly and had no purpose. He knew where she was going and that she wasn’t going to give up
All of the people who voted for Obama should be asking these same questions, but I guess that Ignorance is bliss..
The hope and change people are beginning to see the light.