Reverend Obama's Revival Meeting

"I promise you your country will be there with you every single step of the way,"
And the Choir Said “Amen”

Was this a Memorial or a Revival Meeting?
Obama turned a Grieving Memorial into another Campaign Rally . It Sounded Like Rev. Obama's Revival Meeting But Then Again, What did you expect.

Idiots Of The Blogosphere

This Post Had Accidently Been Activated Again As New, And Because Of That It was Taken Down And Put In It’s Proper Place In The Archives. However Recent Circumstances Have Warranted It To be Re-Posted As New! Cowardly? Deleted It? I Don’t Think So!

The Progress. Liberals, or Democrats or whatever they chose to call themselves these days want to "change" this country into a Socialist state with a Marxist leader. And they need more blind sheep to do it. Actually there is NO difference between Socialism and American Progressivism, the only difference is the name that are ashamed to be associated with. Allow me to bring some of this to light.
The one thing that infuriates me is the twerp that thinks of herself as The Queen of the Progressive Blogsters. The one who thinks that she is always 100% correct on every subject she writes, reads or hears about. This liberal Piranha Lap Dog believes that she is the PC police of the internet otherwise know as the Plagiarism Sleuths or the Queen of “Know it all” The fictional character girl detective Nancy Drew had nothing on Ms. Progressiveness except of course her age. Am I suggesting that all liberals are idiots? No not at all, yes, of course there are one or two that are exceptions to the rule . But in the case of the Queen of mean, Her Shallowness, Ms Progressive USA, there is none that I can remember in the blogesphere as bad as the dramatic political maggots of the Internet. At one time her outlandish accusation made my blood boil, but then you get to call a spade a spade and take it with a grain of salt. She has made herself a place in the blogesphere of clueless doorknob thinking liberal as just another “Blame the Other Guy” .. Blame Bush, Blame Glenn Beck, Blame Rush Limbagh, Blame Sarah Palin and even Bristol Palin. Blame EVERYONE except the Comrade in Chief and his entire Organization of Crooks and Marxists! I could go on forever on just how utterly clueless, idiotic, foolish, uninformed, loudmouthed and wacky this character is . It seems as if this Nitwit is from another country or perhaps even another world How does a completely mindless, senseless, clueless, blind, boob like she be this outright dumb and yet support a blog is beyond me. Then again, I guess even the stupid people have rights also even people with progressive policies.

