Hold On To Your Hats! It's Party Time. Let’s Parteee!

Can't you feel all that Magic in the air?

It's President Obama's big 50th birthday tomorrow, the day after the debt talks deadline and the date that the U.S. had risked defaulting on its good faith and credit. But saved by the bell and those lovable Demo-crates.
As if I give a Rats ass.

And they call this a LOW-KEY 50th BIRTHDAY PARTY! With only close family and friends attending. Most people would think twice about calling a lavish $40,000 Birthday Party low key. But then again I guess that if it were a large lavish party it might have cost somewhere in the range of a-trillion dollars, That’s the figure that Obama loves to throw around so lightly in these days of a debt crisis.
But nothing but the best for Our Dear Leader, a Birthday Party in Chicago, with Jennifer Hudson booked to sing Happy Birthday Mr. President for the King. Just the way that Marilyn did for Johnny.
And Moochie is planning to pop out of the birthday boy's cake, that’s if they could find a Birthday Cake big enough. I heard that the menu was going to include Lobster, Caviar, Chicken Wings, and Cornbread, and Champagne . Although some may be drinking
Thunderbird!... Ah, the Class in it all.
Yes, you read this right, a $40,000 low key Birthday Party. Followed by another Vacation. Anyone surprised? Anyone disgusted ?
Anyone wonder who’s going to foot the bill for this low-key lavish bash? It is a fund-raise, so relax and kick in a few buck for the Messiah’s re-election. I personally can't wait to see Obama Boogie..

Mrs. Obama who has been widely known for her call for healthier foods said that it’s OK to have Birthday Cake as long as you have it in moderation, meaning not more than half the cake.
But take it easy with the Jamaican Beef Patties with Rice and Beans.