Guess Who Is Going On Vacation Again? And it Ain't Me.

How much longer are the citizens of the United States of America going to put up with Obama playing the fiddle while the USA burns?

Does the president think that a Martha’s Vineyard vacation is really a good idea right now? At the time of the nation’s first credit rating downgrade in it’s history, and as the economy sags with the stock market tanking daily and unemployment over at 9.50 percent.

President Obama arrived on the beautiful seaside resort of Martha's Vineyard yesterday to begin his much needed vacation with his Charming, Fashion Icon wife Moochie Obama and his 2 beautiful little daughters. Making this trip his third visit to the elitist’s vacation Island during his presidency. You of course heard of Martha's Vineyard it was most popular during the JFK presidency known as the second home to the Kennedy clan. This of course is where John F Kennedy spent his vacations sailing to it from the family Mansion on Cape Cod with his lovely wife, Jacqueline and their children. It was also famous because of it’s proximity to Chappaquiddick. You of course remember Chappaquiddick, that’s the place where the “INCIDENT" and the the circumstances involving the death of Mary Jo Kopechne Ted Kennedy's “Girlfriend” when he crashed his car off the Chappaquiddick bridge and was accused of abandoning Mary Jo Kopechne to drown.

But of course this has absolutely nothing to do with Barack’s choice of vacation’s except that the Island of Martha's Vineyard, activities would be an excellent choice for playing golf, eating ice cream, bike riding and pigging out on Lobsters, Clams, Oysters, and Caviar. This is a perfect place for the President to spend a little time away from the spotlight with his lovely wife and two daughters,

an opportunity for him to just get away and relax. After all remember how hard he worked on that Bus Tour and all those days sitting at that desk while those dumb Tea-Party people screwed with his request to raise the Dept limit. Ah, yes there he goes again. Our Dear Leader Barack Hussein Obama along with the Moocher is going on vacation? Yes it ts it true this time it’s to Martha's Vineyard where is idol John Kennedy spent his vacations. And we hear the same old Bull-Shit from the left about the comparison to the times that George Bush took his (Working Vacations to Camp David). Vacation Comparisons? I think not. Yes with all of our the country's problems and the stock market falling like a Eagle shot from the sky, Our Dear Leader will be basking on the beaches of Maratha's Vineyard, vacation spot of the stars.. (Leftist Stars) And us Conservatives just can’t seem to understand that this hard working man deserves a vacation just like anyone else does. We can’t seem to leave this man and his family alone, he just can't seem to get a break, he can’t seem to be left alone to enjoy another beach vacation where he can wonder off on the beautiful beach and perhaps collect shells with his two beautiful daughters. And dine on some nice freshly caught Lobsters and Caviar, and sip on some Cristal Brut 1990 Champagne, without everyone questing them and how much their 10 days in the sun is going to cost the taxpayers. And for heavens sake, lets not forger that George Bush played golg at Camp David and at the Texas Ranch many times as well. But in this bloggers humble opinion the longer he stays away the better, and I think that he should talk that FOOL he calls the Vice president along with him for a long walk.. . After all when they are on vacation they can't screw to many things up . Yes this is a perfect place for him to hide away and maybe sneak off on his own to grab lunch at McDonald’s.

But then again,
this is what Barack Obama does best!

Getting nauseated? Me too..