What Obama Did To Israel |

Every Arab-Israeli negotiation contains a fundamental asymmetry: Israel gives up land, which is tangible; the Arabs make promises, which are ephemeral. The long-standing American solution has been to nonetheless urge Israel to take risks for peace while America balances things by giving assurances of U.S. support for Israel's security and diplomatic needs. It's on the basis of such solemn assurances that Israel undertook, for example, the Gaza withdrawal. In order to mitigate this risk, President George W.Bush gave a written commitment that America supported Israel absorbing major settlement blocs in any peace agreement, opposed any return to the 1967 lines and stood firm against the so-called Palestinian right of return to Israel. For 21 / 2 years, the Obama administration has refused to recognize and reaffirm these assurances. Then last week in his State Department speech, President Obama definitively trashed them. He declared that the Arab-Israeli conflict should indeed be resolved along "the 1967 lines with mutually agreed swaps." Nothing new here, said Obama three days later. "By definition, it means that the parties themselves — Israelis and Palestinians — will negotiate a border that is different" from 1967. It means nothing of the sort. "Mutually" means both parties have to agree. And if one side doesn't? Then, by definition, you're back to the 1967 lines. Three times the Palestinians have been offered exactly that formula, 1967 plus swaps — at Camp David 2000, Taba 2001, and the 2008 Olmert-Abbas negotiations. Every time, the Palestinians said no and walked away. And that remains their position today: The 1967 lines. Period. Indeed, in September the Palestinians are going to the United Nations to get the world to ratify precisely that — a Palestinian state on the '67 lines. No swaps. Note how Obama has undermined Israel's negotiating position. He is demanding that Israel go into peace talks having already forfeited its claim to the territory won in the '67 war — its only bargaining chip. Remember: That '67 line runs right through Jerusalem. Thus the starting point of negotiations would be that the Western Wall and even Jerusalem's Jewish Quarter are Palestinian — alien territory for which Israel must now bargain. The very idea that Judaism's holiest shrine is alien or that Jerusalem's Jewish Quarter is rightfully or historically or demographically Arab is an absurdity. And the idea that, in order to retain them, Israel has to give up parts of itself is a travesty. Obama didn't just move the goal posts on borders. He also did so on the so-called right of return. Flooding Israel with millions of Arabs would destroy the world's only Jewish state while creating a 23rd Arab state and a second Palestinian state — not exactly what we mean when we speak of a "two-state solution." That's why it has been the policy of the United States to adamantly oppose this "right." Yet in his State Department speech, Obama refused to simply restate this position — and refused again in a supposedly corrective speech three days later. Instead, he told Israel it must negotiate the right of return with the Palestinians after having given every inch of territory. Bargaining with what, pray tell? No matter. "The status quo is unsustainable," declared Obama, "and Israel too must act boldly to advance a lasting peace." Israel too ? Exactly what bold steps for peace have the Palestinians taken? Israel made three radically conciliatory offers to establish a Palestinian state, withdrew from Gaza and has been trying to renew negotiations for more than two years. Meanwhile, the Gaza Palestinians have been firing rockets at Israeli towns and villages. And on the West Bank, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas turns down then-Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's offer, walks out of negotiations with Binyamin Netanyahu and now defies the United States by seeking not peace talks but instant statehood — without peace, without recognizing Israel — at the United Nations. And to make unmistakable this spurning of any peace process, Abbas agrees to join the openly genocidal Hamas in a unity government, which even Obama acknowledges makes negotiations impossible. Obama's response to this relentless Palestinian intransigence? To reward it — by abandoning the Bush assurances, legitimizing the '67 borders and refusing to reaffirm America's rejection of the right of return. The only remaining question is whether this perverse and ultimately self-defeating policy is born of genuine antipathy toward Israel or of the arrogance of a blundering amateur who refuses to see that he is undermining not just peace but the very possibility of negotiations.

"President Obama has thrown Israel under the bus. He has disrespected Israel and undermined its ability to negotiate peace."

"He has also violated a first principle of American foreign policy, which is to stand firm by our friends,"

YES, thank you Mr President
For Nothing!

We Remember Memorial Day

Memorial Day is more than just a three-day weekend. Although Memorial day has become a day for shopping bargains, we must find time to remember and honor those who sacrificed their lives for us so that we are able to the things that we are accustom to do . And preserve our American way of life.
Decoration Day, the predecessor of Memorial Day, was established in the years after the Civil War to honor Union soldiers who died in combat. Since then, the holiday has become a time to commemorate all those who died in military service to the country. It is also, more broadly, a day to remember all loved ones who are no longer with us.

Memorial Day started off as a somber day of remembrance, a day where we in America go to cemeteries and place flags or flowers on the graves of our war dead. It is a day where we remember our ancestors, our family members, our loved ones who have given the ultimate sacrifice. But now, too many people "celebrate" the day without more than a casual thought to the purpose and meaning of the day. How do we honor the 1.8 million that gave their life for America since 1775? How do we thank them for their sacrifice? We have 364 other days to celebrate and enjoy the freedom and life that we have because of their sacrifice. "it's only by actions that we can repay those who have come before us." Let us take just one day to remember. We need to put the "Memorial" back in Memorial Day and observe the day as it was originally intended. We need to decorate the graves of the fallen, visit their memorials, and support the care of these cemeteries and memorials so that their ultimate price, their ultimate loss is not taken for granted. To honor our military dead does not validate war, leave that debate behind for just this day. Consider giving your support to restoring the traditional day of observance of Memorial Day to the 30th of May. "Changing the date merely to create three-day weekends has undermined the very meaning of the day. No doubt, this has contributed greatly to the general public's nonchalant observance of Memorial Day."

by David Merchant

"It is our duty to keep the memory of our heroes" -- Jefferson Davis
So before you go to that BBQ or to the Mall, please take a few minutes and think of those who sacrificed everything including their lives for you and me. And for the contributions that they made to make America GREAT.

Thanks To ObamaCare.

