The Offices Of The President, Does NOT Come With A Free Pass To Do Whatever He Pleases.

No Siree bob, The United States Constitution describes the powers of what the President can or can not do without the approval of Congress.
The offices of the President, does not come with a free pass to do whatever he pleases. In case you care, to do so is unconstitutional. Neither You or your predecessor George Bush get a pass on breaking the United States Constitution. Mr. President, remember that Bill Clinton, was impeached for lying about something a lot important then what you are doing right now.
But really, does this surprise anyone? Well it shouldn’t! Unless you are one of those blind liberal supporters or should I say followers, that w
ill back Obama no matter what. Unless you believe that it’s your Liberal obligation to stand behind anything that he says, does, or tells you to believe no matter what. In case you don’t know what that really describers the answer is “A ZOMBIE”
Yes, Obama think the Constitution does not apply to him? He thinks that he can “Blame Bush” and the rest of the Conservatives/Republicans for standing in his way to destroy America.

If you want some real and direct evidence of this, you don’t have to look any further then the comments made just this morning by Chuckie Upchuck Chuck Schumer. When he was CAUGHT during a conference call instructing other Democratic Senators to call Republicans by newest Democrat Mantra. "EXTREME". Though this term had been used by Madam Nancy Pelosi for the longest time, Chuckie Upchuck Chuck Schumer (when he thought that he not being heard by the press) that he was told by Barbara Boxer, and Blumenthal along with other members of the Democratic Caucus instructed this week to use the term “EXTREMISTS”." to paint House Speaker John Boehner and the rest of the Teaparty movement. Chuckie Upchuck Chuck Schumer is nothing but a little Weasel and a messenger Boy for the Liberal party. And he has always been a Hillary Clinton Lap Dog.
Getting back to Barack Obama’s reckless handling of this newest War, once again said that Moammar Gadhafi MUST step down. Obama says that he is NOT trying to overthrow Moammar Gadhafi, but he does not rule out arming the rebels who ARE seeking to overthrow Gadhafi. Is this anything like "It depends on what the meaning of the word is, is”
Clearly, he is so incompetent and not at all qualified to be President, and now even more then ever before is so very is obvious that he is so in over his head that it has become very dangerous. Dangerous to America. And dangerous to the the rest of the world that depends of America’s leadership. And he either has NO idea of what’s going on around him, or he does and this is his ultimate plan.

He wants to indiscriminately just arm the Rebels and then what? Hope for the best? Hope that the Rebels do what? Shoot the right people? Do we know who these Rebels really are? They could very easily be terrorists who will turn around and attacks us with the same weapons that we supply them with. So what is Obama thinking? I just don't understand how this agenda has anything to do with us. What are his real motives? Where is this “WAR” going to lead us and how many American lives is he willing to sacrifice for his “ HUMANITARIAN MISSION”
And how can these liberal supporters just blindly follow him every time in every crisis no matter what it costs and no matter how many Americans he puts in Harms way? There wasn’t any reasons for Obama to authorize an attack on Libya without Congressional approval. The UN passes a resolution and that’s the end all of everything? The UN is not the answer. They never were, they have their own agenda and that agenda never suited the United States before so what the sudden shift? Didn’t Saddam Hussain break the UN’s resolution when Hans Blix the Inspector was thrown out of Iraq? Where were the UN supporters then? Where were France then? Where was the Liberals support of George Bush then? In case some of you Libs forgot it, it was called UN Resolution 1441 .... A resolution that was unanimously adopted and approved by the UN, otherwise know as the United Nations Security Council.

Bottom line is... We are bombing him all day long, every day in the week, including his Compound and yet we continue to say that we are not targeting him.

And on another even MORE important note:
And now we are learning that many of these so called “Rebels” are connected to or have allegiance to , or are sympathetic to, or have connections to al Qaeda. So one has to only wonder how many of these weapons that we are supplying them with will eventually end up killing our own Troops?
Any questions or comments on that my Liberal readers? Congratulations Obama, once again you didn’t disappoint me.
Now do you know why I don’t like this President?

Now I ask you Liberals, I really don't expect you to agree with anything that I have said here, but ask yourself when you are alone in a closet where no one can hear your answer... : Does this make any sense to you? Don’t you think that we should know who we are fighting and who we are supplying with arm before we fight for them? Come on now, your in a closet, no one can hear you. SAY IT!

Shotokan Karate

Grandmaster Gichin Funakoshi The Father Of Shotokan Karate

The History of Shotokan Karate

Shotokan Karate was founded by Grandmaster Gichin Funakoshi who studied Te under Grandmaster Itosu and Grandmaster Higaonna in Okinawa. Back then, Karate was called Te (hand), and different types of Te were studied in various areas of Okinawa.

Grandmaster Funakoshi was the first Karate-ka to introduce Te to mainland Japan. He demonstrated his Karate at the physical education Expo held in Tokyo in 1921. Funakoshi was supposed to stay for only a short period of time, but Jigoro Kano, the founder of Judo, was impressed by Funakoshi’s Karate, and persuaded him to stay longer to teach Karate at the Kodokan

After Grandmaster Funakoshi taught at the Kodokan, he started teaching privately at Meisei Juku where he stayed. At the request of college students, he began to teach Karate at several colleges, including Waseda University, with Master Noguchi and Master Watanabe, Keio University with Master Obata, and Taku Shoku University, with Master Nakayama. Around this time, he changed the writing of Karate in Chinese characters from “Karate” (Chinese Hand) to “Karate” (Empty Hand). This meant not only to defend yourself without weapons (empty hands) but also to create a state of empty mind (Kuu), so that you can be ready for any type of situation mentally.

There were two major Styles in Karate in Okinawa: Shorei-Ryu, which stressed power and strength, and Shorin-Ryu, which stressed speed and sharpness. Grandmaster Funakoshi selected 15 Katas (Forms) from these two styles and changed their names from Okinawan to Japanese.

