The Dream of My Father, Like Father, Like Son?

The universities records show that they were concerned about his personal life and his finances. What did they know and when did they know it?
The Arizona Independent, a weekly newspaper released the story and The Associated Press obtained copies of them on Friday.
What I would like to know and I’m sure that you would as well, is how the Globe was able to sit on this for two years or more, and how The Arizona Independent got the documents and released it? . And why was it held for such a long time?

BOSTON — President Barack Obama’s father was forced to leave Harvard University before completing his Ph.D. in economics because the school was concerned about his personal life and finances, according to newly public immigration records.

Newly published US immigration files from the 1960s show that Barack Obama Snr was forced to leave Harvard University before completing his PhD, due in part to concerns raised earlier about his “playboy ways” and his financial arrangements.

Obama Sr. was forced to leave the United States in 1964 even though he had completed much of the work for his PhD, says a Boston Globe story on Friday about the immigration documents.

Harvard is said in the documents to have been troubled by Obama Sr’s marital status. Contradicting the university’s earlier assurances that he could complete his PhD, a Harvard official abruptly told Obama Sr in May 1964 that he must return to Kenya.

Oh The Shame, Shame, Shame ! Is Harvard Also Racist?

Is there no end to the damaging information we have yet to hear about Hussein Obama? And why is this information first coming out now when the Boston Globe knew this in 2009? Or were they so "DISTRACTED" by the "Birthers" that they couldn't find the time to expose this?

Can’t wait to hear the spin that the Progressives are going to put on this one!

This Is How Liberals Behave When You Give Them a Platform. Ever Hear The Expression “Trailer Trash”?

By Nile Gardiner is a Washington-based foreign affairs analyst and political commentator. He appears frequently on American and British television and radio, including Fox News Channel, CNN, BBC, Sky News, and NPR.

ABC’s The View insults the Queen in cruel display of mockery of the British royal fanily

If further evidence were needed of the decline of American network television – aka the “mainstream media” or MSM - look no further than ABC The View’s dumbed down and crass coverage of the royal wedding. The Emmy-award winning show is watched by a large audience on weekday mornings, and its hosts on Friday included Oscar-winning actress Goldie Hawn. One of the The View’s co-hosts yesterday, Joy Behar, a controversial liberal “comedian” with her own show on CNN Headline News, thought it would be immensely funny to mock the 85-year old Queen as “a bumble bee with a drinking problem” simply because she was wearing a yellow dress to the wedding of her grandson Prince William. Here is what she said while watching footage of the Queen entering Westminster Abbey – the video can be viewed here: “A bumble bee with a drinking problem! Holy moly. Who wears yellow? – I’ve never seen a queen wearing yellow. Happy? She looks like a taxi cab – keep that meter running Queenie.” Behar’s hugely offensive comments, which inexplicably prompted roars of laughter from the audience, were in extremely poor taste, and cruel and mocking in nature towards a public figure who is greatly revered by the British people, and widely admired by most Americans. They represent another low for US network TV, and ABC, owned by The Walt Disney Company, should issue an immediate apology to the Royal family as well as its own viewers for this crass display of monumental bad taste. This was nasty, gutter-level mocking of the Monarch of America’s closest friend and ally, and a bridge too far for a broadcaster that is supposedly dedicated to quality programming.
Like this Ugly Mule has any taste in clothing! Her and her side-kick Fat Ass Whoopi Goldberg who looks like a harpooned beached Wale, couldn't find her Fat Ass with both hands.
It seems like all the Progressives have one thing in common, they are all the ugly and jealous of those who aren’t.

These are the same Obama Apologists and sympathizers, and the same Kool Aid drinkers, the same name caller's the same race card players, and the same Bush blamer's. All this coming from Joy Behar who is the Poster Girl for a obnoxious, classless lowlife piece of crap. There nothing new here. And the Progressives talk about Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck. What a friggen joke

Then Maybe I Am A Racist.!

Warning: This Post May Contain Traces of Cynicism, Bitterness, Satire, and Sarcasm.

They say I am a racist and I didn’t even know it. Who, Why? The Liberal/Progressives, of course!

They tell me that it was just peachy to call Georg Bush a Chimp or depict him as a Chimp because he was not Black, just Stupid. But it’s racism when if anyone calls or depicts Obama as chimp because he IS Black
They say that I’m full of hate and bigotry, because I call Obama names when I don’t like what he says or does to MY country. I feel that as an American Citizen, who pays his taxes, and who served his country for 4 years. And on foreign soil for 3 of the 4 years, and who has a honest job and works hard for his money and who employs others, who votes and works for his political party, I have the right to say how I feel about the way this president is running and ruining MY country. Is it racist to disagree with the policies of a Socialist? . Does it hurt or bother me about this, is it going it stop me? NO! .Am I going to just shut my mouth because a few leftist don’t like what I have to say? You can bet I won’t. .Frankly, I didn’t even know that I was one. Not until this president was elected and I spoke out against his policies and I like Rush Limbaugh wanted his POLICIES to FAIL.
If we have a president who is Black, or White, who cares, but to have a Socialist running and ruining this country that I love so much, you bet I care.
Is it also racist to be critical of the Anti American, Anti Semitic, Anti White, Jeremiah Wright a proved racist?
Am I also a racist because I want to stop the illegal immigrants from flooding across our boarders? And taking away jobs for American Citizens who pay their taxes? And for this they say I hated Mexicans and all other Latinos.