Doctors Refusal to Treat Obese Patients May Raise Legal Problems

More than 10% of doctors in a recent survey refuse to accept patients who are too fat. While some doctors decline to perform operations on patients who refuse to quit smoking, the two situations are different from a legal point of view, says expert
By David W Freeman

It seems to be the policy of some doctors in Florida - and medical ethicists are crying foul. In a poll of 105 obstetrics-gynecology practices in South Florida, 15 said they refuse to treat even healthy patients who exceed certain weight cut-offs. Some practices set the cut-off at 200 pounds. Why the no -fat-patients policies? Some practices said their exam tables and other equipment couldn't handle the extra load, the paper reported. Others said they avoid fat patients because they are more likely than thinner patients to develop hard-to-treat medical complications. "People don't realize the risk we're taking by taking care of these patients," Dr. Albert Triana, whose South Miami practice declines to treat obese patients, told the paper. "There's more risk of something going wrong and more risk of getting sued. Everything is more complicated with an obese patient" when it comes to gynecological surgery or pregnancy. It may be true that obese patients are harder to take care of, Dr. Charles D. Rosen, president of the Association for Medical Ethics, told CBS News. But, he said, that doesn't mean it's okay for doctors to exclude fat patients from their practices. "To refuse to even see a patient because they are overweight is not reasonable and not ethical," he said. "This is discriminating against people who have a medical problem. It is like discriminating against someone who is African-American or short or has a certain employment." More than a third of adults in the U.S. are obese. If that percentage goes up much more, "unethical" might not be the only label some use for doctors who decline to see fat patients. What else might they be called? That's Obama health care for you, so hows that Hope and Change working out for you so far?
The objective of Obama and the liberals is to destroy this country.

Where Is Obama?

Written by

Malia Rulon

Obama arrived in Ireland on Monday, a day after the tornado wrought devastation on the southwest Missouri city. He has been criticized by some, including right-wing radio host Laura Ingraham, for drinking a pint of Guinness while so many Americans back home were suffering.

Obama downed his beer while visiting a pub in his ancestral home of Moneygall as part of a six-day trip to Europe for the G8 summit in France.

His European trip also included flipping burgers with England Prime Minister David Cameron and meeting with Queen Elizabeth and newlyweds Prince William and Princess Catherine.

"I don't know if the president could have been more helpful," Blunt told reporters Thursday during his weekly conference call. "Sunday is soon enough, and Sunday is probably the soonest that they can deal with a presidential visit.

And the death toll from Sunday's tornado climbed to 126. With 100's still missing.

You can say whatever you want about our President, BUT you can bet on one thing, He does not let his principles (Dripping with sarcasm) interfere with his vacations. Had Enough Yet?

What Am I Mssing Here? The National Embarrassment Continues.

Obama can't seem too even get the easy stuff right. It was AMERICA’S deadliest tornado disaster in 60 years Violent storms that swept through a chunk of the mid U.S. killing at least 120 people in three states, toppling trees, crushing cars and tearing through Missouri, Kansas, Texas, Oklahoma, and Arkansas, some towns were completely gone, and homes were tossed around like newspaper, and cars were crushed like soda cans. And at least 100 people were killed in Joplin, Missouri alone. But have no fear! The Heartbroken President Obama is being briefed . He’s being told exactly what’s happening and exactly how people are being killed and injured as he guzzles down that Ale in Dublin, Ireland.
And make jokes about his Irish ancestors. And has a Lavish dinner with the Queen of England. So the Obamas embarrass our country once again. Dinning on God only know what while thousands of our citizens are in a desperate situation.
It’s a good thing that President Bush took 3 days to fly of New Orleans to witness the devastation, so that the Lefties and Blame him for setting an example. I guess if Obama wasn’t the only one to embarrass America,, then it’s alright. (Sarcasm)!!

Tornado’s are devastating Joplin, Missouri, At least 1500 people are still missing, and Obama is is in Ireland drinking beer …. Where are the protesters, Obama is in Ireland while the tornadoes are in the US, where is the outrage?

What Is The Real Meaning of Material Things?
Our thoughts and prayers are with the families who are involved in any of these terrible storms. Does any one want to ignore the missing elephant in the room?

The consequences for Jewish Democrats of Obama's remarks


No American Jew who values the existence of the nation of Israel can kid himself any longer. President Obama is against the Jewish state. His speech on Thursday overtly embraces the position of the Palestinians and is designed to force Israel to surrender to their domination.

