The Sky Is NOT Falling.

No, The Sky Is NOT Falling.
(AP) WASHINGTON — Moody's Investors Service said late Friday that the United States should be able to keep its triple-A credit rating as long as Washington works out a deal that lets it continue to pay bondholders. The credit rating agency said it thinks that even if the nation's $14.3 trillion borrowing limit isn't raised by Tuesday's deadline, the government would give priority to making interest payments on its debt and thereby avoid a default.
And there my friends is the bottom line!
"The credit rating agency said it thinks that even if the nation's $14.3 trillion borrowing limit isn't raised by Tuesday's deadline, the government would give priority to making interest payments on its debt and thereby avoid a default."

We should NOT and we will not be downgraded or forced to default! The sky, is NOT falling.
The President and the Democratic Congress along with ehr Lame-Stream Media have been caught lying again as well as being caught with his false threats again. There is no crisis, and there never had been one. This is just another ploy by Obama and that other POS Harry Reid who have never seen a crisis or a panic that he didn’t love. No he would never pass up the opportunity to let a good crisis go to waste Rather, he has found another way for him to manipulate and twist the facts and cause hysteria.

I now can honestly say that "For the First Time in My Adult Lifetime, I have seen a President who truly hates Capitalism
So no, the sky's not falling, we are not going to default, we have enough money to pay our bills and to send out Social Security checks, making Medicare payments, etc. But if you want to believe that Obama, Reid Bull-shit, good luck with that. Please press One to speak in English.
Like everything else about his administration, Obama's policies have failed..

The Liberals Think That They Are “WINNING”

Hilarious? Yes! Bizarre? Yes! Weird, Strange, Funny, Yes, Yes, and Yes!

Yes, If you read those Bizarre Liberal Blogs, you’ll find that the Liberals Actually Think That They Are “WINNING” or are they so ashamed of their parties antics thet they are pretending to be so overjoyed at what Harry Reid , Nancy Pulverized Pelosi, and Barack Obama are doing to the American public, by scaring the hell out of Grandma by his threats of dire consequences for the nation if the debt ceiling is not raised by next week.

Oh yes, we’ve all seen all this before with his Healthcare bill. The president will use his entire his bag of scare tactics such as the loss of Social Security benefits, the discontinuance of Veteran benefits higher taxes and the list goes on and on. He will stop at nothing to influence his insane spending agenda. But what they won’t tell you is that but Social Security payments are NOT among them! Social Security is 100% self-funded until 2017 . This means that payments can and will continue to be made no matter what the debt ceiling is, at least until then.
Obama saying the federal government may not have the money for
Social Security checks is purely Bull-Shit.
But Obama and company have been using these scare tactics every time he feels that his agenda is in jeopardy. Scaring the hell out of people has worked for him in the past, so what the hell!. He has found that pressuring seniors works the best. The longer that the debt limit fight drags out, the further Obama’s approval ratings plummets. Americans now disapprove of Obama’s handling of his job as president by a 48 –to 44 margin. Just like the “Energizer Bunny” he keeps going and going and going DOWN! But isn't it amazing how the Liberals blogs would make you think that he’s “WINNING” . But then again, these are the same people who supported and voted for this jerk. And then we have Good Ole Nancy Pelosi who has once again so brilliantly said. “WHAT WE’RE TRYING TO DO IS SAVE THE WORLD FROM THE REPUBLICAN BUDGET, WE’RE TRYING TO SAVE LIFE ON THIS PLANET AS WE KNOW IT TODAY.” Out of the mouths of Morons!

Well lefties here's the problem
you say that Obama is winning." well so is Charlie Sheen. He’s winning a room in the Nut House. . But as far as Obama is concerned, its time he worries less about winning and more about leading this Country. .This isn't a Basketball game. The American people want the government and Moochie Obama to stop spending our money.

So I’m saying, the crisis is really not that we will miss the debt deadline, you can be assured that we won't. The REAL crisis is that the spending is out of control and must end.
Despite all the rhetoric and all the threatening by Obama, Reid, Geithner, and the media , I can tell you that there is no possibility that the U.S. will default on its debt after August 2nd, even if there isn’t an agreement and the debt ceiling is not raised. and not increased.
Mr. Obama is living proof that Socialism won’t work in the United States of America..

Just When I Thought I Could Not Despise the Liberals More than I Do.

Here is my take on the situation. Lets start by taking Sarah Palin for example. A side from the fact that she drives Liberals Crazy.. She is beautiful looking women , she is certainly physically as physically fit and much more stylish than the Queen of Flab, the First Lady of Vacations, the self appointed Fascist-minded health food Queen. Oh well, lets get back to a real women Sarah Palin. Sarah Palin who had been the Governor of a State in the United States of America. Who has 2 lovely daughters, no matter what the hypocritical creeps of Hollywood and TV think and is just as comfortable hunting Moose with the guys, as the Moocher is breaking Royal protocol when she put her arm around the Queen of England. Something that is never done at all, even by Jackie Kennedy who those idiots on the left seem to compare with the First Blubber Lady. And there lies the reason why they weren’t invited to the wedding of Prince William and Kate.
No it was not true that Michelle might upstage Kate Middleton by the
way she dresses .

There were many other logical reasons.

Anyway, we were talking about Sarah Palin who is a natural leader and excels at everything she attempts to does. But, she’s a Conservative, and a Female Conservative, something that the Liberal oh excuse me they aren’t called Lefty Liberals these days, these days they wish to be called “Progressives” They seem to be once again ashamed of being called “Liberals”
She’s a good person and at all stupid, as the progressive’s would like you to believe, as we already saw when they tried their best to destroy her and her family, as they did with George Bush’s Daughters, but never dared to do with Hillary and Bill and their lovely little charming daughter who was seen drunk as a skunk all over the entire world. And to be very frank about it, most lefty women seem to be quite Unattractive, as we have seen through the years with people like Hillary and Chelsea Clinton, Michelle Obama, Roseanne, Barr, Cindy Sheehan, Teresa Kerry, Bug-Eyed Nancy Pelosi, Janet Reno, Madeleine Albright, now there was a looker., and lets not forget Helen Thomas, Rosie O'Donnell Whoopi Goldberg, Joy Behar, it seems as if the more politically radical they get, the UGLIER they get. In fact aside from Jackie Kennedy, most of the Democratic women look as if they belong in a KENNEL club!