Was I also a racist when I didn’t want Hillary Clinton’s Health Care, or any one else’s government Health Care.? Was I also a racist when I hated the guts of John Kerry, Al Gore, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Ted Kennedy, Barney Frank, and the rest of that bunch?
I thought that Barack Obama was elected ONLY because he was Black. And were the NINETY FIVE percent of the Blacks that voted for him only because he is Black Racists?
Do the Blacks think that the New Black Panthers were wrong to intimidate Whites at the polls? I never hear them saying so. Blocking the entrance to a voting precinct with a night stick and attempting to stop people from voting, is a very serious crime, but it was not surprising.

Do I need to stop listening to Glenn Beck and to Rush Limbaugh and watching Fox News because the Idiots on the left don’t like what they have to say.. But the lefties/Progressives don't have any problems threatening their Sponsors to have them removed form the air-waves.

In this American’s view the Freedom of Speech and Protesting Liberalism, or Socialism, or any other ISM’s is not Racism!
Complaining about the TSA and their boss Janet Napolitano’s inability to do their jobs correctly at the Airports is not Racist.

Complaining about the patting down of a 4 year old girl at the airport is not racist.

That's their mantra, calling us RACISTS! Then they don't have to explain why they failed at creating Jobs, the price of Gas, the floods of Illegal Immigrants, the weakness of the dollar, weakened our National Defense, and our Military. Yes I guess that he was "DISTRACTED" .
And now we can't even use the words "Basketball and Obama" in the same sentence without being called a racist.

Bob Schieffer appeared Wednesday night on "The CBS Evening News" and reacted to Trump's latest salvo against President Barack Obama, in which Trump suggested the Prez might not have had the grades to get into Harvard Law School.

Schieffer said, "That's just code for saying he got into law school because he's black. This is an ugly strain of racism that's running through this whole thing."
People like this are so ignorant that it’s become completely ridicules.

Personally I’m sick and tired of hearing all about racism from whites and only from whites . I’m also sick of hearing the lies and the st-ups by the left about Tea Party Members. They were NOT doing any of the racist claims by the Black Congressmen. We have all seen and heard these false claims before especially form our FORMER Speaker of the House, and from that Fat Pig Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson, Jeremiah Wright,, Maxine Waters, and Louis Farrakann. and also from Eric Holder.
Black Racism the real problem now, lets put thinks in their proper perspective, lets looks at how the New Black Panthers were treated when they were so obviously breaking one of our very important laws INTIMIDATION at the VOTING POLLS , they were not even given a slap on the writs, their CRIME was swiftly swept under the run.
Who is a bigger racist than Malik Zulu Shabazz,
And who is the one that keeps race alive? It’s Barack Obama and his racist Reverend buddies.
I will never forget the racist Reverend Joseph Lowery’s speech saying that White people have yet to do the right thing and that he's waiting for the White Man to "embrace what is right". If that wasn’t the most disgusting thing that was ever said at a Presidential inauguration, then I don’t know what was.
And didn’t Barack Obama call all white people racist, when he said his grandmother is a "TYPICAL WHITE PERSON" If you weren’t offended by that, then you have much thicker skin than I do.
Tavis Smiley told NBC's "Meet the Press" that the inauguration of Obama as President is "only the down payment" on what America owes Black people..
And how about the time when Barack Obama took his buddy, Henry Louis Gates’s side over the Cambridge Police Department! Does anyone think that would have happened if it were a White Professor? And the words " stupid cops",were used to describe the incident, a incident that should never even been brought to the President of the United States of America. This was strictly a police department’s problem, not the problem of the President. . That's racism, folks!

Now, If You Want to See Exactly What Black Racism Is, I Would like You To Take a Peek At This Blogger.
Like I said, he shouldn't released it when asked. But for him to say he sat back and watched in "bemusement". That's a bit much for me. This isn't funny. It's not funny that there's even a Birther movement either. None of it's funny.

I hope it's over, too, but I think we'll still have a "fringe" who will say the birth certificate is forged or something dumb like that.

The birth certificate that Mr. Obama produced during the presidential campaign and that was posted on the internet was a document that ALL officials of the state of Hawaii, Democrat AND Republican [the then governor was a Repub.] attested to and declared a factual and certified document of birth.

This very same document is used to attain a US passport by thousands of Hawaiians.

Yet, the GOP was not satisfied with this proof of birth.

My question is why? Why did they keep hounding the president for more and more evidence? Why did the birthers suspect THIS particular president was not forthcoming on a birth certificate that every other Hawaiian has used and had approved as evidence of citizenship when they applied for a US passport?

IMHO, it is not Mr. Obama's burden to prove anything else, once he provided his birth certificate.

I know Pam is too good a person to want to face that this whole controversy was race based. But I'm forced to come to that conclusion when no other president in the history of this country has had to show his papers in the insulting and demeaning manner that this first bi-racial president has had to.

Where were the birthers when GWB became president? Why should it be assumed that he was born in America and Mr. Obama was not? Why wasn't Mr. Obama's birth certificate believed when he first produced it?

We all know the answer.

Teresa, not all states have the same requirements for motor vehicle transfers. If PA required that long form, it does not necessarily follow that all states do.

Mr. Obama was born in the United States of America to an American mother. That makes him incontrovertibly an American and qualified to be our president.

There He Was, There He Stood, Waving His Finger. Mister Arragence!

