Nancy Pelosi is going to throw a party to celebrate the Congress's "accomplishments"

Nancy Pelosi is going to throw a party to celebrate the Congress's "accomplishments" ( or lack of them) .

Soon to be EX-Speaker Nancy Pelosi will host a reception Wednesday afternoon on Capitol Hill to celebrate "The accomplishments of the 111th Congress," according to an invitation sent out Monday.

The event will offer congressional Democrats, many of whom will not be returning to Congress next January, an opportunity to reflect on the party's legislative victories over the past two years. These have included the passage of major healthcare reform, financial regulatory reform, and climate and energy legislation. Not likely to be lost on attendees, however, is that the unpopularity of many of these "accomplishments" among voters went far to contribute to a wave of Democratic losses in last week's mid-term elections, in which Democrats lost control of the House and their majority in the Senate was weakened.

But instead of receiving "will attend" responses, she received a letter in form of a petition from many of the politicians that just lost the recent election telling her to sit down and shut up. The told her that in case the wanted to run for office again they didn't want her around to help them loose again. Adding a request for her to Step Down. The defeated House Democrats do't want anything to do with Nancy any longer. If she calls her “accomplishments”, contributing to the ruination of our Country, then she could be right. She may call them accomplishments but I and most of the American that I know would call them betrayals and sellouts. Pelosi needs to retire to the Funny Farm and give this country a break. But nothing short of driving a Stake through her Heat is going to stop this Witch from hell. And what gets me is the liberal idiots that spend their time blogging about how stupid Sarah Palin and George Bush are, never EVER mentioning the ignorance of Nancy Pelosi or Barack Obama, and their democratic cronies including Joe Biden. If I hear one more Democrat calling me the ENEMY or a Domestic Terrorist, I swear, I’m going to throw my show that the TV. By the way, you don’t read the dumb jokes and see the stupid names that the anywhere the liberal bloggers were calling the Tea Party movement anymore do you. It doesn’t seem to be so funny now that they won over 3/4 of the seats in Congress does it? These entire past two years would be laughable if it hadn’t set our economy back to the days of pre World War II. And today Barack Obama is going to give a speech dedicated to the Muslims, reaching out to the Islamic world ONCE AGAIN! Isn’t there anything else on this guys mind? I heard that he will be saying that America is not as powerful today as it was a year ago! And he is proud of that? Well, since taking office, Barack Hussein Obama has indeed brought change to this country. My question is, who in their right mind is Happy about this Change? Ask yourself this, do you REALLY think that with Obama as our president, are we better off, are we safer, is America stronger, are we more respected, are you in better or worse financial shape,, then the America your parents left us? Then the America you grew up in? Do you want to celebrate the Socialistic accomplishments of the past two years? America, is this the Change you wanted?