But the real reason behind today’s post is what I hear on the radio this morning. It seems that the Democrats won the award of the ASS-HOLE of the month when Senator Charles Chucky Schumer, the cowardly Democratic Senator from the Great State of New York, gleefully attacked the Republican pary with his comparison to the movie “The Town” with Ben Affleck. And here is his direct quote. “In the scene they chose to inspire their House freshmen, one of the crooks gives a pep talk to the other right before they both put on hockey masks, bludgeon two men with sticks and shoot a man in the leg,” Mr. Schumer said, a wicked grin on his face. “Literally in the movie, the protagonists say, ‘People are going to get hurt.’ But they have to go ahead and do it anyway.” “LADIES AND GENTLEMEN,” HE CONTINUED, “THIS IS YOUR HOUSE REPUBLICAN MAJORITY.” This remark ranks with the most lowest and embarrassing thing ever said by any US Senator ever! And it goes to show just how low the Democratic’s have sunk. This was even more disgusting for a jackal like Schumer to say. It exemplifies, and calls attention to something I never thought I’d say about the whole lot of the Democratic Congress, they're all a bunch of lowlife idiots that need to go home and find themselves a honest job instead of trying to represent themselves as Americans.
Just how stupid can this sub-human piece of Slime get? And this is a representative of the United Stated government And by the way Mr. Schumer, Ben Affleck is an avowed Liberal!
Today, New York Senator Chuck Schumer Proved Once Again, That You Can Count on Liberals to Be Stupid!
I think that we can say Good-bye, to Mr Barack Hussein Obama.
By now I'm sure that everyone has heard about the problem the president is having with Speaker of the House John Boehner, or is it that Speaker of the House John Boehner is having a problem dealing with the president? And by now we all know that we have an enormous out of control debt which can become even bigger if the president gets his way. This of course depend on the members of the Government who can`t reach to a solution to the problem . Right now, the Speaker Mr. Boehner seems to be the only one who has even proposed a "plan". The plan will raise the debt ceiling, without raising taxes. “We’re here to change Washington — no more smoke-and-mirrors, no more ‘phantom cuts.’ We promised that we will cut spending more than we increase the debt limit — with no tax hikes — and we will keep that promise." BUT president Barack Obama and that phony Harry Reid will NOT accept that plan because it was It was written by the Tea Party and not the American people.
Wow, and silly me always thought that the "Tea Party" WERE American people. I guess I was wrong, are they French? Or are they Libyan?
Golly Gee, who the hell are they?

And we see Obama standing in the background just saying No, No, No, so much for the "C" word. I really think that Obama doesn't even have a plan of his own, he is just there to say NO. Could it be that he is unfamiliar with the process? Could it be that's why when he was a Senator he voted "Present'" so often! My research shows that he did so 129.
When asked, Reid said that he believes that Speaker Boehner would like to avoid default but noted that “he sure has a funny way of showing it.” I guess that we can say the same thing about Mr. Harry Reid, he sure has a funny way about showing "Compromise" We should be calling the word "Compromise" the "C" word. Because it now has become a dirty word.

Bottom line, will the US Government default on Aug 2nd? times, will these lefty ignoramuses get their act together?
And once again we see the
hysteria put before the American public by Obama, With is threats and his scolding. I say, let him threat, he's full for crap and they all know it. But will his Fear Mongering succeed ? Probably. It will probably will only because the American public is so stupid. And that's why this Fear Mongering Idiot was elected in the first place. The US Social Security has enough surplus to be sustainable at least until 2042, with or without Obama's approval. Is rebuilding and refurbishing Mosques all over the world more important?.

Obama gives your tax dollars to rebuild Muslim mosques around the world.

Found on "Fact Check!

Q: Is President Obama using tax dollars to rebuild mosques around the world?

A: Yes — and to rebuild historic churches and temples as well. The State Department’s program to preserve overseas cultural landmarks started funding projects under President Bush in 2001. While millions of Americans struggle to keep their homes and jobs, President Barack Obama can’t give your tax dollars away fast enough.

And yet the Greek Orthodox church at Ground Zero STILL has not been RE-BUILT after TEN Years! Go Figure that! Yes, the Greek Orthodox church, St. Nicholas that was destroyed in the 9/11 attacks has not been allowed to be rebuilt. What is going on with that? So I guess that we can assume it’s OK for a Mosque to be built there but not to REBUILD a church that was destroyed by these Muslim Terrorists. I thought this was America. Thanks Mr. Obama, I'll remember that, and so will Millions of other American's. As well as remembering that we have a Spending Crisis that will continue until this president's failed policies are changed.

The Most Honest Thing That Obama Said Last Night Was:

"This is no way to run the greatest country on Earth."

Republicans for Obama! Who Are They Kidding?

After Slumming through the Garbage Dumpsters of Liberal Blogs today, I came across a post written by a completely ignorant Liberal moron who is oblivious of facts, or completely blatantly ignores them. Anyway she wrote about a Website called “Republicans for Obama”

Now who and why would any Republican not only support this Lame-Brained Clown who doesn’t know his ass from his elbow, but start a website by that tittle and expect to get members to go long with that stupidity. So today, I took a little trip down the lane to see what it was all about. And sure enough I wasn’t at all surprised. This was a LIBERAL, PROGRESSIVE, LEFT WING-NUT-JOB, COMMIE-PINKO or whatever based piece of CRAP by a bunch of Jackass’s who expect Republican's to buy this junk! If this were true, those Republicans would have to be the most idiotic and gullible group on the planet today. What Republican in their right mind would even consider that nonsense.

And nowhere did I see the latest polls that show 50 percent of voters think it’s time for someone new, while 44 percent believe Obama has done well enough to deserve re-election. And that the drop in his job approval can be attributed to a decrease in support among Democrats! I guess that the Republicans for Obama must have missed that.
Obama is still continuing to blame ALL of his problems and his failures on George Bush and the Bush administration, but the voters are just aren’t buying that crapola any longer. We all have become wise to that old song, and we all know that Obama has to Man up to his failures because it just ain’t Bush’s fault any longer. It’s hight time that he take ownership to his failed presidency.

