What has become of the America that I once knew and loved?

What has become of the America that I once knew and loved? Where it’s no longer accepted to say “Merry Christmas” or to even mention the word God! What ever happened to America and Baseball and Apple-pie? Where are the Presidents that we once looked up to and not only loved and appreciated, but we TRUSTED them to do what was right for America. Now we distrust our leaders and every one of the politicians that are elected. They are no loner the role models to our children or to us, We no longer hear our children say that they want to be the president of the United States when they grow up. And who can blame them. Except for the very few that for reasons that we can only imagine wish to be like their God in Washington Barack Obama. There few are the few that stand around the unemployment lines and stick their hands out for the entitlements that they are not entitled too. Now the world has different Super powers, the rest of the world no longer looks up to the USA except when they need our help or our money. How can we expect others to look up to us when our leader bows down to them! How in the world did we end up with this anti-American atrocity in the White House? How did this happen? How did our country breed such a population of ungrateful, uninformed, stupid, un-American society? Why do we have such idiotic people voting for a inept, unqualified, uniformed, and un-American person only because of the fact that he is black and they wished to make history and because of their hatred of the former man in the white house? A man who’s loyalty is not to America but to see American brought down to the level of the people that want our country destroyed. How can a president of this country want the people to attacked us to be respected? How in the world did we elect clueless a president who is not concerned with the civil rights of the American public at our airports. A man that flaunts his outlandish and outrageous vacations in the American public’s face. We need to make a big and drastic change in our leadership in 2012 before he can do any more damage. And, George Soros should be prosecuted as a Nazi collaborator which he was, his money confiscated and distributed among his victims. We have turned over retired auto workers to the international courts for prosecution, why should Soros money shield him from the same treatment? This anti Semitic lunatic needs to be thrown in jail along with the other crooks that are occupying political positions in our government. The TSA should be dismantled and the thugs who are employed there need to get the jobs that they are qualified for, like sweeping the floors.. I submit that IQ tests should be used before people are allowed to vote, yes, I’m being sarcastic, but sometimes it’s needed to make a point. The whole country has turned upside down, you see the word racist which is really a code-word for Conservative, everywhere, on TV, in all media, and in every conversation except in the world of Rap singers etc where it’s just fine for them to say things such as “Kill The White People” and “Kill Their Babies” and call each other the sacred “N” word.
We need to vote for any Republican who runs against this loser in the Oval office as there isn’t anyone in this party of lunatics that are equipped to be our leader. Barack Obama’s latest polls have even fallen into a statistical tie with none other than Sarah Palin, the same Sarah Palin that these leftist have been trying their damest to destroy for the past 2 years, by attacking her, by making fun out of not only her but her entire family. But it seems as if the more they try, the more they fail. .
And now they are warming over the “smartest women in the world” to possibly challenge Obama in the primaries next year. Well, isn’t that special?