And maybe you can explain this to me. Why is Donald Trump wrong? Are we not allowed to ask questions any longer

The Drama King, who thinks that everyone in America is as STUPID as he is. Waving his finger at the White House Press Corp, and at the American People just like we’ve seen another LYING President do a few years back.
Yes, yesterday morning, Our Dear Leader the President of the United States of America, the most important person in the world besides Oprah Winfrey , the Leader of the Free World Barack Hussein Obama released a long form birth certificate. And in doing so, he lectured the American people about what was really important, and what was his biggest “DISTRACTION” in America.
So it was us Americans that "distracted" him from doing his important job. And that we took up his valuable time. But he managed to find "valuable time" to fly all over the world on HIS vacations, and he found "valuable time" to be on his favorite TV shows such as "The View" and Oprah, and Letterman and the list goes on. And didn't he find "valuable time" to hold those parties in the White House for his friends at Motown?

There was nothing wrong with what Donald Trump did, for Gods sake, can’t we ask questions any longer? What is wrong with questioning the Birth Certificate of someone with a foreign name and who’s Father was African? Why should that make him a laughing stock?
The real pathetic buffoon is Barack Hussain Obama the the laughing stock of the world, for putting America through the BS that he did. And you guys are the pathetic ones for electing a buffoon for a President! Trump should be given credit for being one of the few that had the courage to ask questions the needed to be answered. . If anyone is the “Laughing Stock” it’s Obama our Vacationer-in-chief who put us through all of this, when he could have cleared it up in one hour. HE made us a laughingstock He’s the pathetic one. With a leader brought us into another war for ZERO reason.

It would have taken ONE TELEPHONE call from him the President of the United States to get a copy of his Birth Certificate and not waste so much
"valuable time"! So much for lecturing Americans about what was truly important in America. What is truly important in America right now, is not getting us involved with more WARS, and putting Americans to work and doing something sensible about our our enormous Deficit, and spending, so that our ratings with Standard & Poors wouldn’t be lowered to negative. Instead of blaming the Republicans and Bush for his incompetence.
And about how “SILLY: this entire subject was. And then he flew off with is wife, the First Moocher to of all places Chicago.. I guess that he flew Air Force One, in spite of the outrageous cost of Gas today because it was imperative in order to solve one of those many vital problems that the USA has these days, like the WAR he started in Libya.
But no, it was even more important than that. It was to to film Oprah Winfrey’s last show. Talk about “SILLY”
When he talks about this being a “Distraction” and especially when he stood there like a King on his Throne waving his finger at the American public, it was kind of reminiscent to another LYING President that also took us to WAR like this one did in Libya, this one Bombed an Aspirin factory in the Sudan to distract the Country from his getting a BJ from an Intern who as the same age as his precious little "hands off" Daughter and thus distract attention from his certain impeachment .
So the American people wanted to see his birth certificate, so what? Wasn't it Hillary Clinton who first raised that question? You don't hear that anymore. After all the man has a foreign sounding name and a Father that came from Kenya. Aren't we entitled?

But you don’t dare to question Obama about anything after all he is our Dear Leader and we must follow whatever and wherever he leads us! Well Bull-Shit to that!

Obama: Releases His Birth Certificate, Says “It Was A SILLY DISTRACTION”

Today the White House released President Obama's long awaited long-form birth certificate, saying that this is "proof positive" the president was born in the United States and in Hawaii. And Mr. Hussain Obama said the following: This has all been a "Silly Distraction"

" A SILLY DISTRACTION” Sure it was, but he's the one that made it so! And what was it a "DISTRACTION” from? From fly Air Force One to Chicago to film the Oprah Winfrey show?
It certainly didn't DISTRACT you from attacking Libya!

It didn't distract you from having all those parties in the White House.
Or from going on all of those Vacations with the Moocher and the Kids, did it? And it didn't DISTRACT you from eating those Barbecued Pig's Feet, Re-fried Beans with Ham Hocks, behind the Moocher's back, did it?
So why was it a DISTRACTION? And listen up Mr Hussain, it was you that wasted all that time and paid all those Lawyers to DISTRACT the public from the, as you call it "More Important things"
Did it also DISTRACT you from spending all of our money and piling up that enormous deficit?
Why, Mr Hussain, why did you go through all that trouble and waste all that time and money when you could have just SHOWED US THE PAPER! Where is the transparency that you promised us from day one?

You still don’t get it. You said this morning that you had more important issues to talk about.


There is NOTHING more important than knowing why you brought us into another war? And why isn't the Liberal's with all their hypocrisy outraged over this?
Why is there still such high unemployment? Why is the price of Gas so high? When are you going to stop blaming Bush and take responsibly for all you have done? Was attacking Libya a distraction also?
And I may be crazy but isn’t The Muslim Brotherhood is a bigger threat and a potential danger to the Near East and Egypt. Then Mubarak was? And what’s next for Libya? Another Fidel Castro?
And is the WAR yet, or is it still just a "No Fly Zone" or a “Humanitarian Objective”

And I guess this Birther DISTRACTION was the reason why it took you and Eric Holder 27 months to coming to the right conclusion on whether or not to try Khalid Sheikh Mohammad and the other accused terrorists in federal court in New York.
And how about Iran, and will we be involved with Syria? We’ll be in so many wars soon that we’ll have to put them in alphabetical order.!

You call Donald Trump silly? for Pete's sake you are the silly one, you are the one that caused Donald Trump and a few hundred Million other to doubt your having a Birth Certificate by your deceitfulness. You’re the one that was so arrogant by thumbing your nose at the American people for TWO YEARS by refusing to release your birth certificate. You could have nipped this in the bud 2 years ago.
If I’m not mistaken and I think I’m not, but wasn’t it was Hillary Clinton who originally asked for Obama's long form birth certificate?
And why did you violate the constitution by not going to Congress?
And WHY won't Obama take any questions for the press at a News Conference?