Who are they kidding? Certainly not me and not you! . We all know that Republicans are not, and I repeat NOT going to be voting for Comrade Obama
No Matter What! In fact I doubt if eve half of the Democratic base will be supporting this Clown the way they did in 08. \When you think about what this Community Organizer has done to America in only 2 1'2 short years you want to scream, not support this Jackass. Just think about how he has wrecked our economy, at what he has don’t to the Job market, the housing situation, people can’t sell a house today, the average house for sale has been on the market for over a year and a half. Look at our national security, and the idiots in charge of the TSA, and our Homeland Security, and the mobs of Illegal’s entering our country each and every day and how Obama wants to legalize them so that they would vote for his re-election. If that ain’t nerve, audacity, and chutzpa , then I don’t know what is.
Do these idiots on this website really think that this is going to pressure Republicans into supporting Obama and that they would buy any of this BULL? Come on now, I know that these Libs and Progressives are a bit off their rockers but this?

Welcome to realty. "The Republicans for Obama!" Is a Farce, a Fraud, a Phony, and a Fake. Or They Are a Bunch of Flakes. Either one, is probably true. Despite their claim they are a Scam!

As a member of the Republican party myself. I do apologize for these phony, frauds, and flakes for saying things that NO REAL Republican would ever say or write and to be so critically about their own party.

I am very optimistic when it come to the 2012 election.

I am very optimistic when it come to the 2012 election. As a conservative who have been extremely disappointed in the direction that the current president has been leading this country to. I have a great deal of hope that we will be seeing a change in the 2012 election. I think that they is going to be a compete sweep of the House and the Congress as well.
The events of the past 2 years leading up to today have proven that the Democratic/Liberal/Progressive party has lost touch with the American people.
One only has to consider the economy, the job market, and the housing situation to see the UTTER FAILURE of this president.
And that the Obama Administration has been hostile to big business and the Cooperate world. The same people that are responsible for putting 75 percent of the work force to work. The major Cooperation's are going to be VERY careful when it comes down to re-hiring new people because of the fact of the expense of new employees, because when you consider Obama's health care bill becoming reality, today's unemployment figures will seem like peanuts.
Just about the only jobs that might be created by the health care bill would be Government jobs, hence a even larger Government .
Obama's promise to create new jobs has been as fruitful as the rest of his promises. This Administration has been a complete failure in the creation of new jobs, over a trillion dollars of Obama "stimulus package" has been another big bust. Where are the jobs, after all that money was thrown to bail out Corporations. The answer is blowing in the wind.
We have a clown for a leader, and we all know it, and the lefties know it as well, except the lefties won't admit it.

What we DO know is that he can eat Junk food, Dance and play Basketball
But doesn't mean he should be President

These Dirty Rotten Liberals, Progressives, and Commies.

I can call these Liberals, Progressives all the dirty names in the world, as they call me, and sometimes I do. But that will never change anything. The liberal-Progressives wants to “Change" and save the world , from the big bad racists of the world. And for the greater good of us all. And take America down the tubs at the same time. The liberal-progressive bunch is not honest enough to admit the truth of the outcome of their convictions. They will twist, spin and lie about anything is that’s what it takes. What a liberal-progressives calls freedom of speech is their interpretation freedom, not the dictionary's. It’s the communists interpretation. And what’s the communists interpretation? It’s like a parasite sucking away the individuals freedoms and the way of life that the American society has known for hundreds of years. Look up the word, it will say “the state of being free or at liberty rather than in confinement or under physical restraint” We know that all to well. Except this is the one time in our lives that this Freedom” is being questioned and threatened. We see it almost every day, we read about what our Dear Leader has in store for our future and we Americans, We REAL, TRUE Americans, don’t like what we see and hear. “Freedom, independence, liberty refer to an absence of undue restrictions and an opportunity to exercise one's rights and powers. Freedom emphasizes the opportunity given for the exercise of one's rights, powers, desires, or the like: freedom of speech or conscience; freedom of movement. Independence “ Does that sound like what Mr. Obama has in his Hope and Change agenda? Isn't Obama trying to weaken America? I would say most defiantly, he’s weakening our Military, he’s weakling if not destroying our dollar, and our economy is already down the drain. He has all but killed the Job market And just wait until his abomination Healthcare bill kicks in. Then folks, look out. But let’s Hope that we have a Change soon and hopefully we can turn America around to become the great Nation it was Pre-Obama. The Progressives can chant “Obama, Obama, Obama” all day long until the cows come home but that only reminds me of the German youth in the 1930's when people were poor, dumb, and brainwashed. There is no doubt in my mind that Obama is indeed a socialist, and is pursuing socialist policies here in America, and that’s why I want his policies and his agenda to FAIL.

Mr. Obama, Do I Hate Thee? Do I Despise You? How much do I Despise You? Let Me Count The Ways.

Aside from the fact that Obama is the most extreme left winger in politics today and is doing his best to bring his socialist policies and his agenda to bring America down to the level of his Muslim Brothers, there are many other things to dislike about his philosophy and his policies, and his greed, and his racist ways, and his need for attention.
But then again what would anyone expect from a person who was elected only because of the color of his skin. Why should we expect anything presidential from a Community Organizer of a Community of Thugs, Racist’s and Terrorists? A man with no experience or qualifications for anything other than sitting in a Racist Church for 20 years without hearing anything from one of the most racist Pastors that America has ever witnessed aside form Screwy Louie Farrakhan, from the Nation of PissOn..
Why should anyone hate an American President who will only blame others for everything that goes wrong during his Administration and Bows down to the Dictators of the world, or who has violated the oath of his office, or has put us in dept of trillions of dollars, and who has totally screwed up the Job market of America, and who has lets ILLEGAL Mexican etc. people into our country only to improve his chances of being re elected, even though ILLEGAL’S are not supposed to vote, and ILLEGAL’S are ILLEGAL. And because he clearly hates the constitution and has trampled all over it not only once but many, many time. And who has brought us to a third war while promising to end the other two.
Yes these are a few of the reason why I despise and why I oppose him. Not because of his color though the lefties will say that’s my reason, but because his policies are detrimental to America. And the lefties know damn well that’s true. How stupid can people get ? The liberals were always so quick to use the word "hate" when it came to George Bush, but now that they are in power, everything that the opposing party say about this Socialist is related to his color. Well that’s bull-shit and if that’s what they want to think, then so be it.
Obama and his Moocher wife have spent more money in his first two years, than any other Presidential Administration in our history has was that also Bush's fault?
Was it Bush’s fault when the “Moocher” took hundreds of her friends all over the world , and wined and dined them on our dime?

