Sorry, for the Light Blogging, But Today I Am Out Sick.

I'm sick of Harry Reid, and Nancy What’s her face, and Eric Holder and Jimmy Carter, Charlie Rangel, and oh yes of Barack Obama and Michelle Obama as well. . I'm sick of the hypocrisy that is going on through out this country. I'm sick of having to defend my rights everyday. I'm sick of ACORN. I'm sick of our leaders acting like crooks and thugs. I'm sick of kids just out of diapers who haven't lived long enough to have a clue thinking that they know better telling me what to do and what to say and what I can’t say. . I'm sick and tired of this current Marxist administration, I'm sick of my fellow Americans acting like a bunch of brainwashed idiots themselves. There are lots of things going on in this country that makes me sick. I'm sick of being called a racist for not agreeing with Obama's policies, not the color of his skin. I'm sick of having crap shoved down my throat everyday. I'm sick of Obama bowing to every leader in the world, and looking like a pussy. I'm sick of people who don't have a clue telling me I'm wrong. I'm sick of the media not covering the truth. I'm sick of the way that our brave troops are pissed on day after day I'm just sick and tired of the BS coming out of Washington, and the White House and having our hands tired so that we just have to sit back and deal with it.

I’ve been highly critical of Brack Obama and his Attorney General Eric Holder for their imbecilic idea of trying Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and his cohorts in civilian courts, thereby offering them the full range of rights and privileges that should be only extended to American citizens by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights— therefore making a mockery of our whole US justice system. Three thousand of our innocent citizens died because of this lowlife bastard Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and we are bending over backwards to give this piece of shit “RIGHTS” And taking 6 to 8 months to decide where to hold his trial, and he hasn't made up is mind yet!

I'm sick of giving RIGHTS to our enemies and to ILLEGAL immigrants and putting true Patriot’s like the Navy Seals on trial. Three navy seal heroes that had to go on and face court-martial after capturing the Al-Qaeda leader who murdered four USA security guards in Fallujah in 2004.
For what? For giving an Al-Qaeda leader had a bloody lip when he was arrested. Was that a reason to pit these brave Navy Seals on Court Marshal? This PC is simple insanity! How can any REAL American support a President that would do this? Whoever brought these charges ( Eric Holder) should have been be put on trial himself. The next time something like this occurs in the field, the motivation will be to just kill him where he lays on his yellow belly.
Just when I thought I’ve seen it all, something else comes up to bite us in the ass. When will enough be enough?

There are millions and millions of us who grew up with Ronald Reagan and who are determined to revitalized, rebirth and raise America to those wonderful days of his presidency. And to watch what has happened to our great nation since is just a catastrophe. But I think that those days are long gone and perhaps gone forever. I do not feel that our Grandchildren will ever live to see the America we knew ever again. Sorry to be so pessimistic, but I really believe that's true. Look amongst the new American youth and you will see they all seem to be in lock step with Obama and his henchmen. Frankly, I don’t see much "hope" for “change” im our future. I have many reasons for being pessimistic and it involves all the work I have done in politics, and modern society. After studying the situation in the world economy/banking system, etc. I felt hopeless, I go to protests and speak out against the leftist who are ruining this nation but I speak to deaf ears.

I’m also sick of these leftist who seem to be stuck on stupid. We don’t seem to have that drive to win any longer, people just are satisfied to have things given to them and just don’t want to work as long as we have a president who thinks spreading the wealth is the right thing to do. And that makes me sick.

November Is Just Around The Corner

Don't let us down America, we need your help. Remember this November, hope and change is coming to America at a voting booth near you!
It’s entirely possible but not likely that the Democrats will lose the House and about 6 Senate seats on all three big issues. He’ll probably take that personally. As he has pushed for the passage of his reforms, his public approval ratings have taken a beating, and voters have started to trust the Republicans more than his party on a host of issues. America elected a man with a razor thin resume and many very dubious associations. It is beginning to show. Obama and the Democrats and their buddies in ACORN, Wall Street, banks, etc. were just way too greedy. When they got the keys to the Treasury, they were like kids in a candy store and couldn't control themselves, and they are bankrupting the country by doing so. The voters that propelled him over the finish line bought his lies about cleaning up Washington and stopping business as usual. Instead he has packed his administration with a gang of corrupt Chicago style thugs and various tax cheats and insiders. Those of us who saw him for what he was knew his downfall would come as a result of over-reaching and dirty cram down politics. What we didn't anticipate was the speed at which he would self destruct.

The American people in the ultimate kindness and trust voted for a pig in a poke in 2008. They wanted so much to believe the “Magic Negro”Barack Obama was somehow better and different from other ultra-leftists that they simply took him on faith even though they knew there was no substance. .

They ignored his anti-white writings in his books. They ignored his quiet acceptance of hysterical anti-American diatribes by his miserable minister, Jeremiah Wright.

They ignored his refusal to explain years at a time of his life time association with domestic terrorists.

The American people ignored his total zero of an academic record as a student and teacher, his complete lack of scholarship when he was being touted as a scholar. A scholar in the art of Community Organizing.
Now, the American people are starting to wake up to the truth. Barack Obama is a super likable super leftist, not a fan of this country, way, way too cozy with the terrorist leaders in the Middle East, way beyond naivete, all the way into active destruction of our interests and our allies and our future.


Obviously, people lie,
but the liberal mind will sink to the bottom of the barrel to get their dirty minded properganda across. We have now seen the "bottom of the barrel" as far as this lying liberal CREEP is concerned. Isn’t it funny how the liberal maniacs will whine about Rush Linbaugh, and Sarah Palin, and Glenn Beck's rhetoric, but when it comes right down to it, they are the ones who spread these vicious verminous attacks! And as we get closer to election time, I’m afraid that it will get worse, and not better.
And this is someone who I don’t even know and who I never had any encounters with.. But who I guess is just another nutty liberal crawling out of his or her rathole
Well my good friends, if that’s what they want, they have come to the right place Because they don’t want unity, they want chaos.

Get This! Octopus said...
Earlier today, I picked up a memory resident virus. I was reading unmoderated comments stashed in my 'troll' folder, the one that had a Malcontent link in it. Minutes after I opened this comment to read and moderate it, I returned to a document I was working on and performed a routine copy/ paste function. Instead, I got an email address (not the line I copied). Immediately, I shut down my computer and rebooted. No damage done; it was memory resident only.

Bottom line: Malcontent is not safe to be around. Avoid him at all cost, everything about him, including all email, comments, and blog.

