Pandering to Muslims Again! And Now They Are Getting Away With Not Going to Go Through Airport Body Scanners

Yes, we have met the enemy and they are once again the Muslims. Or are they the United States Government? I am old enough to remember when I looked forward to take a vacation and to get on an airplane, and be treated royally, with those lovely gals asking me if I wanted a pillow or a blanket and what I wanted to have for lunch or dinner, and what was my drink of choice. But it’s more than a bit different now, now I find myself dreading to stand on those long lines and taking off my shoes and not being allowed to carry a nail clipper or a Swiss Army knife, and my wife can’t even bring a bottle of perfume or a jar of whatever face-cream she uses on her face ,and so on and so on. A few moths ago on a trip to New Orleans a friend of ours asked me to bring back a few bottles of Special New Orleans Creole Style Hot Sauce. Forgetting the new airline rules for the moment, I put the 3 jars in my carry on bag so that they wouldn’t get broken in the baggage compartment. When I went through the Security line, the agent (if that’s what this moron was) after looking though my bags found the 3 jars and told me that I couldn’t take them on board and that he would have to take them from me before I boarded. Knowing damn well that he wasn’t going to throw them away but would most likely take them for himself, I took them from his and spilled them into the garbage. So like I said, flying on an airplane is not like it used to be. But them again what is? But help me out here, I just can’t figure this one out. Wasn’t it because of the fact that there has been several attempts on blowing up airliners in the past few months? And wasn’t ALL these attempts ALL been done by people with Muslim names? Like the Christmas Day bomber a Nigerian named Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, not exactly a Jewish sounding name like Levy or Schwartz or even the common American sounding name like Smith or Jones. It wasn’t a Goldberg or a Williams or a Robinson that smuggled explosives onto a airplane hidden in his underpants.
And if you remember correctly, the Times Square bomber Faisal Shahzad, was caught after he was already on the plane and after checked in at JFK Airport, and after he passed through security.

But it seems as if it is a violation of Islamic rules that Muslim Men or Women be seen naked by other Men and Women, and that Muslim Women will not be touched my Mean ole American Men. So we are going to have to exempt them from going through these Screening Machines and ESPECIALLY from “Pat Downs”. So what’s the deal here? Why are we even bothering? Did anyone really expect a Nun or a 6 year old little American Girl to be shoving a bomb up their rear-end? So what this all boils down to is that Obama and Janet Napolitano our Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security is punishing the stupid American people who like sheep are doing as they are told, while the Muslims waltz right through. Janet Napolitano and t he TSA say that they are committed to keeping American passengers safe and insisted all this is necessary. However I feel like I'm losing my rights and my privacy more and more every day. While Our Dear leader flys all over the friggen world in Air Force One. I don’t see his friends like Oprah Winfrey ever going through these scanners. And I’m sure that they never would.. If this is the new law of the land than I strongly agree that the law must be enforced by having everyone no matter who they are do whatever it is that we must do. If my Human Rights are to be compromised then so should people of any religion and that INCLUDES Muslims. They didn’t like it when we were profiling people because the “Rights” of some were being violated, so what the hell lets violate everyone’s rights. Benjamin Franklin said it best. "HE WHO WOULD TRADE LIBERTY FOR SOME TEMPORARY SECURITY, DESERVES NEITHER LIBERTY NOR SECURITY." Once again, the Terrorist are winning.