She Makes America So PROUD...

Have you heard Michelle Obama has been called the

most stylish First Lady since Jackie Kennedy?

And The Award Goes To.....................

Remember when Obama gave that famous, but outrageous, and embarrassing speech in Cairo about how bad America is, and how wonderful the Muzzies are. And how all the Libs went Ape over it. Well folks this is exactly what happens when you have a bunch of wannabees pretending they are professionals. Obama is not exactly pro democracy anyway so he doesn't care as long as he can blame Bush for the rebellion going on in Egypt.

Fantastic explanation of the Arizona Immigration Law Targeting Immigrants

Listen And Pay Attention To What You Are Hearing!

This is the best explanation of what is going on in Arizona . Did you know that ONE THIRD of the prisoners in Arizona are Illegal Immigrants?

Michelle Obama: "We Can’t Just Leave it Up to The Parents"

Is there anything that the Obama's do that is not an outrageous case of Hypocrisy?

So Michelle "Moochie" Obama: says that "We Can’t Just Leave it Up to The Parents"!
But we should leave it up to Her? Where have I heard that before? China? Russia? Cuba?
Are those the words of a Amateur Politician, an Elected Politician, or a Dictator?

To put it simply, I do NOT think that the First lady should be tell us how to feed and take care of our Children
It has nothing to do with obesity, nutrition, or any other health cause, but rather the continuous intrusion by the government be it the First Lady (especially, because she was NOT elected) or anyone else in the government, which is a stance that I think all of us should be taking against.
We need the government and especially the First Lady Moochie, to keep out of my life and home, and the way I take care of MY kids and what I CHOSE to put into MY kid's stomach, and how I throw away MY garbage, and what the weather is going to be because of the way I dispose of MY garbage and so on and so forth. And yes, before you ask, that includes any Republican First Ladies. In the mean time "Moochie", has to stop consuming all of the crap that she put in HER mouth before she tries to dictate anything about what MY kids should put in theirs.

First Lady Asks Businesses to Allow Employees to Spend Part of Work Week Mentioning Youth, by Penny Starr

First lady Michelle Obama on Tuesday said she was “thrilled” to announce a new program that asks U.S. businesses to allow employees to spend part of the work day volunteering with young people. The program will be run by the federal agency tasked with overseeing volunteerism in the United States.
Ah, another handout to the Yooths. And who the hell is going to pay of this “VOLUNTEERISM” by the Yooths? Another great Entitlement Program from the Moochie to the Nations Employers, who have been shafted up the Gazoo .And who does Moochie think will pay for it or make up the lost work while the employees are "mentioning?" And what’s with this Volunteerism Bull crap? This is another bunch of crap, that’s going to lead to the bankruptcy of our businesses and to our economy and to our Nation . Does our Nation’s Yooths really want to volunteer? Isn’t it the American way to get paid. How about having the Bums collecting Government Checks for sitting on their assets do these things? Maybe instead of sending welfare check out to every lazy bum, they should have them do Community work? Or is work a dirty word to these people? Or is this the Community Organizers way of "mentioning?"
Hey Moochie, you’re a bit out of line here, perhaps you shouldn’t be getting your advice from YOUR Mentor Rev Wright any longer.

I never knew that the Big WOOKIE was an authority on mentoring, or this this
another opportunity to indoctrinate our youth?

A Beautiful Message About Growing Old.

Shit ...

I forgot what it was.....

Ultimate Hypocrisy, The Leftist Media And the Leftist Bloggers Wind up with Egg on Their Miserable Lying Scandalous Faces.

Cops say, Todd Palin, is not involved in a prostitution ring or with Shailey Tripp.
The New York Daily News, by Aliyah Shahid
The Anchorage Police Department blasted the National Enquirer’s recent report that Todd Palin is embroiled in a sex scandal involving an extramarital affair with a massage therapist who belonged to a prostitution ring. "It was just guilt by innuendo, nothing else," Lt. Dave Parker told the Daily News on Wednesday. "There’s not one scintilla of evidence that Todd Palin had anything to do with this."