How else are we to interpret a demand that Israel return to its 1967 borders and that this be the starting point for further negotiations? The 1967 borders include a waist line across the middle of Israel that is all of twelve miles in length. It can be walked easily in four hours and driven in less than fifteen minutes. A jet would take one minute to overfly it.

To force Israel into indefensible borders is not a prelude to a solution. It is the prelude to a modern equivalent of the Final Solution - the destruction of Israel and of the seven million Jews who live there.

Who can pretend that shrinking Israel would appease the Arabs any more than dismembering Czechoslovakia appeased Hitler? The Palestinians, long kept seething with grievances by the United Nations refugee agency, Hamas, and the PA, want the right of return. They demonstrated this just last week as they approached Israel's borders demanding admission. Short of having their farms and homes back - and driving out the Jews who have lived there for more than sixty years - there is no compromise that they will accept.

And what is the backdrop for Obama's embrace of the essential Palestinian demand? It takes place a few weeks after the merger of the Palestinian Authority and Hamas, committing both to the destruction of Israel. This is the entity Obama wants Israel to trust twelve miles from the sea!

If the last few months of revolutions in the Arab world have demonstrated anything, it is that the Arab street is more concerned with its own economic well being and in getting out from under the despotism of their regimes than about the plight of the Palestinians.

The consequences for Jewish Democrats of Obama's remarks are profound. They must each now choose, bluntly and without room for equivocation between their support for Obama and their backing for Israel. It is not Israel or the Republican Party that has forced this choice upon them. It is the President himself whose anti-Israel bias has never been more blatantly on display.

As President Obama solicits funds from American Jews, let us all remember our family, friends, and compatriots in Israel and honor them by saying no. It is the time for American Jews to choose. Just like it was in 1938.

Caption This

Michelle Obama’s butt’s so big they had to order a new chair for Air Force One with super-sized seats

Netanyahu Urges U.S. Return To 1845 Borders

(Reuters) Aboard Air Force One

Speaking to reporters accompanying Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on his long flight to the United States tonight, Netanyahu spoke of the injustice and hardship Mexicans have endured since American forces annexed Texas in 1845. “Tens of thousands of ordinary Mexicans were driven out of their homes – the only homes they had known for centuries – and forced to live in poverty and squalor south of the border imposed by American aggression,” Netanyahu said. “The Israeli and Mexican people agree on this: This festering wound will never heal until America takes bold steps to return to the internationally accepted lines of 1845. Clearly the settlement activity that’s taken place in occupied Mexico since then is illegal. When I meet the President tomorrow I will tell him to halt all building activity in Texas immediately. Two lands for two peoples, yes, but not on land taken by force from Mexico,” the Prime Minister said.
Asked if his hard-line stance could hurt the U.S.-Israel relationship, Netanyahu reiterated Israel’s commitment to America’s security and the unshakable friendship shared by the two countries, then added, “But who was it who said, part of friendship is being able to tell your friend the truth. The ball is now in Obama’s court.”

With Friends like Obama Who Needs Enemies

Where does an fraud and a amateur and the the son of a Muslim father like Obama get off lecturing the history of Israel to a True Man of Honor, An Israeli Soldier, An intellectual, and a TRUE Leader who is way beyond the league of Barack Hussain Obama and a REAL leader? And all of the things he is not. A history that not only dates back the 63 years since the SIX DAY WAR, but for almost 4,000 years that the Jewish people have been struggling and suffering from the threats and the wars initiated by the Arabs.
A Liberal reader of this blog sent a comment along with a link, from what he calls “ A PRETTY CONSERVATIVE NEWS SOURCE” Where he claims that it points out that no where did Obama say that he was expecting Israel to return to the pre 1967 borders and that he was basically restating the policy of our previous three Presidents, Bush I, Bush II, and Clinton.
Once again we see a Obama apologist not accepting any responsibility for the Obama policies. But sharing the blame with Former Republican Presidents.

