Some of my Reflections/ Rants of the Administration.

The President and his administration especially that nincompoop Joe Biden wants to lay his failure’s and the lowing of the USA’s Credit Rating on the Tea-Party Members and the Republicans, he continues to lambast the millionaire’s, and the corporation’s and people with private jets and so on Obama wants you to take the eye off the Real Problem. His lack of leadership. Blaming the wealthy instead of the moochers who don’t pay any tax’s at all.

Just When You Thought That You Have Heard It All We have a Senate and the whole Obama administration is full of crooks, thieves, cheats, liars etc. We have Dirty Harry Reid buying Senator's votes.. We have Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi telling us to vote for something and then we’ll be able to read it. Honesty is a commodity not found in Washington. Democratic Senator's accepting bribes. Congressmen taking naked pictures of themselves. We have become a nation of national elected officials who just are not at all accountable for their actions and ethical violations mean nothing to them. A president who walks all over our Constitution. A president who refuses to take questions at his press conferences. Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, John Kerry and Harry Reid Are All Despicable Cretins. We were promised a new Washington, we were promised “Hope and Change, we were promised Transparency, and we got this bullshiter who is nothing more than a Snake Oil Salesman. . Well we're still waiting for the Hope, and the Change from that bad ass George Bush. You remember him the one that looked like a Chimpanzee. . Were are all the spineless Republican’s, why aren’t they showing their outrage? And we have now is a spineless bunch of news people, like Chris Matthews, and Katie Couric and the 60 Minutes Bums, who are nothing less than ass-kissers to the president. A bunch of lame-stream do nothing, say nothing bunch of cowards. Why aren’t they showing their outrage? They can’t be that stupid and blind as to not seeing the destruction of America by this President. The outlandish spending by his wive and her TV cronies. If it weren’t for Rush Limbaugh, Drudge and Glenn Beck nothing would have even come to light. We would still have those Commies in the White House as the President’s advisers. Was that tactic also inherited? I don’t think so!! All the President’s men consists of people such as Rev. Wright, and Bill Ayers, Bernardine Dohrn, Van Jones, that radical community organization ACORN, and the rest of the Socialist’s and, Marxist’s. Deep down inside, these people think that America deserved 9/11, that it was much-deserved payback, finally someone stuck it to Uncle Sam for all the wrongs that he’s done. And we see the President apologizing all over the world for the injustices done. Why else would they want to give this piece of shit a voice in the Muslim world? , Thank heavens that George Bush was the President when 9/11 happened, can you imagine if the traitorous scumbag leading America now was in charge, or if Al Gore were in charge? They’d send some dumb schmuck over to Afghanistan to negotiate with Osama bin Laden. AND TO THE LIBS THOUGHT BUSH WAS A SIMPLETON!!!!!

Obama is a disgrace!!! I have never lost my respect for any president as I do Obama. Hope and change........... How’s that working for you 59 people million that are unemployed? Obama couldn't bring himself to put his hand on his heart on Veteran's Day, But he BOWED to the Emperor of Japan. And to the King of Saudi Arabia.. This insults the memory of every last one of our military men that took part in any conflicts. And what I find particularly disturbing is the way that this administration goes about its business when we are in such bad shape, when our stock market drops over 500 points our President throws a party and the Hollywood and TV jerkoffs go dancing in the Rose Garden. Way to go you ignorant bozo! And while the country slips down the toilet, Obama is off partying with his Buddies, and dancing barefoot in the Rose Garden.
He opens his mouth and the Stock Market crashes. And because of the USA’s lowered Credit Rating this morning, the Stock Exchanges are falling all over the World! Another shining example of the dumbass's. Obama keeps making Bush look better and better all the time.

The credit rating agency said that it is cutting the country's top AAA rating by one notch to AA-plus. The credit agency said that it is making the move because the deficit reduction plan passed by Congress on Tuesday did not go far enough to stabilize the country's debt situation.

My Congratulations to you Mr. President you accomplished exactly what you had set out to do. Because of you and the bunch of a-holes in your administration along with the Democratic Senate you can't get your act together, and do what's needed and good for this country! And one more thing Mr. Barack Hussein Obama this happened during YOUR watch, YOU are responsible for domestic and foreign policy, no one else is. You don't Have Bush to Kick around anymore. Get it?Another shining example of Nero fiddles while Rome burns. And just minutes after the Debt Ceiling Fiasco, Obama ran off to treat his staff to a Hamburger festival. A festival of goodies to rub in the Moochers face. Hypocrisy? Naw, just a 1700-calorie splurge. . Just how many Birthday Parties does this Bozo have? And just when we thought the Obama's could not go any lower, he proved us wrong. There isn’t any bottom. And I’m not even going to get into Joe Biden’s sick, insulting, and stupid remark about us Tea party member being Terrorists. But then again, that air head wouldn't know a terrorist from Mother Teresa. That POS should choke on his tongue, while he’s eating the Birthday cake.

And let us not forget that last year when that Obama ass-kisser and then Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi promised if we passed that idiotic ObamaCare bill we would create 500,000 jobs immediately. Sn we now say that she is also a nincompoop? Let's start calling these people exactly what they are. Pelosi is a corrupt lying liberal dirtbag, she deserves to be thrown out of office and jailed for her disgusting and false leadership.

Mr. President, for the first time in history this one time great Nation is about to have it’s credit rating dropped. We are in deep Doo-Doo. For the FIRST time in America’s history our Credit Rating was lowered by Standard and Poors, from a Triple A Rating to a Double A Plus. NO amount of spin or lies can change that! Happy Birthday, Barack!
No, no matter how you try to spin that you ain't gonna get away with blaming that on the Tea Party!
The people are hurting, the people are losing their shirts in the stock market, their IRA’s their, Job’s, their Homes, their life’s savings, . We need you to take responsibility and do something besides dancing barefoot in the Rose Garden. We don’t have time for your vacations, or your playing basketball or having rap concerts in the White House, or hamburger parties, or your Moochie taking 20 Jets and 50 limos to Spain and to Africa and to London with her Mother and every TV celebrity that has you on their show.
Mr. President act like you are a President. Not one of the boys..

This is what happens when you have people in charge who’s only experience in life was being a Community Organizer ( what ever in Hell that means) it means someone who couldn't run a lemonade stand let alone being the President of these United States. . All you morons who put this Clown in office should hang your heads in shame. ( Oh but I forgot, they have no shame) .

OK, that’s it for now, pardon me I have move my private Jet before I get a parking ticket.