Obama Only Released Birth Certificate Today To Distract From His Failures!

The Truth About "Martin Luther King, Jr.

Four Things you didn't know about 'Dr. Martin Luther' King:
The Truth
Let's take them one at a time:

Martin Luther King plagiarized in college.
The staff at the Martin Luther King, Jr. Papers Project discovered a lot of plagiarism in Martin Luther King's writings and in a 1991 article in THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY said that "plagiarism was a general pattern evident in nearly all of his academic writings" including his doctoral dissertation.

1. His name wasn't Martin Luther. It was Michael. It was decided 'Martin Luther' had a more prominent ring to it, so he went by that. He never legally changed his name. To this day, he lived and died as Michael King. 2. While working on his dissertation for his doctoral degree at Boston University, he heavily plagiarized from another author who had done research on a subject similar to King's. An academic committee later found that over half of King's work was plagiarized, yet would not revoke his doctrine. King was dead by this time, and the committee ruled that revoking the title would serve no purpose. It was also discovered that King's famous "I Have A Dream" speech was also not his own. He stole it from a sermon by Archibald Carey, a popular black preacher in the 1950's. 3. King was under FBI surveillance for several years (until he died) due to his ties with communist organizations throughout the country. King accepted money from the organizations to fund his movements. In return, King had to appoint communist leaders to run certain districts of his SCLC (Southern Christian Leadership Conference), who then could project their communist ideas to larger audiences. A federal judge in the 60's ruled that the FBI files on King's links to communism to remain top-secret until 2027. Senator Jesse Helms appealed to the Supreme Court in 1983 to release the files, so the current bill in the Senate to create the Martin Luther King Federal Holiday could be abolished. He was denied. 4. One of King's closest friends, Rev. Ralph Abernathy, wrote a book in 1989 in which he talked about King's obsession with white prostitutes. King would often use church donations to have drunken sex parties, where he would hire two to three white prostitutes, occasionally beating them brutally. This has also been reported by the FBI agents who monitored King. King was married with four children. Monday was "Martin Luther King" Day. A day when this country came to a screeching halt so we can have parades and memorials to honor this man, a man that most of the world views as a saint for his role in the civil rights movement.

"Holiday for a Cheater"
Why Don't We Have Holidays For Our Presidents Any Longer?
This Is Insane.

I am looking at my calendar and I don’t see any Holidays at all named after any of our Presidents. But I do see Martin Luther King day, Arbor Day, Valentine's Day, Cinco De Mayo, and even Ground Hog day!

No other public holiday in the United States honors a single individual. Of all the great leaders in our Nation's history - none of them have their own holiday. All of our great war heroes share Memorial Day. All of our great presidents share President's Day. Yet King - a man who was a phony, a cheater, a traitor, and a sexual degenerate - gets a day of his own.

PS. Yes, Yes Virginia, this post was copied and pasted.
But no matter if I say so or not, The Idiot Queen od Progressiveness says that it was "
Plagiarism" But who gives a Flying Fig what that putz says?

I Read It In The Paper, So It Must Be True! BULL!

Do you remember those days when you would say "I Read It In The Paper, So It Must Be True! " Or "Our Washington Leaders Told Us So, Then It Must Be True!" Ah, yes those were the good old days, when you trusted EVERYTHING that you read or heard out of the mouths of our Trusted Govermental Officials, or that you may have read in your favorite newspaper. You could have bet on it. But the world has changed. And unfortunately for the worse, it’s becoming more and more so that we can no longer believe anything that our own Government tells us. And you certainly can't be;ieve Fifty percent of what you read today. In fact you can't believe anything that you read these days unless you go out and check it out for yourself, and where can you check it out? Who knows! And how about what they are teaching our kids in schools these days? Do you know what they're teaching your kids in school now? How can we, unless you are a lefty leaning pinko, you have to question them all. The schools are full of these rats as are the journalist in your one time favorite newspaper as they are on 75 percent of the radio and TV news stations. When the President of the United States tells us that he’s a Christian despite the lack of evidence., and half of the population think otherwise and think that he is a closet Muslim are we being judgmental in our opinion? When he fails to address the American public about Easter the most Holy day of the year for the Christian faith, are we still to take him at his word. Whe he told us that he sat in the Church with his wife and children for 20 years and never heard his RACIST Anti-American Pastor say anything that the rest of the entire world heard, is that being judgmental? If we just sat there and believed it all then we should be classified as DUMB FOOLS! We were once Nation of people who were proud of their leaders, we quoted them without any doubt at all. But in today’s political climate we would be ignorant to even think of it. In fact the opposite is true. We doubt whatever we read or here. We have sites on our computers dedicated to doing just that. Fact Check, and the so called fact checker called "Snopes" who seems to be in Obama’s pocket. And who has claimed was false just about every wrong that was proven to be true about Obama. So when it comes to checking out Obama, do so with precaution, and don’t take what it says as being factual. Do the research yourself. A good one to use is Was it a mistake or just stupid or maybe just laziness. But on our newest “Forever Stamp” we see pictured the face of our National Treasure the Statue Of Liberty. A beautiful stamp? Well it would be if it were only authentic. It seems that this picture is not at all the real goods, instead of simply going out to New York’s harbor and shooting a photograph of Our Lady who stands there in our Harbor and who has welcomed millions of WEARY LEGAL EMIGRANTS to the United States of America who are yearning to breathe free. Talk about March Madness, someone went to Las Vegas, at the New York-New York casino and took the picture of the replica. And put that picture on our stamp. And now Get This! When a stamp collector realized what was done, and contacted the proper agency, the US Post Office decided to go with it anyway. Saying that “We still love the stamp design” So instead of having the picture of the Real deal, we have a stamp that presides in frond of a Las Vegas, casino to welcome thousands of weary gamblers to Sin City. that’s our Government for you.
Over the past two years under the Obama administration we have been so bamboozled that when I hear the daily news, I can’t believe what I’m hearing. It almost sounds as if I’m in a third world nation. The young people have zero confidante in our leadership these days and who can blame them? I don’t have any myself.
For example, what are we doing in Libya? What are our objectives? First Obama tells us that he’s not out to Kill Gaddafi, in fact he told Congress that “the United States has no plans to use its military to assassinate Gaddafi”. But every single day we hear that we bombed the hell out of his compound. I guess that we are just trying to scare him!
I just can not trust or understand my own country anymore.
And all we hear from the Lefties is how bad Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin are. Give me a Friggen break!