After Grandmaster Funakoshi passed away in 1957, his followers started calling his Karate “Shotokan”, derived from his pen name “Shoto”. Today, Shotokan Karate is studied by many and is the most popular traditional Japanese Karate style in Japan and all over the world.

Look at him, does he really look like he knows what he's talking about? Not to me he don't!
Regime Change but Let's Not Target Gaddafi Cute & Clever, but So Hypocritical, That It's Stupid!
Barack Obama has defended his Going to War the continuing to send in American troops, air strikes, bombing, missal strikes in Libya, but ruled out any hits on Moamar Gaddafi. And if that's not Hypocritical then the moon is made of cheese. What I'd like to know is what did Moamar Gaddafi. do in Libya that wasn't done in and is still being done in Iran, Egypt, Yemen, the Sudan, Syria, Iraq and all over these dictator run Arab nations, and in many other countries. Are you kidding me. This is all about Oil. This was all so transparent that is is really is laughable.
I didn't listen to His Majesty last night, but from what I heard this morning Obama was was his usual obnoxious self!
I would have loved to hear what the Liberals response to all of this if John McCain had won the election and if "HE" had made this insane decision to invade Libya.

And by the way, Obama is holding a fund-raiser at a Lenox Avenue establishment in Harlem today at $30,800 per ticket. Why in Harlem, it’s simple... because his job approval ratings has been slipping a great deal among Blacks, who are the majority of his base. A black women who was interviewed on the streets of Harlem had this to say when she was asked “What is your opinion how Barack Obama’s is doing his job?”
Her answer was “ Adequate, but not too great”

Also let us not forget the COST of this Libya Intervention or should I call it the “HUMANITARIAN MISSION”, but I’d like to simplify if and just call it a “WAR” or better yet “Obama’s War” was $600 Million for First Week alone and is now most likely well over One Billion. Yes, well over One Billion. Dollars... Remember how they used to publish the cost of the war almost daily when George Bush was in office? And that doesn’t even account for the downed fighter jet that cost more than $60 million to replace. So let’s not lose sight of this end of the war Great job your doing with your “Hope and Change” so far Barry.

And didn’t George Bush go to th UN for approval before he invaded Iraq? When Saddam threw out the WMD inspectors? So much for that HOPEY CHANGEY.

Obama Finally Speaks Tonight

This insane war started TEN days ago. and he will Finally be Speaking about it Tonight! I wonder if it's because he needed the time to see how things were going or was it because he was so wiped out out from doing the Boogie in Brazil? Since then, Obama has called this thing by more names that Carer has Pills. But the one accepted by his advisers is "A Humanitarian Intervention" Even I must agree that's a really great choice. Even if he took a week and a half to pick it.
Now the big question of the day is will "The Nobel peace prize winner" convince the public, the Congress and me that he is doing the right thing?
And will the majority of the people support his killing people and destroying a Country for the reasons on his Teleprompter, once again telling everybody that it’s all for their own good. And just how much support will he get from his own party? And will his approval rating soar for a president who was nothing more than a Coward running out of the Country with his entire family to Vacation while our boys put their lives on the line in another land dishing out a dose of death and destruction to people that we have no reason to fight with.
And are those Liberal Suckers still buying that
"Change We Can Believe In" BS? And just how long are those idiots on the Left going to stand for this and keep on believing in his "Change"
My guess is that they will never take off those blinders, they will believe in his CRAP until we go down ourselves. After all, he's the First Black President, and the First Black President can not do anything wrong no matter waht, not in their blind eyes. It's always going to be Bush=Bad, Obama=Good. You can't teach an Old Dog New Tricks.
Obama's foreign policy changes like the wind. It all depends on what "Is, Is"
So, will Obama convince you that getting us involved in Libya's civil war is justified? Are you going to buy his snake oil? Are you ready to spend our money dropping more bombs on people's homes and heads, and risking the lives of our service man and women AGAIN?
We're already in two wars, so what's one or two more?.. If you are then when the poll man comes knocking on your door tell him that you are. I am NOT!
Egypt and Libya's problems are none of our affairs, and come to think about it, why didn't Obama go in and bomb Egypt? Or was it because he was home at that time and not on Vacation.
Bottom line, I am against Obama's involvement in the Libya period. "The President does not have power under the Constitution to authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve an actual or imminent threat to this nation."
Ever hear that before? Well you should have, it was said by
Sen. Barack Obama, 12/20/2007

Reporter Confined in a closet this week to keep him from reporting and mingling with high-powered guests gathered at a Joe Biden Democratic fundraise

By Simon Neville
Vice President Joe Biden confined an Orlando Sentinel reporter in a closet this week to keep him from mingling with high-powered guests gathered for a Democratic fundraiser.

Reporter Scott Powers was the designated "pool reporter" for the vice president's Wednesday visit to the massive Winter Park, Fla., home of developer and philanthropist Alan Ginsburg. The veep hadn't arrived yet but most of the 150 guests (minimum $500 donation) had. They were busy noshing on caprese crostini with oven-dried mozzarella and basil, rosemary flatbread with grapes honey and gorgonzola cheese and bacon deviled eggs, before a lunch of grilled chicken Caesar and garden vegetable wraps.

He made do with a bottle of water to sip as he sat at a tiny makeshift desk, right next to a bag marked "consignment." Powers was closeted at about 11:30 a.m., held for about an hour and 15 minutes, came out for 35 minutes of remarks by Biden and Sen. Bill Nelson, Florida Democrat, and then returned to his jail for the remainder of the event.

Powers' phone didn't work in the closet, but his Blackberry did, so he fired a picture of his impromptu prison to his editors, who posted a short blog item on the lack of freedom of the press under the veep's control.