Ahmadinejad meets with Screwy Louie Farrakhan, and the Black Panthers

So the president of the lunatic fundamentalist regime in Iran recently flew to New York City and met with Nation of Islam lunatic leader Louis Farrakhan. I wonder if the next one on his list is going to be the Reverend Jeremiah "God Damn America" Wright, and Eric Holder. Oh well, I guess that Turds of a feather stick together. Is this Nincompoop being given free ren of New York City? If he is we need to remind Mayor Bloombird that this is not acceptable. And where is Rudy Giuliani when we need him! Ahmadinejad is an enemy of the US or at least the leader of a hostile foreign country who calls for the destruction of America. He is not a citizen and his movements should be restricted, or at the very least watched over. This has to be a great and proud moment for our anti-American liberal friends, you know who I mean, the ones who always preach Freedoms of choice to us. The same ones who are for this Muslim Community Center they want to build at Ground Zero. The terror from Iran, the lunatic President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's visit to New York City included a SECRET sit-down meeting with the scum of the earth, Louis Farrakhan, and the Black Panthers.

You know who they are, the ones who were permitted to loiter around Voting Booths holding Billy Clubs in their hands and intimidating voters at election booths The lunatic President of Iran also shared a hush-hush meal with Screwy Louie Farrakhan as well as members of the New Black Panther Party last Tuesday at the Warwick Hotel.. I’m surprised that he didn’t stay at the Hotel Theresa in Harlem where Fidel Castro stayed and brought live chickens with him for his dinner. He should have been put in GITMO to stay and not in a New York Hotel. What really shocked me was the fact that NYC Board of Health allowed this wacky little midget in. And perhaps this was the origination of the bedbug infestation that we are experiencing here in New York. For what reason other then to promote chaos would anyone want to meet and talk to this mentally challenged psychopathic maniac who is an enemy of our nation? I also read that many of the guests told the New York Post that his meals stunk up the hotel so much that they had to leave the hotel. I wonder if Louie Farrakhan and the New Black Panther Party members are aware that Iran aligned itself with the Hitler regime in WWII and that they (the Iranians) boycotted the Olympics because there were Blacks in it. Every day this gets worse and worse, I can’t recognize my country anymore. Please let me hear your comments.

So You Want A Masque At Ground Zero?

What the Hell Is a Black Caucus and Why Are They Allowed to Exist?

The other day Barack Obama said this “I need everybody here to go back to your neighborhoods, to go back to your workplaces, to go to churches, and go to the barbershops, and go to the beauty shops, and tell them we’ve got more work to do,”
Mr. Obama told the crowd at the Washington Convention Center. (The members of the Congressional Black Caucus are all Democrats.)
I my self have often wondered why they get away with something like this, and the whites don't dare form a White anything ! If someone in Congress suggested excluding African-Americans from an organization called the Congressional White Caucus, what would be the response from the media and the liberals in Congress? Why is it only termed racism when the bias is against African-Americans? I as a White person do not know all of what the Black community requires and I am quite certain that other races do not as well. So it may be exclusive to Blacks but I am not offended nor do I feel the need to call it racist.. And while we are at it, why is there a Hispanic Caucus also?
Mr. Obama went before a Hispanic Caucus the other day last week and told them that they were one of the first ones to ever be in America. Meaning that the “white” people weren’t. And the crowd of mostly Mexican, who he was there to pander too, cheered like the Messiah himself entered the room. Unfortunately Obama's knowledge and understanding of American history is actually exceeded by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's, who is an expert at "smoke and mirrors" as is Barack Obama.

So tell me, what the hell do we need a Black or a Hispanic Caucus for? What do they do besides spread racism? And why does our so called president of “All the People” attend these Caucus’s for? Until I see the Black Caucus go to war or go the head of Congress and fight for “All the People” I say, What In Hell Do We Need These Racist Organizations For?
All while we are on the subject, why in hell do we need a NAACP for, if that isn’t a RACIST Organization, then I don’t know what one is! They are nothing else but a outdated "civil rights” bunch of racist people that don’t give a rats ass about anyone that isn’t black, so is that not racist? You bet your bippy it is. Nobody wants to hear those tired worn out ideas of victimization and slavery and see their out-stretched palms any longer. ..We've listened to this for 40 years and I don’t want to hear it anymore and I don’t want the President of the United States catering to them anymore. I don’t want anyone that’s going to be interested in what’s good for the black community. I want someone who will be interested in what’s good for everyone. Get the government OUT of our lives and let us be, don’t rule us with your Socialist hand. This Socialist attitude and policies needs to be stamped out now, quickly, and for good. And in November we will make sure that it will. Let’s tell the Black Caucus and the Hispanic Caucus to do what they do best, nothing, nothing but complain.
Just who is are the “Black Caucus” anyway? I’ll tell you who they are, The Congressional Black Caucus is just another far left liberal group of Blacks who are claiming to be about black empowerment but in reality they are really another group of leftist activists for Socialism and for Black entitlements. .
We need to stop pandering to these groups, we need to spend our tax dollars to support education and our safety and our Military, not these nonsense entitlement like Midnight Basketball, and throwing welfare money to spend on cigarettes and lottery tickets.

Get up off your lazy butt and go to work, get a job, live with in a budget, save some money and then you can buy a house, but don’t do it with my money, I’m not spreading my wealth to any spoiled, racist crybabies that hangs on corners smoking pot and having babies, and getting handouts. Grow up, be responsible, get a real job or shut the hell up!
And a special call out to the to NAACP, the use of taxpayer’s money is not for entitlements. Go earn your own money. Why do some people need special treatment all the time? Why do they hide behind the race card? Man up and take the things life brings you without whimpering at the feet of Jesse Jackson, or Charlie Rangel, Al Sharpton, or Malcolm XXXXX , or Louis Farrakhan. These are the same people who brought Reverend Wright into power.
And let’s do away with these groups like The Congressional Black Caucus, The United Negro College Fund, Miss Black America, Black Entertainment, The U.S. African Chamber of Commerce, The Black Award shows, Black News, Black newspapers, Black Magazines, Black Holidays, Black Month’s etc - and all racist organizations that are allowed to discriminate, and the funding of programs for affirmative action. And why do we have the Black Panthers? They are the most racist group in the USA since the KKK!
What’s really sick is that Obama supports all this crap. After all it was them who got him where he is today.
And by the way, did I mention organizations like the Black Caucus remind me of how affirmative action has affected my faith in the American Dream?

Throw the Bums Out..