I don’t care what color or what faith the president says he is, Christian (which I doubt and totally disbelieve, or Muslim). Us Americans are not as dumb as this president thinks we are..

Obama Good, Sarah Palin Bad. Well who the hell is the President!


1. Apology to France and Europe ("America Has Shown Arrogance")

Speech by President Obama, Rhenus Sports Arena, Strasbourg, France, April 3, 2009.

So we must be honest with ourselves. In recent years we've allowed our Alliance to drift. I know that there have been honest disagreements over policy, but we also know that there's something more that has crept into our relationship. In America, there's a failure to appreciate Europe's leading role in the world. Instead of celebrating your dynamic union and seeking to partner with you to meet common challenges, there have been times where America has shown arrogance and been dismissive, even derisive.

2. Apology to the Muslim World ("We Have Not Been Perfect")

President Obama, interview with Al Arabiya, January 27, 2009.

My job to the Muslim world is to communicate that the Americans are not your enemy. We sometimes make mistakes. We have not been perfect. But if you look at the track record, as you say, America was not born as a colonial power, and that the same respect and partnership that America had with the Muslim world as recently as 20 or 30 years ago, there's no reason why we can't restore that.

3. Apology to the Summit of the Americas ("At Times We Sought to Dictate Our Terms")

President Obama, address to the Summit of the Americas opening ceremony, Hyatt Regency, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, April 17, 2009.

All of us must now renew the common stake that we have in one another. I know that promises of partnership have gone unfulfilled in the past, and that trust has to be earned over time. While the United States has done much to promote peace and prosperity in the hemisphere, we have at times been disengaged, and at times we sought to dictate our terms. But I pledge to you that we seek an equal partnership. There is no senior partner and junior partner in our relations; there is simply engagement based on mutual respect and common interests and shared values. So I'm here to launch a new chapter of engagement that will be sustained throughout my administration.

The United States will be willing to acknowledge past errors where those errors have been made.

4. Apology at the G-20 Summit of World Leaders ("Some Restoration of America's Standing in the World")

News conference by President Obama, ExCel Center, London, United Kingdom, April 2, 2009

I would like to think that with my election and the early decisions that we've made, that you're starting to see some restoration of America's standing in the world. And although, as you know, I always mistrust polls, international polls seem to indicate that you're seeing people more hopeful about America's leadership.

I just think in a world that is as complex as it is, that it is very important for us to be able to forge partnerships as opposed to simply dictating solutions. Just to try to crystallize the example, there's been a lot of comparison here about Bretton Woods. "Oh, well, last time you saw the entire international architecture being remade." Well, if there's just Roosevelt and Churchill sitting in a room with a brandy, that's an easier negotiation. But that's not the world we live in, and it shouldn't be the world that we live in.

5. Apology for the War on Terror ("We Went off Course")

President Obama, speech at the National Archives, Washington, D.C., May 21, 2009.

Unfortunately, faced with an uncertain threat, our government made a series of hasty decisions. I believe that many of these decisions were motivated by a sincere desire to protect the American people. But I also believe that all too often our government made decisions based on fear rather than foresight; that all too often our government trimmed facts and evidence to fit ideological predispositions. Instead of strategically applying our power and our principles, too often we set those principles aside as luxuries that we could no longer afford. And during this season of fear, too many of us--Democrats and Republicans, politicians, journalists, and citizens--fell silent.

In other words, we went off course. And this is not my assessment alone. It was an assessment that was shared by the American people who nominated candidates for President from both major parties who, despite our many differences, called for a new approach--one that rejected torture and one that recognized the imperative of closing the prison at Guantanamo Bay.

6. Apology for Guantanamo in France ("Sacrificing Your Values")

Speech by President Obama, Rhenus Sports Arena, Strasbourg, France, April 3, 2009.

Our two republics were founded in service of these ideals. In America, it is written into our founding documents as "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." In France: "Liberté"--absolutely--"egalité, fraternité." Our moral authority is derived from the fact that generations of our citizens have fought and bled to uphold these values in our nations and others. And that's why we can never sacrifice them for expedience's sake. That's why I've ordered the closing of the detention center in Guantanamo Bay. That's why I can stand here today and say without equivocation or exception that the United States of America does not and will not torture.

In dealing with terrorism, we can't lose sight of our values and who we are. That's why I closed Guantanamo. That's why I made very clear that we will not engage in certain interrogation practices. I don't believe that there is a contradiction between our security and our values. And when you start sacrificing your values, when you lose yourself, then over the long term that will make you less secure.

7. Apology before the Turkish Parliament ("Our Own Darker Periods in Our History")

Speech by President Obama to the Turkish Parliament, Ankara, Turkey, April 6, 2009.