My answer is, Do you REALLY think that anyone really needs a link of any kind to tell us what a Back Stabbing SOB this man is. And I use the word “Man” not the Title “President” As I am totally ashamed to call this man the President. This speech was the straw that broke the camels back. And Obama should know all about Camels and their backs!
And lets put this ridiculous demand aside just for one second, and let me ask you this, Do you really think that the Palestinians want peace? I don’t for one second. And if you do, then you don’t have a clue about these lying terrorist. How about the last time they negotiated for peace, they wanted an exchange for 980 of their prisoners for ONE Israel. 980 TERRORISTS for ONE Soldier. That’s the way that Radical Islam does things, that’s how they compromise. Do we really want to negotiate with people that want demands like that? Do you really think they are sincere? These people are not only ridiculous, but they don’t want peace. They had so many chances to negotiate on a level playing field but that’s not what they wanted. . The Palestinians don't really want peace. Benyamin Netanyahu said it best when he said, “ Israel can only make peace with those who want to make peace.” Yasir Arafat had the best deal that he would ever get back in 2000 when Clinton hosted the Israeli-Palestinian negotiations when Barak offered Arafat a Palestinian State, and The Palestinian Pig turned down the offer. He will never get that offer again. Arafat was offered just about everything he wanted, but no that wasn’t enough what he really wanted was the total destruction of Israel. And that’s what Hamas and most Palestinians want today.

No, they will never get that kind of offer again. At least I hope that they don’t. These Pigs only want one thing and that’s to run Israel into the sea. And I hope to God that never happens, but with the pathetic Socialist in Chief in office, who knows!
In fact If I were Netanyahu, I would have refused to even meet with him today.
My Jewish Liberal friends, this President, who was helped to get into office by a great majority of the Jewish vote, chose to back stab the State of Israel by demanding a peace agreement based on the return to the pre 1967, indefensible borders. He is the first American President to do so, and he did this knowing all the time that this was the day before he was to meet Prime Minister Netanyahu. Another a slap in his face.
I only hope that every Jew especially the Liberal Jews remember what Obama said yesterday, and remember it when they go to vote next November! How can any American Jew ever vote or donate money to his campaign again? Because if they do, they are clearly fools and deserve everything they get. Lets hope that they already know that.
And you don’t heae a peep from the WHIMP’S like our Jewish representatives like Joe Lieberman or Chucky Smucky Schuemer.

Are You Happy Now, My Jewish Liberal Friends?

We Are ALL Israelis Today!

Did you ever think you would see the day when an American President would throw Israel under the Bus?

We have to hand it to Obama, he is consistent in his anti-America, anti-Israel policies. He has backed the Muslims and their cause every time he has had the opportunity to.
We get the message, we get it loud and clear, unfortunately, it took our Jewish Liberal friends too long to see through this lying fraud. And now look at what has happened

Obama urges Israel to go back to 1967 borders.

Were you surprised? I wasn't! This shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone, the handwriting was on the wall since day one.. Obama was waiting to throw Israel under the bus for a very long time. My complaint is that the Jewish Liberals here in America are remaining silent? And I’d even bet that most of these people would vote for this CLOWN again tomorrow if they had the chance. Obama has been siding with the Palestinians and with Hamas all along, rememberer that speech in Cairo, when he apologized for America to the Muslim world!!!!! And where he said that he said that the Israelis must respect the legitimate claims of the Palestinians!. ..Obama has always been siding with Israel's enemies. And yet the American Liberal Jews love him! How blind could people possibly be? .

Forcefully stepping into an explosive Middle East debate, President Barack Obama on Thursday endorsed a key Palestinian demand for the borders of its future state and prodded Israel to accept that it can never have a truly peaceful nation based on “permanent occupation.”

Obama’s urging that a Palestinian state be based on 1967 borders – before the Six Day War in which Israel occupied East Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza – was a significant shift in the U.S. approach. It drew an immediate negative response from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who is to meet with Obama at the White House Friday.

So you called me names when I urged you NOT to vote for that Socialist Muslim! I was anti this and anti that, and a bigot and everything else under the sun.

Well I hope that your Happy Now with this Hope and Change Bull-Shit! You wanted him, You got him.

The only problem is, I have him as well as do the people of Israel.

And what do the Liberals have to say about Obama's ANTI Israeli speech that is siding with the Terrorists? Not a word, they are too busy blogging about Gay Marriage. Or are they too embarrassed?

Perhaps Allen West Said it best!