In Six Weeks, We Will Throw the Bums Out. Or Will We?
The road is very long, and we have a long way to go, but go we must!
The American people, are very angry and we are revolted, and disgusted by what’s going on in Washington.
For the past few months now the Tea Party has been tell us to “ Throw the Bums Out” I believe that last weeks primaries show us that we are sick of the status quo And we are sick of the arrogance and the Socialistic road that Obama is taking us on. That pretty much sums up how I have been feeling for months. It’s not news to any of us that Americans are becoming increasingly hostel, more so then I’ve ever seen before. The result of last Tuesday’s election may have surprised some, but not me. People are tired of paying more and more higher taxes and getting to be sick and exhausted of the lack of jobs and the scandals and spending of money that we don’t have by our Government.
More and more of the American people and the people who vote are feeling betrayed by our elected officials and our “Spender in Chief” We are tired of seeing the same names in the headlines year after year and the same names on the ballots election after election. Particularly those who have been proved to be liars and crooks such as Charlie Rangel and the many, many others like him. Our politicians have taken us for granted and have abandoned us for the sake of lining their own pockets. They have become so arrogent and they will do and say anything to get themselves reelected. But the public’s outrage has made it easier for an ANTI-INCUMBENT, anti-establishment nominee to have a chance this time around.
Yes, suddenly this time around candidates who stood no chance at all have defeated these long time incumbents and by wide margins, alarming large margins. Just look at what happened in New York, a businessman from upstate who was an unknown as little as 2 months ago named Carl Paladino was able to attract 63 percent of the Republican votes.
Paladino was Tea Party backed and ran on a “Mad as Hell” campaign and slogan. And in Delaware, Christine O’Donnell shocked the rest of the country by knocking off the long time Republican Congressman Mike Castle .
Last week Obama refused to extend the Bush tax cuts for families earning over $250,000 a year. He called that “Rich” Well I have news for Mr. Obama who is completely out of touch with the American people, $250,000 a year is not what we call “rich” any more. At least it’s not in New York. As for Obama’s speech on TV the other night, I caught a few minutes of it, but I had to leave the room before I got sick..
I can't believe that he went on National TV to tell America he is going to raise taxes on the very people who provide jobs at the very height of the worst recession since the 1930s. It perfectly illustrates what a hardcore Marxist he is. In 2012 he needs to be absolutely crushed so badly that vermin like him never appear on our ballots again to destroy this wonderful nation of ours.
I say it’s time to throw the Bums out regardless of what your party is. It’s time to elect new people, people who are willing and able to go to battle for the taxpayers, people who are not afraid to stand up and fight for what is right. People who are not afraid to tell Obama NO! I think that this is essential in order to bring back any resemblance to what was once a 2 party system.
However my friends, the election is still six weeks away and we must not falter.
Bottom Line: In the 2010 elections we all have the opportunity to change the history of America. True I am a Conservative, but I will be the first one to admit it, this is not a just Democrat /Liberal problem. There are plenty of these so called public servants that have been in office long past their expiration date, on both sides. I say throw them all out. And that would be a good start.
Stay tuned. .

Caption This

Look Barry, there's another one of those brain-washed idiots that voted for you.

The Recession Is Over? The Good News ~ The Bad News!

In case you missed it, the recession is over. Yes, I am happy to announce that the Good News is that the Recession is Over,whoop de doo!~“Happy days are here again!” Let the bells ring and the trumpets sound. The Bad News is now, 97 will be the retirement age for us hard working Americans. Yes, people, things out there are pretty damn awful, no matter that the loony-tunes on the left will tell you. Yes, it's all over, only there are only a few pesky problems left that we have to deal with. Like what to do with those 14 or 15 million people who still don’t have jobs (more if you count those who have given up looking)? Or the foreclosure plague that has wiped out entire communities allover in every State.
Or the fact that there are more hungry families around, if you don’t believe it look at the empty upscale restaurants and then look at the mobs in the fast food joints. Or that more than a few people can’t remember what the inside of a shopping mall looks like and panic when they misplace a dollar off coupon when they are on line at the supermarket. Joblessness is at what they say is 9.6 percent, but if you add in all the people that have given up on trying to find a job, and who have just dropped out of the labor force, and who have retired because of this then the Joblessness rate is more like 16 percent. Put that along with the 25 percent of homeowners who owe more than their hones are worth and are losing their homes or can't sell their homes and your'll find a hell of a lot of people who will argure like hell with you about the the Recession i being over! It seems to me that this is the only economy I know where they say the recession is over with and the unemployment rate continuing to go up. Although the Recession has formally ended in Obama's mind, ask the store owner in the strip mall why he is thinking of closing his doors,
and ask the mother of 2-3 kids why she is buying less or cheaper food. Even a night out at the movies with a pizza afterwards seems like an luxury. And ask the home owner why he stopped hiring people to do things for him and is now doing it himself, like gardening, and cleaning his pool, or painting his house. And ask the Car Dealer how business is.

Strip malls have become vacant, for sales signs on homes all over the road are visible to everyone everywhere and the teleprompter-in-chief is going to tell us that the recession has been over for over a year! I can hear Bush giving a great sigh of relief from here. We are STILL in a we are in a Recession/depression and it is not over by any means . And lets face it, like him or not, he has lost touch with Americans. So the questioned is, are you better off today then you were 2 years ago? Did this “Hope and Change” work for you? Can you last another 2 years? Of course you are entitled to your own opinion but I disagree if you say yes to any of the above questions. . Or if you tell me that Obama and the rest of the democrats are not the problem but it was Bush’s fault. No this Obama dude is nothing but bad news. Sure we had problems when Bush was president. However things were not in the sewer as they are today. As soon as Obama got together with Pelosi and Reid everything went South including the prestige of America. presidents problems. But this president said he would fix it. Just the opposite happened / It got worse.. Come on folks..Yall know what’s going on here with this press release. It’s as old as politics itself. The Obama administration put this out band-aid announcement to try to the stop bleeding just before the elections with some “Good News”. The Recession is over? Give me a break. Some folks are just stuck on stupid.

I guess that she didn't hear that the recession has ended !

She said, “I’m exhausted of defending you!" " I believed in hope and change". " I'm exhausted of defending your administration!"

And Obama never answered her question! In fact Obama did not answer any questions! He just danced around them as he always does, with that shit eating grin on his face!
I guess that she didn't hear that the recession has ended!
"I understand your frustration," Mr. Obama responded. My goal is not to convince you that everything is George Bush's fault.
Translation, "I'm full of Crap!

Velma, I have news for you, 90 percent of Obama's
supporters are exhausted and disappointed with him.
Velma's words would make a great Republican campaign commercial in 2012!
And now we are being told that the recession (the Great recession) had ended in June 2009 more than a year ago. Are you feeling better now? Boy that was really great news to hear.. Now go ahead and tell those who are part of the almost 10% unemployment since how GREAT that News is!... I guess that was Obama's, "Mission Accomplished!" moment. And of course, Obama is NOT Responsible for the Recession Ending in Last Year, but the Left can go ahead and say he is... Because Lying is like Breathing for them! And if it ended in June of 2009, what took them so long to tell us?
Or maybe Obama INHERITED A RECOVERY? I guess that Obama took what the recovery and made it WORSE, he turned it into another recession. ...Ask all those who are STILL outta work, mortaging their homes...and being kicked OUT of thier homes! Tell it to those that are using their life savings trying to get by Because of Obama's policies!

The Old Hag Has Spoken!

And I Quote
" This person should be arrested for the unauthorized use of the apostrophe. I demand he take down his blog!"

LMAO. I guess she means me!

I doubt that I am alone in rolling my eyes every time I hear or read anything this old bag has to complain about!

What this tired old hag does not realize is that this is still a Free Country!

I have news for all you whiners. You foolish people who stupidly voted for Obama and the rest of the clowns in Washington have something to learn form that courageous women Velma Hart who stole the show from Obama during his CNN town hall meeting in Washington. Even the few of my bleeding heart liberal friends have wised up and turned away form him.
The American people have had just about enough and are saying they don't want any part of him and his total BS!