And all these brainless liberal boobs, have to say about it is how charming this Queen of Flab is. She would know anything abut charm if it bit her in her fat ass. While the Moocher campaigns against childhood obesity, she stuffs everything that fits into her mouth, from French Fries to Greaseburgers. and Chicken Wings
Who gives a crap about their "date night". I care about them taking Air Force One out and spending $6800.00 an hour to fly. Someone should tell this guy that being President is not exactly like being The King. And that we are 14 trillion in debt !

And now I'll give you folks a chance
. How much do you hate this guy and his party? Vent here...........................

Today Is a Day That Shall Live in Infamy. Obama Has Shut down the Us Space Program

The U.S. Boldly Goes Into Space No More. One Small Cut by Obama – One Giant Loss for America!
Barack Hussain Obama’s ill-conceived, adventure took another disastrous turn! As America bids goodbye to the end of an era.. We say farewell to the space shuttle era. Another one of Obama’s great accomplishments in route to the destruction and the bringing down of America.
Not only have we lost over 4,000 jobs, but American is now put in the position of being a “PASSENGER” of the Russians when it come to the Space program. Our Dear Leader has decided to put 4,000 people on welfare and food stamps rather than running NASA..
Obama wants us to feed,, illegals, give them food-stamps, put them on welfare send them to our schools but say good-bye to NASA and hello to the to dead beat lazy bums on the corner who are too damn lazy to work . Gone are the days when America was the leader in technology and innovation in space. It was the end of an era a three decade era of space travel when NASA’s shuttle program came to a end this morning.
Atlantis came back to Earth and Obama sent us to Libya. Fantastic, isn’t it! Go figure.. Has there ever been a President that has been so deaf when it come to the will of the American people? We could have continued the program with the money that Our Dear First Lady piss’s away on her vacations alone. And Obama finds it more important funding and renovating Mosques all over the world. John Kennedy must be turning over in his grave. It's a disgrace, 50 years of space travel going to down the drain, and handing it over to the Russians. We should be flying our flags at half mast. Oh well, I guess my Son won’t grow up to be an Astronaut.
As an American , I am pissed.
But where is the outrage from the left? Humm. For somebody who “Hope & Change” Obama has surely kept his promise. A 3rd term would not only “Change the country, but it would completely destroy it.
Once again the Evil hand of Socialism has put the brakes on American progress.

So It Starts!

Like her or not, just as I predicted, the worthless, lowlife, Creeps on the Left have already started their slime campaign to destroy Michele Bachmann. Or as they call her “ Tea Party Extremist” The Lame-Brain Douche-bags leftist Media, Liberals, Progressives’s and Comrades have already begun their negative campaign. Just as we saw with all of the other possible candidate that threatened them. These people don't give a damn about this country, they just care about what this country can do for them, or should I say, Give to them. !
This time it’s a story about Michele Bachmann suffering from severe migraines. Can you believe this? Yes you read it right. “SEVERE MIGRAINES” In other words “Headaches”
But of course this story is intended to leave to others with the thought that because Michele Bachmann suffers from severe migraines, there is some other medical problem that she is hiding from the voting public.
According to the story, an ABC reporter by the name of Brian Ross asked her about her “CONDITION,” and that didn’t go over very well with Michele Bachmann’s handlers who got got pretty aggressive with Brian Ross who thought just because he was a Lefty representative of a Daily Slime TV station he could get away with anything, especially if it’s a conservative women that he attacks. Asking her about her “her medical condition” implies that she has a medical condition.
I wonder if Brian Ross ever asked Hillary Clinton how she felt the day after she was attacked by snipers shooting at her (And Her Lying Daughter) in Bosnia? Or if he asked Ted Kennedy if he was tired from swimming away from Mary Jo Kopechne when she was drowning at Chappaquiddick? Or how Barack Obama and the Moocher ware able to sit in Reverend Jeremiah Wright’s church for 20 years and didn’t hear any anti White, or anti American or anti Semitic rants?. Would he have dared to ask JFK if he ever “Bagged” Marilyn Monroe?
The liberals want to destroy Michele Bachmann by any means necessary, and they will do their dirtiest work to destroy Michele Bachmann's campaign before it even gets off the ground. It’s an old familia tactic of theirs. And I’ll tell you something else, these Lefty Progress Ass-Holes should be ashamed of themselves at the way their party treats Women. It should be disgrace to all women. But the Progressive flakes would rather see their Marxist hero remain in power no matter what and no matter who they have to destroy.
So yes it started, just as they ganged up and ht Sarah Palin and her daughters and her Husband with everything they had, the will do the same to Michele Bachmann. Why? Because they are afraid of Michele Bachmann.
And don’t think for one minute that Obama and his Stooges aren’t behind all this.

And they want us to Compromise? I say they should go to hell.

I Watched This Video That Was E-mailed to Me Earlier This Morning, And I Almost Gave Back My Breakfast.

