Amnesty By Executive Order.

Or to put it in words that are more to the point. Dream Act: Obama passes the Dream Act!

Last Friday, with no press coverage, and with every effort made to hide it from the American people, Barack Hussein Obama snuck through the DREAM Act through an Executive order and ran out of town on vacation.

This bill was not only opposed by the majority of the American people but it was defeated in Congress TWICE!
What exactly is the Dream Act? The DREAM ACT is a concocted way of giving amnesty to children of illegal aliens or illegal immigrants or border jumpers etc, etc, etc... Under the provisions of the outrageous bill called The Dream Act, illegal or as the Liberals put it undocumented yooths would be eligible for a 6 year path to citizenship after completion of a college degree or two years of military service.
Here is exactly as they put it.
The DREAM Act allows children of undocumented immigrants who have lived in the United States for at least five years, graduated from high school, and are of good moral character the opportunity to earn citizenship through at least two years of college or military service.

Cool, isn’t it. So you know what that means don’t you? We are now going to get not thousands, but millions of these border jumpers flooding into the country with their little snot nosed kids that will be stealing cars, mugging people and driving drunk and killing people until they can get into one of those programs that will put them in the path of citizenship. And guess what? Once these undocumented yooths get into one of these programs, you can bet your last buck that their parents are going to be here for the rest of their lives as well. After all, whose going to deport the parents of a undocumented yooth when he or she is going through a program designed and signed off by Our Dear Leader Mr. Barack Hussein Obama himself. Whatta Guy! I’ll bet that Moochie is real proud of America now.
The Unemployment rate now is way over 9.50 % and in the minority area’s, I’d bet that it’s twice that amount. Just think about how it’s going to be in a few years where these Ninos, and Chicos get into the mix. Millions of illegal’s will become citizens because of the Obama administration and his preposterous agenda.
What ever happened to deportation? Doesn’t that exist any longer? These people are ILLEGAL what ever happened to ignorance of the law is no excuse. Doesn’t the word ILLEGAL also mean CRIMINAL. And since when do we make CRIMINAL’S LEGAL?
You don't reward illegal aliens or to dopers, convicted criminals, murderers, drunken drivers,, and other law-breakers, you deport them. Period! Nothing more to say.
0bama and his comrades won’t enforce the laws or defend our borders , they decided to just give up and let the flood-gates open, by signing this bill once again in the dark of night and then sneaked out of town so he wouldn't have to face any heat of the press. .