A Therapy Session For Disappointed, Disillusioned Former Supporters

Disappointed, D
isillusioned Former Supporters Question Obama.
In a Town Hall-style Question and Answer meeting hosted by CNBC, Obama faced the sort of questioning that Democrats can expect in November from their base. After all the nitwit leftoids stopped screaming, ''We love you Obama, we love you" Shortly after the session began, a real intelligent sounding women named Velma rose and asked a question that was more like a statement for the president. Her statement was quite a shock. A shock to me and a bigger one to Obama!
The woman, who was black, and identified herself as a veteran and an executive who is raising two children and who had voted for Obama and who has been a supporter of his all this time. Stated “I am one of your middle class Americans and, quite frankly, I’m exhausted,” she said. “I’m exhausted of defending you. I’m exhausted of defending your administration, defending the mantle of change that I voted for. And I’m deeply disappointed with where we are right now.”
“I have been told that I voted for a man who said he was going to change things in a meaningful way for the middle class. I am one of those people and I’m waiting sir. I’m waiting. I don’t feel it yet.”
The president’s answer to the woman was clearly a dance and he showed that he clearly wasn’t going to answer anything that she asked, instead he went thru his usual campaigning BS all over again. The he gave a laundry list of his “So Called” accomplishments! None of which addressed Velma’s original question. Obama looked as if he would have rather been on the Golf course that moment rather than standing behind a blank Teleprompter.
He started to give her the usual thing that “I Did” speech. None of what she wanted to hear, so he grinned and tried to turn it into a joke, but that didn’t work at all. The woman, who had a rather angry and disappointed expression on her face clearly showed that Obama’s answer and his grin didn't impress her. She was smart and articulate, and yet angry and did not get flustered. As we all know it's hard to maintain composure when talking to big-wigs, let alone the President of the United States. . She was awesome, and she didn’t let him off the hook, no she didn’t feel his pain. And, his answers lacked any sense of reality, in fact they were silly and had no purpose. He knew where she was going and that she wasn’t going to give up
All of the people who voted for Obama should be asking these same questions, but I guess that Ignorance is bliss..
The hope and change people are beginning to see the light.

I guess the old Liberal/Progressive standard of trashing anyone that disagrees with you isn't working anymore.

One thing has become abundantly clear from Tuesday night's primaries: Sarah Palin's endorsements does matter.
If you love your country,and if you respect the Constitution and wish to abide by its rules, and you believe in the American dream, and you are against illegals coming into our country and milking it til the cows come home, and you are against building a Masque that is meant to honor the Muslims victory in killing thousands of innocent people and who took part in destroying our economy you are a radical Teabagger! You are a racist, and a extremist!
Nothing could more clearly show that this regime is against the people!
Call us what you will, the bottom line will be told in November and even more so in 2012, when Obama and the Speaker of the House, and the Majority Leader, and the Attorney General, and the Black Caucus, and the NAACP, and the Black Panthers, and his loyal, blind, stupid followers will only be a bad memory.

Michelle Obama thinks being America’s First Lady is ‘Hell’

The co-author of a new book about French first lady Carla Bruni-Sarkozy is defending his sources amid a media buzz over a passage that cites Michelle Obama as calling life in the White House "Hell."

Now that's a real surprise, considering all the taxpayer vacation's she's been taking the past year and a half.
Well if thats the case, she should free to leave at any time. Sooner the better! She finally gets into a position where she’s PROUD and she likes the USA . And now she thinks it’s Hell?
I guess it's because Bozo's approvals are on now a downward slide, the tide has turned. Well I have news for you Michelle ma belle, living in America under the leadership hasn't exactly been the greatest feeling that I have ever had either.
But I can say one thing about this past 18 months, I have noticed a lot of low income families moving into expensive neighborhoods that middle class can't even afford. And I have noticed a lot more of Affirmative Action unqualified folks getting lots more of these governmental jobs. But then again, I also have noticed your Hubby's approve rating falling like a rock since BozoCare was approved.

It's really a shame that HE had to be our first black president. There are many blacks with class, and real pride for America and who would understand the PRIVILEGED, and who would have represented our country with the dignity it deserves would have been great to be in his/her position. But unfortunately because of your Hubby they won’t get the chance. Your Hubby’s association with the likes of Reverend Wright, and Al Sharpton, and Charlie Rangel, and Ram Emanuel, and Van Jones kind of ruined it for them and I think it has set the Blacks back quite a bit instead of advancing them.
And you MeShell hasn’t helped one bit either. And hopefully for the United States you won't be the first lady much longer either.
And while the idea of teaching our children to eat healthy may have been a good plan, your anti-obesity campaign was not the way to go. It should not be about keeping our children from being fat but about keeping our children healthy and happy. After all she didn’t get that ass eating tofu.
They need to stop sitting by their computers, TV’s and electronic games, phones, and text messaging. Get out and do something physical. Get chores around the house, and parents need to quit fast foods and start learning how to cook. not taking the easy way out. It's not at our schools. don't put the blame on them. Parents need a little more brains and pay attention to the kids, not get rid of them. And by setting some good role models for them to follow, instead of these Gangster Rap singers and Rapist Basketball players.
And it should not have been a do as I say not as I do campaign!

Poor Michelle Obama, it must really suck eating lobster and caviar, drinking champagne, and traveling all over the world on the American taxpayers dime, having a staff of 24, the largest of any first lady in history,Five star hotel vacations in Spain with 60 of her friends funded by the tax-payer top shelf food and drink at her disposal, Paul McCartney personally serenading her, and the most expensive clothing that money can buy. Poor baby! a chauffeur, security guards, vacations at the finest places in the world and never having to do anything for yourself. The poor thing, no wonder she feels like she’s living in hell. Maybe she needs another vacation.
But maybe the stress of being First Lady has been getting to her!

Conformation? We Don't Need No Stinkin Conformation!

Team Obama can appoint an unelected official who is unable to withstand a public vetting. This is just another injustice in the series of injustices that demand that Obama and his whole stinking administration along with his whole stinking party be removed from office. This is just what the country needs more anti-America leftists, what Barney Frank didn't finish with his wreck of the Housing industry, our latest Czar, Elizabeth Warren is going to accomplish with the Banking industry. Yes, another un-confirmable unelectable, inexperienced moron commie Czar. Is anyone surprised at another horrendous appointment snuck through without the need of confirmation against the will of the people by the man who thinks he is God.
When one asks 'how much lower can this guy go, he continuously proves that his lowest point has not yet been reached! His total disdain for America, and it's laws, and it's processes is despicable.
If Dick Cheney had tried this, he'd have been accused of staging a Coup.