Congressman Allen West Response to President Barack Obama's Callfor a Two State Solution in Israel

(WASHINGTON) --- Congressman Allen West (FL-22) released his statement today:

"Today’s endorsement by President Barack Obama of the
creation of a Hamas-led Palestinian state based on the
pre-1967 borders, signals the most egregious foreign policy decision his administration has made to date, and could be The beginning of the end as we know it for the Jewish state.

From the moment the modern day state of Israel declared
statehood in 1948, to the end of the 1967 Six Day War, Jews were forbidden access to their holiest site, the Western Wall in Jerusalem’s Old City, controlled by Jordan’s Arab army.

The pre-1967 borders endorsed by President Obama would deny millions of the world’s Jews access to their holiest site and force Israel to return the strategically important Golan Heights to Syria, a known state-sponsor of terrorism.

Resorting to the pre-1967 borders would mean a full
withdrawal by the Israelis from the West Bank and the Jewish neighborhoods of East Jerusalem. Make no mistake,
there has always been a Nation of Israel and Jerusalem has been and must always be recognized as its rightful capital.

In short, the Hamas-run Palestinian state envisioned by
President Obama would be devastating to Israel and the
world’s 13.3 million Jews. It would be a Pavlovian style reward to a declared Islamic terrorist organization, and an unacceptable policy initiative.
America should never negotiate with the Palestinian
Authority- which has aligned itself with Hamas. Palestine is a region, not a people or a modern state. Based upon Roman Emperor Hadrian's declaration in 73 AD, the original Palestinian people are the Jewish people.

It's time for the American people to stand by our strongest ally, the Jewish State of Israel, and reject this foreign policy blunder of epic proportions.

While the winds of democracy may blow strong in the Middle East, history has demonstrated that gaps in leadership can lead to despotic regimes. I have questions for President Obama: 'Who will now lead in Egypt?' and
Why should American taxpayers provide foreign aid to a
nation where the next chapter in their history may be the emergence of another radical Islamic state?'

President Obama has not stood for Israel or the Jewish
people and has made it clear where the United States will stand when Palestine attempts to gain recognition of statehood by the United Nations. The President
should focus on the real obstacle to security- the
Palestinian leadership and its ultimate goal to eliminate Israel and the Jewish people.”

So Newt Gingrich owed six figures to Tiffany's. So What?

by Jake Sherman
Newt Gingrich, a fiscal conservative? Not when it comes to Tiffany’s. In 2005 and 2006, the former House speaker turned presidential candidate carried as much as $500,000 in debt to the premier jewelry company, according to financial disclosures filed with the Clerk of the House of Representatives. Gingrich, who represented Georgia in Congress for two decades, retired in 1999. But his wife, Callista Gingrich, was employed by the House Agriculture Committee until 2007, according to public records. She listed a “revolving charge account” at Tiffany and Company in the liability section of her personal financial disclosure form for two consecutive years and indicated that it was her spouse’s debt. The liability was reported in the range of $250,001 to $500,000. When asked whether Gingrich has settled this debt, and why he owed between a quarter-million and a half-million dollars to a jeweler, Rick Tyler, Gingrich’s spokesman, declined to comment. Gingrich’s wife reported the debt in her 2006 and 2007 filing, which covered the 2005 and 2006 calendar years. It’s not clear whether Gingrich has since paid off the debt or not — neither Gingrich is currently required to file financial disclosure forms. As a presidential candidate, Newt Gingrich would have to file a personal financial disclosure form. Since leaving the House, Gingrich has started several businesses, consulting firms and other money-making entities, but is not bound by the disclosure restrictions that he would be if he were in the House. Gingrich’s last disclosure filing, which covers the 2006 calendar year, she reported that the couple had between roughly $1 million and $2.5 million in assets
Sorry folks, I'm not a New Gingrich fan but I just don't get the point of this story. Newt is a very rich man and who has written many, may books and has received millions of dollars for it. So what? Since when is someone who is very rich and his wife not allowed to buy themselves expensive things. Did he Rape 6 women or play Hide the Cigar with an Intern?

Did he or his wife take 600 friends to a Castel in Spain?
Just like Marie Antoinette, Mrs. Obama is flaunting it in the faces of Americans who are suffering financially.
If he did, then get back to me.

The REAL Difference In What The Lefties Want In A President and What The Conservatives Want In A President.

