To All Conservative Politicians Wake Up!

Why do we keep recycling these same old losers? Why do you keep recycling these same old conservatives losers?
Why do you keep recycling these same old losers? Why do you keep recycling these same old conservatives losers?
We pretty much do the same thing every time and every time we do we lose. This is not the way to win. We need some YOUNG Blood. Not someone with a lifetime of baggage.
Do we really need a bunch of liberals telling us how to do it? Remember who Bill Clinton was before he was elected? No one! And do you remember who Barack Hussain Obama was before HE was elected? No one! And Nothing but a Community Organizer who Remember when Obama made the keynote address at the Democratic National Convention, well that’s what brought him to fame. That’s what put him in the spot-light. Before then he was a NOBODY!
Obama wasn’t even elected to the Illinois Senate until 1996. And yet that one single speech made him. He had only been a U.S. Senator for four years . The country didn’t care about his record or his values or about his racial past with Bill Ayers and his RACIAL wife Bernardine Dohrn, who was not only a member but a leader of the 1960s Domestic Terrorist Group “Weatherman”, a Communist organization. Or with Carl Davidson, a Marxist. Or his at that time present affiliation with Reverend Jeremiah Wright, one of the biggest Racists of our time. As well as his Brother Louis Farrakhan, or his Commie billionaire financier George Soros. No none of that mattered as long as the American Liberals made History and got their First Black Man into the Office of the Presidency of the United States of American. The History that let to the downfall of the America that I once knew.
And with all of this, He Won!
So now we have a President who seems to be more interested in Basketball, Vacation, Hip Hop Concerts and who watches MTV and who spends more time out of the country kissing every Ass that he can wile he apologizes for every good deed that American presidents accomplished before him.

An just this week I read where Obama is going to be discussing jobs and the economy with Ahem, The Reverend Al Sharpton, yes the the shakedowns and extortion artist. I wonder if Calypso Louis Farrakhan the leader of the Nation of Islam is going to be in on this meeting? Can anyone please tell me what the hell does Al Sharpton have to offer the president of the United States? Except Brudda-hood. What does this race baiter possibly have to contribute?

So my theory is
that there is a lesson to be learned here, we need to run New, Young, Blood! We can not afford to recycle the same old RINO'S.
We had John McCain, Mitt Romney, Rudy Giuliani, Mike Huckabee, and yes Sarah Palin. ALL LOSERS, if we are to win in 2012, we can not go with any of these people again. And please, not
Newt Gingrich either! All of these "Good Old Boys" shout be put out to pasture, they have had their time in the spot-light, now it's time for new blood.
I think that there is no question about it, Chris Christie is hot and could be the newest rock star that we are looking for. And I'm betting that the Teaparty is going to push Chris Christie to run.

We must elect a Republican President in 2012. Let's face it, anybody who votes for Obama in 2012 is either brain dead