November Is Just Around The Corner

Don't let us down America, we need your help. Remember this November, hope and change is coming to America at a voting booth near you!
It’s entirely possible but not likely that the Democrats will lose the House and about 6 Senate seats on all three big issues. He’ll probably take that personally. As he has pushed for the passage of his reforms, his public approval ratings have taken a beating, and voters have started to trust the Republicans more than his party on a host of issues. America elected a man with a razor thin resume and many very dubious associations. It is beginning to show. Obama and the Democrats and their buddies in ACORN, Wall Street, banks, etc. were just way too greedy. When they got the keys to the Treasury, they were like kids in a candy store and couldn't control themselves, and they are bankrupting the country by doing so. The voters that propelled him over the finish line bought his lies about cleaning up Washington and stopping business as usual. Instead he has packed his administration with a gang of corrupt Chicago style thugs and various tax cheats and insiders. Those of us who saw him for what he was knew his downfall would come as a result of over-reaching and dirty cram down politics. What we didn't anticipate was the speed at which he would self destruct.

The American people in the ultimate kindness and trust voted for a pig in a poke in 2008. They wanted so much to believe the “Magic Negro”Barack Obama was somehow better and different from other ultra-leftists that they simply took him on faith even though they knew there was no substance. .

They ignored his anti-white writings in his books. They ignored his quiet acceptance of hysterical anti-American diatribes by his miserable minister, Jeremiah Wright.

They ignored his refusal to explain years at a time of his life time association with domestic terrorists.

The American people ignored his total zero of an academic record as a student and teacher, his complete lack of scholarship when he was being touted as a scholar. A scholar in the art of Community Organizing.
Now, the American people are starting to wake up to the truth. Barack Obama is a super likable super leftist, not a fan of this country, way, way too cozy with the terrorist leaders in the Middle East, way beyond naivete, all the way into active destruction of our interests and our allies and our future.