Why Glenn Beck is Against George Soros

Glenn Beck is calling George Soros what he really is, the Puppet-master of Barack Obama a atheist, self hating antisemitic ex-Jew and dangerous man, and if anyone can't see that they are defying ignorance. Glenn Beck is telling it like it is, George Soros ha always wanted to see the United States have an economic collapse and see our economy destroyed. He and the other Socialist Pigs like him are waiting in the wings to see just that. And he is the man behind Barack Obama’s idiotic policies that are causing all of our problems and our economic woes.
Barack Obama is to stupid to know how to do these things on his own.

And I’d bet Dollars to Donuts that it was he who was behind Hillary Clinton’s withdrawal as a candidate for the Presidency. He knew that she couldn’t win that’s why he threw his support to Obama.
Lets face it the Progress’s hated Glenn Beck from the minute his show premiered, and thus the threats to boycott etc.
All I will say is, Eat Your Hearts Out!.