I get sick to my stomach when I see what this President and his Cronies are doing and is getting away with. Investigations have found that we have been sending millions of dollars over seas to rebuild Islamic Mosques! Can you believe this? But yes, it’s true. I watched a video e-mailed to me earlier this morning, and I almost gave back my brreakfast. The Vacationer In Chief just authorized another 80 Million dollars to potential Islamic Terrorists to come to America. Where is the Outcry here? And why isn’t this being publicized? And why doesn’t his party, the party of Idiots speak out? Why don’t we have a tax revolt when he is throwing away all this money to our potential enemies? . We don't have enough money to spend on ourselves and to create jobs for our own citizens and for our returning Vets, but we throw it away on building and refurbishing Mosques over seas, so that these TERRORISTS might get to “like us” Is our current regime crazy? Or is he crazy like a Fox? We need to get the message out, we need to get these dead-heads, and these lame-brains to understand what’s really going on with this Socialist that THEY put in the White House. We have to replace all of them. They have already forgetting why we elected them, or they never cared why. . W e already give foreign aid to 150 out of 191 foreign Countries, This has to stop. We are throwing our much need money to people who want to kill us or to people who hate us. Can you imagine the hell that would break loose with the ACLU if this kind of money was being used to Build or “Refurbish” CHRISTIAN or JEWISH Churches or Synagogues? Especially OVERSEAS! Or if George Bush were doing this! I think it would be very hard if not impossible for any Republican President to get re-elected if the American taxpayer found out this was going on.

If this isn't despicable, then I don't know what despicable is! And those lefties say that I’m despicable? And I’m a Racist! And that I make these things up! Well, I don’t give a Camel’s ass what they think. In fact, as long as they call me these names, and try to discredit me with their “So Called” self serving George Soros Funded Sources …Yes, the George Soros Self Serving Funded Lefty Media Reach More Than 300 Million people all over the world every Month. And his chief achievement is known as A site that our Progressive friends love to quote as a major “SOURCE” So it’s no wonder that he gets the influence he wants, he buys it. .
He owns and operates 180 different operations with liberal propaganda that HE calls and wants you to think is “News” Not to mention the power of the liberal-controlled Hollywood and TV industry. And we have all seen that on just to mention a few, David Letterman, The View and the Oprah show. .
He puts out that BS in Books, Newspapers, Radio stations especially shows like those on NPR, TV stations, Websites and Videos. He spent $27 million dollars alone just on trying to defeat George Bush in 2004. And you can bet your last buck that he was the one that got Hillary Clinton to drop out of the race to clear the way for Barack Obama. The more I know that MY argument is invalid.

Only our votes can stop this Mad Man before he completely destroys our country.
But I got a feeling that it's going to be a very good year,
Obama is going down and he is taking the Democrat Party with him

Is The Emperor Upset?

CBS News:

President Obama said that he's willing to "to tackle our debt and deficits in a serious way," but House Speaker John Boehner says that isn't true.

"This boils down to two things," Boehner told reporters, after Mr. Obama gave a White House press conference regarding negotiations to lower the deficit and raise the $14.3 trillion debt ceiling before August 2. By that date, the administration says, the United States will no longer be able to pay its bills without an increase in the amount it can borrow.

"The president continues to insist on raising taxes, and [Democrats] are just not serious enough about fundamental entitlement reform to solve the problem," Boehner said. "It takes two to tango, and they're not there yet."

Does anyone really think that Obama may be lying to the entire country? Naw, he would never do such a thing! Or would he?

SURVEY SAYS.......... YES!

A little Fib, maybe, but an or Outright Lie? Positively.

So to recap: First he threatened to halt the Social Security Checks sent to Seniors , the he threatened to halt the checks sent to the Vets, then he acts like a spoiled brat by throwing a tantrum,
and walking out. God forbid he should make any cuts to entitlements, or QUIT SPENDING, or throwing out the illegal aliens!
And maybe stop Moochie from using Air Force One as her personal Limo.
But what he’s doing is assure himself of becoming a one term President !

So while you leeches are out there trying your best to destroy the Republican candidates and throwing everything you have out there to trash Sarah Palin, Bachmann, Romney, and any other person from the Republican side, you. Liberals/Progressives and whatever else you call yourselves trying to defend the leftist, failure in the White House, that you look upon as your Messiah. Have a good time because his days in the White House are numbered, as are the Moochers Vacation days are. Better buy some stock in McDonald’s because those hypocrites Obama and Moochie ain’t gonna be spending our money on Lobsters and Caviar much longer.
Time for her to stop lecturing people on what to eat and then shovel the fried Chicken and shakes in her own mouth.
Meanwhile back home, Barry and Moochie, were busy. No, not with the Budget Ceiling talks, No, not with Immigration, or Foreign Policy, or Homeland Security, not even the Economy, or Taxes, but with raising money for his campaign in 2012. The two Moochers had a “Fund Rasing” dinner in New York hosted by (that one time HATED Goldman Sachs!) where he raised some big bucks from the “HATED” CORPORATION BIG WIGS WITH THE “HATED” PRIVATE JETS charging $38,000 a plate for at Daniel’s .

I thought that the African trip was over, but no, they still ate hunting down Big Gane!
And Here’s the Menu:

They Started with:

Rock Shrimp Spring Rolls with Ginger Soy Dip
Vodka Beet-Cured Hamachi with Horseradish Cream
Crisp Parmesan Basket with Soft Goat Cheese and Fines Herbs
Brochette of Seared Kobe Beef with Pickled Onion and Tartare Sauce
Zucchini Pomponette with Fontina and Tomato Confit
Comté Gougères with Beaufort Béchamel

And For Dinner

Maine Lobster Salad with Satur Farms Roasted Beets
Horseradish Cream, Mâche “Nantaise” and Walnut Vinaigrette
Sandhi Santa Barbara Chardonnay, California 2009

Duo of Black Angus Beef
Braised Short Ribs with Young Spinach
Roasted Tenderloin with Stuffed Potato and Hen of the Woods
Copain Anderson Valley Pinot Noir “Tous Ensembles » California 2008

Citrus Marinated Strawberries
Vanilla-Raspberry Gelée, Sablé Breton, Yuzu Sorbet

Chocolates, Madelaienes, Marzipan and Petits Four

Pass me another Hamburger please.

Jackson Lee: Congress complicating debt ceiling because Obama is black

Is she really that stupid, or does she just play that part on TV?
And these Morons call the Tea-party members “racist’s”

By Josiah Ryan - 07/15/11

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) on Friday strongly suggested that members of Congress are making it difficult for President Obama to raise the debt ceiling because of his race.

