Who Do You Believe Obama or Me?

Are the voters who supported the OBAMANATION are disenchanted with politicians in general. The economy is not as promised to them as children and the idea of going to collage and not having a job or much of a future is not appealing to them.
Are the voters, especially the first time voters who supported the Obamanation disenchanted, disappointed and finally fed-up with Obama and his false and phony promises? . The economy is not as promised to them, the job market is at zero, the hand outs never happened and the idea of going to collage free or getting whatever they thought they were getting didn’t happen. And most of all, the young folks that just got out of collage and not having a job to go to, or much of a future is not exactly what they had envisioned.
Don’t you just hate it when something that you depended on doesn’t come about? Don’t you just hate it when something you looked forward to pretty much fades before your eyes? And don’t you just hate it when your idol turns out to be nothing more than a package of lies and crapola, with a laundry list of “Hope” and no substance but just a pack of BS? Whether it is Liberalism, or Socialism, Obama has turned out to be a great, real life teacher for the young people of America, who saw this man who made history turn into nothing but a carbon copy of the people we have tried so hard to defeat in our efforts overseas, and a leader that we never wanted here in America.
This is Obama’s kind of America, we were promised “Hope and Change” but what he brought us was DEPENDENCY, FEAR, and HOPELESSNESS. No one could have predicated his type of liberalism to be this bad except possibly someone like Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi. There people have not only weakened the Democratic party, but they have weakened and shamed America. Has it ever occurred to these liberal thinking people that, just maybe, their Savior is siding with the Muslims, and that these Muslim fanatics want to kill Americans? And that Obama is too busy tearing down our economy, and bowing to our enemies to worry about these Muslim threats, be it internal or external. He would rather prosecute our national heroes in the CIA and in our Military, than to embarrass the Muslim community and tell them where to stick their Masque or to bother about learning who is out to kill us all.
All we hear about from our Attorney General is complaints about the way that the Muslim poisoners were treated in jail and that they were tortured, and Eric Holder would rather have the interrogator arrested, prosecuted and thrown into jail than the killers! And Mr. Obama is more worried that we might "offend" some Muslim, by rejecting their building a Masque at the foot of ground Zero.
To believe that Obama would be concerned about the security of this nation is completely delusional. He has nothing else but the destruction of this country as his one and only priority. His agenda and his goal is to bring American into THIRD worldism and to punish us for being on top of the world as we were a short time ago. We are now Islam sympathizers at the orders of the head thief in charge.

Let us not forget that the very same Church, Obama's Church for over twenty years, where he was MARRIED and he and his children were BAPTIZED, awarded Louis Farrakhan a Lifetime Achievement Award for his work with the Nation of Islam. The very same Louis Farrakhan that said “God will destroy America by the hands of the Muslims”.
Let's get real folks, this is the man that America has put in the White House. Is it only me or don’t clear headed and clear thinking people think that something is wrong here?
Iran is rising, and the Soviet Union has helped to arm her while we are Dismantling! No nothing is wrong here, it must be my imagination or my conspiracy minded mind. Here lyes a true crisis , and Our Dear Leader goes on vacation after vacation to show us that it’s safe to eat shrimp., by eating one at a photo-op miles from where the real contamination lyes, and it will be OK to eat, right? But how safe is it really, when a study published just this week in the Journal of the American Medical Association suggests that there may be good reason to be concerned about the long-term impacts, even if the seafood is safe for most people to eat right now. Whom do you believe?
Now it time for Americans to vote AGAINST a future with these Socialist at the realm, and without the influence of Obama and company. The rhetoric from the leftist Progressive’s and the Democrat Parties policies have all but destroyed America’s hopes and values.
And let them say what they may, but The efforts of Tea Party movement and their mission and it’s completely non-partisan and independent movement, have woke America up. The Tea Party movement is not a political party but a group of people that are fed up with the direction Obama has taken us into and we are not going to take it anymore. As November's midterm elections draws closer, many voters are beginning to express their optimism about the chances kicking out the liars and cheats and the Obama crowd and sending responsible people to Washington. We want to believe that we can throw out this Socialist government and that a new type of government is only a vote away. We want to be able to trust that our representatives that we send to Washington and that we won't have people that say one thing and do another.

I sense panic from the left out there folks. The left is becoming unhinged and getting exceptionally stupid. The Glenn Beck rally last weekend has really unhinged these pathetic folks. For a so called “peace loving” party it sure seems like a great deal of violence coming out of their mouths lately. It's normal when someone like Rosie O’Donnell says these nutty things but now we are hearing them from the upper echelon Elitist! They won the White House and both houses of Congress. You'd think they'd be content, but no, they aren't happy enough with just having control, they actually seem to want to destroy us.
They may be angry now, but wait until you see just how angry they are going to be in November.
Thank you and now let us hope that the rest wake up and realize the mistake that they have made.