Or perhaps someone only "MISS-SPOKE"

So the whole store was UNTRUE! Gee, What a surprise.
I think that Mr. Obama should do that CIVILITY SPEECH all over again. But this time in ENGLISH. I guess that the left doesn’t understand Kenyan.

Just story is as WRONG and as hypocritical as the other Leftist stories where they jumped the gun and blamed the shooting of Gabrielle Giffords on Sarah Palin. Why didn’t Obama say “Lets not Jump to Conclusions” here?
The shooting of Gabrielle Giffords,
tje federal judge, and that poor little 9-year-old girl were
tragic enough.
Just put the name Sarah Palin in a headline and the lefties will come out from under the woodwork like ants to gang up on the story. She gets blamed for everything right or wrong. As the media and the Leftist blogger did with the “blood libel” remark and the Cross Hairs remark. Let alone the tragic shooting of Gabrielle Giffords, the congresswoman in Arizona .

Jobless Claims were up 51,000, to 454,000 this past week.

So it was announced this morning that the Jobless Claims and the Unemployment claims rose more than expected this past week .

Maybe the unemployment recovery would quicken if the President would repeal that horrible Obamacare of his and other job destroying policies that are breaking the backs of the businessmen.

Just another example of the Hope and Change promised and delivered in those self-serving speeches by the President.

SHOCKER! Hawaii Governor Admits There Are No Obama Birth Records In Hawaii


Did the Governor speak out of turn? Was the Governor smacked in his face? Or did he simply "Misspeak?

Will we soon be seeing a Horse's Head in the Governor's bed?

A journalist now claims he misspoke when he said last week that Hawaii’s governor told him he was unable to find President Barack Obama’s original birth certificate after a search of state and hospital archives. Mike Evans told on Wednesday he was remorseful and embarrassed that he appeared to have given the impression that he had discussed the search for Obama’s birth certificate with Hawaii Gov. Neil Abercrombie. Evans, who says he has been a close friend of Abercrombie since the 1980s, appeared on Minnesota’s KQRS radio last week and said he’d been told by the governor himself that Obama’s birth certificate was nowhere to be found.

Obama's response was.... "Well, uh, uh.... well, you see..... uh... uh......... ah, ..but well, we will just have to see"

Drudge Report States,There Are No Obama Birth Records In Hawaii

Where else has this been posted?

Breaking: Fox News Hires Keith Olbermann

After the sudden departure from NBC, that hate filled leftist anger filled lunatic drama Queen Keith Olbermann has left. They say that thousands of Progressive and Marxist. fans are jumping og the roof-tops, the rest of them are walking around Zombie like hopelessly so disappointed that they don’t know where they are or what they are doing. ... And the remarkable part about this whole story is that they are NOT Blaming Bush or Sarah Palin
Thousands of phone calls and Petitions by loyal Progressives fans supporting Olbermann have already surfaced both on line and via the mail ..
But, after careful consideration of his qualifications, Fox News has hired Keith Olbermann.

The big question is, what will he be doing?

Jack LaLanne Dies at 96

Jack LaLanne was a national Icon. May he RIP. He was a good person who in my opinion never said a bad word about anybody. He was always a class act. . May God bless him and keep him. He was an inspiration to many of us and a legend in his own time. He was a good man.

More incompetence from this Administration! Or Was It?