"I do not understand what I think is the maligning and maliciousness [toward] this president,” said Jackson Lee, a member of the Congressional Black Caucus. “Why is he different? And in my community, that is the question that we raise. In the minority community that is question that is being raised. Why is this president being treated so disrespectfully? Why has the debt limit been raised 60 times? Why did the leader of the Senate continually talk about his job is to bring the president down to make sure he is unelected?”

Earlier in her speech, Jackson Lee said Obama has been targeted unlike any other president.

"I am particularly sensitive to the fact that only this president — only this one, only this one — has received the kind of attacks and disagreement and inability to work, only this one," said Jackson Lee from the House floor.

"Read between the lines," she continued. "What is different about this president that should put him in a position that he should not receive the same kind of respectful treatment of when it is necessary to raise the debt limit in order to pay our bills, something required by both statute and the 14th amendment?"

Earlier in her speech, Jackson Lee said Obama has been targeted unlike any other president.

He has been targeted unlike any other president.? Is she freaken kidding?
Why is this president being treated so disrespectfully? Is she freaken kidding?
Where the hell was she when the press did nothing but slander, make fun of, and degrade George Bush like no other President in our history!
Where the hell was she when George Bush was President? In La, La Land?
She is so damn ignorant that it’s not even funny, you can’t make things like this up.
All this has has nothing to do with his race. But it has everything to do with Obama’s failed and anti American policies and sending our country down the toilet with his failed stimulus packages and his spending and his throwing his and his wife’s personal spending in our faces. The debts that he has brought upon us. The asinine bill called Obamacare and the rest of his his fiscal policies.

Why don’t this Air-Head ask the people why they don't like Obama? Why don’t she read some of the blogs, listen to the news, read some newspapers other than those bias rags.
Or better yet, why don’t she ask me? I’d be more than happy to give her my list. And just in case she is interested, I’d be pleased as punch to tell her.
Let’s start with his out of control spending, the hypocrisy in which he and Moochie tells us what to do, what not to do, what to eat, and what not to eat, when and how to spend our “hard EARNED” money! His lack of experience in dealing with foreign leaders, pandering to special interest groups, his bowing to dictators etc., his so called immigration "reform", the socialist appointees, the arrogance that he has in his demeanor, the rate of unemployment, the housing mess, war that he got us into in Libya, pushing, failing to secure our borders, and it goes on and on. And now we can add ignore the debt ceiling to that list. But nowhere was “RACE” listed. But it’s always in the minds of these bleeding hearts. These, race baiting hypocrites.
The fact remains that w e must vote out this President and his lawless Administration if this nation is going to survive, and get back on track to be the Greatest Nation in the word again.


The Democratic Party of Today! No shame, No morals, No ethics, No personal responsibility!

Long, long, long ago there wasn't much difference between Republicans and Democrats. But that was a long time ago. When men were Men and Women were Women. When Trees were made for shading us from the sun and used for making paper NOT for Hugging. There wasn't a great deal of difference between the two parties. . In fact I can remember when People didn’t vote along party lines but voted for the best of the two people running for the office. Back in those “Good ole days” these wasn’t any such thing as “Progressives” They were simply called Communists. And there wasn’t any NPR’s or Community Organizers, or Privileges to certain groups, or Illegal Immigration, not even a liberal bias media.
But things change as they should change as we learn and we advance. But sometimes “Change” is not always for the better. The two party system has certainly changed. The left of today has totally destroyed the democratic party as we once knew it. The party of Harry Truman and John Kennedy is gone and has totally changed. It changed so much that even Ronald Reagan who used to be Democrat became Republican.
There is no longer the slight difference between Republicans and Democrats. In fact as I see it these isn’t even a Democratic party any longer. Oh yes, they still hold on to the tittle “Democratic party” Why? Because to many of them the “L” word is akin to the “N” word.
A lot of Democrats just can't get themselves to admit it or don't realize what the party actually stands for these days. Is there an obvious "hypocrisy" there.? Sure there is, but be it as it may the fact is that the old “Democratic party” which is now the party of the most anti America’s this country has ever seen. They should be called the party of "Hypocrisy"! A Conservative’s political opinion is looked upon as being a Rightwinger Nutcase. Why? Because we have , strong conservative family values and we are still the Patriotic party that we have always been since World War Two, when the country was united. We still love to go to July 4th Parades, and picnics and Fireworks and we still keep teaching our children to love God and Country. And we still enlist in the Military when we see our country in danger. They can call us Gun Toting, Bible carrying nuts all they want to. But we see ourselves as Patriotic Americans! And we will continue to be the Tea Party Movement, because we want our country back. Back from this phoney arrogant, lying Obozo.
Never before in my lifetime was this country is the terrible shape it’s in today. Never before did we have such a bad economy. So bad the Moody's Investors Service threatened to lower the United States' credit rating! And that my friends is pretty bad. There will be no economic recovery while Obama is still President, and there will be no Job recovery while Obama is still President. And that’s why Obama will NOT be re-elected. That’s it in a “Nut” shell.
And let us not forget the First Lady of Vacations! Does the First Lady think that she and her family and friends have a blank check with unlimited funds paid for by the taxpayers? Do we have to pay for these vacations du jour when we can’t even afford to take even one ourselves?

The Democrats/Liberals/Progressive’s attribute this to White racism, well that’s not new. We’ve seen and heard that old bullshit before because that’s all they have. What else does the Democratic Party resort to in order to win elections? And by the way, the Democrat Party was the party of the Slave Owners.
The race card, the destruction of one’s reputation by throwing out lies about their family, the joke on the late night shows, the hypocrisy by the group of idiots on “The View”! That’s how they win, and that’s why we have Barack Obama, the countries WORST president in our history. And to even surpass Jimmy Carter is a major accomplishment. A president who will be remembered for Bowing and Groveling to all the world Dictators.

Are people like Ted Kennedy, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Anthony Weiner, and Barack Obama supposed to be “Role Models”

*Note* To My Readers.
Here is a comment left here this morning, addressed to Me and You (my readers)

Sue said...
it's shocking how stupid you are, and your stupid followers too. You are a disgrace to America and are not worthy to walk on her soil. GET FUCKED, PLEEEEEEEASE!!!

