Isn’t it funny, (or is it?) That the Palin haters on the left , never seem to have much of a problem with this worthless, lying and conniving, Snake in the grass women Hillary Clinton who has been running for political office particularly the presidency since her Collage days. , But Sarah Palin, in the eyes of those on the left who are even ashamed to call themselves LIBERAL’S well she’s stupid, she is a hick who’s family is a bunch of lowlifes, who’s daughter gave birth out of wedlock, and don’t even know how to dance, who hunts and fishes and kills animals, who needs to gain more experience, maybe as a Dog Catcher. Do you people actually ever listen to you say or write on your asinine blogs? What, you want from Sarah Palin,

and better yet, what do you want from her family? Is she supposed to be more like be like that Scumball, lying, fake Ms. Thunder-Thighs??

Bristol Palin was one of the few people on that show that wasn’t a professional entertainer, who never ever even appeared before a audience before let alone danced before one. And to say that her HARD WORK that was rewarded by her strong finish was only the result of a “Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy” only shows how stupid and fearful you idiots are.
But still, the attacks continue, It's not enough that she has to put up with a steady stream of criticism from liberal Democrats who obviously feel threatened by her but now they have to gang up on her daughter.
Where was all the gossip about Chelsea Clinton when she and her Mother lied about the snipers shooting at them in Bosnia as first lady? And then she washed it all away by saying that she just "Miss-Spoke" Imagine if Laura Bush had “MISSPOKE” about something like that! Isn't “Lying” a bit different from “misspeaking”? I guess it only another "minor blip.
Apparently Hillary Clinton is you idea of someone worthy of running this Great country of ours. Well pardon me but didn’t you just get finished saying just that about Barack Hussain Obama? And look what happened to us with that creep! Well, despite your claims to the contrary, all of you Palin haters and name callers do like your politicians to be the dirt bags we have in office now. Like Charlie the pimp Rangel and that slobering idiot Barney Frank, along with that other scary woman Maxine Waters who are always on the take just like all of the other liberals. Tax Cheating, Treason, Bribery, High Crimes and other Misdemeanors go hand and hand with these Useful Idiots. So what do they do? Instead of putting them in Jail, they put them on the "Ethics committee"! Well Duh!
Another good example is, Slick Willie was impeached for perjury, and now he’s one of Obama’s go to men when Barry needs help in lying and screwing someone.
The Blame Bush game has gone on a bit too long for anyone to take it seriously, aside from those Morons on the “Progressive Blogs who can’t see the forest thru the trees. These idiots sit behinds their computers playing games and blaming everyone from Rush Limbaugh, to Glenn Beck, and Dick Cheney and Haliburton, and who crucify Sarah Palin almost every day. The real facts are that this mess was caused by the left wing Democratic Congress and their Crooked Buddies who appointed these housing loans from Fannie May and Freddie Mac. Obama can’t really think we’re really all stupid, can he?

These people in Washington do not want our problems to be solved or cured. They just want to treat the symptoms with band-aids because they have a more important agenda. And the same goes for the way they are fighting these Wars we are involved in. They won't be happy until they bring America down to her knees.
Blaming the current economic crisis on irresponsible Republicans is almost as asinine and ignorant and full of Bull shit as saying that there is no traces of Socialism in our current administration. . I love these cute little sound-bites you “Progressive” bloggers regurgitate in your posts blaming everyone that has a “R” or a “C” in front of their name. Why are you not blogging about
the economy, jobs, and the TAX CUTS?

So I ask you, are you really happy with Barack Obama in office, if so, take a look at your 401 plan or your IRA. And if that don't scare you, nothing will. And let me wish you Best wishes on your recovery .