Bristol Palin: Hypocrite? Not In MY Book.

So Bristol Palin is a Hypocrite because she is teaching other to practice abstinence! That my friends is BULL!
Bristol is a genuine courageous young woman , and NO, she is not a Hypocrite because she is teaching other to practice abstinence. Yes she was young and she made a mistake and she has more than paid the price for that mistake. But she has the guts to face the wold and go ahead and follow her convictions like the strong young lady she is.
How about the First Lady telling other what to eat and what NOT to eat when she does exactly the opposite of what she preaches. And walks around with a backside as big as a cement Mixer.
As a role model for good eating habits and nutrition, she is pathetic!

I have watched Bristol dance on Dancing With The Stars, and of course, she absolutely is not the best dancer on that show, far from it. But she also is not a professional performer as EVERY one else on that show is, and guess what, she isn't a professional Cry Baby like Brandy is night after night either. Bristol was there as a amateur, learning how to dance from scratch, as it should be and she did pretty damn well.
No, she should not win and no she shouldn't even be in the finals, but she was voted into the finals because she happens to be very well liked as so many other contestants on that show have been voted into the finals for and even won. Yes, many of the former winners have won for the fan base they had and not for their talent. Did you think that
Emmitt Smith was the best dancer on that show when he won? No it wasn't, it was Smith's fan base that voted him. And the same goes to Donny Osmond. He didn't deserve to win either. And no one knew it more than he did.

I can remember how Mario Lopez and his partner Karina Smirnoff had tears in their eyes over their disappointment. And their wasn’t any doubt at all that they should have been the winners. But how about Jennifer Grey who playing a dancer in the movies and had to have months and months of dancing lessons to do that part. Is she supposed to be an amateur?
Sometimes the dancing and the performing are second to the fan base that the performers have, and apparently Brandy did not have the fans that Bristol did. And to tell you the truth from Brandy's attitude I could see why. Yes, she is the better dancer, but she annoyed the hell out of me with that constant crying act.

And I’m sure that Brandy got lots of votes from people only because they hate the Palins as well. But in the end, it's all about voting.
But to get back to Bristol, what is wrong about a young girl who made a big mistake by not following her family’s belief in abstinence? And what is wrong in trying to educate others about the consequences that stem from teen pregnancy? Nothing! But because her mother is Sarah Palin, all the creeps come out from under the wood-work and bitch about everything that she does, no matter how hard she tries to do the right thing.
If you want a real laugh, you want to find the article that tells about the guy who shot up his own TV when they announced that Bristol beat Brandy.
Why don't people like this get the help they need before they vote! Don’t you just love it when Lib’s like David Letterman or Joy Behar, or some off the bloggers out there in La La land get pissed off! And how about when David Letterman joked about her sleeping with NY Yankee’s Alex Rodriguez, and then gets busted for sleeping with his own secretary. That was also funny? Yeah right a Big old mean ass-wipe putz trashing an 18 years old girl because she’s the daughter of a Conservative candidate. Is Letterman to chicken to joke about Clinton’s children? Or Obama’s? But he’s right up there with the rest of the Loony Tunes to poke fun at Bristol Palin isn’t he!

And now they are ambushing Sarah Palin... When Barbara Walters asked her if she thought she could beat Obama, and Sarah replied, "I believe so," What in the world would she be expected to say? NO? Personally, I think that my newspaper delivery boy can beat Odumbo. Not that I’m looking for her to be the candidate, and I’m not. But I just believe she can. I do agree that her negatives being too high, and that she has already been destroyed by the Lefty Loony’s . But I also think that she would be a better President than Obama - by a mile, because she actually loves this country.

But I can guarantee you one thing, if the economy doesn't turn around by next year, you can bet your last dollar that Hillary Clinton gets the nomination.