The Faux-President Will Cut Spending BUT Raise Taxes!

It Couldn't Have Been Too Interesting or Exciting, as it Put Joe Biden to Sleep!
I Have A Plan! But It Includes Cutting Medicare and Raising Taxes.

So we hear that in a a preview to his speech, Our Dear Leader is going to call for the nation's anti-deficit plan to be laid outwith a plan of his own. A plan that will cut health care programs as well as Medicare cuts, while also increasing taxes. And guess what! More cuts in our Military. Way to go Obama, cut our Military once again abd at the same time send Planes, and Ships and hundreds of Missiles to Libya. Surprise, surprise. Who would have thunk? That really makes sense don’t it? But what has this Clown ever done that made any sense?
Keep on spending money on illegal immigrants, to feed them, to house them, to educate them and to hospitalize them when they are sick and to Jail them when they are drunk and kill us. We spend billions on them, and why? Why don’t we simply send them back to Mexico, or wherever they come from. Why do we allow them to stay here just because they have a kid here and live off of us for the rest of their lives? They know exactly how to play us and we feed right into them. We need to get rid of these leaches and jail or fine all the people who hire them .

But no, the Faux-President Will Cut Spending BUT Raise Our Taxes!
It was the Great Ronald Reagan who once said, “The Government's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.”

Well I don't want no Stinkin Tax Raises! Don’t this Duffus know that Tax Raises, or Spending in this economy, will only bring us back into another recession. And now Obama is back to taxing the people (excuse me, the RICH people) that make over $250,000. All I can say is that Boehner better not give in to him, He better fight him tooth and nail or he better get out or we will vote him out as we did to Madam Traitor Pelosi.

I heard my Senator Chucky Charlie Schumer speaking about this Sunday, on Meet The Press. When he was asked what were the “Cuts” that Obama was going to make, ane/or what were the plans for the new budget. His answer was “Congress should broaden the scope of its upcoming budget deal to tackle tax policy and mandatory spending as well as discretionary spending” . Now what the hell does that mean? He didn’t even know anything about them himself. He added that “he hadn’t had the chance to read it yet” It seems as if hypocrisies and deceit are typical of the democratic party, no matter who is in charge.
And that other blabbering Idiot NBC Today Matt Lauer agreed with Schumer on labeling the Tea Party as the Major cause of the budget stalemate in Congress. It’s always the Tea Party, or the fault of Sarah Palin, or any other Conservative, but never, ever a Democrats.
I guess that they are going to have to vote for it so that they could read it.
Once again we see it clearly, Obama is “making history” by spending more and driving the deficit up more than any other President in our history. How’s that for making history? How’s that for your “Hope and Change” guy? . Now he’s going to go on TV to tell us how he is going to fix the budget..For crying out loud, he’s the one that screwed it up, so how can we trust this Socialist maniac to fix it? I can’t see anywhere or any thing that this Gang that couldn’t Shoot Straight fixed anything, or where these clowns did anything positive for the country, or anything that actually worked, for anybody except the do nothing crowd that voted for him because he promised handouts. Handouts was the only promise that he kept.
If he were in private business Donald Trump would' have fired him a log time ago.
Speaking about Donald Trump, like him or not, he’s become Obama’s worst possible nightmare. And for that reason alone, he has made me very grateful and pleased.
Notice how the "Progressives" are now suddenly into that old name calling game again like calling Trump stupid as they have done with EVERY possible Republican candidate, from George Bush to Sarah Palin. I’ll say one thing about "Progressives" they make some of the best name callers ever. Now it’s all about Donald Trump’s hair. Like Obama’s hair is so beautiful. My hair cutter wouldn’t exactly post a picture of Obama’s head at her station, I can tell you that for certain. And by the time that Donald get done with Obama, the Libs will be begging for Sarah Palin to get back into the picture.
No you ain’t seen nothing yet, my friends, this time around it’s going to be different. Those left wing looney tunes and their counterparts in the mainstream media are going to see a different kind of Republicans that will be running the show. We are not going to be putting up with this Liberal Socialist administration’s bills and policies and crap anymore. They are all crooks and we just ain’t going to take it anymore. Sorry, Mr; Obamema, but our Chinese Credit Card is already maxed out.

Obama and his Cronies’s days are numbered, forget about a second term, it’s not going to happen and forget about negotiation or any kind of compromise that’s not going to happen either. They could go on National TV and on all of the Sunday morning shows and be interviewed by all those left-wing newscasters that never saw a Socialist they didn’t want to kiss up to, the can blames the other side when their Socialist policies don't work out. The lefties lies about the Tea Party. But now they are suddenly running scared, they see the other side gaining strength and it’s because of the Tea Parties that this turnaround is happening , and it’s because of Obama’s failed polices that it’s happening. So don't believe it when these gloating nitwits show you their poll results, they are fabricated. Or about Obama’s “Stunning” achievements. We ain’t buying what they are selling. I don't care if Donald runs or if he doesn't run. I’m just happy that someone is there to show the world that we are Mad as Hell and not going to take it anymore. LET'S CUT SPENDING AND CUT IT BIG TIME

Its time to make the pirates walk the plank

Like that Crazy Left Wing Liberal Charlie Sheen Says “We Are Winning”!