Is there any question now? Is there any question
that we have a Commie Loving Marxist President?
Is there ANY question now that we saw
Lang Lang, a Chinese pianist, playing an ANTI AMERICAN piece on the piano at the White House diner last week!
ApparentlyComrad Hu and Obama and the rest of the Communist Chinese people think the American people are so stupid the nobody even knew that this Rat Bastard Lang Lang, the Chinese pianist was slapping us in the face instead of entertaining us. But the Progressive Marxist's don't even know that you can never trust a dictator. And I'm also sure that our Dear Leader was well aware of the fact. If he wasn't then he is even a bigger Jackass than I thought he was. After all, didn't anyone even bother to check on what this RAT BASTARD little twit was going to be playing?
Why wasn't these Mao-loving Communists properly vetted?Are all these mental midgets under the thumb of Comrade Obozo?
Now Just In case Some Of You Folks Aren't Aware Of This Story, I have it copied below.

Chinese-born pianist Lang Lang in many ways embodies the Sino-American comity that both President Hu Jintao and President Barack Obama emphasized during their summit this past week—which is no doubt why he was chosen to perform at the White House state dinner for Mr. Hu on Wednesday.

So it comes as a bit of a surprise that he is now being praised by nationalist Internet users in China for a perceived anti-U.S. slight supposedly implied in the 28-year-old’s choice of music that night.

Mr. Lang was invited to perform along with a number of U.S. jazz musicians. After bilingual comments to the assembled VIPs in which Mr. Lang said it was a “great honor” to be playing, he proceeded to perform a solo piece, which he introduced as a “Chinese song called ‘My Motherland."

As Chinese netizens have pointed out, “My Motherland” is the theme song for a famous anti-U.S. movie about the Korean War from 1956, titled “Battle on Shangganling Mountain.”

The performance has set the Chinese web abuzz—and more than a few people are convinced it wasn’t an accident.

Apparently this did not insult the Obama's after all look at the dress that Moochie was wearing. Hurray for Diversity

Rumor has it that Barack Hussein Obama has put this tune into his Ipod.

Why Does the First Lady, And BO Eat Junk and Preach about Healthy Foods to Our Kids?

Mrs. BO said that her own kidsswere getting fat. Well it’s no wonder, look at her husband! It’s Just Another Case of “Do as I Say, Not as I Do.” What Hypocrites the Obamas Are!

Yes, I do agree that we do live in a country famous for its overweight population. However we still live in a country where our people are free to make their own decisions about how we feed our children. We don’t need the First Lady to tell us that obesity is a problem. We need to take charge of our own health, if we can’t then we will suffer the consequences, that is what FREEDOM is all about. . This is a problem where there is a solution and we know what the solution is, it up to us whether or not we want to follow the solution. The government should NOT take any FURTHER steps to run our lives. I believe that it’s a good idea to pass legislation that would force restaurants to list health facts on their menus. But we should not go any further than that. I cannot tell you how many times I have changed my meal choice because I realized the calorie count, and made another selection that was less likely to lead me to an early grave. But I do not need another law TELLING me what to do and what I can’t do. This is still America. And if you wanted to eat an entire Chocolate Fudge Brownie Cake, then it’s up to you. It’s your heart attack, nobody else’s.

Photos: Hillary and Bill Clinton at the China State Dinner;_ylt=A2KJ3CbyHzpNmwoAeJfQtDMD;_ylu=X3oDMTEwdHQ1N3M3BHNlYwNpbWFnZQRjb2xvA2FjNAR2dGlkA1VTTjAxMV80?ei=UTF-8&p=Hillary+Clinton%2C+Hu+Jintao&fr=news-us-sshow&section=photo

January 20, 2011

Old Thunder Thighs, sure can pour em down.