The Wall Street Journal says it best!
Whatever else can be said about this White House, it isn't afraid to poke a stick in the eye of its critics. How else
to explain President Obama's decision Friday to put Elizabeth Warren in charge of the new Consumer Financial
Protection Bureau while avoiding Senate confirmation and, for that matter, any political supervision.
The chutzpah here is something to behold. The pride of Harvard Law School, Ms. Warren is a hero to the
political left for proposing a new bureaucracy to micromanage the services that banks can offer consumers. But
she is also so politically controversial that no less a liberal lion than Connecticut Senator Chris Dodd has warned
the White House that she probably isn't confirmable. A President with more political and Constitutional scruple
would have nominated someone else. Mr. Obama's choice is to appoint her anyway and dare the Senate to do
something about it.
The plan is for Ms. Warren to run the new bureau from an office at the Treasury Department. Instead of calling
her the "Director" of the bureau—the statutory title for the organization's boss—Mr. Obama has appointed her an
"assistant" to him and a special adviser to Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner.
Mr. Geithner's supervision will be pro forma, however, because
Ms. Warren rolled over him during the financial reform debate
and has her own pipeline to the Oval Office. The President
emphasized that Ms. Warren will enjoy "direct access" to him
and said she would oversee all aspects of the creation of the new
agency, including staffing and policy planning. For all intents
and purposes, Ms. Warren will be Treasury Secretary for all
consumer lending.
We would have thought a Harvard law professor would object to
the extra-legality of this arrangement, but then this is also the
crew that gave us ObamaCare via budget reconciliation and put
Donald Berwick in charge of Medicare without a Senate debate.
Remind us again why the tea party critique of Obama
governance is crazy.
The new bureau was already destined to be a bureaucratic rogue. When Members of Congress objected to it
being "independent" in the way Ms. Warren hoped, Mr. Dodd and the Administration cooked up a plan to make
it part of the Federal Reserve without actually answering to anyone there. The bureau has independent
rule-making authority and can grant itself an annual budget up to $646 million. It will draw this money from the
operations of the Fed, so the bureau needn't deal with the messy intrusions of Congressional appropriators and
will therefore receive limited Congressional oversight.
Ms. Warren's bureau will dictate how credit is allocated throughout the American economy—by banks and
financial firms, and also by many small businesses that extend credit to consumers. The bureau's mandate under
the new Dodd-Frank law is to ensure that "consumers are protected from unfair, deceptive, or abusive acts and practices and from discrimination." If those terms sound vague and overbroad now, wait until Ms. Warren's
hand-picked staff begins interpreting existing laws on fair lending and writes new rules.
In a blog posting Friday on the White House website, Ms. Warren made her intentions clear enough: "President
Obama understands the importance of leveling the playing field again for families and creating protections that
work not just for the wealthy or connected, but for every American." Given the economic growth and jobless
figures, maybe we should start calling this the "leveling" Administration.
Though her mandate goes beyond banks, the banking system is likely to suffer the most damage. Ms. Warren was
a vociferous opponent of allowing regulators charged with maintaining the safety and soundness of banks to
control this new bureau. No matter how destructive its new rules may be, they can only be rescinded by a
two-thirds vote of the Administration's new Financial Stability Oversight Council.
And the bureau will now be staffed and shaped by an "assistant" with no obligation to appear before the Senate.
The possibility that an appointed official could hold significant authority is why the framers wrote the Senate into
the process of approving the President's senior hires. Article II, Section 2 of the Constitution says the President
"shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint . . . Officers of the United
Article II, Section 2 also says "Congress may by Law vest the Appointment of such inferior Officers, as they think
proper, in the President alone," but Congress explicitly did not view the head of the financial consumer bureau as
an inferior officer. On July 21, Mr. Obama signed a bill passed by both Houses stating that the "Director shall be
appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate."
We have here another end-run around Constitutional niceties so Team Obama can invest huge authority in an
unelected official who is unable to withstand a public vetting. So a bureau inside an agency (the Fed) that it
doesn't report to, with a budget not subject to Congressional control, now gets a leader not subject to Senate confirmation.

Sorry, you leftist jerks. There is no easy way out of this and there is no forgiveness for your brain-dead-boggling stupidity about those of us who have been warning you about the insanity you have committed by electing this Marxist Clown to the highest office in the land. . This is what you wanted., and this it is what you got. And ALL OF US have to live with it!

I have said it before, many, many times before and I don’t give a hoot what you freakazoids on the left think, but I believe he's totally committed to destroying this nation

I told you it could be done Comrade.

Carl Paladino Wins GOP Primary For Governor in New York

Carl Paladino was victorious in New York for a reason. No more free handouts people! Time to get back to work. If ur on welfare, clean the parks, parkways etc. You want food stamps? Donate time at a soup kitchen, iron/clean some donated clothes. Illegals, you want free healthcare, buy it! Learn how to speak English if you want to be an American!

It's the rebirth of the right wing. All the old GOP bums and RINOs of the past, that didn't have any guts have lost to Tea Party candidates represented the betrayal of the right wing. Next is the throwing out of the Leftist Obama sheep.
I have no doubt that Andrew Cuomo will beat him but it's a way of saying that we are Mad as Hell!

Ah, That Religion of Peace and Tolerance!

Five suspected Islamic terrorists arrested over assassination plot

The men were arrested during raids at 5.45am at a rubbish depot in central London based on an intelligence tip off received overnight. The suspects, aged 26, 27, 36, 40 and 50 were arrested by officers from Scotland Yard’s Counter Terrorism Command on suspicion of the commission, preparation or instigation of acts of terrorism. They are said to be from a variety of nationalities including a number of Algerian origin. The depot where they worked is less than a mile from Hyde Park where the Pope was due to hold a prayer vigil tomorrow evening. As street cleaners they would have been able to move relatively freely and inconspicuously through the London crowds. Westminster City Council said the men worked for Veolia Environmental Services, a contractor which employs 650 on-street staff to keep Westminster's streets clean and free from rubbish. The men have been taken to a central London police station where they will be interviewed by detectives. Searches are being carried out under the Terrorism Act 2000 at the rubbish depot and at residential premises in north and east London. Sources said that initial searches had not uncovered any bomb-making or hazardous items. A spokesman for the Metropolitan Police said the arrests were made after they received “information” and added: “Following initial inquiries by detectives a decision was made to arrest the five men.” Feel free to comment!
So I am trying to figure out why do the lefties believe in this Religion of Peace and Tolerance bull shit, and why not call a Spade a Spade?

Late Breaking News!

New Poll Gives Obama 52% Disapproval Rating.
All Time High.

It's Revolution Time!