I Guess This Proves My Post Above Was Accurate

Obama walks out of debt talks warning GOP

Daily Mail

Barack Obama is said to have come to blows with House Majority Leader Eric Cantor on the fifth straight day of debt talks.

The 'tough' and 'testy' meeting got ugly quickly, according to sources who said Mr Cantor clashed with the President after repeatedly pushing for a short-term resolution to the crisis.

According to Mr Cantor the President said: 'Eric, don't call my bluff,' before adding: 'Would Ronald Reagan be sitting here? I've reached my limit. This may bring my presidency down, but I will not yield on this.

Maybe tomorrow The Spender in Chief will go out and play golf, or go on a Vacation with Moochie.

Keep the pressure on! Call his Bluff! Let this arrogant,sociopath, moron of a President walk out like a child that can’t get his way!

But maybe we should cut Obama some slack, after all what did we expect from this Spineless, Drama Queen, Spoiled Brat. He has a lot on his plate these days, with his wife spending so much money on her designer sneakers, and oh yes, the conflict in Libya

It's time to bring in the Adults!

Obama Says Most Americans Agree with Him That Raising the Debt Ceiling. BUT! A Gallup Poll Says a Majority of the Public DISAGREES with Obama on th

I Guess You had to “Vote for it, so that you could read it”
President Obama says most Americans agree with him that raising the debt ceiling is necessary to prevent another recession, but the latest Gallup poll says a majority of the public doesn’t want the limit to be increased. According to the polling firm, 53 percent of people who say they’re following the debt limit debate very closely said they want their member of Congress to vote against raising it. Just 37 percent said they wanted a vote to increase it. And just 34 percent of those who say they’re following the debate told Gallup they think not raising the limit would result in an economic crisis.

Obama says failure to reach debt compromise will be catastrophic! Now where and when have we heard that before? We have a spending problem that is WAY out of control. Are we going to fix it by spending more? Or are we going to “tear up our Credit Cards” as Momma told us to do when we were in trouble with our spending habits? Has this man and his spend crazed wife bothered to look out the White House windows? .. People are already out of work and going hungry because of the inflated prices. Did Obama not see the job numbers that came out last week and made the stock market fall like a rock in the ocean? What about all the people who have run out their unemployment benefit, and the people who are so tired of looking for jobs that they just gave up, and they are not even counted? It's clear he has not been to a gas station in years and saw haw much it cost to fill up our cars. Or to a grocery store to see the inflated prices that go up weekly .. We are not all the “Fat Cats with Private Jets like he thinks we are. We don’t all ride around to Spain or Africa on Air Force One with hundreds of our friends and servants! This president is so disconnected from what’s going on with the average family and how they are struggling that it not at all funny. And on top of all this we have the men and women in the military coming home with no jobs to return to. What’s going to happen to our Soldiers when there no jobs for them ? Are we going to have these men and woman living in the streets because they can’t find jobs?

All this when almost 1/2 of the people in this country don't pay any income tax at all and the other half end up paying their share.The "Hope and Change" think is just not what they expected.

This is the Resolute Desk that was built from the timbers of the HMS Resolute
and was a gift from Queen Victoria to President Rutherford B. Hayes.
It is considered a national treasure and an icon of the presidency.

Mr. Obama, you are not in a hut in Kenya, or public housing in Chicago. Get your feet off our desk!!

As The Bombs Fall In Libya, Lots Of Questions Still Remain Unanswered.

Congressional approval?... We don't need no stinkin congressional approval.

Let's make one thing clear here, when you are dropping bombs and fire missiles from war ships all day long day after day, after day, and they are firing back at you, and killing people, and destroying things, are in a war, however Obama can't be bothered with playing by the rules.

What I’d like to know is how do those bleeding heart Liberals find it in their BIG hearts to support justify attacking Libya and killing ALL of those so called Rebels? After all we heard about George Bush’s war. Why is this one not Obama’s war? And why is killing of those Libyans justified? I haven’t heard anything about their attacked the U.S. or posed a threat to America. Did I miss that? Since when was Gaddafi a threat to the USA?
And unlike George Bush, Obama didn’t find any need in consulting Congress .. I guess that he thought that being the King, it wasn’t necessary. Say what you may about George Bush, but I think that he unlike Obama loved America and still does. And he had best interest of the United States in his heart. . At least Bush had a reason for taking us to war, and so many of us agreed with him. This president saw no need to follow the Constitution.. As they say, “If American blood is to be spent, let congress, declare it war” . It's only Constitutional” It is not up to the president himself whether or not we take America to war.
Where are all those Libs with their signs now. Where are the “Stop the war” signs, slogans, bumper stickers?
Remember how many people bashed George Bush for his involvement in the Middle East? Remember the slogans, and the pictures they posted all over the internet? And the dirty names they called him and still do. Remember the lame stream media and the late night talk shows? Remember those idiots on the View blasting him every single day? Where are they now?
I guess when the Muslim Brotherhood is involved then they get a free pass.
I think that there are lots of unanswered questions that need to be answered! Like who are these so called rebels that we are supporting, and what is going to happen next? And since wen do we Over Throw Governments? And just what is Obama’s ulterior agenda? And most of all, who is next?

If anyone has a problem with my logic or views write a comment. I can’t promise that it will see the light of day, but it might.

Get over It, this Is 2011, Slavery Does Not Still Exist in America Today. Slavery Was over in America in 1865!