Every challenge that we face is more easily met if we tend to our own democratic foundation. This work is never over. That's why, in the United States, we recently ordered the prison at Guantanamo Bay closed. That's why we prohibited--without exception or equivocation--the use of torture. All of us have to change. And sometimes change is hard.

Another issue that confronts all democracies as they move to the future is how we deal with the past. The United States is still working through some of our own darker periods in our history. Facing the Washington Monument that I spoke of is a memorial of Abraham Lincoln, the man who freed those who were enslaved even after Washington led our Revolution. Our country still struggles with the legacies of slavery and segregation, the past treatment of Native Americans.

Human endeavor is by its nature imperfect. History is often tragic, but unresolved, it can be a heavy weight. Each country must work through its past. And reckoning with the past can help us seize a better future.

8. Apology for U.S. Policy toward the Americas ("The United States Has Not Pursued and Sustained Engagement with Our Neighbors")

Opinion editorial by President Obama: "Choosing a Better Future in the Americas," April 16, 2009.

Too often, the United States has not pursued and sustained engagement with our neighbors. We have been too easily distracted by other priorities, and have failed to see that our own progress is tied directly to progress throughout the Americas. My Administration is committed to the promise of a new day. We will renew and sustain a broader partnership between the United States and the hemisphere on behalf of our common prosperity and our common security.

9. Apology for the Mistakes of the CIA ("Potentially We've Made Some Mistakes")

Remarks by the President to CIA employees, CIA Headquarters, Langley, Virginia, April 20, 2009.

[9] The remarks followed the controversial decision to release Office of Legal Counsel memorandum detailing CIA enhanced interrogation techniques used against terrorist suspects.

So don't be discouraged by what's happened in the last few weeks. Don't be discouraged that we have to acknowledge potentially we've made some mistakes. That's how we learn. But the fact that we are willing to acknowledge them and then move forward, that is precisely why I am proud to be President of the United States, and that's why you should be proud to be members of the CIA.

10. Apology for Guantanamo in Washington ("A Rallying Cry for Our Enemies")

President Obama, speech at the National Archives, Washington, D.C., May 21, 2009

There is also no question that Guantanamo set back the moral authority that is America's strongest currency in the world. Instead of building a durable framework for the struggle against al Qaeda that drew upon our deeply held values and traditions, our government was defending positions that undermined the rule of law. In fact, part of the rationale for establishing Guantanamo in the first place was the misplaced notion that a prison there would be beyond the law--a proposition that the Supreme Court soundly rejected. Meanwhile, instead of serving as a tool to counter terrorism, Guantanamo became a symbol that helped al Qaeda recruit terrorists to its cause. Indeed, the existence of Guantanamo likely created more terrorists around the world than it ever detained.

And he apologized to the Japan for bombing Hiroshima 65 years ago!

The bombing that brought a quick end to the war and prevented the actual land invasion of Japan and the killing of Thousands of Japanese and more American troops. Maybe the Japan should have apologized for all their war atrocities that they performed in WW2, including the attack on Pearl Harbor.

If you can’t see this as apologizing then I just can’t say anything else to convince you. But I will say that I' myself am so sick and tired of all these Obama apologists, it’s time that we called it like it really is. America has nothing to apologize for, nothing! We are not the arrogant ones, Obama is himself. He is the most arrogant, self-serving, self-loving, president that America has ever had. And I’m not even going to list all of his other bad qualities not here, anyway. When are you lefties going to call it as it is? And until you Liberals, Democrats, Progressives , start wising up and admit it to yourselves, we are in big trouble.

How Did Obama Spend Earth Day?

While most of us were out in the streets and in the parks hugging trees and picking up scrap paper from the grass, painting park benches, and cleaning up the Hypodermic Needles from the beaches etc. What did Our Dear Leader do on Earth Day? Did he plant some trees? No! Did he plant some flowers or Organize something such as a neighborhood clean-up? No.
Our Dear Leader Barack Hussain Obama celebrated Earth Day by flying all over the country campaigning and burning up more than 9,000 gallons of expensive fuel. Setting a great example to us peon’s.
Not included in these calculations are all of the President’s security vehicles that took him from the airports to wherever he went. You' got to love the DO AS I SAY, NOT AS I DO guy. He gets away with everything.

Why Wasn't Obama Invited To The Royal Wedding.

LONDON DAILY TELEGRAPH - very embarrassing!
The American people can now more readily "understand" why the Obama's were omitted from the guest list to the Royal wedding in April! This is a very sobering article. Our handling of relationships with the Britons over the oil spill didn't help either.