All of us Americans are hurting, Democrats, Republicans, Independents, & even people that haven't decided where they fit in along the political spectrum, are all hurting in all the same ways.
But the economy is just a part of it. The attacks on liberty, and free speech, and an attempt to put down any of our traditions of American identity are other parts, along with a laundry list of others theat I won’t bore you by listing them all right now, .
Last year the press ignored the Tea Parties, today they fear the Tea Parties. Last year the politicians laughed at the Tea Parties, today they fear the Tea Parties.
Have to say one thing for Obama he has to be the best community organizer that this country has ever seen. Because of his actions Tea Parties are now a full blown political force. The fact is and remains that we are really NOT just expressing our anger towards our first Black president because he is black as the lefties would tell you, but they keep telling you that and hope that it makes you feel like a racist and that maybe, just maybe they will succeed. But deep down they all know the truth, they know all about his socialist policies, they can’t really be that stupid! Or can they? But the time has come! The sleeping Giant has awaken and I think he woke up just in time. Look at how the elections went this past Tuesday. The time to level the playing field has arrived, November is just around the corner. The Rats are Scurrying, I can hear the sound of scurrying feet with every day that goes by. I can read about them in every newspaper. Forget the fact that ass-holes like Charlie Rangel won in his district. Those morons that keep him in office term after term are brain-dead and they will get what they deserve. But if this bunch in the congress get thrown out as they should and as I think they will, people like Charlie Rangel and Maxine Waters and their ilk will get whats coming to them one way or another.
Barack Obama wants to turn American into a leftist Nation, and he is doing whatever he can to do so, but his hard turn to the left has been slowed down.
He has made so many wrong turns, and always to the left that his Maiden Voyage at the helm of this country is in jeopardy. He promised us hope and change and all we got was hoax and change for the worse.
The handwriting is on the wall, there are signs of the Obama administration looking for jobs elsewhere, not even waiting until the mid-term elections are over. This is going to be a weekly event, just you wait and see the Rats like Joe Biden, Eric Holder, Rahm Emanuel, and Geithner jumping ship. The whole crooked, corrupt, Marxist Obama administration's days are numbered. And the inept ones starting with Janet Napolitano.
The Obama Regime is running scared. And they can take Gibbs with them, and neither one should let the door hit them on the way out.
There's many, many more of these venomous sleazeballs to list but this was a good start.
They owe their jobs to progressive voters, and their hey days are over. None of them Get it! Us angry Tea Party Nuts, the decent hard working Americans that don't like what's happening to our country, have shown our displeasure in these crooked politicians and they know that we are Mad as Hell and we are going to show them how we feel in November.
The Tea Party is OUR Community Organization!
We deserve a whole lot better than what we have been getting from our government. We deserve better returns on our shrinking tax dollars. And when a majority of Americans us raise our voice loud and clear against what our public servants are doing in our name, not only do we deserve to have our voice heard, we damn it, demand it be heard, and we want the will of the people to be heeded. If you understand that, you understand the Tea Party.
And to the rest of you,
we're coming for you also!.
It's revolution time

Just a word or two about that Certified Nut Case Hag Shaw Kenawe

I think that somewhere in the Liberal/Progressive’s blogs a psychological condition in which many delusional fantasies exists. And that may also include a handful of Conservative blogs as well.
Just a word or two about that Certified Hag Shaw Kenawe, The Mother Hen of Leftist Bloggers,
who has all of the charm and charisma of a pig in pile of mud slop. Who is trying her Damndest in her Dumbest way to discredit me and my blog because of the fact that I wont let up on her hatred and, discrediting and flaming the politicians that I respect and my continuing to call her on her out on her reliance to the Ass-Wipes that we now have in Washington. She has recently written a blog stickily to make me look like a total fraud. to all the others in the blogisphere especially the usual suspects on the left who was always chomping at the bit to discredit me. Is it because I tell the truth that threatens them so much? Is it because I won’t let up on voicing my opinion when I see a bunch of idiotic leftist lunatics trying their very best to tear down whatever this country stands for? Or is it because of all of the above. The later would be my choice. It’s not enough that she and her groupies are Cheerleaders for this Leftist Socialist, lying fraud that we have currently sitting in the Oval Office and his crooked administration, , but she have to tear down EVERY one that is a threat to them, such as Rush Limbaugh and Sarah Palin, and Glenn Beck, and her continuance to blame George Bush for every failure the Obama administration has made and continues to make. I have long ago resigned myself to the fact that this government is full of stupid people. Say what you want about George Bush, but at least the Bush administration was had a obligation to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States and American principles. Something that we do not see today. Barack Hussein Obama is taking the US down the road to third worldism his plans and policies are all just one more step into our total destruction. It's my opinion and the opinion of many others that Obama wants the United States to go down the tubes both militarily and financially. Throw his Healthcare reform bill into the mix and we are in a lot of trouble. It is no doubt that Islam thrives when countries are in financial trouble and we are in both of those situations right now. To get back to that slanderous blog of hers that starts this way! “A brand new blog "Just Sue" was set up at the end of July, early August. The owner of the blog calls him/herself "Just Sue." When I read Just Sue's comments on other rightwing blogs and when I read the blog posts on "Just Sue," the writing sounded very familiar--in fact the "voice" of the writer matches exactly that of another blogger, "the malcontent." One really salient give-away was the misspelling of the word "mosque" in "Just Sue's" posts: it was misspelled exactly the same way in "the malcontent's" blog posting as "masque." After a little searching on the internet, I discovered that the photo used on "Just Sue" belongs to a woman named Sue Xxxxxxx who is on facebook. (I've been in contact with this woman and told her I would protect her privacy by not using her last name, even though I found it on the "Just Sue" blog.)” So because of this, because a few people took photo’s off the internet, something that I always suspected and didn’t think one bit about it and because that SHE SAYS I spell the word "mosque" as "masque." SOMETHING THAT I COULDN’T FIND IN MY BLOG, but Detective and Private Eye, Lt. Shaw Kenawe Columbo was able to find. This make me the imposter of the on going list of maybe 20 or so other bloggers that she and her conies have concluded. A list from Lisa, to Right is Right to the Professor of Life and Debbies Choice and my good blogisphere friend Nickie Goomba ..And her lap dog shadow Sue said... I hope you hear from the con man soon! It's a dirty job Shaw and you are doing a masterful job! A “Masterful Job” What a Crock of Horse Shit! My God! How Freaken Childish can this Idiot get? And now she is saying that I have disappeared from blogging, Interesting development:? No not at all. 1. My wife is Jewish and we do not us the computer on Jewish Holidays as it was on Thursday. 2. On Saturday I found it more important to attend the September 11th ceremonies at Ground Zero. 3. On Sunday I also found it more important to attend the “Stop the Mosque” rally in Manhattan. As for my old nemesis Bluepitbull who has unsuccessfully tried to seek vengeance but who has failed achieve it, I hope you are happy with your new found friends. “Cheers” My advice to all these conspiracy jerk-offs is THERAPY!
One thing that fascinates me when it comes right down to think about it. The Mind Is A terrible Thing To Waste!

Oh, and by the way, Obama said, "We are not at war with Islam" this regime is clueless! We Are At War With Islam, only Obama won’t admit it! Obviously he is not at war with Islam he believes in Islam!
Mr Obama perhaps you've missed it, but apparently there are a lot of folks from the Islam religion that ARE at war against us!

