Libs bashed Bush for 8 years, It's time to face responsibility

Where is the "Change" we can believe in? Well he didn't say it's going to be today, or tomorrow, or next week, or even next year! I'm still waiting! And so is the rest of America. It is now half way into 2011 and the only "Change" we see is the economy and the stock market crashing and falling like a brick in the ocean. The stock market is falling like Obama's Obama’s approval rating. ,Down from 60 percent during July 2009, to 44 percent. The Peace Prize winner, took us from Two wars to Three wars. Hows that for "Change"?
Retain sales have weakened sharply, new Employment is not happening, the Housing market has tanked, crude oil prices are higher than the prices were during the Bush administration. The nation is ready for a new "Change". A "Change" in leadership. Obama's campaign of Hope and Change was a complete failure, like everything else that he has done. The disillusioned Progressives say that he only need some more time and he will fix all of our problems. I say give him more time and he will completely destroy us. It's about time that so called "Progressives" take responsibility for the failure that they elected. Wake up you blind and brain-dead "Progressives." can't you see that you're doing the same thing that your "Progressive" brothers did in Germany in 1930s that allowed the fascists to come to power. Yes, it can happen here. Enough is enough. Can't you see that Obama and his circle of Chicago buddies have been taking you for a ride? Obama wouldn’t throw the entire country under the bus to get him re-elected. His intend it to destroy the existing society as we knew it and replace it with a socialist society. Just remember, "Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it"