Just Imagine if Dick Cheney had done this. They kept him in the closet to “keep him from mingling with high-powered guests gathered for a Democratic fundraiser.” The newspaper should demand to know exactly who these “high-powered” guests were, and if one of them spoke Hungarian with a smattering of Nazi.

But, The White House website proudly says ‘President Obama is committed to creating the most open and accessible administration in American history.

Locking a Reporter in a closet for 90 minutes, is another low-blow for free speech and more civility in political discourse, and a liberals way example of controlling the media wouldn't you say? Is this what they call Transparency? I'd even call it Kidnapping!
How’s that for Barack Obama's promise to restore America’s standing in the world?

A little added addition. Something that I found found under a rock.
A poster that properly and accurately, calls himself Jerry Critter said...
"Has Sarah Palin ever said an intelligent thing?"

The danger to America, is not what a citizen like Sarah Palin may say, but entrusting a man like Barack Obama with the Presidency and having him do the depraved things as we are seeing now in places like Libya.
That is where the real nightmare lies, not with Sarah Palin.


After much controversy about America’s involvement in Libya, President Barack Hussein Obama is finally ready to give a speech during prime time and “try” to explain to us Americans what the heck in the world are we doing in that God Forsaken Country. . Obama will address the nation Monday night at 7:30 p.m. to discuss our Military operations in Libya. I just hope that they don't pre-empt my favorite program "House". And if anyone cares to watch it, Good Luck to you. And if anyone wants to believe anything that comes out of his mouth, Good luck to you!
So,if your really care about what Obama is going to say on Monday, then tune in. I’m sure the world is waiting with baited breath to hear that BS. Here is what I for one think about Obama and Libya .

I don't give a rat's ass about what Barack Obama is going to say on Monday, I don’t care how he feels about that creep Gaddafi, or Libya, or Libyans, or about
Only the brain-dead Obama-supporters will believe a word he says about take your pick, the 'Muslim Brotherhood' or about Hugo Chavez, or Hillary Clinton or about anything that he has to say. In a nut-shell, I won’t listen to this jerk, in my opinion he's irrelevant, I can’t stand him, and whenever I see him or I hear his voice I feel as if want to puke

In a nutshell, I am against this new war, I can not understand what we are doing there and why we got involved there in the first place. I would not waste one American life on any of these vermin. The Libyans have dealt with and wanted this creep Gaddafi for some 40 years, so why are we trying to change them? Is not any of our business to. They get what they deserve. We can not be the Policeman of the whole wold. And besides, we already know that Congress was not consulted first, so why the heck is he being allowed to carry this on, and on, and on. Obama promised that there will be No Troops On The Ground, yeah right! Give me a Friggin break! An ABC affiliate in North Carolina says that there are ALREADY more than 2,000 U.S. Marines are on the ground in Libya.
This is in no way a so called “HUMANITARIAN POLICING”
The Attack on Libya is Not Merely a No Fly Zone—But an all out attack on Libya, hence the launching of 100's of Tomahawk Cruse Missiles, and American warships and aircraft carriers and Aircraft bombings.
Putting it bluntly. Obama's war on Libya is unconstitutional. The UN can not tell us what to do and when to do it. Only Congress can. The War Powers Resolution of 1973 (50 U.S.C. 1541–1548) provides that the President can send U.S. armed forces into action abroad only by authorization of Congress
This guy better be a one-term president or America is up the creek.

Obama Will Speak To The Nation About Libya .........But On Monday

President Barack Obama on Monday will offer his most expansive explanation of the U.S. role in the Libyan war, delivering a speech that is expected to cover the path ahead and his rationale about the appropriate use of force. Obama's 7:30 p.m. EDT speech, to be given from the National Defense University in Washington, comes as leading Republican lawmakers and some from his own party have pressed him for clarity about the goals and exit strategy of the United States.

Yes, Obama Will Speak To The Nation About Libya, on Monday just as soon as they get the Teleprompter fixed.
Perhaps he may say we are going to get involved with Syria too. What the heck, we may as well kill FOUR Birds with the same 500 Missiles. These Missiles have been standing around doing nothing anyway.

Obama has the distinct privilege of being the First United States President to be waging THREE Was at the same time.. .
In this case, I feel that there is NO question about it, Obama should be considered to be the Best President's of All Time
Therefore he is going to be considered for a second Nobel Peace Prize.

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Battered by a week of air strikes, forces loyal to Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi still remain a potent threat to civilians, according to Pentagon officials, who are considering more firepower and airborne surveillance systems to find and attack the enemy troops.

President Obama said in his weekly radio and online address. "We're succeeding in our mission."

After launching ONLY 165 Tomahawk Missiles, and using only 5 Aircraft Carriers, 2 Submarines and 4 Battleships, we have bee extremely successful. The humanitarian “Policing” has been successful. We have Killed 3 we have Killed 3 Camels and destroyed 4 Taxie Cabs. And we have held the cost down to only costing $165+ million per day.

Obama said in his weekly radio and Internet address. and by the way, the civilians who lost their lives really don’t matter. Because when you are fighting for your rights some are going to die, as they do in every war.

And at the same time, Michelle Obama will address West Point cadets at a banquet just prior to their graduation. She's gonna tell them that a Community Organizer is a much safer job then becoming a Marine. And too forget Duty, Honor, and Country. Hope and Change is much more important. As is Broccoli, Carrots, Spinach, Cauliflower, Tofu, and Buckwheat!

I am sure he is going to make us all feel so very patriotic and proud with another one of his elegant and inspiring speeches.I'm so excited I just can't wait until Monday.

Muslim Heritage In America?

Barack Obama,
during his Cairo speech, said:
"I know, too, that Islam has always been a part
of America 's story."


