Throw the Bums Out..

In Six Weeks, We Will Throw the Bums Out. Or Will We?
The road is very long, and we have a long way to go, but go we must!
The American people, are very angry and we are revolted, and disgusted by what’s going on in Washington.
For the past few months now the Tea Party has been tell us to “ Throw the Bums Out” I believe that last weeks primaries show us that we are sick of the status quo And we are sick of the arrogance and the Socialistic road that Obama is taking us on. That pretty much sums up how I have been feeling for months. It’s not news to any of us that Americans are becoming increasingly hostel, more so then I’ve ever seen before. The result of last Tuesday’s election may have surprised some, but not me. People are tired of paying more and more higher taxes and getting to be sick and exhausted of the lack of jobs and the scandals and spending of money that we don’t have by our Government.
More and more of the American people and the people who vote are feeling betrayed by our elected officials and our “Spender in Chief” We are tired of seeing the same names in the headlines year after year and the same names on the ballots election after election. Particularly those who have been proved to be liars and crooks such as Charlie Rangel and the many, many others like him. Our politicians have taken us for granted and have abandoned us for the sake of lining their own pockets. They have become so arrogent and they will do and say anything to get themselves reelected. But the public’s outrage has made it easier for an ANTI-INCUMBENT, anti-establishment nominee to have a chance this time around.
Yes, suddenly this time around candidates who stood no chance at all have defeated these long time incumbents and by wide margins, alarming large margins. Just look at what happened in New York, a businessman from upstate who was an unknown as little as 2 months ago named Carl Paladino was able to attract 63 percent of the Republican votes.
Paladino was Tea Party backed and ran on a “Mad as Hell” campaign and slogan. And in Delaware, Christine O’Donnell shocked the rest of the country by knocking off the long time Republican Congressman Mike Castle .
Last week Obama refused to extend the Bush tax cuts for families earning over $250,000 a year. He called that “Rich” Well I have news for Mr. Obama who is completely out of touch with the American people, $250,000 a year is not what we call “rich” any more. At least it’s not in New York. As for Obama’s speech on TV the other night, I caught a few minutes of it, but I had to leave the room before I got sick..
I can't believe that he went on National TV to tell America he is going to raise taxes on the very people who provide jobs at the very height of the worst recession since the 1930s. It perfectly illustrates what a hardcore Marxist he is. In 2012 he needs to be absolutely crushed so badly that vermin like him never appear on our ballots again to destroy this wonderful nation of ours.
I say it’s time to throw the Bums out regardless of what your party is. It’s time to elect new people, people who are willing and able to go to battle for the taxpayers, people who are not afraid to stand up and fight for what is right. People who are not afraid to tell Obama NO! I think that this is essential in order to bring back any resemblance to what was once a 2 party system.
However my friends, the election is still six weeks away and we must not falter.
Bottom Line: In the 2010 elections we all have the opportunity to change the history of America. True I am a Conservative, but I will be the first one to admit it, this is not a just Democrat /Liberal problem. There are plenty of these so called public servants that have been in office long past their expiration date, on both sides. I say throw them all out. And that would be a good start.
Stay tuned. .