Obama’s Accomplishments? Well the closing down of the confirmed TREASONIST website WikiLeaks hasn’t been one of them!

Twice before, WikiLeaks has published military documents that were classified as “Secret” despite warnings from Washington that doing so would cost lives, but what has happened since? NOTHING!.
And where has Barack Obama been for the past 2 days? He has time to play golf and basketball and to listen to hip hop. But where is Barack now? Did he think that sending out the smartest woman in the world would take care of everything? .Or was that lame 3 minute speech from his “Press Secretary” supposed to explain this mess? But have no fears, Robert Gibbs handled it in his usual way, once he got past his UMMMS, AHHH, and UMMMS and AHHH’S, he suggested at his briefing yesterday that the Obama administration condemns Wikileaksm. Well DUH! Why haven’t they done something about it already. I listened to Robert Gibbs response to a question that asked about what the President thought about the Wikileaks document leaks and He couldn't LIE fast enough, he couldn't give a straight answer. It was full of hummfing and stuttering and everything but what we wanted to hear.

That stupid comment was almost as bad as Eric Holder’s “Hinting” at possibly prosecuting! HINTING! This sounds to me like the way he dealt with the Black Panthers. Is this they way we deal with people that have violated our law? Man, how unique is that!

An Attorney General who is actually “THINKING” of prosecuting those found to have violated our laws. This is the same Eric Holder who has taken about two years to pick a place to hold the trial for Khalid Sheik Mohammed, and in two years he still has failed to make that simple decision. So how is he expected to answer a question at a news conference? But ask him about Glenn Beck, and he’ll tell you about treason. As the Progressive bunch on the left will. Talking about the Progressive bunch on the left, I wonder how do they feel about the way Our Dear leader is handling this? Or are they still talking about Katrina, and Richard Nixon! Remember Valerie Plains? Remember how long her name was in the news, and how they demanded for someone to be punished for that crock of crap. Well, let’s see how this works out. I’m betting that it all goes away.....................

To the Liberals, *ahem*, the “progressives”, it has not been a secret that the presidency of Barack Obama has been more than shall we say “disappointing”, although there are those who would never admit to that. Obama's performance has been much less than just mediocre, and I'm not referring to Obama's basketball game. The way that the lefties will tell it of course is all the fault of the Republicans who wouldn’t go along with his outlandish and outrageous policies and as he calls it reform bills. The same Republicans are outnumbered in congress and in the Senate, The same Republicans who where shut out of negotiations, and who were put down and called terrorist by that Judas in the Oval Office and his pals in Congress especially the one who marched around with the oversized gavel in her hand. We all saw how Congress works and we were horrified at what we saw. I know that I was.
As the media ass-wipes like those on CNN and MSNBC like the Idiot who seems to always has that “Tingle going down his leg” whenever he’s in the company of Bill Clinton or Barack Obama. As well as so many others on the “Hope and Change bunch of the Losing the Left." The mainstream media's love affair with Barack Obama seems to always be willing to give a free pass to him. But those on the left live to make fun out of Fox news.
The same bunch of lying and cheating politicians that pushed Health care, climate legislation, immigration reform, and pushed all those distasteful the stimulus packages down our throats.
Well things just didn’t work out the way the New Jesus thought they would, did they? No, the Americans got wise to this self indulged Big Spending Vacationer In Chief thought. The real, true and loyal Americans only were more fired up by the un-American changes he and his administration delivered , like raising the debt ceiling to over 14 TRILLION. and the Republicans and Tea Partiers were not only mad and sick and tired of him and his so called Changes that they became hellbent on reversing them. Thus the outcome of the November elections.
Why is it that one cannot disagree with Obama's policies without being accused of being a racist?
This President, unlike his predecessors, the inept liar went along with all of the nations who have been threats to America for years and decades. Everyone with even half a brain knows that the Russians are not our friends, and that we can’t trust them or Iran or any of these Communist bastards, who have been wanting to destroy us and our standard of living for as long as time itself. But Our Dear leader thinks differently he thinks that if he bows down to these ugly dictators they will suddenly change their ways and become friendly to us. Complete and utter hogwash! Well it didn’t work and it’s not going to work. During his campaign, it was so clear that he was what he is today, a friend of the enemy! You Liberal/Progressives/ Morons were warned that Barack Obama was nothing but a lying fraud and a loser. It was right out there in the open, right on the table, his every friend was nothing but a fraud and a criminal as well as racists and Marxists. But you wanted Hope and Change from George Bush so badly that you put this man and his cronies in the White House, and we got exactly what was expected. But as long as Obama plays his “blame game" you Liberals still have faith in him. Well good for you. I hope that you still have a few bucks in your pocket to by a few Christmas Gifts. Things overseas are as bad as they could get for Americans. The whole world thinks that the American people are a bunch idiots, and they showed it at the last G2 summit when they all but showed Obama the door. He has been weak, ineffective, and powerless in the foreign arena. He has shown to have no backbone or skills with dealing with our adversaries.
It also should be noted that his entire cabinet along with his Secretary of Sate and Secretary of Homeland Security are as effective as a Bull with tits. And today’s display of his inability to stop the latest WikiLeaks release was an example of how ineffective he really is. Can anyone explain how the Attorney General with his “scambusters” can stop a few home boys from counterfeiting and peddling and some Nike sneakers, Ugg boots and designer handbags and DVD movies but they can’t stop theses WikiLeaks?
And Yes, that Pile of Puss, that sack of Crap, that vile of venom John Kerry told Qatari leader Prime Minister Hamad bin Jassim Al Thani, that the Golan Heights should be returned to Syria, and that a Palestinian capital should be established in East Jerusalem as part of the Arab-Israeli peace process, and that he was "shocked" by what he saw on a visit to Gaza.
According to the leaked WikiLeaked cable, the prime minister told Kerry, "We need to broker a quick reconciliation between Hamas and Fatah and move forward quickly on rebuilding Gaza…
So they sent out the Secretary of State Ms. Thunder-Thighs Hillary Clinton to wave her finger at Wikileaks the director Julian Assange for distributing this highly sensitive and classified material. She warned that she will be taking "AGGRESSIVE STEPS" to hold those who leaked the information accountable. Yeah right. I could go on and on, but we’ve all seen this crap before, remember our old friend Sandy Berger Clinton’s National Security Advisor, who stole documents and put them in his socks, and Bubba called him “Sloppy”! I guess that the unauthorized removal of classified documents is called “Sloppy”. LMAO. So much for national security then, and so much for it now! This is a perfect example of the inept people we have running this country today.
But no one is going to pay for this, this is just another example of Obama’s extremely poor job as president. It's time for Michelle and Zippo to get out of town again. Maybe this time they’ll take 500 of their friends to Aruba to look for some clues to Natalee Holloway disappearance.