The Conservatives want a President who is proud of our country, who is honest, and competent, and who really wants to brings us together, who will defend us and who will fight for the right reasons. And who will be behind our Military and give them the support and whatever it takes to help them win what we sent them to war for. Someone who thinks of America First, and does not play the blame, blame, blame, game. Someone with the Guts to stand up and be accounted for and be responsible for what he was elected for. Who might even get us out of the wars we're in now instead of starting new ones. Who will support our Military instead of downsizing it. Who will NOT tax the crap out of people and businesses so that we will be able to get our economy going. Who will not give preferential treatment to certain races through affirmative action, because he knows that it is wrong.Who supports the competitive, free market Health Care system. And will not give handouts that will bankrupt this country.

But The Left want a president who like the Clown we have in office now.
Who is a multi tasked person can fine the time to vacation all over the world and knock the crap out of America at the same time. Who can participate in an Easter egg roll on Easter Sunday, but can’t find the time or the words to address the nation about the most important Christian holiday of the year. Who can sit around and predict the outcome of a Basketball tournament, but he can’t find his official Birth Certificate and release it instead of putting his country through so many “Distractions”
Who is against drilling for oil and natural gas, but would rather put up with us begging at the feet of the Arab nations.
Who would allow the UN or NATO dictate our foreign policy and tell us who and when to fight instead of our own Congress.
Who would bow to and kisses the ass of dictators and Kings and our enemies and slaps our friends like Israel in the face, and kowtow to Iran .

Maybe this is what he meant by CHANGE, but the sad thing about it is just doesn't just affect the Americans who wanted this Clown, but the entire country and the rest of the world as well.

The Conservatives And Tea Party Must Not Accept Another RINO. If They Do, We Will Once Again Lose.

The situation is perfectly clear, if the republicans get out of line and start to nominate or even consider running these old re-treads and washed up has-beens like Newt Gingrich or Ron Paul, or Mitt Romey or any of these these ridiculous habitual losers the Tea Party MUST protest this, This is such a ridiculous thing it isn’t even worth the consideration. This is nothing but a road to another defeat. The Republican party MUST steps up to the plate with new blood. This continence parade of hass-beens and habitual losers have buried our chances in the past and as they say, “ Only a Moron thinks that you can repeat the same thing and hope for a different ending” But repeating the same action will never yield a different result, so lets get real. It certainly didn’t work with MC Lame, so lets learn form that.
And another thing, we don’t need a third party, to win this thing. A third party will only mean a disastrous ending. Unless it is Third Party on the liberals side. The solution here is simple.
We have been waiting for 2012 for a long time now, it almost feels like it’s been forever, so lets not make the same mistake that we did the last time around. We have no choice this thime, it’s imperative to kick out all the democrats, socialists, progressives, liberals, and spineless brainwashed and bringing in more RINOs is not going to do it.
In any case, Barack Hussain Obama has got to go. And we need a solid Conservative opponent to take care of that. And we don't need to see Rappers or Hip-Hop artists cursing about killing cops and former American Presidents, or Motown parties in the White House, invited by the Fashionista Michelle Obama.
How's that for Michelle Obama bringing grace and dignity to the White House?
A prime example of our country's moral decline. These vile classless thugs should not be invited to our White House. I personally find it to be disgusting.
make no mistake about it, as the field stands right now Obama is sure to be re-elected.

We need someone who will not be afraid to call the Obama administration what it really is. Not a bunch of cotton mouthed RINO’s who like in the last presidential race had the lack and the skill of political savvy, shrewdness, and intelligence, as well as the common sense and the balls to do and say what it takes to win the voters and to prevent another four years of the Obama regime. A situation that will lead us down the wrong road. OBAMA is a socialist and Marxist and a radical that we do not want or need nor can afford for another 4 years. And Newt Gingrich is not the one.. Nor is Huckabee, Romney, Ron Paul, or Sarah Palin. None of the above can win. We need to start thinking seriously about who can and draft that person.
May I throw out the name John Bolton

Let's Think About It

Did a Pakistani Official Sell The Bin Laden Info To The CIA?

There’s Some Interesting Stuff Here.
WASHINGTON: Did a Pakistani intelligence official sell the information about the whereabouts of Osama bin Laden to the US last year to get millions of dollars and relocate to a western country with a new non-Pakistani passport? All those seeking to know the full facts of the Osama episode are looking for an answer to this question.

