Obama has humiliated and embarrassed our country by his reckless spending and racking up debt. And the Stupid Liberals think and say that we dislike him because of the color of his shin.

Stupidity, Ignorance, or insanity? Or all of above.

And they have the gall and the chutzpah to call it the TeaBag Downgrade! I’d call it Obama’s Socialism Planned downgrade!

Liberals are screaming that the Downgrade was the fault of the Tea Party. Well, that was expected!

None of them see that Obama and his socialist cohorts like Harry Reid, and Timothy ( who failure to pay tens of thousands of dollars in taxes) Geithner had anything to do with it. Well, The American people are informed enough to know who to point the finger at and it’s these three, Obama Reid and Geithner. And let me throw another name into the mix. Vice President Joe Biden who couldn’t resist participating in a bit of name-calling. But not just any little ole name calling. No, Joe Biden once again put his big stupid, dirty foot in his mouth and linked the Tea Party Republicans to “TERRORISTS”. He just couldn’t resist the opportunity to show the country what an IDIOT he is and how STUPID Our Lear leader was to pick this Buffoon as the Vice President of this Great nation. The sewer mouthed Vice President just don’t know when to keep his filthy mouth shut. And this president asks for the Civility? Is it Civil for HIS Vice President to insult about half of the country? This is the same Joe (Dirtbag) Biden who asked the man in the wheelchair to stand up so everyone can see him. He called these brave Men and Women and their families who not only served their country but fought for it the most UGLY word in the English language today. Because we love our country so much that we will not stand still while these Leftist Commies do their best to destroy it we are RIGHT WING EXTREMIST’S, we are RIGHT-WING NUT-JOBS? We are TERRORIST’S? Go to HELL Mr. Vice President! Do not pass Go and do not collect $100.00!

This man took an Oaths of Office that says that he will uphold the Constitution, is that the way he sees it? He’s damn lucky that he is still in office today over a crack like that. Any President worth is weight would have thrown that drunken traitor out for a remark like that.

They should be ashamed of themselves, All of them!