And The left Wants Us To Be Civil

My blood has been over boiling this week, so I’ve lurked over to read that Progressive blog where the author that leftist Obama ass kissing geezer had the nerve and the Gaul to say that Moochie Obama is far more prettier, popular and very much more liked than that odious woman from Wasilla, Alaska. Don’t you just love those people who lets their stupidity overpower their eyesight. Needless to say that Sarah Palin don’t need to dress up for Halloween this year. She’s already scaring the pants off Barack Obama’s followers. These slimeballs will stop at nothing to try to discredit her, just like I read this morning where the National Enquirer is reporting that Sarah Palin's husband, Todd, is embroiled in a sex scandal involving an extramarital affair with a massage therapist who has been "busted for prostitution. But of course this is ALL ALLEGED. But where were they all when it was proven that Bill Clinton, John Edwards, Eliot Spitzer , and Jesse Jackson had real and proven sex scandals? National Enquiring minds want to know! You couldn’t find it in any of the mainstream media’s legitimate newspapers. But here we go again, it’s going to be Slam Sarah from now ti; 2012. Are you shocked? No, none of us on the right are, this sort of garbage is expected from the left every time they get challenged or threatened. . If the slander at the alleged masseuse and the shooting of Gabrielle Giffords along with that “crosshair “ crap didn’t work they started with the `blood libel' anti Semitic crap. And when that didn’t work they are now going to work on her Husband Todd as they did with her Daughters. With Sarah it’s no-holds-barred until they get her. Talk about civil discourse! The mass hysteria and rush to blame Sarah Palin for everything but the Australia floods is overwhelming. The nastiness of recent rhetoric, including the vicious attacks on her family, are beyond anything resembling reasonable. For example, when a 62 year old Comedian like David Letterman attacks a 14-year-old girl and the audience is full of laughter it is nothing less then disgusting.
And for eight years, George Bush was being called ignorant, racist, angry, stupid, draft dodger, portrayed him as a Chimp, and even called a war monger by the left. The very foul-mouthed protesters of Bush dare to now label any words against Barack Obama as “hate” speech. Go figure. But The level of hate expressed for Sarah Palin and her whole family goes further than any political negativity yet.
And while we are on that subject,
where was all this hysteria from the left when
that sleaze Congressman from Tennessee Steve Cohen calling Republican Talk Show Host Mike Gallagher a NAZI like Goebbels, because of his disagreeing with Obama on the healthcare issue! And how about Nancy Pelosi calling Republicans and Tea Party people Domestic Terrorists?
And the left suddenly wants civil discourse. Progressive's, Hypocrisy Is Thy Name

Hawaii's Governor claims record of Obama's birth does exist, and it is somewhere in the "archives" but for some unknown reason he can't find it!

Hawaii’s left wing wacko Governor Neil Abercrombie appears to be having a problem finding Obama’s “Birth certificate” right there in his own State’s "archives". Last week, The Good Governor Abercrombie another Left Wing Wacko said he had NO PROBLEM proving Obama was born in Hawaii in 1961. And he told Honolulu's Star-Advertiser that he was going to produce it no matter whether Barack Obama wanted him too or not. He said 'It actually exists in the archives” ,But I guess that someone had hid it so well in the State Archives that even the Governor and his staff can’t find it.
One has to only wonder if Sandy Berger has been to Hawaii during the past 2 years, because as Dr. Henry Lee, the famous Chinese forensic expert from the OJ Simpson case would say: “Someting Not Right Here
I ask you reasonable sane people out there, why is it so difficult to produce a birth certificate? And WHY would anyone spend millions of dollars on lawyers fighting lawsuits just to prevent people from seeing his birth certificate? Yes, he has paid his lawyers over 1 million dollars of NOT to produce it. Under the terms of the United States Constitution, if someone is to become the President, that person must be a United States Citizen a “natural born citizen” and must be at least 35 years old. These are the only legal requirements for that position. So where is the problem Mr. Obama? Why have you NOT conformed with these requirements? And even more important, why has our Attorney General neglected to have these requirements fulfilled? So what is Comrade Obama so afraid off? It's no secret and not reason why I should have to confess that I do not like Barack Hussein Obama, and I haven't from day one. not just because of his shallowness or his arrogance, or even because of the fact that he is inept, incapable, incompetent, and simply unqualified, but because of his Socialist policies.But I had not been one to harp on this subject until this FOOL of a Governor has put his foot in his mouth and opened up can of worms! Why else has failed to produce what he promised he would., this whole thing is getting to be very screwy. Why would a US President try so hard to cover up anything unless there was a reason to? So if the wacko Governor can’t find it, the we must assume that the bottom line here is that there is no Hawaiian birth certificate for Barack Hussein Obama, aka Barry Soetoro.
Hawaii's governor claims record of
Obama's birth does exist, and it is somewhere in the "archives"
but for some unknown reason he can't find it!