So in ending this, I’d like to tell Ms. Kewee that her attempt to discredit me will not stop me from my effort to continue to fight these vermin scum leftist’s. I really hate to be sounding repetitive day after day, but I'm getting sick and tired of talking about these dumb ass liberals and democrats. Seriously, I think they all suck, bar none! Maybe one-day one of them will try to write something sounding sensible. But until then, I’ll be right here telling them where to stick their ugly heads. .
She can sober up, but she will always be stupid.

November is Coming

November is Coming we will have the opportunity to vote out some of the worst group of political leaders this country has ever seen. We can start with Harry Reid, and go right down the party line. and get rid of these people that are totally out of touch with reality and the American people.
Obama, Pelosi,Rangle ,Dodd and Frank, and thet your days are numbered as well.


So Charlie Rangel's constituents voted to keep his slimy ass in office!

I guess that people get what they deserve, but the rest of the country doesn't deserve that crooked SOB. It seems that no matter what these crooks do they keep getting voted back time and time again. Hey if Senator Swimmer, the Fat Boy from Massachusetts
, was able to do it for all those years, then why not the Creep from Harlem? May he spend his next term in jail. And I always thought that Massachusetts dumbest district in America. But it looks like Harlem has it beat!

Sorry for the lack of blogging over the weekend folks.

I spent Saturday at the ground zero 9 11 ceremonies, I just had to be there, and I spent the last two days at the Anti Mosque rallies in downtown Manhattan ..

Why Do the Libs Throw a Hissy Fit over Burning the Quran but Supports Burning of the American Flag?

First came the outrage over plans for a Mosque near Ground Zero. And that was put on the front burner, now that that’s simmering down, and put on the rear burner (sort of) we were in need of a new distraction, something fresh to stir up anger and to replace the Mosque at Ground Zero controversy, with something new and fresh to take some of the heat off of our Dear leader and his ridicules speeches and policies and his refusal to extend the Bush tax cuts. So enters a Kookie Florida Pastor that nobody has ever heard of with his dumb-ass plan to burn copies of the Koran. A distraction? Yes, I think it is, Isn't everything Obama does a "distraction" for this administration? So now enters General Petareus, to take the heat off of Obama. I was wondering why he of all people put in his two cents, that reason he gave about our Troops bing in harms way over it just didn’t fly with me. His statement that it will "endanger troops and it could endanger the overall effort" against the Taliban in Afghanistan. Come on now General, when are our troops out of harms way over there? If that’s his way of coping out of doing his job, then maybe we should bring back General McChrystal. Are we going to be apologizing and letting them intimate us every time some anti-Muslim nut does or says something the Muslim’s don’t like? These Muslims are so intolerant of anyone else’s views and actions so why do we give a rats ass about what they think! Look, these people hate us and want us dead, period! If you really and truly believe that the burning of the Koran’s or the fact that we are protesting against the building of a Masque at Ground Zero makes one lick of difference to those who want you and me dead, it’s you who has the problem! That said, NO, I don't believe that burning Korans is appropriate, not at all. But it is the Pastors right to do so. Just like it’s the right of these PC Morons that Burn the American flag. We have a bunch of idiots called the American Civil Liberties Union who protects these jerkoffs, so where are they in this case? Sure we have crazy people doing crazy things every day here in the USA, but I never heard of them getting the publicity that this guy is. Obama, who'd rather be talking about something else, anything else, even about the weather in Lancaster PA. Look, it’s only two months before the fall elections, when Obama is trying to convince Americans that Democrats are totally focused on the economy, and on jobs. The last thing he needs is another controversy about Muslims, and the Tea Party stirring up more doubts and questions about where Obama's true sympathies “lie” and his resolve against terrorism, especially as we approach the anniversary of September the 11th. Ah yes, the 9th anniversary of September the 11th. What can we expect, on that day of “A National Day of Service" ? Will President Obama be holding a ceremony somewhere and apologizing for the terrible and unwarranted injustice we did to the Muslims by blaming them for the 9/11 terrorist attack? The same Muslims that who learned to fly airplanes and who hijacked a few of them and cruised around the United States crashing into our Sky Scrapers and killing thousands of people! Apologizing to Muslims of the world for falsely accusing them of the world’s worst terrorist act ever portrayed upon this Great Nation! Apologizing to Muslims of the world for falsely accusing them of this act when as Rosie O’Donnell said, it was all a conspiracy because that fire could have never melted that kind of steel. And that this is what happens when you hate the president and the administration so much that even the world's most evil people look to you like little angels next to George W. Bush. Is Obama going to comment on that controversy on September the 11th. And come to think of it, he’s not even going to be at Ground Zero on that day. He’s sending Joe Biden there instead.
The Stupid, Asinine, Hypocritical, Coward, Liberals have the nerve to compare and equates the opponents to the Ground Zero Mosque and the Koran-Burning Past Nut Job Pastor in Florida to all Right Wingers. I really wonder if these idiots actually believe this crap. I am absolutely, 100% dead serious about this Pastor doing this, but I am even more pissed off by the Liberals in this country blaming us Republicans/Conservatives for it.
I just read 2-3 of these IDIOTIC blogs that think or pretend to think like the Obama Lap Dog stooge General Patreaus who was undoubtedly told by Our Dear Leader to say that our Troops would be put in danger if this Nutcase burns the Korans. So what if this pisses off the Muslims, everything pisses off Muslims. Are we now going to run our lives thinking what we should say or do so that we don’t piss of the Muslims? When are we going to get a set and say SCREW the Muslims? This is still America, the same America that protect you Hippies and allows you to burn the American flag. So why are you so freaken uptight about a jerkoff Pastor of a 25 congregation that says he’s going to burn a few Korans? Let him burn the Korans and screw what the Muslims think. They also wanted to kill a guy for drawing a cartoon that insulted them. Should we have killed you Libs that drew all these cartoons of George Bush looking like a Chimpanzee? No of course not, like I said, this is still American and we should not let these ass-holes intimidate us this way. So now we are threatened with violence by Muslims, and we allow you leftist to blame us Republicans for a jerkoff Nut Job Pastor ? To hell with what the Muslims think. This crap has got to stop! No, it's not a really great idea to burn their Korans, but hey, how many of you out there are sick and tired of kissing these neanderthal’s rear ends!
The Muslims have been mad and pissed off at what someone said or at what something did or at what someone thought since the time of Moses. They have been marauding, murdering, slaughtering, beheading, burning people, stoning people, hanging people and getting their way because the whole freaken world feels intimidated by these ragheads all over the face of the earth. They get pissed off over everything, were born pissed off. They tell everyone, they are gonna kill them, and they get their way. So what?
Is our fearless General going to be intimidated by their crap now? And do these Progressive Liberal’s think that they are going to get whatever they are trying to get by insulting us Republicans with this new crap! No freaken way Jose, this is nonsense. It’s ok for these SOB’s to set fire to our flag and to march in the streets burning the images of our presidents and chant "Down with America!", and to burn our bibles but don’t us dare to burn a cockamamie Koran. I say enough of this appeasement. Enough is enough, this has been going on long enough. Whena group of fanatic idiots thinks they can terrorize a peaceful culture like ours by these threats of killing and violence and basically denying us of our fundamental principles it’s time to reevaluate our mission. They believe that by these terrorists actions they can corner the market of demands with just their disgusting threats of brutality.
And the fact that General Petraeus made the statement that he did shows that he is also a follower of political correctness with the voice of a coward. General Patton would have said “F” You to them and told the Pastor to burn as many Korans as he wanted to. If General Petraeus cannot accept the challenges of war, then he does not belong in such an important position of authority. A war needs to be fought with warfare we can not give in to threats or extortion by our enemies. For crying out loud, untie the hands of these soldiers and let them fight as they were trained to fight. Let the Muslim world know that we mean business and we are not going to let them dictate anything to us especially by threats. .

