Charlie Rangel's Supporters and Pals Call for Mercy

David Dinkins Supports Charlie Rangel, Don't You Love Cronyism?

In stead of being put int be JAIL for a for a crime like NOT paying taxes for 7 plus years Charlie the “Outrageous Fraud” Rangel was given a slap on his wrist by ONLY censured! It didn’t make any difference that he robbed from the poor people in his own district and lived like a King by not paying his Taxes and renting out his rent controlled condo to his own Campaign Headquarters.

to show that the Democrats will go to any length to protect a crook as long as he is on their side.
Charlie Rangel is just like any other criminal that has been caught with his hand in the “cookie jar” this man has been full of in corruption and lies for over 40 years. Why is he just given a slap on the wrist and made to stand u[ before his peers and be lectured too? I want to see his ass and all the rest of the creeps like him in a orange jumpsuit.
It’s not enough that he was ONLY given a slap on the writs, he was re-elected by the same people that he stole from and now these IDIOTS and the rest of the people that are “Supporting” him don’t even want him to be CENSURED!
Yes, the Leftist Idiots INCLUDING that other Jackass the FORMER MAYOR of the City of New York David Dinkins is standing by their Man. Man? I wouldn’t call that slime ball a Man!
Yep, David Dinkins has said that poor Charlie has had enough, and added that “YES, HE WAS NAUGHTY BUT HE WAS PUNISHED ENOUGH. PUT A “NOTE” IN HIS FILE AND LEAVE HIM ALONE ALREADY”!
DINKINS ADDED, "It was painful" to watch, Dinkins said. "I love him. He's my brother."
"Please understand what has happened to this great, proud man. He has been humiliated. Enough and he should NOT be further penalized'"

Give Me A Friggen Break! Since when to we put a note in a Tax Cheats file? I wonder how many people in jail today for Income Tax fraud got a deal like that?
This creep Rangel is no different than any other liberal, they all want to break the law and then cry foul. Ah, but we forgot one little difference, Charlie Rangel just happens to be black, and so is David Dinkins, and also a fellow Affirmative Action Crony.
I guess that Rangel thought that AFTER he get caught NOT paying any taxes on his Caribbean vacation home, and his Manhattan Condo and his other Manhattan apartments he would pay the back taxes owed and straighten everything out. Obviously, doesn't understand the meaning of the way Income Taxes work. And that you are supposed to pay them BEFORE you get caught.
But his IDIOTIC supporters and his STUPID constituency say that he was just keeping “Sloppy Records”. Yeah right! The whole bunch of these morons should be ashamed of themselves for knowing what he had, done year after year and still re-elected him year after year. He not only cheated them, he cheated the Rule of Law and he cheated all the American people along with his constituents. Lying to the courts,, cheating, stealing, and income tax evasion is a criminal offense, a slap the wrist is not punishment enough for this creep. If he were a white republican, they would be calling for his neck and made to step down. But not Charlie! His pathetic cowardly excuse was that he kept sloppy records?
Look at what they did to the former Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik under former Mayor Rudy Giuliani, he given FOUR years in jail, and was ordered to pay $188,000 in restitution and to pay past-due taxes and penalties on six years of tax returns. And Look at what they did to Joe Bruno the former NY State Senator a 81 year old, who was sentenced for fraud, and will serve two years in prison. Why? Perhaps because they were both White and both Republicans.