The Old Hag Has Spoken!

And I Quote
" This person should be arrested for the unauthorized use of the apostrophe. I demand he take down his blog!"

LMAO. I guess she means me!

I doubt that I am alone in rolling my eyes every time I hear or read anything this old bag has to complain about!

What this tired old hag does not realize is that this is still a Free Country!

I have news for all you whiners. You foolish people who stupidly voted for Obama and the rest of the clowns in Washington have something to learn form that courageous women Velma Hart who stole the show from Obama during his CNN town hall meeting in Washington. Even the few of my bleeding heart liberal friends have wised up and turned away form him.
The American people have had just about enough and are saying they don't want any part of him and his total BS!