Dear Mr. Obama:

Were those
Muslims that were in America when the Pilgrims
first landed? Funny, I thought they were
Native American Indians.

Were those
Muslims that celebrated the first Thanksgiving
day? Sorry again, those were Pilgrims and
Native American Indians.

Can you
show me one Muslim signature on the United
States Constitution?

of Independence ?

Bill of

think so.

Muslims fight for this country's freedom from
England ? No.

Muslims fight during the Civil War to free the
slaves in America ? No, they did
not. In fact, Muslims to this day are
still the largest traffickers in human
slavery. Your own half brother, a devout
Muslim, still advocates slavery himself, even
though Muslims of Arabic descent refer to black
Muslims as "pug nosed slaves." Says a lot
of what the Muslim world really thinks of your
family's "rich Islamic heritage," doesn't it Mr.

Where were
Muslims during the Civil Rights era of this
country? Not present.

There are
no pictures or media accounts of Muslims walking
side by side with Martin Luther King, Jr. or
helping to advance the cause of Civil

Where were
Muslims during this country's Woman's Suffrage
era? Again, not present. In fact,
devout Muslims demand that women are subservient
to men in the Islamic culture. So much so,
that often they are beaten for not wearing the
'hajib' or for talking to a man who is not a
direct family member or their husband.
Yep, the Muslims are all for women's rights,
aren't they?

Where were
Muslims during World War II? They were
aligned with Adolf Hitler. The Muslim
grand mufti himself met with Adolf Hitler,
reviewed the troops and accepted support from
the Nazi's in killing Jews.

Mr. Obama, where were Muslims on Sept. 11th,
2001? If they weren't flying planes into
the World Trade Center , the Pentagon or a field
in Pennsylvania killing nearly 3,000 people on
our own soil, they were rejoicing in the Middle
East . No one can dispute the pictures
shown from all parts of the Muslim world
celebrating on CNN, Fox News, MSNBC and other
cable news networks that day. Strangely,
the very "moderate" Muslims who's asses you bent
over backwards to kiss in Cairo , Egypt on June
4th were stone cold silent post 9-11. To
many Americans, their silence has meant approval
for the acts of that day.

And THAT, Mr.
Obama, is the "rich heritage" Muslims have here
in America ....

Oh, I'm sorry, I
forgot to mention the Barbary Pirates.
They were Muslim.

And now we can
add November 5, 2009 - the slaughter of American
soldiers at Fort Hood by a Muslim major who is a
doctor and a psychiatrist who was supposed to be
counseling soldiers returning from battle in
Iraq and Afghanistan .

That, Mr. Obama
is the "Muslim heritage" in America

Be sure to

Muslim Heritage, my ass.

What We Need Is A Real President,

I have less respect for some of these Liberals who are supporting Obama in this dirty situation that he got us into than I do for a Mad Dog. And as for this war, .I did not change my politics about going to war, but I do about the reason Obama got us into it or the lack of any reson.
As a patriotic American and a someone who has given 4 years of his life to serve this county, I resent Obama’s stepping all over our constitution, and this time he has gone too far! . And please don’t come back and tell me about other President who have done it also. I don’t want to hear it, Two Wrongs Do Not Make A Right. Obama and his bunch of cronies along with his Secretary of State have disregarded the will of the American people and craped all over our Constitution one too many times. And in my opinion it’s time for him to pay the price, yes, I talking about impeaching him!!!!! Impeach him for bringing us into a war without congressional approval, this is a direct violation of our laws.
Without upholding our Constitution, we have no system. We mush have the courage to challenge this President, and stop being so dammed concerned with people like Charlie Sheen and Lindsay Lohan an American Idol and with Bristol Palin on Dancing with the Stars. We are sending our Men and Women off to war for what? What the hell is the reason? Where in Hell is our interest here? And where are those Arab brother who we call our allies who said they will join us in this fiasco? Sure they said they will, but were are they? And do we know whey the new regine in Libya is going to be after this Mad Dog is removed? Will he be another Fidel Castro? Who knows? We are so hung up on removing this Dog and yet we are so cozy with so many other dictators like the dictators in Yeman, and Saudi Arabia and all over the Arab world. It seems as if we are very selective with which Muslims Dictation we want to be friends with. Oil? It seems as if our side is lacking wisdom badly. And I like many other Americans am confused. Confused about why we are giving this President so much slack and not pressing for answers. I don't and won't support it. And I think that you people are so blind and brainwashed that you can't even see it right before your eyes.

Why do all you liberal’s you think Obama is above the laws of this country, and can step all ove our Constitution every time he feels like it ? Why is it okay for Obama to bring us to war, but when George Bush did ir, you all busted a gut. Yes all hell broke loose when George Bush brought us to was in Iraq and we are still hearing about it. How many time did we hear you calling for his impeachment, and his being brought up for War crimes? . Did not Saddam Hussein do the same to his people, and much worse? But what Bush did was so wrong but now that Obama is doing it, it its just fine and justified, And you call us hypocrites? If the shoe fits, wear it..
You Lefties are ALWAYS bitching and Moaning about our poor people here at hoe. Well why are we spending so much money at times when we can lest afford to bu throwing Millions of $$ out the window on Missals , and Planes, and yes soon to be Troops on the ground instead of spending it here at home on education, and healthcare and food for the needy and yes for helping Japan!
This is not our problem, and we should be staying out of it.
Todays news says that even the Democrats have a hard time supporting President Obama's war in Libya! And as for me, I wouldn't take Obama's word on anything!!

Let's face it, the truth is that he didn't go to Congress because he know that Congress would never approve of it.