From the London Daily Telegraph's Editor on Foreign Relations
"Let me be clear: I'm not normally in favor of boycotts, and I love the American people. I holiday in their country regularly, and hate the tedious snobby sneers against the United States. But the American people chose to elect an idiot who seems hell bent on insulting their allies, and something must be done to stop Obama's reckless foreign policy, before he does the dirty on his allies on every issue."
One of the most poorly kept secrets in Washington is President Obama's animosity toward Great Britain, presumably because of what he regards as its sins while ruling Kenya (1895-1963).
One of Barack Hussein Obama's first acts as president was to return to Britain a bust of Winston Churchill that had graced the Oval Office since 9/11. He followed this up by denying Prime Minister Gordon Brown, on his first state visit, the usual joint press conference with flags.
The president was "too tired" to grant the leader of America's closest ally a proper welcome, his aides told British journalists.
Mr. Obama followed this up with cheesy gifts for Mr. Brown and the Queen. Columnist Ian Martin described his behavior as "rudeness personified." There was more rudeness in store for Mr. Brown at the opening session of the United Nations in September. "The prime minister was forced to dash through the kitchens of the UN in New York to secure five minutes of face time with President Obama after five requests for a sit down meeting were rejected by the White House," said London Telegraph columnist David Hughes. Mr. Obama's "churlishness is unforgivable," Mr. Hughes said.
The administration went beyond snubs and slights last week when Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, endorsed the demand of Argentine President Cristina Kirchner, a Hugo Chavez ally, for mediation of Argentina's specious claim to the Falkland Islands, a British dependency since 1833. The people who live in the Falklands, who speak English, want nothing to do with Argentina. When, in 1982, an earlier Argentine dictatorship tried to seize the Falklands by force, the British -- with strong support from President Ronald Reagan -- expelled them.
"It is truly shocking that Barack Obama has decided to disregard our shared history," wrote Telegraph columnist Toby Young. "Does Britain's friendship really mean so little to him?" One could ask, does the friendship of anyone in the entire world mean anything to him?
"I recently asked several senior administration officials, separately, to name a foreign leader with whom Barack Obama has forged a strong personal relationship during his first year in office," wrote Jackson Diehl, Deputy Editorial Page Editor of the Washington Post, on Monday." A lot of hemming and hawing ensued." One official named French President Nicolas Sarkozy, but his contempt for Mr. Obama is an open secret. Another named German Chancellor Angela Merkel. But, said Mr. Diehl, "Merkel too has been conspicuously cool toward Obama."
Mr. Obama certainly doesn't care about the Poles and Czechs, whom he has betrayed on missile defense. Honduras and Israel also can attest that he's been an unreliable ally and an unfaithful friend. Ironically, our relations with both Israel and the Palestinian Authority have never been worse. Russia has offered nothing in exchange for Mr. Obama's abandonment of missile defense. Russia and China won't support serious sanctions on Iran. Syria's support for terrorism has not diminished despite efforts to normalize diplomatic relations. The reclusive military dictatorship that runs Burma has responded to our efforts at "engagement" by deepening its ties to North Korea. And the Chinese make little effort to disguise their contempt for him.
For the first time in a long time, the President of the United States is actually distrusted by its allies and not in the least feared by its adversaries. Nor is Mr. Obama now respected by the majority of Americans. Understandably focused on the dismal economy and Mr. Obama's relentless efforts to nationalize and socialize health care, Americans apparently have yet to notice his dismal performance and lack of respect in the world community. They soon will.

Obama Praises The Illegal Aliens Who Came Here Illegally.

Obama Thinks That ALL Immigrants, Should Be Treated The Same. Whether They Crossed Rio Grande Illegally, Like Jose Gonzalez, Or Came through Ellis Island Legally Like Your Grandma and Grandpa Did.

And don't look for any help from the Democrats either.

“No matter who you are. No matter how you got here, No matter where you can came from. No matter what you look like. No matter whether your ancestors landed here on Ellis Island or came here on slave ships or came across the Rio Grande, we are all connected. We will rise and fall together. That’s the vision of America I’ve got, that’s the idea of the heart of America,”

Actually there is No surprise here at all.
I've said this before but it's time,and worthwhile to repeat it as it is just as fitting today as it was when I first said it.

The Agenda of the Progressives Is the Destruction of the United States .

Americans take a look what is happening to us.
I don't know about you but I wouldn't want to be associated with the failures and the idiotic goals associated with this party known as the Liberals/Progressives.
The party that was once know as Democratic is leaning so much towards socialism. It will be a dying party. I mean look at some of the leaders in it! I don't have to list all these Jerks all over again, you know very well who they are.
It doesn't surprise me however that less and less people are now willing to admit they are Democrat. The leftist who are currently running the joint, have nearly destroyed this country. In a scant 18 months, the damage that has been done to this country, will take years to correct, if it can be corrected at all. It doesn't take a Rocket Scientist to see how the Democratic party has been hijacked by a bunch of radical lunatics!
You see, the liberal-left has become the most bigoted, separatist and elitist group of all. How ironic, that those accused of being inanely bigoted - conservatives - allow dissension to exist because we believe in inalienable personal rights, while the supposed champions of equality - liberals - cannot stand even the slightest criticism.

I've been a Conservative/Republican since I first had the pleasure to vote. And I will vote for any person who represents this country and it's people completely and fully, not any hack who supports the downfall/destruction of America!! Or the waste of American tax dollars on the civil trial of Terrorists! And anyone who wants to erase the meaning of the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks and rename it “A Day Of Service” is a shit-head in my book!
I will vote conservative because I can't stand anything the progressives stand for. Obama appointed a general to run the war in Afghanistan, then refused to take his advice. He has succeeded in Nationalizing the auto industry, the Banking industry, he and his cronies has brought down the housing industry He then handed controlling interest to the UAW, the very culprits that put the industry in the bankruptcy in the first place.
I really hate to break it to you, BUT THOSE ARE ALL BY DEFINITION, THE VERY ESSENCE OF SOCIALISM. here is how Websters dictionary defines Socialism:A theory or system of social organization in which the means of production and distribution of goods are owned and controlled collectively by the government.

As for the bailouts, I was against all of them as were most Conservatives, starting from the Banks to the Automakers, the Automakers are just about the only industry we have left in this country, and that’s hanging on by a thread. As for National health care, you would be hard pressed to find a senior citizen to agree with it, or a veteran who uses the veterans hospitals. here is a better idea for you Green monsters, stop outsourcing to china and start building wind turbines and other green technology here by American owned companies. And start drilling!! Yes, Drill Baby Drill.
And we must stop this voting at 3:00AM behind closed doors. All these POS bill are rammed through that way, as if this were the People’s Republic of Washington! And Barack Obama had the chutzpah to complain partisanship and talk about “Transparently” The only Transparently that I can see is the transparent attempt to pass these idiotic and Socialist bills and to rig the fall elections!