Yes, get over It, this Is 2011, Slavery Does Not Still Exist in America Today. Slavery Was over in America in 1865!
But, but it does still exist in the minds of these lame-brain people who want to sit around and bust balls!
How much longer are we going to hear about this? And how much longer are the Blacks or African Americans going to tell us about it? Call me a wing-nut blogger that hates black people or call me a ignorant, illiterate, racist. And see if I cringe one bit! No, sorry, but I’m not going to fall for that old worn out song. No you can write all the BS you want and you can twist or spin my words any way you want to, and you group of Lrfties can pat you on your back and bitch and moan all they want to And the Progressive Queen can spin my posts titled “A Spade is a Spade” to fit her idiotic purpose to impress you, but everyone knows that the expression “Call “A Spade is a Spade” has a meaning other than a derogatory term towards Blacks. So like I said, GET OVER IT! Slavery is over, ask the millions of black professionals in America today. Ask Oprah, Whoopi Goldberg, or Tiger Woods, or Samuel L. Jackson, or Sidney Poiter, or Mariah Carey, or Beyonce or Whitney Houston, or Bill Cosby , or Halle Berry, or Morgan Freeman, or Willy Mays, or Derek Jeter, or Will Smith, or Colin Powell, or Condoleezza Rice, or BARACK OBAMA... And I could go on all day. So if you think your going to intimidate me, when all you can do is throw around insults, your barking up the wring tree. Running a Conservative site I have been called racist for not agreeing with this President on his policies on a daily basis, but call me whatever you wish, that is not going to stop me. By the way I really never did think that the McCain/Palin was a good ticket, but thought that the Obama/Biden ticket was much worse. And I was right. . Hopefully, the Republicans will come up with a much better ticket in 2012 and get rid of the misery that is currently occupying the White House .

Caption This

Michele Bachmann, take a cue from Sarah Palin, sooner or later, we will get you!

Hope and Change? ~ Debt, Unemployment!, And A New War

I hope that this these little problems don't interfere with Our Dear Incompetent Leaders plans for a Golf game this week-end.

So Obama want’s to reduce the debt by raising the debt ceiling, (legal limit on borrowing). This guy wants to reduce the debt by spending more money, now I'm not a brain surgeon but there’s that just something just don't sound right about this.
But this confirms what most Americans already know, we have an Incompetent Boob running the country.

I wonder if the liberals will be thinking about the spending of the Bush administration without acknowledging that Obama is much, much worse!

Two wars or Three?
Funny isn’t it, when George Bush took us to war because of 9-11, he was labeled a “War-Monger” But, when Obama took us to war in Libya we will hear these stupid, poor, lame excuses, and arguments that he’s a wonderful “humanitarian” !
Could you even imagine the outrage if the bombing of Lybia was done by George Bush?
But the Missahia can’t do anything wrong in the blind eyes of these lame-brained Liberals. If American soldiers die under Obama ‘s regime then it’s ok, because it’s humanitarian! Tell that to the Soldiers family.
May I remind Mr. Obama and the Liberal/Progressive crowd what Obama the hypocritical Senator said way back when?



As I came out of the supermarket that sunny day, pushing my cart of groceries towards my car, I saw an old man with the hood of his car up and a lady sitting inside the car, with the door open.

The old man was looking at the engine. I put my groceries away in my car, and continued to watch the old gentleman from about twenty five feet away.

I saw a young man in his early twenties with a grocery bag in his arm walking towards the old man. The old gentleman saw him coming too, and took a few steps towards him.

I saw the old gentleman point to his open hood and say something. The young man put his grocery bag into what looked like a brand new Cadillac Escalade. He then turned back to the old man. I heard him yell at the old gentleman saying:

"You shouldn't even be allowed to drive a car at your age."
And then with a wave of his hand, he got in his car and peeled rubber out of the parking lot.

I saw the old gentleman pull out his handkerchief, and mop his brow as he went back to his car and again looked at the engine.

He then went to his wife and spoke with her; he appeared to tell her it would be okay. I had seen enough, and I approached the old man. He saw me coming and stood straight, and as I got near him I said, 'Looks like you're having a problem.'

He smiled sheepishly, and quietly nodded h is head. I looked under the hood myself, and knew that whatever the problem was, it was beyond me. Looking around, I saw a gas station up the road, and I told the old man that I would be right back. I drove to the station and went I inside. I saw three attendants working on cars. I approached one of them, and related the problem the old man had with his car. I offered to pay them if they could follow me back down and help him.

The old man had pushed the heavy car under the shade of a tree and appeared to be comforting his wife When he saw us he straightened up and thanked me for my help. As the mechanics diagnosed the problem (overheated engine), I spoke with the old gentleman.

When I shook hands with him earlier, he had noticed my Marine Corps ring and had commented about it, telling me that he had been a Marine too. I nodded and asked the usual question, 'What outfit did you serve with?'

He had mentioned that he served with the first Marine Division at
Tarawa, Saipan, Iwo Jima and Guadalcanal .

He had hit all the big ones and retired from the Corps after the war was over. As we talked we heard the car engine come on and saw the mechanics lower the hood. They came over to us as the old man reached for his wallet, but was stopped by me. I told him I would just put the bill on my AAA card.

He still reached for the wallet and handed me a card that I assumed had his name and address on it and I stuck it in my pocket. We all shook hands all around again, and I said my goodbye's to his wife.

I then told the two mechanics that I would follow them back up to the station. Once at the station, I told them that they had interrupted their own jobs to come along with me and help the old man. I said I wanted to pay for the help, but they refused to charge me

One of them pulled out a card from his pocket, looking exactly like the card the old man had given to me. Both of the men told me then that they were Marine Corps Reserves. Once again we shook hands all around and as I was leaving, one of them told me I should look at the card the old man had given to me. I said I would and drove off.

For some reason I had gone about two blocks, when I pulled over and took the card out of my pocket and looked at it for a long, long time. The name of the old gentleman was on the card in golden leaf and under his name was written: 'Congressional Medal of Honor Society.'

I sat there motionless, looking at the card and reading it over and over. I looked up from the card and smiled to no one but myself and marveled that on this day, four Marines had all come together because one of us needed help. He was an old man all right, but it felt good to have stood next to greatness and courage, and an honor to have been in his presence. Remember,OLD men like him gave you FREEDOM for America. Thanks to those who served and still serve, and to all of those who supported them, and who continue to support them.

America is not at war. The U.S. Military is at war. America is at the Mall. If you don't stand behind our troops, PLEASE feel free to stand in front of them!

Remember, Freedom IS NOT free. Thousands have paid the price, so you can enjoy what you have today.



This prayer is so powerful.
Pass this prayer to 12 people, including me.