And now the French are saying that they don't want to be the leaders in this war either.
If there is one thing that I have learned about the French is that the France are users of America. I don't trust the French one bit, I know that they always do things for their own benefit.
Look folks, I am anything bu a fan of Gadhafi's but I do not want to see us involved in another war especially when we are involved in 2 others that we can't seem to get out of. Enough is enough. And as for Obama getting into this without Congress's approval, that is the Cats Pajamas. People need to stop believing in this fraud. We have a boy leading this country and and a bunch of idiots that tag along with him. That reminds me, Were is Joe Biden? He's in Florida watching the Pre-season Baseball games, yesterday he posed for a picture with NY Yankee all star pitcher Mariano Rivera . So I ask you once again, With our “Vice President” watching Baseball games in Florida, with our Nobel Peace Prize Winner-in Chief in Brazil and With our American Troop’s lives in harms way, who the hell is running the country?

Bottom Line! We are clearly at war. However, we refuse to say just who our real enemy is and we surely do not act like it.
But Ore Dear Leader says, ""We are not at war against Islam. We are at war against Terrorist Organizations" And I ask, Just who exactly are these Terrorist Organization?

A Brief And Limited War In Libya. Don't Bet On That.

When American’s asked what the hell is he doing?.

Obama replied : This Is Not a War, It's a Humanitarian Engagement That We Are Engaged In
“A Military Engagement”
So without a declaration of war, he responds in a ridiculous spin calling it a
"humanitarian" effort !
Gee, what a great guy!

We can all remember the then Senator Barack Obama as he was campaigning for the presidency and on the debates he had this strong antiwar platform. He campaigned on ending the wa

Do you remember his saying "As president, I will not assert a constitutional authority to deploy troops in a manner contrary to an express limit imposed by Congress and adopted into law"
He told us how he was going to put an end to the war in Iraq , and bring the Troops home. Bringing Our Troops Home was his most prominent promise. He told us that he was going to keep the peace and ,vowed that all U.S. troops will return home from Iraq by the end of next year. That was last year. Since then his administration has escalated military operations in Afghanistan. Including a troop surge, that by the way went no where. And we are as involved in Afghanistan just as much as ever. And now the President just opened a third front in Libya, so where do you peace loving Obama supporters think were going to get these troops from? Is your brother or cousin or husband or boyfriend going to enlist? I seriously doubt that.
The only difference is that he buddies over at the MSM stopped counting the bodies every day like they did when George Bush was in office. And we stopped seeing the body bags returning home daily. And now we find ourselves deeply involved in a third front. But hold on one minute, don’t get too upset, he told us that this was going to be a “BRIEF AND LIMITED WAR” Yeah right, where have we hear that before? But unfortunately Muammar Gaddafi promises it to be a long and messy one. So who are we to believe, a President who is a liar or a Libyan Colonel who is a liar? Or a Secretary of State who is also a liar. Which one is is shoving BS down our throats again. Or could it be both of them?
And where is the outrage? Where are the protests and demonstrations? The hypocrisy although was expected is more outrageous then the act! As we already found long ago, the Constitution never interfered with anything Obama wanted to do before, when he wants something, anything he just does it.
The bottom line is this. On day one, both Our Dear Leader and our Secretary of State said “ GHADAFFI MUST GO”. Then only 2 days after I heard a top General as well as others in the Administration say , "No, we are not trying to take out Ghadaffi." We only want to protect the innocent rebels. Then we drop a 2 ton bomb in his back yard. Right on or near his Compound. . What changed?" Yes , where is the leftwing outrage? What changed the minds of these HYPOCRITES? And why isn’t Obama is a WAR-MONGER, after all we are still in Iraq and still in Afghanistan now we are on a third front in Libya? He also told us “There is no need for ground forces.” And if you believe that, I have a bridge to sell you in Brooklyn. I’m sorry, but I can’t seem to understand the difference between what Obama just did and what George Bush did except that George Bush has America’s interest in mind when he did what he did., instead of an illegal invasion.
As I type this, the skies over Libya are full of Missiles, Fighter Jets, and Bombs. The ground is full of Tanks etc.

“A BRIEF AND LIMITED WAR” Yeah right, where have we hear that before?
Look around us Folks, we ARE at War!

Part II Obama's March Madness!

YOU ALL MAY PLAY THE SEMANTICS GAME IF YOU PLEASE, But the minute you launch 120 Tomahawk Missiles at a foreign Country, this is war. ! If It Smells Like War... If It Looks Like War... If It Acts Like War... Must be a War... Obama's War! period!The headlines read "A coalition of American and European forces bombed Libyan targets"
Coalition my azz! Cruise missiles blasted Moammar Gadhafi's residential compound in an attack that carried as much symbolism as military effect. Fighter jets also destroyed a near by line of tanks.” Isn’t thar something like shooting Ducks in a barrel?
Look , make no mistake about it we have NO national interest in Libya. We get less than 4 percent of our oil from them, HOWEVER France gets about 40 percent of their oil form Libya. So Duh!
So what's this all about? Where was the French when we needed them in Iraq? I'll tell you where, they stayed at the table in the UN shaking their heads because they were getting MUCHO oil form Iraq and they didn't want to bite the hand that fed them. But they along with Hillary suckered us into this mess.
However, President Obama our Hopey and Changey President approved of the launchings of Tomahawk missiles and sent battleships, Subs, guided-missile destroyers and who knows what else there. Why? Why didn’t he do that when he was informed that Moammar Gadhafi personally ordered the Lockerbie plane bombing? That was the time to do something. . Gadhafi was personally responsible for killing American civilian citizens. That Mad Dog Gadhafi finally admitted his country was responsible for the bombing, and that he gave the order. But was their any retaliation? NO. None, Nada!!
So now we are stuck on 3 fronts of battle. And Our Dear Leader “promised” that there will be NO ground troops there! Well we all know all about his “promises” don’t we! And now they say that they are NOT targeting Gaddafi for assassination!!!!!
What is all this lying crap about? It makes me sick when they say oh we are just going to take out tanks and anti aircraft weaponry. And then they turn around and attack Gaddafis compound and bomb the crap out of it.. What a farce this whole thing is
Who are we fighting here? And what is all this being done for?

