So Solly, No Tears For Charlie!

New York Daily News:
In the end, Rep. Charlie Rangel sat alone and teary-eyed in front of colleagues, Democrats and Republicans alike, who had judged him guilty of bringing discredit on the House of Representatives. There was in that moment, as Rangel proved unable to speak and covered his face with his hand, the first sign that the old lion from Harlem, decorated war veteran, seemed to understand how sorrowfully his hubris had done him in. At 80 years of age, in his 40th year of congressional service but already stripped of the chairmanship that was the culmination of his career. And Rangel, for what seemed the longest time, could not. When finally he rose, he said what he should have said many long months ago: "I apologize for any embarrassment I've caused you individually or collectively as a member of this greatest institution in the country and the world." As the committee filed out for the vote in a closed session that would recommend censure by the full House, Rangel slumped with his fingers tented in front of his face, a nervous leg twitching, beset by the thoughts of a man who was the agent of his own humiliation

Comrade Charles Rangel the shameless corrupt sack of crap has been found GUILTY and his whole world has caved in. He lied, he stole, he cheated and he got caught And George W. Bush had nothing to do with it!

I read a lefties blog this morning and I was SHOCKED (sarcasm) to see the following ..."And of course his judgement in these matters was bad and he deserves his censure, or he perhaps should resign. I haven't thought about it that much"
Shocking! To say the least. Shocking to read that a blogger would bother to post an entire post on this subject and "not thought about it that much.” Humm.