President Barack Obama would not have agreed to go forward with the mission to kill Osama bin Laden had it not been for intense pressure from CIA Director Leon Panetta, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, administration sources have revealed.
According to these sources, Administration officials were frustrated with the president’s indecisiveness and his orders not to carry out the mission in February. President Obama was “dragged kicking and screaming” to give the green light for the operation in the last week of April. By then, the US military and other high-level officials were so determined to launch the operation that they did not want to give the president the opportunity to delay or to call it off. President Obama reluctantly approved to go forward with the operation only if the CIA head agreed to take all the blame in case the mission failed. The planning for the operation underscores the deep divisions in the Obama administration, with President Obama and a close aide, Valerie Jarrett, procrastinating on making a decision and high-ranking officials and members of the cabinet pressing him to go ahead on the other. The chief architect of the plan to “take bin Laden out” was CIA Director Leon Panetta.

This makes many of the unanswered questions a lot clearer Obama had very little if anything at all to do with this and in fact it may have jeopardized the mission entirely. It also explains why
Obama hesitated for 16 hours.

A French political big shot who heads theInternational Monetary Fund was arrested for allegedly Raping and Sodomizing a Manhattan hotel maid yesterday. He was hauled off Air France flight just moments before takeoff from Kennedy Airport, police sources said. Three Port Authority detectives pulled Dominique Strauss-Kahn from the plane's first-class cabin just two minutes before it was due to depart for Paris, according to the police sources.

Strauss-Kahn, 62 -- who was expected to challenge French President Nicholas Sarkozy in the 2012 election -- was turned over to NYPD officers and brought to the Special Victims Unit's uptown squad room.

The trouble began at around 1 p.m. yesterday when a 32-year-old housekeeper entered Strauss-Kahn's $3,000-a-night suite at the luxury Sofitel on West 44th Street -- apparently unaware he was still inside.

The married Strauss-Kahn was in the bathroom, and emerged naked, chased her down a hallway and pulled her into a bedroom, where "he jumps her," a source said.

"She pulled away from him and he dragged her down a hallway into the bathroom where he engaged in a criminal sexual act, according to her account to detectives," Browne said. "He tried to lock her into the hotel room.

And Why Did I Use This Story In My Blog? Why Is This News? Read on.
A Deliberate Smear on George W. Bush? You Bet Your Booty!
The Lame Stream Media seem to only be able to find Strauss-Kahn with President George W. Bush in 2008.
This pervert gets arrested in a rape and sodomy probe and the only photo that's available is a 3 years old with he and President Bush shaking hands?

As if this were the ONLY photo available. When this one was also available!

And This One!
And coincidentally this French creep buys his suits from the same tailor as President Obama.
But the media chose to picture him with George Bush. Hummm , interesting, isn’t it?

And In Other News.....

Treason's just another word for nothing to be done.

From the Kent

Authorities charges six with aiding Pakistani Taliban (including two imams at Florida Mosques)

From the coal mines to the California sun, Treason's just another word for nothing to be done. I can remember in the Good Old Days when Treason used to be against the law. But when it's done by these Vermin, it's only the religion of peace. Anybody shocked? Why do we even play with these people? They 'all hate America, and they won't be happy until America as we know it is destroyed.

The Imam of a Florida Mosque and his two sons were arrested on Saturday on charges of financing and supporting the Pakistani Taliban.

The three Pakistan-born U.S. citizens were among six charged in a U.S. indictment that accused them of ‘supporting acts of murder, kidnapping and maiming in Pakistan and elsewhere’ carried out by the Pakistani Taliban.

The indictment, announced by the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Florida and the FBI, charged the six with creating a network that transferred funds from the U.S. to Taliban supporters and fighters in Pakistan for the purpose of buying arms.

I don't know about you, but I have the feeling that this is going on all over the country.

But with this bunch of goons in the White House, treason is not to unusual these days, it's just another way to pander to the Muslim community, as our Dear leader does so well..

And let's see what Eric Holder does with this latest bit of Muzzie news while Obama is out campaigning for reelection and doing his victory laps. Anybody shocked?
Treason's just another word for nothing to be done.