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It’s All Over, You Can't Blame Bush Anymore.
What a joke this Clown Obama has turned out to be. The Hope, Changie Man. Aka The Messiah, aka The Devine One, aka,
The Vacationer in Chief’s air has escaped, he has become deflated, America has began to sober up from their over-dose of Kool-aide. \The Obamamania has become deluded. The delusional bunch that had voted for Hope & Change has seen that the Change has NO Hope. As sure as the sun rises, that bunch of self-centered, arrogant, stuck-on-stupid, mess of morons who backed Barack Hussain Obama in the last presidential election luster has faded because of the recession,as soon as they realized that they are still going to have to work for a living, and the chicken in every pot as well as the new shinny car in every garage did not exactly go the way they thought it would. The Obama magic and the Michelle ma belle “For the first time in my adult lifetime, I’m really proud of my country” Obama’s love affaire is sizzling out faster than you can say “spend, spend, spend” three times fast. The one time Obamama maniacs have lost faith in their Messiah and his bride when they saw her parading around in Spain with her $1,000.00 sneakers and eating Lobster and Iranian Caviar when they were sitting home eating Big Mac’s and Taco Bell Burritos. The unemployment rate is now at 10.5% way above the governments "predicted" forecast. We have the heights rate in the past 25 years of unemployed workers. What happened to those 5 million jobs? Our savings, IRA’s, are depleted. Can't blame the old school anymore. This is happening on The Big "O's" watch. But thanks to you Liberals, you took the Messiah Shtick hook, line and sinker! Well we can all rejoice for a bit, the bottom is all caving in on him now. The results of the last election saw the Republicans gain control of the House and big pickups in the Senate. We saw the dethroning of the lying arrogant, Queen Nancy Pelosi and we saw her being whisked away hopefully never to be seen in public politics ever again. Old skanks like her should not be in control of the American people ever again. . And all that was good. Liberal elitism is starting to be seen as it really is. Hopefully she will be going the way of the Al Gore’s and the John Kerry’s and the rest of the scum. And hopefully she will get back on her broom and fly back to where she came from.
When Obama Turns Blind Eye to New Black Panther Voter Intimidation; and ha his Attorney General drop the charges. When Obama puts his two cents into the everyday things in public life like a friend of his who happens to be a College Professor who was arrested or the building of a Mosque in New York City, that my friends is Socialism. And that is what we American do not want!