Then Maybe I Am A Racist.!

Warning: This Post May Contain Traces of Cynicism, Bitterness, Satire, and Sarcasm.

They say I am a racist and I didn’t even know it. Who, Why? The Liberal/Progressives, of course!

They tell me that it was just peachy to call Georg Bush a Chimp or depict him as a Chimp because he was not Black, just Stupid. But it’s racism when if anyone calls or depicts Obama as chimp because he IS Black
They say that I’m full of hate and bigotry, because I call Obama names when I don’t like what he says or does to MY country. I feel that as an American Citizen, who pays his taxes, and who served his country for 4 years. And on foreign soil for 3 of the 4 years, and who has a honest job and works hard for his money and who employs others, who votes and works for his political party, I have the right to say how I feel about the way this president is running and ruining MY country. Is it racist to disagree with the policies of a Socialist? . Does it hurt or bother me about this, is it going it stop me? NO! .Am I going to just shut my mouth because a few leftist don’t like what I have to say? You can bet I won’t. .Frankly, I didn’t even know that I was one. Not until this president was elected and I spoke out against his policies and I like Rush Limbaugh wanted his POLICIES to FAIL.
If we have a president who is Black, or White, who cares, but to have a Socialist running and ruining this country that I love so much, you bet I care.
Is it also racist to be critical of the Anti American, Anti Semitic, Anti White, Jeremiah Wright a proved racist?
Am I also a racist because I want to stop the illegal immigrants from flooding across our boarders? And taking away jobs for American Citizens who pay their taxes? And for this they say I hated Mexicans and all other Latinos.

Was I also a racist when I didn’t want Hillary Clinton’s Health Care, or any one else’s government Health Care.? Was I also a racist when I hated the guts of John Kerry, Al Gore, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Ted Kennedy, Barney Frank, and the rest of that bunch?
I thought that Barack Obama was elected ONLY because he was Black. And were the NINETY FIVE percent of the Blacks that voted for him only because he is Black Racists?
Do the Blacks think that the New Black Panthers were wrong to intimidate Whites at the polls? I never hear them saying so. Blocking the entrance to a voting precinct with a night stick and attempting to stop people from voting, is a very serious crime, but it was not surprising.

Do I need to stop listening to Glenn Beck and to Rush Limbaugh and watching Fox News because the Idiots on the left don’t like what they have to say.. But the lefties/Progressives don't have any problems threatening their Sponsors to have them removed form the air-waves.

In this American’s view the Freedom of Speech and Protesting Liberalism, or Socialism, or any other ISM’s is not Racism!
Complaining about the TSA and their boss Janet Napolitano’s inability to do their jobs correctly at the Airports is not Racist.

Complaining about the patting down of a 4 year old girl at the airport is not racist.

That's their mantra, calling us RACISTS! Then they don't have to explain why they failed at creating Jobs, the price of Gas, the floods of Illegal Immigrants, the weakness of the dollar, weakened our National Defense, and our Military. Yes I guess that he was "DISTRACTED" .
And now we can't even use the words "Basketball and Obama" in the same sentence without being called a racist.

Bob Schieffer appeared Wednesday night on "The CBS Evening News" and reacted to Trump's latest salvo against President Barack Obama, in which Trump suggested the Prez might not have had the grades to get into Harvard Law School.

Schieffer said, "That's just code for saying he got into law school because he's black. This is an ugly strain of racism that's running through this whole thing."
People like this are so ignorant that it’s become completely ridicules.

Personally I’m sick and tired of hearing all about racism from whites and only from whites . I’m also sick of hearing the lies and the st-ups by the left about Tea Party Members. They were NOT doing any of the racist claims by the Black Congressmen. We have all seen and heard these false claims before especially form our FORMER Speaker of the House, and from that Fat Pig Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson, Jeremiah Wright,, Maxine Waters, and Louis Farrakann. and also from Eric Holder.
Black Racism the real problem now, lets put thinks in their proper perspective, lets looks at how the New Black Panthers were treated when they were so obviously breaking one of our very important laws INTIMIDATION at the VOTING POLLS , they were not even given a slap on the writs, their CRIME was swiftly swept under the run.
Who is a bigger racist than Malik Zulu Shabazz,
And who is the one that keeps race alive? It’s Barack Obama and his racist Reverend buddies.
I will never forget the racist Reverend Joseph Lowery’s speech saying that White people have yet to do the right thing and that he's waiting for the White Man to "embrace what is right". If that wasn’t the most disgusting thing that was ever said at a Presidential inauguration, then I don’t know what was.
And didn’t Barack Obama call all white people racist, when he said his grandmother is a "TYPICAL WHITE PERSON" If you weren’t offended by that, then you have much thicker skin than I do.
Tavis Smiley told NBC's "Meet the Press" that the inauguration of Obama as President is "only the down payment" on what America owes Black people..
And how about the time when Barack Obama took his buddy, Henry Louis Gates’s side over the Cambridge Police Department! Does anyone think that would have happened if it were a White Professor? And the words " stupid cops",were used to describe the incident, a incident that should never even been brought to the President of the United States of America. This was strictly a police department’s problem, not the problem of the President. . That's racism, folks!

Now, If You Want to See Exactly What Black Racism Is, I Would like You To Take a Peek At This Blogger.