They Are Pissing Off The Wrong Guy!

New York Daily News, by Lukas I. Alpert

Donald Trump fires back after White House aide declares that he has 'zero chance' to be President!

Tell me why the White House would even make a statement like this!
The White House stopped just short of dismissing Donald Trump as a clown Sunday - calling him a "sideshow" act with "zero chance" of becoming president.

Chief Obama adviser David Plouffe unleashed a barrage of stinging comments on Trump, who has recently trafficked in fringe conspiracy theories about Obama's place of birth while taunting America with hints of a presidential run.

"There is zero chance that Donald Trump would ever be hired by the American people," President Obama's chief adviser David Plouffe told ABC's "This Week with Christiane Amanpour."

Plouffe noted Trump's surprise second place showing in a recent poll of New Hampshire voters with glee.

"I saw Donald Trump kind of rising in the polls and given his behavior and spectacle the last couple of weeks, I hope he keeps rising," Plouffe said.
Trump's focus on the wingnut obsession by so-called "birthers" with Obama's birthplace is way out of line with what Americans are really concerned with, Plouffe said.

He's just getting started, just wait Trump is going to mop the floor with the whole bunch of these Commie Clowns.
Wouldn't it be nice if Chairman Obama went after our REAL enemies like he goes after the people that dare to question him.