He has gone around the world, on his “America is sorry for all it’s faults” tour, and bowing to every hated dictator know to America. . We are the same country that drove Germany from France, Great Britain, and the likes. He is going to allow terrorists to be given the same constitutional rights as Americans, and try them in a Federal court. He has spent more time in front of TV, and traveled and or played Golf more than any other president before him. While he and his wife were hawking the Olympics for their hometown, they felt it necessary to fly in separate planes, and take an entourage of his cronies, TV stars, and his buddies along with him. Isn’t it funny how rampant spending, with no oversight, means nothing to some. He has spent more than any other president, in the same time frame. Have you people stopped and thought for one second how all this money will be re-payed?
And it hasn't stopped yet! Just wait until a few months from now when our Dear leader eliminates the Bush Tax Cuts! And you taxes go up about $4,000.00 a year and so will mine! Do you need me to tell you? I don’t think so. But think of your children when you think about how it’s going to be paid back! And oh yes, I have a prize for the first “Einstein” that blames all this on the previous administration.
And now he wants to put a Moratorium on all future offshore drilling? Is this man completely nuts? And I'm not even going to get into the health care bill, as I'm already sick of talking and hearing about it. and for the record, redistribution of wealth really means the redistribution of wealth from those who work and earn their income to those who won't.
Does anyone who still supports him care about how much will this cost. Or the fact that he is a pure Socialist? Have we all become so blind to the truth that we have dismissed all of this?
Well, the last time I checked, which was one minute ago the national debt was at 12.9 trillion.

No, our Dear leader has done nothing but "Miss-speak" and work as much as possible to bring us to Socialism. He spends OUR money like it belongs to him in order to bail out lowlife these bankers and morons who jumped on home loans they knew they couldn’t afford in the first place. Redistribution of wealth is a load of crap and it’s all you heard during campaigning. I’m sorry but i don’t think lazy crackheads who won’t get off their fat ass's and work deserve part of my money. Nor do i feel that I deserve a portion of someone’s money who has gotten out and built a business that earns them a million dollars a year. Everyone has the same opportunity. no job creation, no bailout for the actual people who deserve it, all beating around the bush and bullshiting us. He did inherit a mess from the past 8 years, he created it.
I think if you pass the blame to another person, you must be insecure.

Eric Holder pointed a finger of blame at politicians of both parties for delaying the promised 9/11 trial. So it’s everyone else’s fault and not his? And I still want to know why he dismissed the case against the new black panthers. He’ s incompetent, racist and a perfect match for this inept administration, along with his Boss. This administration is full of incompetents on a scale not seen since the Carter administration. And I even think that they have the Carter administration beat when it comes to incompetents.
I blame all the people of the USA that voted for this incompetent Marxist Community Organizer! People think that the government chooses itself and think that their vote does not count, or the very young choose a president only for his image that the media shows them. Oh sure, lets make history and bring in the First Black president so that the Blacks in Harlem could dance in the streets and get themselves a free TV and maybe a new shinny car. Every one with even a the faintest sign of a brain that voted for Obama, have now turned their backs on him. So, you see, it is the ignorance of the people that put this economy on the brink of destruction.
If you don’t have knowledge about who you are voting for or what you’re talking about, then don’t open your mouth… it’s called ignorance, and the world has enough of it.
I don’t think anybody has the right to complain if they are still supporting him.

As for the Arizona Immigration Bill, I am beyond astounded at the people who are against it.. I still don’t get it. I still don’t understand how anyone can be against following the law. To me they are simply stupid!
Mr. Tax Paying American Legal and Mr. Jose No Tax Paying Illegal both enjoy the same town services. police services, fire services, sanitation services, public schools, hospital services, and is eligible for food stamps and welfar, but Mr. Tax Paying American Legal PAID FOR THEM and Mr. Jose No Tax Paying Illegal DID NOT pay. Do you get it, now? So if you vote for or support any politician that supports illegal aliens...You are part of the problem as much as they are! It's way PAST time to take a stand for America and Americans! Why are we so worried about protecting illegal aliens rights here? Hello? Anybody?
And to top this insanity off, the asinine Presidente of Meheco comes here and tells us that they don’t allow this kind of insanity in Meheco! It doesn't take a Brain Surgeon or a genius, of Einstein's intellect to know that America's immigration policy over the last several decades has been broken and the federal government has been extremely derelict in its duty and it’s responsibility to fix it. It costs us more in welfare, medical payments and criminal prosecution for illegal aliens than it would cost to round up and deport the bunch. And it is the responsibility of ALL law enforcement agencies, to enforce our laws arresting of all those who enter this country illegally and including the people that employ them.
These Illegal people are not immigrants, they are Illegal’s and that means law breakers and should be treated as the criminals that they are, and thrown out! I just don't understand what the big deal is, and why it’s even an issue! When I look at this whole situation, what I see is the Federal Government attacking one of the United States of America, Is this a Civil War?
The Left Wanted Barack Obama, and now They Got Him — Along with all of his Marxist Policies.
Since he took office, Obama has been making war against us all. All private citizens, private companies and yes, one of the United States of America.
Sorry, folks, but that's the reality of the situation.Obama is a lying sack of Crap!.