US warned over debts, as Standard & Poor's Ratings Service warns the United States

To Cut 4 Trillion from a 14 Trillion deficit is a joke! We most likely pay that much in interest.
Government about Debts. And Lowers Our Rating Outlook To NEGATIVE
The agency lowered the long-term outlook to "Negative" from "Stable," saying there is a one in three chance the United States could lose its top investment rating on its debt in the next two years.
So much for Obama bringing the Stock Market to New Highs!
These Obamamaniacs that were boasting about how wonderful Obama was by bringing the Stock Market to new heights don’t know their Ass’s from their Elbow’s.
The facts are clear. The major Corporations had cut so many jobs from their workforce in the past 2 years that their bottom lime has risen and their profits have reached new highs because, and ONLY because of their lower overhead.
So they have been reaching new highs while the Job market has reached new lows.
So much for Obama economics. Now how long will it be before we hear the Progressive’s say the Republicans are to blame. After all, it was the Republicans who put an end to Obama’s Madness. Had they not voted down the Lunatics spending spree, we would be in total bankruptcy by now. Day after day, American families sacrifice to live within their means by scrimping and these A-Hats want to spend, spend, spend. And he’s telling us that “ One in 10 Americans still cannot find work. Many businesses have shuttered. Home values have declined” We already know that, the problem is what are you going to do about it, if anything! The country is going to hell in a hand basket, and the Obama’s are going on vacation spending sprees all over the world . Nice example they’re showing the country, and a great time to start an illegal war for something that doesn’t concern us one iota. But thank the Lord that the American public is now waking up and telling these bastards how we feel, and that we are not going to take it anymore. .
Maybe the answer to these problems is to “Spend More” Just ask Alec Baldwin, that Clown and Barack Hussain were made from the same mold.