There He Was, There He Stood, Waving His Finger. Mister Arragence!

And maybe you can explain this to me. Why is Donald Trump wrong? Are we not allowed to ask questions any longer

The Drama King, who thinks that everyone in America is as STUPID as he is. Waving his finger at the White House Press Corp, and at the American People just like we’ve seen another LYING President do a few years back.
Yes, yesterday morning, Our Dear Leader the President of the United States of America, the most important person in the world besides Oprah Winfrey , the Leader of the Free World Barack Hussein Obama released a long form birth certificate. And in doing so, he lectured the American people about what was really important, and what was his biggest “DISTRACTION” in America.
So it was us Americans that "distracted" him from doing his important job. And that we took up his valuable time. But he managed to find "valuable time" to fly all over the world on HIS vacations, and he found "valuable time" to be on his favorite TV shows such as "The View" and Oprah, and Letterman and the list goes on. And didn't he find "valuable time" to hold those parties in the White House for his friends at Motown?

There was nothing wrong with what Donald Trump did, for Gods sake, can’t we ask questions any longer? What is wrong with questioning the Birth Certificate of someone with a foreign name and who’s Father was African? Why should that make him a laughing stock?
The real pathetic buffoon is Barack Hussain Obama the the laughing stock of the world, for putting America through the BS that he did. And you guys are the pathetic ones for electing a buffoon for a President! Trump should be given credit for being one of the few that had the courage to ask questions the needed to be answered. . If anyone is the “Laughing Stock” it’s Obama our Vacationer-in-chief who put us through all of this, when he could have cleared it up in one hour. HE made us a laughingstock He’s the pathetic one. With a leader brought us into another war for ZERO reason.

It would have taken ONE TELEPHONE call from him the President of the United States to get a copy of his Birth Certificate and not waste so much
"valuable time"! So much for lecturing Americans about what was truly important in America. What is truly important in America right now, is not getting us involved with more WARS, and putting Americans to work and doing something sensible about our our enormous Deficit, and spending, so that our ratings with Standard & Poors wouldn’t be lowered to negative. Instead of blaming the Republicans and Bush for his incompetence.
And about how “SILLY: this entire subject was. And then he flew off with is wife, the First Moocher to of all places Chicago.. I guess that he flew Air Force One, in spite of the outrageous cost of Gas today because it was imperative in order to solve one of those many vital problems that the USA has these days, like the WAR he started in Libya.
But no, it was even more important than that. It was to to film Oprah Winfrey’s last show. Talk about “SILLY”
When he talks about this being a “Distraction” and especially when he stood there like a King on his Throne waving his finger at the American public, it was kind of reminiscent to another LYING President that also took us to WAR like this one did in Libya, this one Bombed an Aspirin factory in the Sudan to distract the Country from his getting a BJ from an Intern who as the same age as his precious little "hands off" Daughter and thus distract attention from his certain impeachment .
So the American people wanted to see his birth certificate, so what? Wasn't it Hillary Clinton who first raised that question? You don't hear that anymore. After all the man has a foreign sounding name and a Father that came from Kenya. Aren't we entitled?

But you don’t dare to question Obama about anything after all he is our Dear Leader and we must follow whatever and wherever he leads us! Well Bull-Shit to that!