This really, to be honest has got me really upset. Because that statement was BS. Sure, we are bombing Libya now, and every Lib is making excuses for this folly. . But you mark my words, soon enough we will be seeing pictures of our troops being killed and we will be sending in Ground Troops, first by the hundreds, and then by the thousands. We'll end up with ground Troops there just as we did in Iraq and in Afghanistan. So bottom line, in 2 years President Obama has left our troops in Iraq and he expanded the war in Afghanistan. Now he has taken us into its third war in a another Muslim nation . And so now we are in another war. Hows that for Hope and Change? Who's next? Yemen? Saudi Arabia? Jordan? Pakistan?
It really pisses me off that we didn't have this kind of support in Iran, where we really had REAL reason to be there.
And another thing, you can not convince me that this hypocritical invasion was really Hillary Clinton doing. Yes of course with Obama’s blessings. But she is the one that was really behind this mess.

I guess that the Vacationer In Chief doesn’t know or doesn’t care that we have a Constitution for what that means, if he ever bothers to look at it or read it.
It's time for us to tuck our tail between our legs and come home.
Time to come home and let those people fight each and kill each other. We lost enough of our people fighting for them. And getting what? Nothing but insults and getting bombed by these Muslim fanatic ass-holes.
But Have No Fears, Obama Is Not Stupid, Obama Is Handling it All, He Has It All Under Control.
Even as he kicks the soccer balls with his children Even as he eats his Feijoada and enchiladas, even as he strolls on the beaches of Ipanema, and even as he and Moochis bask in the sunshine He's running the war on the phone.

Donald Trump Thinks That There’s Something Stinking in Denmark

By Megan Angelo
Donald Trump packed his appearance on "The View" today with as many outrageous soundbytes as possible -- but one was pretty insane, even for him. After co-host Joy Behar asked Trump if he's a so-called "birther" -- someone who questions President Obama's U.S. citizenship -- Trump shouted, "Why doesn't he show his birth certificate? There's something on that birth certificate that he doesn't like." Co-host Whoopi Goldberg responded: "That's the biggest load of dog mess I've heard in a while."

Leave it to Whoopi Goldberg to say something clever and/or intelligent!

But the audience didn't agree with her. Listen closely while watching the clip below -- Trump earned hearty applause for suggesting that the President may not be an American. Speaking of presidents, Trump's attempts at coyness about 2012 are getting more half-assed by the minute. When the co-hosts asked if he'll run, Trump cited a recent CNN poll that names him as the only viable Obama competitor and said "We'll see. I haven't made a decision. I will do a good job if I decide yes and I win."

I believe that we have the right to think that, and we should until we are shown something to make us feel otherwise.
Sorry all you racist callers, but it has nothing to do with race. It has everything to do with the fact that Obama was born to a father who was born in Kenya , and that he has refused to prove that he is anything but a Kenyan.
As for Whoopi the vile racist, she plays the race card because that's what she does and that's all she has.. ! Period.


TRIPOLI, LIBYA — The United States. fired more than 100 cruise missiles from the sea while French fighter jets targeted Moammar Gadhafi's forces from the air today.
So lets hear the Liberal’s Defend (SPIN) this one! So when George Bush did it , it was terrible, so what do you Libs have to say about this one?
I’m just dying to hear it. And while your at it spinning away and explaining the difference, how do you feel about Our Dear Leader basking in the Sun Shine in Brazil with his family while all this CRAP is going on at home?
You want to tell me about George Bush reading My Pet Goat to children while we were actually being attacked now? Is that anything like Moochie and Poochie and children Vacationing on the beaches of Ipanema. Or maybe he thinks he could lead a war via a Teleprompter.
And the French, the very same French who refused to help us in Iraq, is joining the party. It's pathetic . And It's pathetic how this Clown is running the country.
And Her Thighness Hillary is in France looking like cheerleader who has hit the bottle a bit to often.

But have no fair folks Obama promised us that there will be NO ground Troops. Uh, didn't we hear George Bush say the same thing when we invaded Iraq? When Bush wanted to take out the brutal dictatorship who gassed his own people, you libs cried “WARMONGER” Ask the Iraki people about Saddam and his sons putting their own people into huge shredders alive, feet first to prolong the agony!

Wen it was proved, yes PROVED that Hussein has WMD , that wasn’t enough. But some how this is different? Give me a friken break!

Can anyone tell me what is our interest in Libya? And why is this any different that what we did in Iraq? Come on all you Kum Ba Ya people, I’m just dying to hear it.

Barack Obama Makes History!

Elected the 44th President of the United States. This win makes him the first African-American President in the 232-year history of our Country.
Obama has made history by becoming the first African-American to secure the presidency has promised “Hope and Cange”
Barack Obama makes history, by planning to go to War and going on Vacation at the same time!
Barack Obama makes history, by being the FIRST American President to announce going to War while on foreign soil.
To put it bluntly, Barack Obama is Klown, a ridiculous hypocritical naive nincompoop, who has never learned the meaning of the world “Leadership” or the meaning of the word “Constitution” If he did he would know that ONLY CONGRESS HAS THE AUTHORITY “TO DECLARE WAR.” or perhaps he does know it but just doesn’t care! A President, not even a Historical President can wage war whenever he feels like it, No matter what the reason or whether it is justified or not. Obama has now put the United States to a position where we are now engaged in three wars simultaneously, how’s that for you Liberal’s. How do you think our Stock Market that is so fragile now is going to react to that? How do you Warmonger Name Callers feel about that? How do you feel now that it’s official and true that Barack Hussein Obama is NOW A WAR-MONGER. Well get used to it and hang your hat on that, because that tittle is going to be around for a long time. What’s next? Or Who is next? Does anyone really think that the rest of the world is going to go along with this BS? This is Obama’s war, nobody else’s.
Was it any less humanitarian when George Bush invaded Iraq, because of the MANY reasons he saw? I don’t think so at all, I don’t see any comparison at all, not even close!
And why did the French decline to help the US in Iraq but are so eager to get involved here in Libya? Easy, the word is “OIL”
Obama also told us and the world there will be no ground troops in Libya.
If this sounds familiar, George Bush said the exact something 10 years ago in Iraq
Maybe Obama should spend a bit more time and less vacations focusing on America’s problems and affairs and not Libya's.

