It's Called The "Blame Bush" Syndrome

It's called the "Blame Bush" syndrome. No that I’m here to defend Bush, sure he had his problems and yes, I did find problems with his presidency. But Bush has been gone for over TWO years now.
They say that Bush lied, so it’s ok for Obama to lie. Bush took us to war, so ot’s peach for Obama to take us to war. Bush went of vacations (working vacations to Camp David may I add) so it’s fine for Obama to do so as well. When will the Bush BS expire?

Well Bush never apologized to almost every county in the world for America . And Bush didn't bring us to the point of bankruptcy. And Bush didn't hang around with domestic terrorists. And Bush’s pastor didn’t say, "God-damned America " just in case some people haven’t noticed.
It's about time that those Bush blamer's accepted responsibility for their Messiah’s BS. Obama has spent more than any other President in the history of this country and we had to fight tooth and nail to get this budget cut so that we could possibly see daylight in a few decades. Destroying the USA seems to be the plan of this administration, look at what he has accomplished with his stimulus packages and his and Obamacare and handouts, and joblessness, nothing but putting us deeper and deeper in debt and deeper in a hole. And race relations seem to be at a all time low, and getting lower. . I’d hate to have seen what would have happened if the Democrats had retained the control of Congress, we wouldn't have had any spending cuts at all, but we would have had our taxes sky rocketed.
The bottom line is that the Democrats have been in control of both houses of Congress for the past 3 years, and Barack Hussein Obama has been the President with a Democrat controlled everything for the past 2 and a half years. So how are we doing with them apples? Hows that “Hope and Change” working out?

This administration and the Liberals supporters have been and will continue to blame Bush as long as they can get away with it, but who are they really fooling? Only themselves.
The “HOPE AND CHANGE” band wagon has been nothing but a failure and the band leader has been nothing but a fraud.
And why is it that when George Bush was our President and Commander and Chief every single day we heard Body Counts on the TV and on the Radio and in the Newspapers, and we saw body bags and coffins and the works, and now that we are still in the same two wars and have even added another we don’t see any of these things? Enquiringly minds have to only ask why?

And why does the Media allow Obama to take credit for everything done by everyone else and nobody ever questions hi,? God must love stupid people, He’s made an awful lot of them.
So just in case you have been asleep for the past two and a half years, I have a News Flash for you. BUSH IS NO LONGER PRESIDENT! BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA IS THE PRESIDENT NOW . So face the facts and the truth. You can no long Blame Bush, not for the new war, not for the jobless count, for the moratorium on drilling of new oil wells, the bad job done on the cleaning up of the Gulf oil spill, certainly on the exorbitant spending, for his vacations with his entourage of friends and cronies at the taxpayers expense, and for Obamacare, not for the decline in race relations, and not for the state of our economy either. Let him and his party take responsibility for all this crap that we are seeing happening to America.
I guess that obama has to blame somebody for his miserable presidency

Putting the blame on the Republican’s being racist didn’t go over too well. So what else could it be? His politics, and policies? His Thin Skin? Whatever it is, it’s getting to them and the liberals are panicking.