I didn't watch the SOTU speech but~

I didn't watch the SOTU speech but I read about it, and saw many of the video clips from it on the news. . And from what I did see, I thought that his Self-Serving speech was just another act of showmanship. Barack Obama said "what matters is creating jobs, not who wins the next election." Give us all a break Barry, ot was o freaken obvious to see that you were "Trying" to pull the wool over our eyes. And it became even more obvious when we got the interpretation of your Snake Oil speech from real Americans like Paul Ryan and Michelle Bachmann,without the applause prompts.

Nothing More Needs To Be Said!!

Vote for the Worst ...............................................................................>

Scary Gone With The Wind Pictures?

Our Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
Photograph Courtesy of Amusing Bunni

Thank You Bunnie.

"Obviously photoshopped." I Don't Think So!

A commenter who is Obviously a lefty made an accusation on my previous post accusing me of using a " photoshopped" picture of the Chinese Communist Flag flying along with the America Flag and at the same height which is not allowed according to American protocol .

Here is the comment :
"Obviously photoshopped." There are no street lamps on the White House lawn as is shown in the fake photo on this blog.

I bet he didn't see this on the Networks News tonight, nor did you read the same Newspaper that I did. Because if you did, you would have seen this same picture plastered all over. And I would bet thet they didn't "Photoshop" it either. Well OK Dick Tracy, There are no street lamps on the White House lawn. Big Freaken Deal, so I made a boo boo, and called it the White House when I SHOULD HAVE CALLED IT THE CAPITAL! But in any case, This Was NOT "Obviously photoshopped.: as you so erroneously put it. Nor was it a "Fake Photo: as you so erroneously put it again. In fact the same picture was in my daily NewsRag this morning right next to the picture of Ms Obama wearing the White House Drapes.

Another Obamanation!
Me thinks that Moochie needs to get herself a better adviser.

The Two Most Powerful Men On The Face Of The Earth. And The Decline of the USA

I never thought I would see the day when the Communist flag would fly next to the most beautiful flag in the world , The Flag of the United States of America on American soil. And in front of the White House!!! Considering that the Commie flag stands against anything and everything that Old Glory stands for. I guess the Commander in Doubt is overlooking China's horrible Atrocities and their Monstrous treatment against the human rights of its people. How dare he include the Patriotic American people in his lack of respect for this country.. Our Forefathers s would be turning over in their graves if they could see the mockery and the lack of respect that he shows us and the rest of the world.. He has once again trampled all over Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, I am sick and tired of the way this man bows and caters to these Foreign Pissants and makes a mockery out of this still great nation. And I am sick of being called a racist because I disagree with his socialist policies and his daily acts of treason. . Say what you may, but I sure do miss George Bush. Who knew how to follow American protocol and did not drag our Construction though the mud.

So I guess that the General Tsos Chicken went over big last night. But, but.... I think that Someting not right here! Was this mistaky or was dis done here on perpuss? But since when does a foreign flag, of any Nation fly in front of an American flag in America ? As far as I know and I think that I know pretty dam much about American protocol.

No other flag is to be flown even at the same level as the American flag, let alone in front of it.
But I guess that since that we have borrowed all those trillions of dollars from this country, that we owe them the courtesy of breaking our FOOLISH AMERICAN PROTOCOL!
But who am I to judge?
And I guess that just like the General Tsos Chicken, our American protocol is just to be looked at as being Tasteless, Bland, Flavorless and Not Enough Hot Sauce.