OK, Here's My Take On This. On The Whole Election Topic And On Others.

51% of the Democratic Voters Say That Obama Should be a One Termer
You must want to know because you are reading this further.
Hillary Clinton is waiting in the wings and laughing her ass off, why? Because Hillary Clinton is going to challenge Barack Hussein Obama in 2012, in the Primaries for the Presidency.

Lets not forget that they were bitter rivals in the 2008 primaries, so why would anyone thing that she has any love for this man today?
She so conveniently was out of the country for the past who knows, how long) she wasn’t here to campaign for anyone nor has she been around to be at Obammy’s side. And while Michelle ma belle and Barack along with the kiddies and THREE THOUSAND other people traveling to India at the cost of THREE MILLION PER DAY.. And sending 40 airplanes and completely taking over a 5 Star Hotel. Three thousand people! This is not an entourage, it’s an army! And this doesn’t even include the THIRTY FOUR WARSHIPS SENT THERE FOR OBAMA’S VISIT!

The trip is estimated to cost TWO BILLION DOLLARS! Think about that, TWO BILLION DOLLARS! How much is that in relationship to the cost of Medicare fraud?

Now regardless of the fact I might disagree with Obama on all issues, how can any of you bleeding heart liberals justify this? But fear not Comrades, Il Duce will bring you back a gift from the far off land.

Well lets get back to the subject at hand. Hillary “Her Thighness” Clinton. Yes, she smells the blood in the water, she knows that this President is a Lame Duck in his first year, and she the Vulture that she is, is not going to wait around until 2012. She’s not exactly a “Spring Vulture” so she’s going to just at the chance while the iron is hot. Yes, she see’s that Obama is down in approval polls, and she knows the political climate, and that’s why she is going to throw her hat, or in her case, her dagger into the ring. And Hillary knows damn well that Obama is going down faster than a bottle of vodka at Mel Gibson’s house.
Water cooler gossip? You may think so but just think about it. She was only inches away from grabbing the nomination the last time until George Soros pulled the strings and now she is most likely speculating on the probability of Sarah Palin running, and she really feels very comfortable with running against her.
Fortunately Americans are awakening from their hallucinatory about Barack Hussein Obama who promised them change and hope, but has only showed us incompetency the path to America’s ruination. So yes the timing is perfect for Her Thighness to enter the 3 ring circus.

And I was saving the Eight Foot Elephant in the Room for last.... former President William Jefferson ("I never had sex with that women") Clinton. Yes, let’s not forget one of the wisest and most effective bull-shit artists on the Planet. And his following.