A Painting In The White House Depicting Obama’s Racism

Josh Gerstein a White House reporter

Barack Obama has taken a decidedly low-key approach to racial issues since he became America’s first black president two years ago. But in a hallway outside the Oval Office, he has placed a head-turning painting depicting one of the ugliest racial episodes in U.S. history.

Norman Rockwell’s “The Problem We All Live With,” installed in the White House last month, shows U.S. marshals escorting Ruby Bridges, a 6-year-old African-American girl, into a New Orleans elementary school in 1960 as court-ordered integration met with an angry and defiant response from the white community.

s this what Obama preaches about being non-bias? Or is this what he learned by sitting in Rev. Wright's church for 20 years? As The Revvvverend Jessie Jackson says keep the racial hate alive! Or something like that. Is this what America is all about? Or is it all about having a racist President in the White House? What’s next ? Having a painting of Mexican illegal’s jumping the border on his wall? Or a painting of Dick Cheney shooting his friend at a Hunting Accident. I have a great idea, why not have a really big painting of the DRUNKEN Ted Kennedy swimming away for the drowning Mary Jo Kopechne at Chappaquiddick. I’d go for that one. I’d even vote for having a painting of Obama Blaming Bush for all his woes. Or maybe a painting of Moochie Obama walking down the streets of Spain in her African costume and all the little kiddies following her just like the Pied Piper. Or a painting of Moochie on Vacation captioned "Let them eat cake"

The Lamebrain Tree Hugging Progressive Obama-worshiper’s don’t seem to get it. Confusing my distaste for this racial episode into thinking that I haven’t any respect for the Artist Norman Rockwell, which is so untrue, it’s not at all the painting itself, but the fact that Obama felt it was necessary to hang it in the White House period. Why? Why not the Norman Rockwell painting of the boy and the Sick Pooch? Or the boy in the Dentist’s Chair? Why a picture depicting RACISM?

Why not a painting depicting the millions of American’s that are on the Unemployment lines. Showing the lousy job he's doing!