Give us money, give more money, give us more food, give us more medicine. AND BY THE WAY WE HATE YOU AMERICANS.

So let me get this straight, 5 months ago Mr. Obama along with his Leftist friends that call themselves NATO invaded Libya, saying that it would ONLY take a week or so to get rid of Gaddafi. And 5 months ago we are still there and we still have not gotten rid of Gaddafi.
thought he was against war. He promised to end the “two wars Bush started”. Ah, but Mr. Obama knows better then that “Stupid Chimp” Bush. .. He’s just going in there for a “week or so” Now that's leadership.. But we are still there! Some leadership!.

Why are we still in Libya? Why did we go there in the first place? It's almost amusing to read the left try to justify Obama committing our troops to a N.A.T.O. action when they condemned Bush for his coalition in Iraq. And this is our foreign policy?
Now lets get down to the Nitty Gritty, Lets talk about President Bashar al-Assad of Syria and what’s going on there.
We see that over 2200 protesters were killed there. The Syrian Government has killed more than 200 people this week alone. ,People that where in their homes and in Mosques were killed by Tanks. Our own Secretary of State the esteemed Hillary Clinton said that the Syrian Government forces was responsible for more than 2,000 deaths. So why hasn’t our Dear Leader send in the Troops? What makes Libya any different than Syria? We bombed the Hell out of Libya and we hit them with over 150 Tomahawk cruise missiles, and are still involved. So why not Syria?
Sorry to interrupt your Birthday Party Mr. Obam, but look around, our stock market fell over 500 points yesterday the worst single day performance in more than two years, and it also got killed the day before and today’s news don’t look so great either. So put down that 2nd Hamburger and wake up. And tell your dead-head Vice President that it’s not the fault of the Tea Partiers, and we are not the terrorists that he or you think we are. We are American’s and most likely BETTER American’s than you and he.
And this America’s advise to you, as they as they wheel Hosni Mubarak as he lies on a stretcher in his cage like Hannibal Lecter to court is to Get Out of Libya. and Stay Out of Syria.

I guess that he’s dangerous he needs to be in a steel cage as he’s brought into court. Oh well, such is life. And wasn’t Hosni Mubarak our friend just a few months ago? Well now I guess the Camp David peace treaty with Israel over.

Why are we doing this?

All this while Obama celebrated his 50th birthday by being entertained by Chris Rock, Stevie Wonder, Chris Rock, Tom Hanks, Whoopi Goldberg, Herbie Hancock, Jay Z, and the rest of the Gong of Liberal Ass Kissers.