By the way, where is that demented, Professional Protester Nitwit Cindy Sheehan now?
Shame on the Obama administration, shame on all those politicians that don’t cry out and who let him get away with doing this without going to Congress first. .. And does anyone realize or even care how thinly spread the US military is right now? I say let the Muslims handle their own affairs. When the hell are we going to learn.. Why do the Libs feel that this is any better then what George Bush did with so many more reason to do what he did? Where is the outcry of Obama being a “WARMONGER”
And how in the world can anyone justify this arrogant dingbat going and continuing his vacation at the same time as sending our people off to war! This is insane to put it mildly.
Lets see if the Liberals are going to protest this and cry to charge Obama with war crimes and put him on trial !!!!! Sound familia?
Any Liberal that feels this was the right thing to do and don’t feel like a hypocrite, should be making an appointment to see a Shrink right now.

And isn’t it funny how the Progressive Bloggers have been SO SILENT today, all of a sudden they have nothing to say, when they were out like vermin coming out from under their rocks to dispute my posts on a daily basis. Could it be that they are ASHAMED of their Dear Leader?

As World Burns, Obamas Takes Moochie and the Kids To Rio On The Taxpayer’s Dime

Madam Secretary of State Hillary “Rodham- HerThighness” Clinton seemed to take the lead in Threatening, Criticizing, and Intervening into the Gaddafi mess. Did she “Out-Stage” the Kenyan President? Or did she just do as she was told to do as I think she did. Inquiring Minds Want To Know, Who Is The President?

Is our Kenyan hero and our Madam Secretary of State Hillary “Rodham- HerThighness” Clinton getting us involved in another Middle East conflict? If so I honestly would like to know where's the outrage from the media, and from the Lefties? And are on the “Brink of War “with Libya? From the looks of these threats it certainly looks like it, it looks like Iraq and Afghanistan all over again, except Obama seemed to forget that he has to get approval from Congress! Do you lefties remember that? Do you remember when George Bush actually went to Congress got Congress's approval for the use of Military Force, which is a type of war declaration. To the best of my knowledge only Congress can declare war, and Congress did not declare war in Iraq . However Congress and the majority of the Senate did pass a resolution supporting the war, including Kennedy, Clinton, Pelosi, Reid, Albright, and Kerry.
So where are we now? What is Mr. Big Shot Obamba going to do now that his friends , Reverend Wright and Screwy Louie Farakhan are against invading a Brudda. It took him a week to say something about the situation in Japan and to speak to the Nation about the crises unfolding all over the world including Lybia, Hillary is not the President and she is upstaging the Clown form Kenya, who is busy packing his suit cases and Golf bag to go off to Brazil with his Moochie pie.

Obama demanded, yes, DEMANDED that Moammar Gadhafi halt all military actions and attacks and said that if he did not, the United States would join in military action against him

Isn't it funny that no one is calling Obama and Hillary a warmonger! Why doesn't anyone to go on record by calling Obama a Warmonger?
Let's get a few things straight for you stupid, ignorant, uneducated, losers, It's time to stop defending everything that Barry does and says. It’s time to realize that this guy is in this job way over his head. And that he is using this office for his own agenda and his own priorities that seem to be Golf, Basketball, Vacations and Parties where he allows a Chinese Communist piano player playing a Communist Anti American song in our White House.
He is not a leader, if he was, he wouldn’t be running away to Brazil right now and leaving Hillary holding the bag. Yeah, Bush is to blame, if it weren’t for Bush we wouldn’t be having Earthquakes and Hurricanes and the Tsunami’s! What the heck, Kanye West and Spike Lee did. And lets not forget Rosie O'Donnell said that the 9-11 attack was a Conspiracy. But that’s for another day and another blog topic, I know that I have the habit of drifting off in a different subject direction from where I started from, I’m the first to admit it, but that’s the way I think, and I like to say what I think, so sue me.
And while I’m on the subject of changing the subject, did I mention that the Brazilians have been protesting the on coming visit of President Obama and that they threw a a Molotov cocktail into the American consulate in Rio de Janeiro? And you thought that they only did things like throwing shoes at George Bush! Well maybe Moochie the Fashion Queen will wow them with a new pretty dress. I’m just hoping and praying that she don’t get carried away and wear a bikini on the beach.


by Josh Gerstein
Brazilians protesting the imminent visit of President Barack Obama struck the U.S. consulate in Rio de Janeiro with a Molotov cocktail Friday, prompting police to respond with rubber bullets, according to local news accounts. The U.S. Consulate in Rio said one security guard was treated at a local hospital for minor injuries after the brief demonstration. A radio reporter was hit by the rubber bullets, Brazilian newspaper O Globo reported. The crowd was protesting U.S. participation in enforcing a no-fly zone over Libya, local reports said.

Geez, when a jackass in Iraq threw his shoe at George Bush we heard about it for months.
How come this is so hush hush?

NOTE: To the Progressive Lefty who chose to say this about me:

“Deliberate lies and slander like the sort found on this bloggers blog need to be answered.”

