Our First Vacationer MichelleObama.

By Keith Koffler, White House Dossier

Don't say that you didn't hear it here first!

Michelle Obama Vacation Under Fire

First Lady Michelle Obama over the last year has spent a total of 42 days on vacation, or a little more than one out of every nine days, according to a White House Dossier analysis of her travel.

Her vacations, the cost of which are mostly borne by taxpayers, include trips to Panama City, Fla., Martha’s Vineyard, Hawaii, South Africa, Latin America, Vail, Colo., and her visit this week to her brother in Corvallis, Ore.

The total does not include a nine day what-cha-call-it in Martha’s Vineyard that the Obamas will enjoy this month. Nor does it include a trip she made to Ireland and Great Britain in May

Yesterday while Our Dear first lady Michelle Obama and a “Friend” had a “Ladies who lunch” date on a private yacht in a country club at Edgartown, Martha's Vineyard:.

At that time it seems that the Lame Stream Media finally woke up and told the rest of the world what the hell was going on with our First Moocher.

And guess what? It seems as if what I have been saying for the past 2 years is the truth and nothing but the truth, no matter what the folksies on the left may say. Yep Over the last year Our Dear First Moocher has spent a total of 42 days on vacation, and get ready for this! The vacations for the last year alone has cost us taxpayers over TEN MILLION DOLLARS! Did you get that? For Last Year Alone!

Her Hawaiian vacation alone cost $63,000 and she traveled alone on that time..

No, I never said that Our Community Organizer in Chief wasn’t entitled to vacations and having some fun alone with Our First Moocher and his lovely children But shouldn't they be held accountable for SCREWING the taxpayers? Can't they pay for these lavish and outlandish vacations out of their own pocket? Especially at a time like this when his Country is in such bad financial shape. When 3/4 of the people can’t even think about going on even one vacation. Is this the kind of example that our leader should be showing his people? And today’s report shows that The Labor Department reports jobless claims rise 5,000 to 417,000.

Continuing claims drop to 3.64 million, the lowest level since September 2008!

Obama will have a hard enough time getting re-elected next year, and he is spending money like it’s water with his Bus Tours, his jaunts on Air Force One , and now we find that not only this the First Family go to Martha's Vineyard, but he went and signed that atrocious “Dream Act” just before he left. (This will be the subject of my next post)

And what was this all about, the First Moocher left a week earlier using separate Air Planes, separate security guards, and separate secret service people, cars, etc, etc. etc..Her vacations included very expensive massages, top shelf vodka and staying in five-star hotels with her friends and entourage. They had their own motorcade from the airport to the $5,000.00 a day vacation residence.

So while the rest of us here in America are thinking about the stock market losing 500 plus points a day, the earthquake here in the Eastern, and Mid-eastern states, the economy tanking, the jobless folks losing their homes and we are still looking for Muammar Gaddafi while the streets and buildings, and the airports in Tripoli are burning to the ground, and the street battles are continuing. ...Our Dear Leader Barack Hussein Obama is chilln out on the beaches of Martha's Vineyard, golfing, swimming, playing tennis, and of course EATING.

And the First Moocher while lecturing the rest of the country about eating habits and healthy eating, is pigging out eating Come to think about it, I haven’t heard the First Wookie talking about Child Obesity for a while. Did America's First Food Nanny give up on that since she was caught been pigging out at barbecue joints eating Spare Ribs and Hush Puppies?

We never see them eating the veggies from Moochies s garden anymore either..

Remember, she is finally proud of America , since her man/child hubby was elected....

I know this is going to sound very strange to you, but I’m sick and tired of this Hypocrisy.

Take a look at these Quotes!

With most Americans struggling to make ends meet, first lady Michelle Obama has blown a whopping $10 MILLION in taxpayer money on ritzy vacations in the past year alone!

“It’’s disgusting!” a top White House source told The ENQUIRER.

The Obama's pay for some of Michelle’s personal expenses and travel, but according to a report on the website whitehousedossier.com, “the amount is dwarfed by the over all cost to the public.”

In August 2010, Michelle and her entourage spent five days at a pricey golf resort in Spain.

The tax payers’’ tab for transportation and security totaled $375,000, prompt ing one columnist to blast her as a modern-day Marie Antoinett for vacationing while the American economy hemorrhaged jobs.

“The vacations are totally Michelle’s idea. She’s like a junkie.

"She can’t schedule enough getaways, and she lives from one to the next all the while sticking it to hard-working Americans.”

But according to new reports, this is the least of their extravagances.

White House sources today claimed that the First Lady has spent $10million of U.S. taxpayers' money on vacations alone in the past year.

Branding her 'disgusting' and 'a vacation junkie', they say the 47-year-old mother-of-two has been indulging in five-star hotels, where she splashes out on expensive massages and alcohol.