Is America's Love Affair With Obama Over?

Is America's Love Affair With Obama Over? Mort Zuckerman thinks it is.

Here is a bit of what he said.
It as the worst of times for the Democrats and the best of times for the Repuwblicans—almost. The GOP did not succeed in capturing the Senate, or dethroning the Democratic leader, but with an energy boost from the Tea Party movement it certainly reflected the anger and dismay of voters who see their country foundering at home and abroad.
The results represent a sharp rebuke to President Obama, who interpreted his 2008 "vote for change" as a mandate for changing everything and all at once.
Right from the start, he got his priorities badly wrong, sacrificing the need to help create jobs in favor of his determination to pass Obamacare. It was the state of the economy that demanded genius and concentration, and it just did not get it. The president will now have to respond to public anger, not with anger management and, not, please God, with still more rhetoric. The unusually revealing exit polls spell it all out—how he re-energized the Republican Party, lost the independent center, and failed to overcome the widespread sense that the country is heading in the wrong direction.

Think about it. Are we, or are YOU better off today then you were 2 years ago. And don't tell me that it's because of the "mess" that Obama inherited. Because I think that's a load of horse manure. I'll admit that Bush didn't do a great job with the economy, but I'll also go to bat for him about the situation he was in!
He had 2 wars to fight, two wars that just about EVERY politician including 90 percent of the Democrats agreed to. Including the Clinton's and John Kerry and Ted Kennedy and Harry Reid etc.
Oh sure it's very easy to take a pool 10 years later and
say that most Americans say that the Iraq war was a mistake. Hindsight is a great tool.
But let's take a public opinion poll about how Obama is handling the war in Afghanistan, and why he has not closed Gitmo, or how he is creating Jobs, or why the hell he is spending so much of our money?
We new from day one that he was never qualified for this position, and yet he was elected. Ask yourself why? If I tell you then you'll call me a racist. Well, I've been called that before and that didn't stop me from calling it like it is.
Why is Obama depleting the military? Is there anything wrong with being the Superpower that we once were?
And why is Obama Selling Out Israel? Humm?
And don’t you think that the US should rethink Obama’s policies concerning Russia? Why is Obama making Russia stronger while making America weaker?
And why won’t the president do his job and secure the borders and stop the illegal immigration and the drug smuggling and the violence that is coming from across the boarders?
In other words, what the hell is going on in America, and when will we put an end to all this nonsense?
This Government keeps spending money and all we see from it is the fact that the government is our worst enemy, and that my friends is pretty darn sad.
So when I ask you "Is America's Love Affair With Obama Over?"
The answer may be with the question: Where were the Obama supporter in the last election? The number of people that turned their backs on Obama and his policies were pretty shocking, the amount of seats that the Democrats lost was pretty shocking. I would have to say that the vast amount of Obama's supporters basically did learn that his Hope and Change message was a bunch of Bull-shit and nothing more. And nobody was surprised, it was predicted.
The fact that Nancy Pelosi went down, was not at all a shock.
The only thing that surprised me was the reelection of Harry Reid, and that is still VERY questionable in MY mind.

Did Harry Reid Steal the election? Well lets put it this way, had Harry Reid lost after all the work and campaigning that Obama did for him it would have reflected as a complete DISASTER for Obama. Nuf said.

And now we see that Nancy Pelosi wants to run as the MINORITY leader of the democrats. I guess that she already missed all the freebies. The free airplane trips, and the living high on the Hog that she has been doing. Well if she get’s her way than all I will say is that the Democrats are still stuck on stupid.

So all in all we did a good job, we made a great deal of headway taking America back from these Marxists, and now that we know how it’s done, we will continue to work hard and finish the job, and correct the horrible thing that was done to America two yeas ago.. And now that we own the ball, No Compromise!