The Obamamobile

Yesterday Obama, set out on a BUS tour or should I say "pep-rally " of Midwestern towns, perhaps it wasn't a coincidence or perhaps it was that this was at the same time that voters there had conducted the first test vote of the Republican presidential primary debate where they picked Michele Bachmann in the Iowa straw poll.

The Obamamobile is a $1.1 million (Yep, you read that right) Greyhound Bus, painted all in black, with dark tinted windows and flashing red and blue lights.

If I
criticize the Bus and call it Black black am I a racist?

And there are Two of them, that's a total of $2.2 Million. The second one is for the Secret Service people that will chauffeur the Vacationer-in-chief around the country.

Does he really need a 2.2 Million thingy to attack the Tea Party?

Demonizing the rich works for Marxists & Socialists..We don’t need or want the government rush in to rescue and handout the money that we work hard for. That isn't what made America work before and we don’t need to hope that it changes. We don't need government taking 50 cents out of every dollar we make to redistribute it to lower paid employees or to the lazy bums that don’t work at all!

This bus tour is nothing but a bunch of BS and nothing more than another tour to campaign on a grand scale. He was filmed talking to a Tea party member and ever so politely asking about their complaints and dissatisfaction's. When one Tea Party member asked about Joe Biden’s remark calling the Tea Party members “Terrorists” .

At first Obama denied that Biden had even said that, but afterwards, Obama’s answer was that “We must All Tone down Our Rhetoric” and that we must stop the "PARTISAN GAMES" .. And all this time I thought that he was the one playing these "PARTISAN GAMES"!

All the time that Obama has been in office bot he and his administration as well as the

Progressive Leftists have been calling us Conservatives every name in the book, from birthers, to Teabagger’s to righwingnuts, bigots, and racists. One even said when referring to the movie "Rise of the Planet of the Apes” that the Apes were like Republicans but “Don't insult the Apes”

So much for civility..

And believe me, The Tea Party "Terrorists" are going to remember that the Vice president CALLED them that in November of 2012. Right, I'm a terrorist because I love my country and I want my country to be the best that it can be.