Well Here Is MY Answer To Your Slop!

The entertainment industry has rallied en masse following some of the world’s most devastating recent tragedies, organizing relief efforts for survivors of 9/11, the 2004 tsunami in Indonesia, Hurricane Katrina, and last year’s earthquake in Haiti. The latter crisis alone prompted — mere days after the disaster — a star-studded charity telethon spearheaded by George Clooney and Wyclef Jean and which raised $57 million for the stricken nation. So why, in the wake of last week’s 9.0 magnitude Japan earthquake — and its resulting tsunami and nuclear crisis — have we heard so little from Hollywood this time around?
And it goes on and on!

No, I’m NOT unaware that Japan is the 3rd largest economy in the world. And what I DO know is that these people need help, just like Africa, and Haiti, and Libya, and Egypt, and Pakistan, and Indonesia did.

Is this
Professor also wrong and "Unaware"

Where Are The Americans?

So, what are we actually doing to help these poor people. Not too much I'm afraid to report. These RACIST cowards are few and do not represent the America that I knew.
The worst nuclear catastrophe that has hit since Chernobyl is taking place in Japan right now, but the United States finds it more urgent to plan for a Libya no-fly zone operation. And our President finds it more important to pick his winners in the March Madness tournaments. And another vacation, this time to Brazil, the land of the Bossa Nova and Samba. I can hardly wait to see Moochie doing the Bossa Nova, and eating those empanadas, fried shrimp balls, black-eyed peas, and fried rice balls........
America has sent relief to everywhere they had a disaster in the past. , What happened to all the big rich liberal movie stars that were making those pleas and commercials for Haiti? Where are they now? Did all their money go to Haiti? Why aren’t we there with there with food, water trucks?
We don’t see any of the looting or rioting, and blaming organizations kike we did with FEMA, and blaming Bush for not landing his Helicopter in the water 3 days after Katrina/. And we also don’t see the “Committee” of Bill Clinton and George Bush #1 that was formed by Obama to raise money for the Haitians. Not to begrudge the Haitians, not at all, but why not do the same for the Japanese people?
Where are the telethons by the Hip Hop Rappers? Where’s George Clooney? Where’s Jamie Foxx? Where is Angelina Jolie or Brad Pitt, and Britney Spears? This is really disappointing.Yes m
ore than $150 million was raised within four days of the earthquake in Haiti, a big contrast to the $25 million raised for Japan so far.
Compared to the Haiti earthquake, the United States has sent relatively few people to help. Why?
Why aren’t we seeing these organizations such as Save the Children, and Save the Animals? And Feed the People? One only has to wonder how many billions of dollars and how many plane loads of Food and Water and Clothing and other supplies would our government have sent if this was an African Nation? Yes, there I’ve said it so sue me if you think that was a racist remark, but I stand by it. Would our Dear Leader be flying off to Brazil now if it was Kenya that was in this kind of need?

Compared to the Haiti earthquake, the United States has sent relatively few people to help. Why?
Why aren’t we seeing these organizations such as Save the Children, and Save the Animals? And Feed the People? One only has to wonder how many billions of dollars and how many plane loads of Food and Water and Clothing and other supplies would our government have sent if this was an African Nation? Yes, there I’ve said it so sue me if you think that was a racist remark, but I stand by it. Would our Dear Leader be flying off to Brazil now if it was Kenya that was in this kind of need?

As we see day after day, more and more homes being washed away, and more and more bodies washing up on the Japanese coast from last weeks devastating earthquake and tsunami, we see and hear of miracles about survivors being found under the rubble. Both little children and the elderly have been heard and saved from being crammed under their destroyed homes under rocks and debris. We see these shelters, with hundreds or maybe thousands of people young and old in the need of food, water and medicine. I understand that over 600,000 people has been evacuated, so that they are far enough away from the possibility of harmful radioactive levels that have leaked from the nuclear plants that were hit by the earthquake and tsunami.
We see orphaned children wandering around looking for their parents and we see parents wandering around the rubble looking for their children. And we see everyone looking for water, and food with no power for electricity and with no toilets. We see over packed shelters with survivors looking so desperate. We see the washed away homes, and stores, roads and bridges, and railroads. And we see the people just waiting for help. These horrific pictures are heart breaking.
What has happened to us? Why aren’t we there as we alway are? What is wrong with us? What is wrong with our Leadership? Japan is one of our few a major ally’s left in this world. .Japan and the Japanese people are hurting beyond belief. Ten’s of thousands of people are dead or dying. Desperately in need for supplies and help ten of thousands more are lost. . And what are we doing? Not too much.

If this were a Muslim country like Indonesia, aid would be flowing like water. Like we did in
the 2005 Pakistan earthquake, and the 2010 Haiti quake and Pakistan floods. America would be sending in aid with no end as we should, and as we should be doing now in Japan.
NOTE: To the Progressive Lefty who chose to say this about me:

“Deliberate lies and slander like the sort found on this bloggers blog need to be answered.”

The entertainment industry has rallied en masse following some of the world’s most devastating recent tragedies, organizing relief efforts for survivors of 9/11, the 2004 tsunami in Indonesia, Hurricane Katrina, and last year’s earthquake in Haiti. The latter crisis alone prompted — mere days after the disaster — a star-studded charity telethon spearheaded by George Clooney and Wyclef Jean and which raised $57 million for the stricken nation. So why, in the wake of last week’s 9.0 magnitude Japan earthquake — and its resulting tsunami and nuclear crisis — have we heard so little from Hollywood this time around?
And it goes on and on!

No, I’m NOT unaware that Japan is the 3rd largest economy in the world. And what I DO know is that these people need help, just like Africa, and Haiti, and Libya, and Egypt, and Pakistan, and Indonesia did.

Is this
Professor also wrong and "Unaware"