Stick A Fork In The First Dude,He's Done

With His Approval Ratings At The Lowest Point in His Presidency, Our Dear Leader Barack Hussein Obama, And The First Wookie Returns From Their Beach Vacation To Face The American People Who Are Sick and Tired, And Have Had Just About Enough!.

A hurricane that tore up the Eastern Coast States with hardly any direction until it was all over, the Middle East’s wars and the newest war in Libya, as economy that has nose dived and not expected to improve much if at all before the 2012 elections. Unemployment continues to hit all time highs. And the headlines that say, “If the election were next Tuesday he'd lose. That's how bad it is," Quoted by a Democratic strategist.

Time to give the Vacationer in Chief a very long vacation and lets get this country back on track.

He owns this economy, he can no longer shift the Blame on Bush or on anyone or anything. It’s past the time for him to own up and accept responsibility. He has FAILED and his ratings are showing it as he falls further and further behind in the polls.

And as the Lefties/Progressives make their lame excuses and blame the “TeaBaggers, the conservative and everyone and everything but him, the time has come for calling it like it is. These Liberals morons who can’t see the truth if it was 2 inches in front of them shows that Small minds think alike. The past 2 years have been nothing less than an economic nightmare. The country has never been so much in debt, the stock market has been tanking 500 points plus every second day, people have all but lost their life’s savings and their homes as well and things can’t get much worse. But these IDIOT’S still hang on to the sinking ship. Saying OBAMA IS MY SAVIOR come Hell or high water. And all they can come up with is “This mess was caused by the Bush administration” Surprise, Surprise they still just don’t get it. Blame everyone but the Imposter in Chief.

They call us and me especially a women hater and a Male Chauvinist because I tell it like it is about the First Moocher. Does a Male Chauvinist defend Sarah Palin when ½ the Country knocks her and puts her down? Does a Male Chauvinist defend Michele Bachmann when they sit back and make jokes about her?

And how come you never hear them make these same jokes about these IDIOT’S Nancy Pelosi, or Joe Biden, who are the two biggest and dumbest IDIOT’S in American politics today. It’s a wonder how that Party of Morons can even put up with morons like them.

The downfall of our economy has everything to do with liberalism and his socialist agenda. Capitalism has always worked for America. And Socialism ultimately always ends up a dictatorship, that is no surprise. .

And if you say these things, your labeled as a “Racist” well who cares what these leftist MORON’S call me, I don’t in fact i think it’s a joke.

Am I a racist when Maxine Waters complains that Obama is not doing enough for the Blacks?

And when she says "Our people are hurting," WHO ARE “OUR” PEOPLE? Isn’t Obama the President of the American people? All of them? What's with this Black African-American thing?

These are not my words or my interpretations , these are her quotes. No matter what you say, they'll pull the race card on you. So let them. And what’s with these BLACK RACIST and ANTI WHITE blogs that I see popping up lately?

Like this one...

and this one

Where are these self righteous name calling liberals when it comes to REVERSE RACISM?