Being Right and Being Wise Are Not Always The Same Thing

I think that General Petraeus should not have commented on it one way or the other. The smart thing to do would have been to just ignore the whole issue because it really doesn't have any bearing on military operations. The Muslim militants will attack US troops because they are determined to do so. They don't need some wacko Pastor in Florida to give them any reason too. They will find some reason, any reason, to justify their attacks. I’m sure that Petraeus is smart enough to know that.
I think too many people including General Petraeus and Obama and all the newscasters and all the talk-show hosts are talking about this much to much and therefor making it into something bigger than it should be. If all these people that are speaking out on it wouldn't, then he would have just been looked at as another kook and that would have been it. But now that everyone is talking about it and making him into a news-maker, it's all over the world. Let's face it this KOOK Pastor has 25- 36 people in his congregation. Let General Petareus fight the war to win it and protect our soldier, and let the Pastor do whatever he wants to do, not too many people give a crap about him and his stupid idea. This guy is a one trick pony. And if the Muslims want to pick a fight with him then so be it. They don't give a damn about their Miserable cronies that want to kill us or blow up our land marks, etc, so I say let them go to hell? If someone draws a cartoon about them, they want to kill them, they don't think twice about burning American Flags in their streets or Burning and hanging images of President Bush in the streets. Or throwing their shoes at President Bush, so why should I care about them? NO I don't believe this Pastor is right, I think he's nuts and that it should not be done, no way. But I'm not going to get too upset over it either. It's this1st Amendment Right to burn the Koran if he wants to. Does it make it not stupid, no, it is stupid but stupid is not illegal. And if General Petraeus want to get involved, let him also get involved in stopping the building of the Masque at Ground Zero. And then I’d give him credit. But as far as this is concerned, I think he should stay out of it and that goes for Obama as well. Any violence perpetrated as a response to burning these books will be on the hands of those that pull the trigger, not the one who offends another by what is really a silly act. You don’t kill anyone for perpetrating a stupid act. Who got on a screaming rampage when they put an exhibition at the Brooklyn Museum of a crucifix submerged in urine? Or when they put up an exhibition of The Holy Virgin Mary in Elephant dong. Yes, I know, two wrongs do not make a right. Burning these books is a mistake....a big one. Is this a foolish thing? Sure it is. Two wrongs never make it right and this pastor is pouring salt into the wound of 9/11. He is a kook and if I had the power, burning these Korans is a mistake....a big mistake. Two wrongs never make it right and this pastor is pouring salt into the wound of 9/11. He is a kook no question about it, but the guy is not sawing anyone’s heads off or rioting. And this is America and he can do whatever he wants to. I just wonder if these same people that are getting their panties in a wad would be as concerned if he were burning a American flag or a Bible? So with that being said, I defend the Pastor's right to burn the Koran. We all have the right to do a lot of things...but that doesn't make them right.
If I were the General, I’d say; In the United States it their right to burn a Koran if they chose to do so. Any retaliatory actions towards our troops will be dealt with swiftly and decisively with any and every means necessary to protect our soldiers.
And if they'll kill our soldiers over this, then I say it time to bake the cookies! This is America we do lots of stupid things here- get used to it!I think too many people including General Petraeus are talking about this and therefor making it into something bigger than it should be. If all these people that are speaking out on it wouldn't, then he would have just been looked at as another kook and that would have been it. But now that everyone is talking about it and making him into a news-maker, it's all over the world. Let's face it this KOOK Pastor has 25- 36 people in his congregation. Let General Petareus fight the war to win it and protect our soldier, and let the Pastor do whatever he wants to do, not too many people give a crap about him and his stupid idea. This guy is a one trick pony. And if the Muslims want to pick a fight with him then so be it. They don't give a damn about their Miserable cronies that want to kill us or blow up our land marks, etc, so I say let them go to hell? If someone draws a cartoon about them, they want to kill them, they don't think twice about burning American Flags in their streets or Burning and hanging images of President Bush in the streets. Or throwing their shoes at President Bush, so why should I care about them? NO I don't believe this Pastor is right, I think he's nuts and that it should not be done, no way. But I'm not going to get too upset over it either. It's this1st Amendment Right to burn the Koran if he wants to. Does it make it not stupid, no, it is stupid but stupid is not illegal. And if General Petraeus want to get involved, let him also get involved in stopping the building of the Masque at Ground Zero. And then I’d give him credit. But as far as this is concerned, I think he should stay out of it and that goes for Obama as well. Any violence perpetrated as a response to burning these books will be on the hands of those that pull the trigger, not the one who offends another by what is really a silly act. You don’t kill anyone for perpetrating a stupid act. Who got on a screaming rampage when they put an exhibition at the Brooklyn Museum of a crucifix submerged in urine? Or when they put up an exhibition of The Holy Virgin Mary in Elephant dong. Yes, I know, two wrongs do not make a right. Burning these books is a mistake....a big one. Is this a foolish thing? Sure it is. Two wrongs never make it right and this pastor is pouring salt into the wound of 9/11. He is a kook and if I had the power, burning these Korans is a mistake....a big mistake. Two wrongs never make it right and this pastor is pouring salt into the wound of 9/11. He is a kook no question about it, but the guy is not sawing anyone’s heads off or rioting. And this is America and he can do whatever he wants to. I just wonder if these same people that are getting their panties in a wad would be as concerned if he were burning a American flag or a Bible? So with that being said, I defend the Pastor's right to burn the Koran. We all have the right to do a lot of things...but that doesn't make them right. And if they'll kill our soldiers over this, then I say it time to bake the cookies!This is America we do lots of stupid things here- get used to it!

Bottom Line! So why is the Main Stream Media insist on keeping this Kookie Pastor’s story on the front pages and all over the Media? Could it be so they can make it into a big Right Wing Racial story? These people really need to grow up. I suspect most Americans are not listening to what this Nut job Pastor has to say anyway.
Our country really needs to send these nuts and clowns a message, shut up, grow up, act like rational people. And at the same time the Media has to stop giving so much space to these jerkoffs, and take these stories off the front pages..

Or is all this just a "distraction" for the administration and Poor Obama, who has been talked about like a dog, from telling us what the new Oval Office rug cost!