I guess the old Liberal/Progressive standard of trashing anyone that disagrees with you isn't working anymore.

One thing has become abundantly clear from Tuesday night's primaries: Sarah Palin's endorsements does matter.
If you love your country,and if you respect the Constitution and wish to abide by its rules, and you believe in the American dream, and you are against illegals coming into our country and milking it til the cows come home, and you are against building a Masque that is meant to honor the Muslims victory in killing thousands of innocent people and who took part in destroying our economy you are a radical Teabagger! You are a racist, and a extremist!
Nothing could more clearly show that this regime is against the people!
Call us what you will, the bottom line will be told in November and even more so in 2012, when Obama and the Speaker of the House, and the Majority Leader, and the Attorney General, and the Black Caucus, and the NAACP, and the Black Panthers, and his loyal, blind, stupid followers will only be a bad memory.