Someone please tell Obama that they don’t give a “Nobel Peace Prize” for Scare-Mongering.

He was full of Crap from the Get-Go!

“I cannot guarantee that those checks go out on August 3rd if we haven’t resolved this issue"
Like I said in my previous post.
This was just another ploy by the Liar in Chief. We saw the same thing during the Healthcare scare This is about the future of Americans, not democrats, not Liberals, and certainly not progressives... ! Screw the Liberals, and the Progressives who are really SO ashamed of that name Communists that they won’t even use it. And screw that Marxist who leads them! The Tea Party and Conservatives will take the House, the Senate and the White House in November of 2012. And then they all can go to Hell. They forced the existence of Tea Party, and now they’re going to have to deal with us. We aren’t going away. Tell that to the Scare-Monger!
Lets face it, if it weren't for the TEA Party, the debt ceiling would have been raised a long time ago to only God know how high and along with higher taxes and more spending. So Who Really Won!
The Sky was never going to fall.